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spiritualism 发音

英:['spɪrɪtʃʊəlɪz(ə)m; -tjʊəl-]  美:['spɪrɪtʃuəlɪzəm]

英:  美:

spiritualism 中文意思翻译



spiritualism 网络释义

n. 灵性;唯心论;招魂说

spiritualism 词性/词形变化,spiritualism变形

形容词: spiritualistic |名词: spiritualist |

spiritualism 相似词语短语

1、spiritualize ─── v.使精神化;使内心清净

2、spirituality ─── n.灵性;精神性

3、spiritualised ─── v.(使)……精神化;(使)……具有精神上的意义

4、spiritualist ─── n.唯心论者;巫师

5、spiritualises ─── v.(使)……精神化;(使)……具有精神上的意义

6、spirituals ─── adj.精神的,心灵的;宗教的;(人)高尚的;n.圣歌(尤指美国南部黑人的)

7、spiritualise ─── v.(使)……精神化;(使)……具有精神上的意义

8、spiritualiser ─── 精神的

9、spiritualists ─── n.唯心论者;巫师

spiritualism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、spiritualism and materialism ─── 精神主义与物质主义

2、Space fuii of arts and nature fuiiy reflects dignity and spiritualism. ─── 充满艺术与自然的空间,让高贵与灵性充分得以体现!

3、Spiritualism is the belief that spirits of the dead can communicate with the living. ─── 为与死人的灵魂沟通, 通灵术士有时要举行几人参加的小规模的降灵会。

4、Harry Houdini, the most famous professional magician, distrusted spiritualism so thoroughly that he spent a great deal of time trying to prove that it could not be true. ─── 灵媒帮助与会者将神思集中于他们想与之沟通的死者身上,然后据说死者的灵魂就会发出敲击声,或移动室内的物件,或通过灵媒之口说话。

5、Ewok spiritualism has a wide pantheon of gods and spirits.The foremost being the Great Tree, a sacred tree from which all life springs. ─── 伊渥克人的宗教观相当广泛,包含许多神明和神灵,其中最重要的就是圣树,一棵来自生命泉源的圣树。

6、spiritualism -casting ─── 铸灵性

7、[D] his devotion to the world of spiritualism and his involvement in the secular world. ─── [D] 他沉溺于精神世界、又充分生活在世俗世界中。

8、However the spiritualism and creativity of students dies out going with close and passive learning style which results in education dropping far behind the demand of the age. ─── 然而,长期以来我国中学生封闭、僵化、机械、被动的学习方式泯灭了他们的灵性,压抑了他们的创造性,远落后于时代对人才素质的要求。

9、The second, the natural crystal has spiritualism, also in the meantime have strong magnetic field can absorb harmful radiation, can also purify whole body. ─── 第二点,天然水晶是有水灵的,同时也具有强大的磁场能吸收有害的辐射,也可以净化全身。

10、The writer of the paper presumes that the major obstruction is the deficiency of rationality in relation to the nationalism and deficiency of scientific spiritualism. ─── 理性的缺失是制约中国教育现代化顺利进行的主要障碍。理性的缺失主要有两种表现:一是民族中心主义作祟,二是科学精神缺失。

11、It is a spiritualism of self. ─── 它是一种“自我”的灵性论。

12、Houdini in his later life became very interested in spiritualism and seances because of the great loss he felt upon the death of his mother. ─── 霍迪尼晚年时期开始由于他母亲的死使他感到非常痛苦,然后开始痴迷上了唯心论和降神会。

13、A world is full of spiritualism where imagination is based on the existed classic. ─── 一个充满灵性的天地,经典世想象驰骋的起点。

14、Its key purpose is to annotate spiritualism life philosophically. ─── 对灵性生命和精神生命的哲学化注释,是其重要的使命。

15、Then I will discuss conformation of artistic atmosphere of prose from three aspects: trueness and empressement, prime of heart’s-blood and gusto spiritualism. ─── 接着从真实与真诚,生命的灌注与灵趣三个视角探讨散文意境的构造。

16、I won't have anything to do with spiritualism, ghosts and all that mumbo-jumbo. ─── 我绝不会与招魂说、鬼魂和所有类似的胡言乱语有任何关系。

17、P>You fit in with:SpiritualismYour ideals are mostly spiritual, but in an individualistic way. ─── 你的理想大概精神上,但是以个人主义的方式。

18、the spiritualism society ─── 灵学会

19、Iesu Christre, cum Sancto Spiritu: in Gloria Dei Prris. Amen.? ─── 耶稣基督,你和圣神,同享天主圣父的光荣。阿们。

