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10-02 投稿


souvenir 发音

英:[,suːvə'nɪə]  美:[,suvə'nɪr]

英:  美:

souvenir 中文意思翻译



souvenir 短语词组

1、souvenir sheet ─── 纪念邮票

2、strophes pour se souvenir ─── 斯特罗菲 ─── 斯倒se纪念品

3、souvenir coin ─── 纪念币

4、long souvenir ─── 长款纪念品

souvenir 词性/词形变化,souvenir变形


souvenir 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After lunch in the Souvenir Shop. ─── 午饭后在纪念品商店。

2、And unlike the over-touristed villages in the neighboring Cotswolds, there's no plague of ye olde souvenir shops. ─── 与其比邻的科茨沃德丘陵地带中那些被过度开发的村庄不同,这里没有让人厌烦的纪念品商店。

3、Soon the award winners will be receiving an exquisite souvenir from us. ─── 不久,中奖的朋友就会收到我们送出的精美纪念品。

4、Maybe I shall get some souvenir for the folks back at the office . ─── 也许我该带些纪念品回去给公司同事。

5、Congratulations to these friends! Soon you'll be receiving a beautiful souvenir from us. ─── 恭喜这些朋友,不久你就会收到我们栏目送出的精美纪念品

6、To attract customer, the bar give away its stein as souvenir. ─── 为了招揽顾客,这家酒吧将它店里的啤酒杯当纪念品送人。

7、Jimmy Poon presenting a souvenir to Augustine Tsang at the end of his presentation. ─── 于演讲完毕时潘国生致送纪念品给曾志祥。

8、You can buy them at a souvenir shop near the exit. ─── 你可以在出口附近的纪念品店买到。

9、Sculpture of the ligneous on study shelf is the souvenir of each district of master and itinerary world. ─── 书房搁板上木质的雕塑是主人游历世界各地的纪念品。

10、You can find different kinds of souvenir in the hotel shop. ─── 您可以在酒店的商店找到各种各样的纪念品。

11、The soldier reached out and snapped off one of the twigs with a leaf on the end of it for a souvenir. ─── 士兵伸出手啪的一声折断尾端有片金叶的小树枝作为纪念。

12、What souvenir to buy in inner Mongolia? ─── 去内蒙古买什么纪念品好?

13、An in-house photographer is available on request for documentation, or souvenir coverage. ─── 内部摄影师可应要求提供的文件,或纪念品覆盖。

14、Yes, I want to buy something for my husband as a souvenir. ─── 好的,我想买个东西给我先生当纪念品。

15、You can keep that for a souvenir if you'd like. ─── 如果你们喜欢,你们可以把那个当做一个纪念品。

16、Close to the inn, you can find a McDonald's, plenty of restaurants and various interesting souvenir and gift shops. ─── 其所在的龙头路上有麦当劳,美食街,风味小吃店及各种土特产工艺品商店,即可品尝美食又可享受购物乐趣。

17、In our shopping arcade, you can find different kinds of souvenir. ─── 在我们的拱廊市场,你可以发现许多的纪念品。

18、Also, there is a DIY area in the exhibition for souvenir or tour stamps. ─── 因其音色低沉沙哑,在乐团中不容易听出低音提琴单独的声音,但若与大提琴相结合,则使整个乐团发出充实的音响与立体的效果。

19、It's very thoughtful of you to bring me back a souvenir. ─── 你带纪念品给我,真是太周到了。

20、A Souvenir Disney Songbook: favorite Songs From Disneyland and Walt Disney World. ─── 一本迪斯尼歌曲纪念册礼物:从迪斯尼乐园到迪斯尼世界令人珍爱的歌曲。

21、Sees it[a souvenir picture], very easy to remember the childhood, because I remember past times very much. ─── 看到它【一张纪念照】,很容易想起童年,因为我很怀旧。

22、The pure silver Olympic mascot souvenir set, based on 999 pure silver, combines the technique of coin making and relievo coloring. ─── 奥运吉祥物纯银套装以999纯银为材料,采用造币技术和浮雕加彩工艺。

23、Do you know a souvenir shop around here? ─── 你知道附近有没有纪念品店吗?

24、Chief Music Officer presented a souvenir to the conductor of the guest-performing group as a token of appreciation. ─── 总音乐主任向客席指挥陈晓军致送纪念品。

25、As soon as he left his table, a foreign diplomat grabbed his chopsticks as a historical souvenir. ─── 他刚一离开桌子,一名国外的外交人员就抓起了他的筷子,把它作为了具有历史意义的纪念品。

26、What would you like if you were buying a souvenir? ─── 如果你买纪念品,你要买什么?

27、I bought the ring as a souvenir of Greece. ─── 我买了一枚戒指,留作对希腊的纪念。

28、Gabriel's parents have a souvenir stand on the beach. ─── 加百利的父母在海滩开着一个礼品店。

29、Every participant will be given a cap as souvenir. ─── 各参加者均获赠大会纪念帽乙份。

30、He added: "I still have my notes from Istanbul - not as a souvenir but because I will use them. ─── 他补充道:“我一直保留着在伊斯坦布尔的笔记,并不是作为一个纪念品,而是因为我还会用到它们。”

31、Why not take one as a souvenir? ─── 为什么不买件作纪念呢?

