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10-02 投稿


misprints 发音

英:[ˌmɪsˈprɪnts]  美:[ˈmɪˈsprɪnts]

英:  美:

misprints 中文意思翻译



misprints 词性/词形变化,misprints变形

动词第三人称单数: misprints |动词过去分词: misprinted |动词过去式: misprinted |动词现在分词: misprinting |

misprints 相似词语短语

1、misprint ─── n.印刷错误;vt.印错;vi.(鹿等)留下不规则足印

2、imprints ─── [法]痕迹

3、misplants ─── 错植

4、mispoint ─── 错点

5、mispaints ─── 错涂

6、mispoints ─── 错点

7、mispaint ─── 错涂

8、midpoints ─── n.中点;正中央

9、misprinted ─── n.印刷错误;vt.印错;vi.(鹿等)留下不规则足印

misprints 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Alert readers may have noticed the misprint in last week's column. ─── 细心的读者可能已经注意到上周专栏中的印刷错误了。

2、This experienced editor is said to be able to reduce the misprints to almost nil. ─── 据说这位经验丰富的老编辑能把印刷错误几乎降低到零。

3、Who will have to account for the misprints in the dictionary? ─── 谁必须对字典中的印刷错误负责?

4、* Misprints occur on everevery page. ─── 每页都有印刷错误.

5、if it happened to misprint, omit aluminium foil paper or lose trade mark, the equipment wonld stop working automatically, in order to guarantee the cigarette's quality. ─── 遇有印花、铝箔纸遗落及缺商标现象时机器自行停止,以保证产品质量。

6、Consists of baled, new brown kraft bag cuttings, sheets and misprint bags. Prohibitive materials: None permitted ,Total Outthrows may not exceed: 1 ─── 由褐色牛皮纸袋新边角料,牛皮袋纸,印刷出差错的纸袋组成,打包供货。不允许混有杂物。不合格废纸总量不得超过1%。

7、There are few books but have a misprint or two, but this book is anything but perfect. ─── 有些书仅有一两处的印刷错误,即便是这样的书,也算不上完美。

8、The misprint escaped the proofreader. ─── 这个印刷错误没有被校对者看出。;校对者没能看出这个印刷错误。

9、Will you () this passage to see if there is any misprint? ─── 你愿意仔细看一遍这篇文章找印刷错误吗?

10、Consists of baled, new brown kraft bag cuttings, sheets and misprint bags. ─── 杂货包装袋废料:由褐色牛皮纸袋新边角料,牛皮袋纸,印刷出差错的纸袋组成,打包供货。不允许混有杂物。不合格废纸总量不得超过1%。

11、correct misprints ─── 校正错字

12、12. Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. ─── 阅读有关健康书籍时要当心,你可能会被印刷错误所害死。

13、misprint; typographical error ─── 手民之误

14、This experienced editor is said to be able to reduce the misprints to almost zero. ─── 这位有经验的编辑据说能将错误印刷率降低到几乎为零。

15、GROCERY BAG SCRAP Consists of baled, new brown kraft bag cuttings, sheets and misprint bags. Prohibitive materials: None permitted, Total Outthrows may not exceed ─── 杂货包装袋废料由褐色牛皮纸袋新边角料、牛皮袋纸、印刷出差错的纸袋组成,打包供货。不允许混有杂物。不合格废纸总量不得超过

16、You will have to account for the misprints in the article. ─── 你必须对文章中的印刷错误负责。

17、times 19.12.83 forecasts 3 yp 4th quarter 83 misprints verify current issue ─── 泰晤士报19.12.83预报3年计划83年4季误排改正近期数据

18、Third choice offcut steel sheet, unassorted or semi-unassorted mixed steel sheet, top end coil steel sheet, pup coils, misprint sheet, etc. ─── 详细说明: We long time need excess prime/secondary/third choice Cold Rolled, Electro Galvanized, Galvanized, Hot Rolled steel coil or sheet.

