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10-02 投稿


macrocosm 发音

英:[ˈmækroʊkɑːzəm]  美:[ˈmækrəʊkɒzəm]

英:  美:

macrocosm 中文意思翻译



macrocosm 同义词

creation | society | world | existence | whole | all |cosmos | universe | sphere

macrocosm 词性/词形变化,macrocosm变形

形容词: macrocosmic |副词: macrocosmically |

macrocosm 反义词


macrocosm 相似词语短语

1、microcosms ─── [物]微观世界;缩影(microcosm的复数)

2、macroform ─── 宏观形态

3、microcosm ─── n.微观世界;小宇宙;作为宇宙缩影的人类;缩图(等于microcosmos)

4、macrocopy ─── 宏拷贝

5、microcosmic ─── adj.微观的,微观世界的;小宇宙的

6、macrocosms ─── n.宏观世界;宇宙

7、macrocosmic ─── 宏观

8、macrocyst ─── n.巨囊

9、macrocode ─── n.[计]宏代码

macrocosm 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、West medicine is adept at analysis , microcosmic, and fail in macrocosm and synthesis. ─── 西医学长于分析、长于局部,短于整体和综合;

2、Keywords Contemporary era;city management;city management philosophy;macrocosm;microcosm; ─── 当代;城市管理;城市管理哲学理念;宏观;微观;

3、It emphasizes the activities of language with students as the main body, teaching mode of task type and the macrocosm of language teaching. ─── 这套教材强调以学生为主体的语言活动、任务型教学模式和语言整体教学。

4、Beijing. A city that transforms these three strangers and forces them to question their lives, loves and needs, providing insight into their existence in the macrocosm that is China's heart. ─── 北京这座城市同时改变着这三个陌生人,并迫使他们对自己的人生、感情以及需求产生了疑问,让他们对自己的生存方式有了深刻的理解。

5、lastly, a routine on the issue must bedesigned out on the basic of Chinese specialty, and the promoting method onthis issue must be given out in both macrocosm and microcosm phases. ─── 最后,设计出一条具有中国特色社会主义的人的现代化道路,并在宏观和微观的两个层面上找出应宗取的推进手段。

6、Hero of the Macrocosm is a tribe which full of vim and vigor, united, and supported.We believe it will make us stronger with your joining. ─── 寰宇乾坤部落具有壮志凌云的气度,广纳群雄的胸襟,相信你的加入必能为我盟注入强大的动力。

7、Just as the eurozone is a microcosm of the global economy, the dysfunctional G20 is a macrocosm of the European Council. ─── 正如欧元区是全球经济的缩影一样,机能失调的G20是放大版的欧洲理事会(EuropeanCouncil)。

8、For example, by chanting or singing of sutra, their frequency seeks for inner harmony of inner microcosm so as to sublime yourself outside.It seeks for resonance from macrocosm. ─── 又如梵音、梵唱,藉由念经的音频,向内求取身体内小宇宙的相应和谐,进而由内部小宇宙升华而出,向外,向整个大宇宙去寻求共鸣。

9、In meditation, the Taoist adept visualized the thousands of gods that inhabited the human body (microcosm) as they inhabited the universe (macrocosm). ─── 在冥想中,道教采用居住在人体内(微观世界)的数千个形象化了的神,他们同样地也居住在宇宙中。

10、If it were only for the sake of an idea Copernicus would have smashed the existent macrocosm and Columbus would have foundered in the Sargasso Sea. ─── 如果仅仅是为了一个观念,哥白尼本会砸烂整个现存宇宙的,哥伦布也会葬身马尾藻海。

11、According to the happening and development of tackling public sanitation accident ,we believe that we should make a further research and exploration on it's forming reasons from macrocosm and depth. ─── “非典”、“禽流感”等应激性公共卫生事件的发生、发展,我们认为要从宏观、深层次对它的成因做进一步的研究和探讨。

12、"This perfection upon earth is relative to the universal soul of the earth (i.e., as the macrocosm or greater world, so the microcosm or lesser world, which is man). ─── 呢种喺地上达成嘅完美,同大地嘅宇宙之灵(作为宏观宇宙)相关.(微观宇宙,即系人身,亦系咁

13、finally, to enrich the connotation of the tourism, combining "macrocosm" with "microcosm". ─── 使“宏观”与“微观”相结合 ,丰富提升景点内涵