20、(in spiritualism) the substance supposed to emanate from the body of the medium during a trance. ─── (唯心论)据说在催眠过程中从灵媒体中发出的物质。

21、Qui propter nos homines et propter nostram salutem descendit de caelis.Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine,et homo factus esl. ─── 为了我们,为了我们得救,他从天上降临,通过圣灵,从童贞玛丽亚,他获得肉身,他成为人。

22、This festival puts an end to all evils in man; gives him realization of the eternal bliss, and spiritualism becomes alive by the celebration of this festival. ─── 这个盛典结束了人类的一切罪恶,使人类认识了永恒的幸福,通过举办这一盛典,非物质主义开始活跃。

23、Houdini in his later life became very interested in spiritualism and seances because of the great loss he felt upon the death of his mother. ─── 霍迪尼晚年时期开始由于他母亲的死使他感到非常痛苦,然后开始痴迷上了唯心论和降神会。

24、Quoniam tu solus Sanctus,tu solus Dominus,tu solus Altissimus,Jesus Christe,cum Sancto Spiritu;in Gloria Dei Patris.AMEN. ─── 因为有你是圣者,唯你是主,唯你是至高至上者:耶稣基督,以圣洁之灵敬奉上帝圣父。阿门。

25、They simply detach their egos from materialism and re-attach it to spiritualism. ─── 他们只是把自我从唯物主义中剔除出去却从唯心主义上重新依附于它。

26、But by then the belief had taken on a life of its own as a religion called Spiritualism, which is still practiced today. ─── 但是该信仰最终形成了一种教派,叫做招魂说,并流传至今。

27、In such a complex era, people's mind needs to be diverted from petty materialism to vast spiritualism. ─── 在如此复杂的时代里,人们的思想需要从狭小的唯物论转向广大的唯心论。

28、Yet 80 years ago a Bengali, Rabindranath Tagore, Asia's first Nobel laureate, stirred crowds in India, China and Japan by calling for a pan-Asian spiritualism to counter Western materialism. ─── 八十年前,一位孟加拉人,泰戈尔,亚洲首名诺贝尔桂冠摘得者,其所推崇的泛亚主义理念在印度、中国和日本产生极大反响。他主张用东方的灵性来对抗西方的唯物主义。

29、Spiritualism came in the wake of the inventions of the telegraph and telephone that made it possible to send messages over long distances. ─── 唯灵论的出现,正好遇上电报和电话的发明,使长距离通讯成为可能。

30、His annotation of Buddhism and preference of zigzag theme are showed in his artworks of flowers.His paintings of lotus are filled with spiritualism. ─── 与诸多以写意画擅长的画家不同的是,他将个人对趣味的表达,锁定在了工笔重彩绘画一路上,这使得他的绘画具有了某种直观性与写实特征。

31、It is a spiritualism of 'self'. ─── 它是一种“自我”的灵性论。

32、Norman, who dabbled with spiritualism, apparently informed a colleague that he could walk through walls. ─── 涉猎降灵之术的诺曼,据传曾向一位同事声称自己身负穿墙绝技。

33、Does Einstein Believe in Telepathy and Spiritualism? ─── 爱因斯坦相信传心术和唯灵论吗?

34、Considered the first Surrealist film, it uses startling imagery to discuss sex, lust, morality, spiritualism, man's inhumanity, and hypocrisy, among other things. ─── 作为第一部超现实主义电影,影片的画面让人惊奇,它探讨了性,贪欲,伦理,招魂术,人类的残忍和虚伪等等。

35、(in spiritualism) the substance supposed to emanate from the body of the medium during a trance ─── (唯心论)据说在催眠过程中从灵媒体中发出的物质

36、naturalism philosophy and spiritualism philosophy ─── 自然主义哲学与精神主义哲学

37、This cooperation is not a new age spiritualism. ─── 这种合作不是新时代的唯心论。

38、His unique experiences and long-term meditation endowed him with transcendental spiritualism and wisdom, which made his educational thought more clarifying and pure. ─── 独特的生活经历和长期的“禅修”赋予克里希那穆提超凡的灵性与智慧,这使得他的教育思想也格外澄明和纯净。

39、Buddhist Gallery established since year 2006 to promote “Art is the expression of life as Buddhist spiritualism is the art of living”. ─── 艺廊成立于2006年,一个以“提倡正信佛教,打造心灵空间”为营运概念的文化道场。

40、of or relating to or connected with spiritualism. ─── 唯心论的,涉及唯心论的,或和唯心论有关的。

41、womanist spiritualism ─── 妇女主义精神

42、For example, one of the women we interviewed, Rabbi Miriam Kane, developed a sense of spiritualism from travels with her family-she observed her father's awe and admiration of nature and Mount Rushmore. ─── 例如,我们调查的一位女性,拉比·米瑞埃姆通过家庭旅行产生了一种神圣的信仰--她看出父亲对大自然和拉什莫尔山怀有的敬畏和崇拜之情。