19、Consists of baled printed, untreated formed cups, cup die cuts and misprint sheets of untreated coated or uncoated cup base stock. ─── 二号漂白、带有印刷的纸杯纸:带有印刷的纸杯纸、纸杯边角料,未经处理、涂布或未经涂布、用于造纸杯但是印刷错误的纸。胶必须是水溶性的。

20、No, that's not a misprint. ─── 不,印刷并没有错。

21、In a work of this range and detail, omissions and misprints are inevitable. ─── 诸如此种广博而精细的工作,阙漏与错印在所难免。

22、It emerged, repetitious and full of misprints, with added verbiage and reduced intellectual content. ─── 最初的报告语句重复,还充斥着打字错误,套话连篇,没有什么思想。

23、Consists of new brown kraft multi-wall bag cuttings, sheets and misprint bags, free of stitched ***s. Prohibitive materials: None permitted,Total Outthrows may not exceed: 1 ─── 由新的多层褐色牛皮纸袋废物和袋纸组成,包括印刷出差错的纸袋。纸张不得带有缝线。不答应混有杂物。分歧格废纸总量不得超过1%。

24、3. I found ten misprints in as many pages. ─── 我在十页中发现了十处印刷错误。

25、The paper was perfect except that there were some misprints . ─── 这篇文章除了一些打印错误,非常完美。

26、It is now listed in the classifieds, with no typos or misprints. ─── 它现在被列在分类广告上,没有打印错误或印刷错误。

27、Your paper is all right except for a few misprints。 ─── 你的论文还不错除了几处印刷错误。

28、"Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint. ─── (读谈健康的书要小心,你可能因印刷的错误而丧命。

29、The book abounds with misprints. ─── 这本书中印刷错误很多。

30、12.Be careful about reading health books.You may die of a misprint. ─── 12. 阅读有关健康建议类书籍时得小心点,你可能会死于印刷错误。

31、Several misprints occurred on the first page . ─── 在第一页有几处印刷错误。

32、I found two misprints in this book. ─── 我在这本书里发现两处印刷错误。

33、Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. ─── 阅读有关健康建议类书籍时得小心点,你可能会死于印刷错误。

34、to misprint the trademark ─── 印错商标

35、PS-20 KRAFT MULTI-WALL BAG SCRAP Consists of new brown kraft multi-wall bag cuttings, sheets and misprint bags, free of stitched papers. Prohibitive materials: None permitted, Total Outthrows may not exceed ─── 20多层牛皮纸袋废料由新的多层褐色牛皮纸袋新边角料和袋纸组成,包括印刷出差错的纸袋。纸张不得带有缝线。不允许混有杂物。不合格废纸总量不得超过

36、For instance, misprints often crop up in the papers simply because their elimination has not been tackled as a serious job . ─── 例如,报上常有错字,就是因为没有把消灭错字认真地当做一件事情来办。

37、Could this be a misprint? ─── 这会不会是个印刷错误?

38、This experienced editor is able to reduce the misprints to almost nil. ─── 这位经验丰富的老编辑能把印刷错误几乎降低到零。

39、It's just, unless there has been some kind of misprint in my newspaper, the team of the year appears to contain eight Manchester United players. ─── 应该是这样的,除非我的报纸打印错了,本年最佳阵容包括了8名曼联球员。

40、You may die of a misprint. ─── 你可能会因印刷错误死去。

41、Misprints often crop up in the papers. ─── 报上常出现印刷错误。

42、1. Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. ─── 阅读有关健康书籍时要小心,它的一次误印可能使你丧命。

43、I found two misprints in the book. ─── 我在这书里发现两处印刷错误。

44、23. This experienced editor is said to Be aBle to reduce the misprints to almost nil. ─── 据说这位经验丰富的老编辑能把印刷错误几乎降低到零。

45、The misprint led to great confusion. ─── 错误的印刷导致很大的混淆。

46、The product introduction that checks you more has wrongly written or mispronounced characters, perhaps go up brushstroke seeks advice to was not become, because,be this misprint. ─── 多检查一下你的产品介绍有没有错别字,说不定上一笔咨询没成,就是因为这个错字。

47、7: There are few books but have a misprint or two, but this book is anything but perfect. ─── 有些书本还是有一两处印刷错误,这类书根本算不上精品。

48、The Mathematical model of proofreading and its applications in several areas havebeen discussed in this parer. And the MLES of misprints and operational level of proofread-ing have been given. ─── 本文建立了清样校对过程的数学模型;给出了误印总数及校对水平的极大似然估计;讨论了该模型在经营管理、质量控制、审计检查等方面的应用。

49、I stumbled on a misprint in my dictionary. ─── 我偶然在字典中发现一处印刷错误。

50、Ex: This misprint led to great confusion. ─── 这个印刷错误会产生严重误解。

51、Objective To clarify the confusion of the smell and taste of Rhizoma Arisaematis,as well as several misprints of botanic scientific name of Chinese crude drugs. ─── 目的澄清天南星药材气味混乱及几种药材来源的植物学名印刷错误问题。