14、The article adopts the methodology of unifying theory and practice, macrocosm and microcosm, analysis and synthesis. ─── 主要是加强基础研究,发展教育,普及科学文化,加强对科技的管理与控制,消除对先进文化建设的负面影响。

15、Consequently, its content becomes increasingly rich and complicated.In this thesis the Product Liability Law of some countries are compared in macrocosm. ─── 但是,各国产品责任立法的内容不尽相同,本文对世界主要国家的产品责任法作了一种宏观上的比较。

16、A Study of Microcosm and Macrocosm in Contrast between English and Chinese ─── 英汉对比的微观与宏观研究

17、Similarly my sculpture seeks to express the macrocosm through the microcosm. ─── 我的雕塑作品也是试图以微观的体系来体现一个宏观世界。

18、From theory to practice, macrocosm to microcosm, by using the theories of communication and culture, this paper diagnoses Chinese TV amusement communication to seek the way for its development. ─── 文章运用传播学、文化学的理论把脉中国的电视娱乐传播,从学理到实践,从宏观到微观,为中国电视娱乐传播的发展求解。

19、It seeks for resonance from macrocosm. ─── 向外,向整个大宇宙去寻求共鸣。

20、According to the plan of Jimei, this year will south the macrocosm of furniture of Jimei of bright red door of the city adds a look on the foundation before 50% above. ─── 根据集美的计划,今年将把南城的大红门集美家具大世界在原来的基础上增容50%以上。

21、Corresponding relations between the structure, physiological functions, pathological changes of the human body as microcosm and the change of the nature environments as a macrocosm. ─── 人体组织结构,生理活动以及病理变化作为小宇宙,同自然界大宇宙的对应关系。

22、Microcosmos and macrocosm boundary line where? ─── 微观世界和宏观世界界线在哪里?

23、Under the guidance of general requirement, the developing process is deepened from integer to local, from macrocosm to microcosm. ─── 该方法在系统开发总体要求指导下 ,对系统各级功能模型从整体向局部、从宏观向微观逐步深化 ;

24、With the development of modern physics,the focus of modern realism changes from medieval metaphysic to modern realism concerning more about relation,macrocosm and cognitive behavior. ─── 随着近代物理科学的发展,当代实在论思想也发生了从中世纪的形而上学实在论向关注关系、整体与认识行为的近代实在论的转向。

25、to constitute a macrocosm ─── 组成宏观世界

26、The interrelationship of the microcosm of the body with the macrocosm of the larger world is mirrored most immediately for indigenous peoples in the local bioregion. ─── 对于地方生命圈中的土著民族来说,自身的微观宇宙与更广大世界的宏观宇宙的相互关系能够在土著宗教宇宙观中反映出来。

27、Trope can be used to express as well as to recognize, as an important means to build an article from macrocosm to microcosm. ─── 比喻不仅具有表达功能,而且具有认知功能,是从宏观到微观建构评论文章的重要手段。

28、campaign macrocosm ─── 战役全域空间

29、Traditional Chinese Agronomy is based on Chinese classical philosophy and interprets agricultural phenomena from original macrocosm. ─── 中国传统农学思想的阐释借鉴了中国古代哲学的概念和范畴,以朴素的系统、整体观察为特征。

30、Study on the Extension Evaluation Method to the Macrocosm Performance of Supply Chain ─── 供应链整体绩效的可拓评价方法研究

31、Being a symbol of the sun, the chakra represents life and movement, which transform the dwarf into the giant or the microcosm into macrocosm or again the centre into its diameter. ─── 大毒蛇以围绕太阳运动来展现,成为太阳符号,脉轮表现了生命与运动,它将矮子变为巨人或将微观世界变为宏观世界或再次集中进它的直径里。

32、STC is a macrocosm as well as an opening system so the influencing factors on it exist inside and outside the team simultaneously. ─── 由于体育团队凝聚力既是一个结构整体也是一个开放系统,所以它的影响因素既有队内的也有队外的。

33、The author finds that erosion causes the failure of packing rings through the analysis of the macrocosm appearance of fracture and that organic acid causes the erosion. ─── 通过对填料环宏观形貌特征的分析得知,填料环失效是由于腐蚀磨损引起的。