43、Bring up a topic that touches on the supernatural, mysticism, reincarnation, spiritualism or the occult. ─── 提一些关于超自然,神秘主义,再生,灵性或神秘学之类的话题。

44、Norman, who dabbled with spiritualism, apparently informed a colleague that he could walk through walls. ─── 涉猎降灵之术的诺曼,据传曾向一位同事声称自己身负穿墙绝技。

45、The question here is whether belief in spiritualism in the 1860s was an indication of a neurotic personality. ─── 这里的问题在于十九世纪六十年代相信唯灵论的人是否就是精神病患者。

46、The significance of spiritualism to Christian individuals ─── 试析灵性生活对个体基督徒的意义

47、All painted flowers are enjoyable with spiritualism, the sceneries are natural and magnificent; ─── 所绘花卉写意而不失灵动;风景自然大气;

48、The way the author in this paper sees it, A Dream of Red Chamber was not written by -ism but by Cao Xueqin's spiritualism, which is Cao Xueqin's original idea when composing the novel. ─── 红楼不是用什么“主义”创作的,而是用灵性创造的,红楼是曹雪芹灵性的绝唱。从红楼看灵性,可以感悟到灵性的无穷奥秘;

49、Touch of drawings, especially the spiritualism of enjoyment face tendency of being symbolic, conceptualized and secularized. ─── 画面的格调,特别是写意化的灵性面临着符号化、概念化、世俗化的倾向。

50、Spiritualism came in the wake of the inventions of the telegraph and telephone that made it possible to send messages over long distances. ─── 灵性论的出现,正好遇上电报和电话的发明,使长距离通讯成为可能。

51、Et incarnates est de Spiritu sancto, ex Maria Virgine: et homo factus est. ─── 祂因圣神,由童贞玛利亚取得肉躯,而成为人。

52、The thinking to the phenomenon of current Chinese teaching Weakening students'Chinese spiritualism ─── 对当前语文教学弱化学生语文灵性现象的思考

53、The second phase is the "grass-rooted show", which satisfies the audience by setting free "spiritualism". ─── 第三个阶段是“角色体验类”真人秀,它以向受众提供“隐秘社会的想象性弥合”为特征。

54、By the close of his life he was spending his diminishing energies defending not only the world of spiritualism but also the outermost fraudulent fringes of supernatural belief. ─── 晚年的道尔不仅将自己不多的时光用于和唯心论做抗争,还和超自然信仰斗争。

55、fantastic spiritualism ─── 梦幻灵性

56、Ewok spiritualism has a wide pantheon of gods and spirits. The foremost being the Great Tree, a sacred tree from which all life springs. ─── 伊渥克人的宗教观相当广泛,包含许多神明和神灵,其中最重要的就是圣树,一棵来自生命泉源的圣树。

57、homeopathy, spiritualism and the occult replaced Catholicism as his creed in adult life. ─── 以毒攻毒、唯心论和超自然的神秘主义代替天主教教义,成了他在成年生活中的信条。

58、Along the way he is enmeshed in a complicted scheme involving psychotherapy and spiritualism, which pits various high-level Nazi factions against each other. ─── 第二册继承了第一册的凄凉阴冷的写作风格,但是与前一册不同的是,这一册的战争气氛更加浓厚了。

59、spiritualism and mediumship in 19th century America; ─── 19世纪美国的招魂说和灵媒学;

60、It was on a bus trip through an Afghan desert that she first encountered the faith that would come to define her spiritualism. ─── 在一次穿越阿富汗的沙漠时她第一次感受到那个将确定她灵魂的信仰。

61、Whether it's through astrology, spiritualism, parapsychology or a mainstream religion, people are searching for a spiritual dimension to life. ─── 无论星象学、唯灵论、超心理学或者其他主流宗教,都表达人需要通过这些寻找生命的另一个精神世界。

62、Assuming the game has some spiritualism to it, than her forgiveness may not be his fantasy alone. ─── 估计这个游戏中确实是发生了一些“召灵事件”,因此莎拉的宽恕就并不仅仅是麦克斯的幻想。

63、Spiritualism was a fad in full flower for half a century. ─── 唯灵论曾是一种时尚,风行了半个世纪之久。

64、Beati pauperes spiritu, quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum. ─── 3神贫的人是有福的,因为天国是他们的。

65、It's not all mystical New Age spiritualism, or even overt religiosity. ─── 这不全然是新时代的神秘唯心论或甚至宗教狂热。

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