32、WACA President presented a souvenir to the Honoured Guest of the Dinner, the Hon. Patrick Lau. ─── 世华会长潘祖尧建筑师致送纪念品予晚宴主礼嘉宾刘秀成议员。

33、What souvenir suits travel to NeiMenggu? ─── 2.去内蒙古买什么纪念品好?

34、He bought a little model of the Eiffel Tower as a souvenir of his holiday in Paris. ─── 他买了埃菲铁塔的小模型作为他在巴黎度假的纪念品。

35、He pulled up his trouser leg and displayed a long whitescar, his souvenir of battle. ─── 他拉起裤腿,给我看一条长长的白色伤疤,那是战斗的纪念。

36、Can you mail this souvenir to America for me? ─── 您能帮我把这件纪念品邮到美国吗?

37、If you go to a souvenir shop here, you also find a bunch of stuffs made look like a peach or peachtree. ─── 如果你去了当地的纪念品商店,你可以找到很多东西被做成桃子或是桃树的样子。

38、While the alien was buying a souvenir, the girl called the police. ─── 当外星人在买一件纪念品时,女孩报了警。

39、After heated discussion, we took a group photo as a souvenir and then the meeting finished. ─── 在热烈的讨论之后,大家在一起合影留念,本次交流会也至此结束。

40、Above: The souvenir cards from the wedding. ─── 上:婚礼上收到的纪念卡。

41、The taste of tourist souvenir. ─── 快餐式家园:旅游纪念品的趣味指向。

42、Souvenir T-shirt with Kuching, Sarawak or Borneo motif. ─── 以古晋,砂拉越或婆罗洲岛为主题的衬衫。

43、His scar is a souvenir of the battle. ─── 他的伤疤是那次战斗的纪念。

44、Please accept this little gift as a souvenir. ─── 请接受这个小礼物作为纪念品。

45、You go to Africa. When you visit a tribe, they insist you take an animal as a souvenir, which one, will you choose? ─── 你去非洲的一个部落作客,他们执意要送你一样动物作为纪念品,你会选择什么?

46、As soon as he left his table, a foreign diplomat gra ed his cho ticks as a historical souvenir. ─── 他刚一离开桌子,一名国外的外交人员就抓起了他的筷子,把它作为了具有历史意义的纪念品。

47、Congratulations to these friends! Soon you'll be receiving an exquisite souvenir from us. ─── 恭喜这些观众朋友!不久,您就会收到精美的纪念品了。

48、Well,thank you. I'll bring you a souvenir the next time I visit. ─── 好了,谢谢你,下次我来会带纪念品给你的。

49、One of its attractions was a printing press that was placed on the ice and used to knock up souvenir broadsides to mark the occasion. ─── 集市上吸引人的一个地方之一就是放在冰上的一台印刷机,人们用这台机器来印出纪念性报纸,描述集市上的情形。

50、A: Do you know where the nearest souvenir shop is? ─── 您知道最近的纪念品商店在哪儿吗?

51、Four Madison high school's middle, this is by together famous " Souvenir " Or sometimes looks like " JMM. ─── 四所麦迪逊高中的当中一个, 这共同地是以著名"纪念品", 或有时象"JMM 。"

52、Moneypenny: James! Have you brought me a souvenir from your trip? Chocolates? An engagement ring? ─── 彭妮小姐:詹姆斯!你给我带纪念品了吗?巧克力?一枚订婚戒指?

53、Half buried in the sand I found a vintage Coca-Cola bottle. I dug it out and slipped it into my wetsuit as a souvenir. ─── 我找到一个半掩在沙中、旧式的可口可乐瓶。我把它挖出来塞进我的潜水服里留做纪念。

54、We are experienced in making a wide range of cups, houseware, promotional and souvenir items, and many more. ─── 常规产品有马克杯、厨房餐具、广告商品和纪念品等多元化产品。

55、I followed it to see where it was going, and I was very surprised when it went into a souvenir shop. ─── 我跟了上去为的是看看他去什么地方,我惊奇的发现,它走进了一个纪念品商店。

56、Before I left she gave me two cork paintings as a souvenir. ─── 临行前她送给我两幅软木画作为纪念。

57、Master then delightedly gave him a miniature lotus souvenir, which he has since treasured. ─── 师父非常高兴,当场送他一朵小荷花精品,他至今仍珍藏着。

58、Post cards are sold at the souvenir shop. ─── 土产店卖明信片。

59、He was arrested for throwing a souvenir plaster statuette of the cathedral at Berlusconi from close range. ─── 他因近距离地将一尊大教堂的石膏纪念雕像扔向贝卢斯科尼而被捕。

60、You are likely to get a beautiful souvenir from us. ─── 就可以获得我们赠送的精美纪念品。

61、He brought back a cowboy hat as a souvenir of America. ─── 他带回一顶牛仔帽作为访问美国的纪念。

62、How lovely!How much does the souvenir cost? ─── 多么好看啊!这件纪念品多少钱?