34、Reported world holothurian natural resources kind group, distributing, main production country and Hong Kong, Singapore two macrocosm are holothurian the general situation of central market. ─── 报道了世界海参资源的种群、分布、主要生产国以及香港、新加坡两大世界海参中心市场的概况。

35、This area is the "heart" of Turtle Island [the U.S.] and of Mother Earth, and it is the microcosmic image of the macrocosm of the entire planet. ─── 这个地方是龟岛[美国]和大地的“心脏”,是整个行星宏观世界的微观图像。

36、Chinese culture attaches importance to the macrocosm, lacking of the personal conception, and also lacking of the personal right: conception. ─── 中国文化重视整体,很少有个人的观念,也很少有个人权利的观念。

37、Obviously, economic democracy is the combination of microcosm and macrocosm , of the theory and practice. ─── 显然,经济民主是微观与宏观的结合,也是理论探索与实践过程的结合。

38、macrocosm of the universe is mirrored in the microcosm of the mind. ─── 宏观宇宙在人的心灵宇宙中得以反映。

39、Cultural Macrocosm ─── 文化整体观

40、macrocosm relevance ─── 整体关联

41、the theory indicate the modern practitioner of Chinese medicine have the macrocosm view of the human being life phenomenon through the 3 level th... ─── 其研究思路和基本方法:临床研究是课题的工作重点,医案研究是主要切入点之一,结合现代科学技术,采用人机结合方法,是我们正在积极探索的研究途径。

42、Observed from the macrocosm economic environment we can see that, the prospect of the housing industry provides the housing consumption credit with a wild development scope. ─── 个人住房贷款中存在道德风险和逆选择的安全性问题。发展住房消费信贷的建议针对住房消费信贷市场存在的问题,提出如下建议:1、金融机构对策。

43、Perspectives on the Macrocosm of English Grammar ─── 英语语法的宏观思考

44、Research on Extensive Evaluation Method to the Macrocosm Performance of Reverse Logistics ─── 逆向物流整体绩效的可拓评价方法研究

45、This is true not only in the macrocosm of culture but in the microcosm of the mind. ─── 不但在宏观文化中如此,在微观的思维中也一样。

46、The scientific descriptions concerning macrocosm and microcosm,simple and complex,is not only method problems of scientific abstract,but also the model and basis of science research. ─── 宏观和微观之间、简单性与复杂性之间的科学描述不仅仅是科学抽象的方法问题,而是科学研究的范式和基础问题.

47、Developmental teaching and learning demands that it should be embodied in all profiles and levels of the student's development macrocosm space. ─── 发展性教学要求在学生的发展的全域空间的不同侧面、不同层次上都要有所体现。

48、Human is connected with the macrocosm ─── 天人相应

49、relating to or constituting a macrocosm. ─── 关于或组成宏观世界的。

50、, to establish a unitary water resources management system in macrocosm;to strengthen the management at river basin level in stead of regional administration level in mid-cosm; ─── 从中观上要建立流域管理为主,行政区域管理为辅的水资源统一管理体制;

51、Law Of Macrocosm and Microcosm is the first Law of infinity. ─── 宇宙和小宇宙法则无限的第一法则。

52、Since, media ethic and humanism solicitude not only relates to construction with consummation in itself but also affects Chinese social moral environment in macrocosm, not to underestimate. ─── 因为,传媒伦理与人文关怀不仅关涉传媒自身的建设,也事关当前我国社会的道德建设大局,不可小觑。

53、The macrocosm may decompose for tiny dust , tiny dust also can compose the big world , both are an integral whole's at heart. ─── 大世界可分解为微尘,微尘也能合成大千世界,两者在本质上是一体的。

54、If the policy of macrocosm and part as to protection of entironment and the development not aptitude,it will counteract the actualization of new entironment policy. ─── 不恰当的整体与局部,生态保护与自我发展的政策链接点,阻碍了环境规划的实施。

55、The ringed planet sits in repose, the center of its own macrocosm of many rings and moons and one artificial satellite named Cassini. ─── 在离土星的不远处,其中心环绕着卫星、星环和一颗人造卫星(卡西尼号)。

56、From the study of poems on knight errant, we can find out that it is a process that is from fewness to numerousness, from case to macrocosm. ─── 摘要关于唐代咏侠诗歌的研究,经历了一个由冷清到热闹、由个案到整体的发展过程。