52、Consists of new brown kraft multi-wall bag cuttings, sheets and misprint bags, free of stitched papers. Prohibitive materials: None permitted,Total Outthrows may not exceed: 1 ─── 由新的多层褐色牛皮纸袋废料和袋纸组成,包括印刷出差错的纸袋。纸张不得带有缝线。不允许混有杂物。不合格废纸总量不得超过1%。

53、Misprints occur on every page. ─── 每页都有印刷错误。

54、5,A poet can survive everything but a misprint. ─── 一个诗人什么都可以容忍,印刷错误除外。

55、There are few dictionaries but have(=that don't have) a misprint or two. ─── 几乎每本词典都有一两个印刷错误。

56、Will you ( go over ) this passage to see if there is any misprint? ─── 整句话的意思是:你还要仔细检查一下这篇文章是否有印刷错误吗?

57、2) In order to detect the misprints in a single print, the proofreader has to notice not so much the meaning of what he reads as the exact shape and order of letters and words in the text. ─── 译文:为了发现稿件中的印刷错误,校对员必须与其说注意所读材料的含义,倒不如说注意文章中字母和单词的确切形状和顺序。

58、"The May Fourth Movement" The Sport was Appraised to Correct Misprints ─── "五四"启蒙运动评价之正误

59、A good editor never once leaves a misprint uncorrected. ─── 一个好编辑决不会放过一个印刷错误。

60、In each of the following sentences there is at least one mistake. These mistakes may be a misspelling, misprint, wrong diction, grammatical error, or other improper usage. ─── 大家来帮帮我,我在改错的时候,觉得改的很迷茫,请大家帮我看看我的答案是否对。谢谢了

61、4.There are few books but have a misprint or two, but this book is anything but perfect. ─── 一两处印刷错误都没有的书不会有很多,但是这本书却绝对谈不上是绝对完美。

62、For instance, misprints often crop up in the papers simply because their elimination has not been tackled as a serious job . ─── 例如,报上常有错字,就是因为没有把消灭错字认真地当做一件事情来办。

63、Three misprints occur on the first page. ─── 第一页有三个地方印错。

64、Will you (go over ) this passage to see if there is any misprint? ─── 你仔细检查一下这篇文章,看看是否有印刷错误?

65、3.Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. ─── 在读保健类的书时要小心,你可能会死于一项误印。

66、If any misprints have crept in, they will be corrected in the second edition. ─── 书中内容或有误植之处,将在第二版中予以更正。

67、Consists of new brown kraft multi-wall bag cuttings, sheets and misprint bags, free of stitched papers. ─── 牛皮纸混合边角料: 由褐色牛皮纸新边角料,牛皮纸、纸袋等混合组成,打包供货。纸袋上不得带有缝线。不允许混有杂物。

68、The book abounds with misprints. ─── 这本书里满是印刷错误。

69、This experienced editor is able to reduce the misprints to almost nil. ─── 这位经验丰富的老编辑能把印刷错误几乎降低到零。

70、In a work of this range and detail, omissions and misprints are inevitable. ─── 诸如此种广博而精细的工作,阙漏与错印在所难免。

71、Misprints occur on every page. ─── 都有印刷错误。

72、A poet can survive everything but a misprint. ─── 诗歌可以拯救一切除了印刷错误。

73、There are a few misprints which I will correct in proof. ─── 有几处印错了,我将在校样上一一改正。

74、Fixed a misprint in the Moon Harvesting Array II description. ─── 修正了卫星开采阵列II描述中的的一处错误。

75、2.In any computer system, the machine will always misinterpret, misconstrue, misprint, or not evaluate any math or subroutines or fail to print any output on at least the first run through. ─── 任何计算机系统,至少是在第一次运行时,它总是错误地或歪曲地解释、胡乱打印、或根本不会数学,也不会运行任何子程序、或打印不出任何结果。

76、The genuine products, on the contrary, sell poorly.What's worse, pirated books sometimes do great harm to the authors' reputation due to some misprints. ─── 尽管它不是最好的语言测试工具,但目前难以找到比他更好的大规模测试方法。

77、Fake pesticide often handwriting is punch-drunk, peculiar with misprint, unscientific hyperbole drug effect, content is not complete wait. ─── 假冒伪劣农药往往字迹模糊不清、异样和错字,不科学地夸张药效,内容不完整等。

78、Occasional misprints and errors are inevitable due to the somewhat pressing editing time and we hope you kindly point them out promptly so that they can be corrected in next edition. ─── 本书因编辑时间比较仓促,如有错漏,望及时批评、指正,以便今后再版时得到改正。

79、This misprint led to great confusion . ─── 这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆。

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