63、Once use,we will send our third anniversary's tesserae and souvenir about lotusPalace Restaurant &Bar to you. ─── 一经采用,我们就把莲花府邸三周年的入场券及特别纪念品送到您身边。

64、Brad, we can't forget to go souvenir shopping! I want a memento to remember Hawaii. ─── 布莱德,我们不可以忘记买纪念品!我要一个可以记住夏威夷的东西。

65、At the Hercules souvenir shop in Athens historic Plaka, Athena and Phevos were the biggest sellers. ─── 在雅典历史悠久的普拉卡区一家名为“大力士”的纪念品商店里,雅典娜和菲沃斯最为畅销。

66、The family went to the souvenir shop when they visited the famous museum. ─── 一家人在访问那家著名的博物馆的同时还逛了纪念品商店。

67、Do you know where the nearest souvenir shop is? ─── 您知道最近的纪念品商店在哪儿吗?

68、He chipped off a piece of rock from the wall to keep as a souvenir. ─── 他从墙上凿下一块岩石留作纪念。

69、Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. Is there a souvenir shop around here? ─── 对不起,不知你是否能帮我,请问这附近有没有纪念品店?

70、Oh,well.... guess I'd better buy a souvenir for my family. ─── 喔,那么我该为家人买件纪念品。

71、You go to Africa,and when you visit a tribe, they insist you take an animal as a souvenir, which one will you choose? ─── 你去非洲的一个部落作客,他们执意要送你一种动物作为纪念品,你会选择什么?

72、The fans were beleaguering to get his signature as a souvenir. ─── 影迷围上来要他签名留念。

73、Female Film Fan: I hope you will give me an autograph to keep as a souvenir forever. ─── 女影迷:希望你们为我签个名作为永久的留念吧。

74、On my right side, there was a souvenir shop, but we did not go there, because today our main goal was hiking, not shopping, hehe! ─── 在我的右手边,有一家纪念品商店,但是我们没有过去看,因为今天的主要任务是徒步行,而非购物,呵呵!

75、Ms. Moneypenny James! Have you brought me a souvenir from your trip? Chocolates? An engagement ring? ─── 彭妮小姐詹姆斯!你给我带纪念品了吗?巧克力?一枚订婚戒指?

76、Only 100,000 of the 700,000 Olympic souvenir bricks of a Centennial Olympics walkway had been sold by January, 1996. ─── 到1996年1月份,70万块奥运百年庆典人行道的奥运纪念砖只售出了10万块。

77、Student receiving souvenir from the organizer. ─── 同学代表接受颁发纪念品。

78、Souvenir shop and banking services available at International Departure Hall. ─── 国际机出发厅设有纪念品店及银行服务。

79、In Heiligenblut, almost all the souvenir shops are selling the marmot toys. ─── 在海立根布鲁特,几乎每家纪念品商店都出售土拨鼠玩具。

80、People push,run up and down the steps,drop bits of litter,and perhaps take a small stone as a souvenir. ─── 人们推推操操,在台阶上跑上跑下,乱扔果皮纸屑,有的还带走一块小石子留作纪念。

81、Outside, Jerusalem teems with people and noisy souvenir sellers of all kinds but none of that touches the Garden. ─── 园外人潮拥挤,出售各式纪念品的小贩高声叫卖,但这一切都不能打破园子的幽静。

82、Good afternoon, I'm looking for a souvenir for my wife. ─── 下午好,我想为妻子准备份纪念品,

83、What she didn't know was that John had left behind a souvenir. ─── 她不知道的是John走时留下了一个纪念品。

84、If I do, I will be sure to send you a souvenir. ─── 如果我去了,一定会送你纪念品。

85、A while ago it used to be the football that provided the best memories, but now we have the crested facecloths and souvenir deodorants . ─── 不久前还是足球带给我们美好的回忆,但现在我们有了镶花边的毛巾和纪念物的除臭剂。

86、They finally traced the hat to someone's house and retrieved the "souvenir". ─── 他们最后在一个人的家里找到了这顶帽子,收回了这件“纪念品”。

87、It also can be collected as an article collection, gift, handicraft product, souvenir etc. ─── 亦可作为纪念品,收藏品,礼品、工艺品等。

88、I actually had pay for the souvenir and the real one, so you owe me $35, plus tax. ─── 实际上我为了这个纪念品跟真品,还付了钱了,因此你欠我35美元,外加税金.

89、Did you bring me a souvenir from Canada? ─── 你有从加拿大带纪念品给我吗?


个人觉得跟 Disillusion 的意思更接近一些, 表示幻灭, 满怀希望但是结果不随人意。

相对的,如果我们对某件事满怀希望,哪怕是空想,可以用 Fantacy 来表达,2001年周杰伦出过一张专辑《范特西》其实就是 Fantacy的谐音。




现在啊,各大直播间和微博都流行说“凉了凉了~”这个词~ 那么这个说法在英

没戏,事情走向下坡(常用于电竞游戏中,同于流行语“GG”good game)


Be done 凉凉

例句:i'm done with her


Be doomde 凉凉

例句:got killde for five times in the

game, he's doomde alreade


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