57、the whole; the entirety; a macrocosm; an integer; an integral; a unity ─── 整体

58、Obviously, economic democracy is the combination of microcosm and macrocosm , of the theory and practice. ─── 显然,经济民主是微观与宏观的结合,也是理论探索与实践过程的结合。

59、Macrocosm approximation ─── 整体逼近

60、7. This area is the "heart" of Turtle Island [the U.S.] and of Mother Earth, and it is the microcosmic image of the macrocosm of the entire planet. ─── 这个地方是龟岛[美国]和大地的“心脏”,是整个行星宏观世界的微观图像。收藏指正

61、the winter there is snow and ice macrocosm; ─── 冬季还有冰雪大世界;

62、Accorcling with this,the theory of public finance in socialist market economy contains the theory of fuction, the theory of microcosm and the theory of macrocosm ─── 与此相适应,社会主义市场经济条件下的财政理论体系包含的内容由财政职能论、财政微观论、财政宏观论三部分组成。

63、The initial and essential view of microcosm and macrocosm maybe a departure point of the inner and outer sphere. ─── 除非发现违规行为,豆瓣团队甚少干预用户在网站的活动。

64、Modern systems science develops in 20th century which explores macrocosm, evolvement and complexity. ─── 系统科学是20世纪兴起的联系社会科学与自然科学的一门横断性学科,是探索整体、演化及其复杂性的科学。

65、macrocosm n. ─── 大宇宙;

66、The naissance of music derives from the connection of urgent needs of human beings and microcosm and macrocosm. ─── 它是在人类迫切要求与微观世界和宏观世界取得联系的过程中诞生的。音乐对人类的影响和作用也是前所未有的。

67、The macrocosm and microcosm rest in the Mother's womb; ─── 大宇宙与小宇宙都沉睡在母亲子宫内;

68、Macrocosm approximation is a class of attacks to ciphers by replacing a strong cipher function with a weak cipher function. ─── 整体逼近就是用一个弱密码函数替代一个强密码函数的攻击方法,这两个函数的模2和称为该整体逼近的噪声函数。

69、Function of Chest fluorescent macrocosm in examining the health of non dust - exposed staff ─── 胸部荧光缩影在非接尘人员健康检查中的作用

70、The naissance of music derives from the connection of urgent needs of human beings and microcosm and macrocosm. ─── 它是在人类迫切要求与微观世界和宏观世界取得联系的过程中诞生的。

71、Fourth, take the world third macrocosm trade country, China's coordination has the getting quick results influence to the world trade system's establishment and the maintenance; ─── 其四,作为世界第三大世界贸易国,中国的配合对世界贸易体系的建立和维持有着立竿见影的影响;

72、Macrocosm and microcosm are recreated, both the celestial sphere and molecular and crystalline forms. ─── 宏观宇宙和微观宇宙都得到重建,无论是天球或是分子和晶体都开始显形。

73、This article illustrates by the specific examples that the integral formula of Gauss's law when having insulator is a macrocosm formula under a certain condition and it can't explain microcosm. ─── 该文通过具体例子说明了有介质时的高斯定理的积分形式是在一定条件下的宏观表达式,它不能解释微观现象.

74、It is composed of many agricultural subsystems correlating each other to form a multiple arrangements complex macrocosm, i.e. a Human machine environment system (HMES). ─── 为此,试图运用人-机-环境系统工程的原理,应用复杂大系统的方法,从宏观、中观、微观等不同的层次和角度,对农业机械化工程的规划与优化进行新的理论研究。

75、Nation sociology can be studied from several different angles of view: the view of structure and process, individual, community and society, conflict and balance, unity and variety, macrocosm and microcosm. ─── 民族社会学的视角主要有结构与过程的视角,个体、体与社会的视角、突与均衡的视角、一性与多样性的视角、观与微观的视角。




这个问题非常有意思,我觉得“天地”可以译为“The heavens and the earth”。

“天地”这个词,应该说的是我们所处的最大范围的空间,在nkjv版的《圣经》里,第一句话就是“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”一般来说,准确的翻译就是“起初,神创造天地。”

只要用“The heavens and the earth”,一般说英语的人就会准确地明白这是“天地”的意思。至于nkjv的权威性以及为什么heaven用复数,这里就不讨论了。

当然,如果这里的“天地”指的是“天地君亲师”的那个“天地”,那就应当译为“The god(or gods)who created the heavens and the earth”。

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