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10-01 投稿


lenten 发音


英:  美:

lenten 中文意思翻译



lenten 短语词组

1、lenten rose ─── [网络] 大斋期玫瑰;圣诞玫瑰;大斋节玫瑰

2、lenten festival ─── 春节

lenten 相似词语短语

1、lenient ─── adj.宽大的;仁慈的;n.(Lenient)人名;(法)勒尼安

2、lensmen ─── n.电影摄影师(lensman的复数)

3、lenites ─── 透镜

4、lengthen ─── vt.使延长;加长;vi.延长;变长

5、slenter ─── 斯伦特

6、lender ─── n.贷方;[金融]出借人;n.(Lender)人名;(德、匈、瑞典)伦德;(法)朗德

7、Lenten ─── adj.(适用于)大斋节的,四旬斋的

8、lenited ─── 透镜

9、pentene ─── n.[有化]戊烯

lenten 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a Lenten face ─── 阴沉的脸

2、Today, it is hard to find a good restaurant that does not offer a Lenten menu during the Lenten Fast in Russia. ─── 而今天,在俄罗斯,几乎所有的好餐馆都会在大斋戒期间提供大斋戒菜单。

3、The Lenten fasting and Charity are intimately connected.Fasting (penance, recollection) helps us in our prayers to God and opens our hearts to those in need. ─── 四旬期的斋戒和爱德有密切的关系,斋戒 (克苦、收歛心神) 既能帮助我们祈祷敬主,更能解放我们的心胸去关怀有需要的人。

4、Lenten fare ─── 斋, 素菜

5、The genus Helleborus includes plants that are commonly called “Christmas rose” and “Lenten rose”. ─── 铁筷子属包括一般被称为“黑儿波”和“四旬期玫瑰”的植物。

6、Porket inedible word, I make a point to you Lenten! ─── 乳猪不能吃的话,我给您做点素菜吧!”

7、``We forgive and we ask for forgiveness,'' the Pope, wearing the purple vestments of Lenten mourning, said in the homily at a moving and unprecedented ceremony in St Peter's Basilica. ─── “我们宽恕,我们乞求宽恕,”教皇身着斋戒的紫袍,在圣彼德教堂举行的史无前例的感人典礼上布道说。

8、The genus Helleborus includes plants that are commonly called " Christmas rose" and "Lenten rose" . ─── 铁筷子属类植物包括平常所说的“圣诞玫瑰”以及“四旬玫瑰”。

9、Please consider making a Lenten donation.May God bless you abundantly for your generosity! ─── 恳请大家慷慨作出这个封斋期奉献. 愿主赐予鸿福.

10、Therefore, let us avoid any thought that ashes and Lenten disciplines are sure formulas for spiritual maturation. ─── 因此,让我们避免任何想法认为炉灰和大斋节是一个属灵成熟的方程式。

11、” With these wishes, while assuring every believer and ecclesial community of my prayer for a fruitful Lenten journey, I cordially impart to all of you my Apostolic Blessing. ─── 我恳切为每一位信友和教会团体祈祷,愿大家的四旬期之旅成果丰硕,并在此诚挚地颁赐给大家宗座降福。

12、He had, as Thomas said, rat her overdone the Lenten privations, and they had gone to his head like strong wine. ─── 正如托马斯所说的那样,他执行四旬斋戒过于严格了。他就像喝了烈性酒一样。

13、One good way to pray is to take the Lenten Sunday Gospel and use it as a basis for prayer throughout the week.The word of God becomes formative in our lives. ─── 其中一种好的祈祷方法就是以四旬期的主日福音作为整个星期的祈祷基础,而天主的话语便可融入我们的生活。

14、a Lenten pie ─── 无肉斋饼

15、The Lenten rose is not really a rose at all, but it's flower shape reminds us of a single petaled rose with a tuft of dense short stamens in the center. ─── 四旬期玫瑰不是真正的玫瑰,但是花的形状让我们认为这是一个有花瓣的玫瑰,短雄蕊在中心处形成一小撮。

16、In the Lenten period, the Church makes it her duty to propose some specific tasks that accompany the faithful concretely in this process of interior renewal: these are prayer, fasting and almsgiving. ─── 在四旬期,教会会提出一些特定的任务:就是祈祷、守斋、施与,好具体陪伴教友度过这个内在更新的过程。

17、Every have our home suddenly recently towel gourd, my Mom says other have agriculture chemical, like eating this only so Lenten. ─── 最近我们家每顿都吃丝瓜,我妈说其他的都有农药,所以只吃这一样素菜。

18、The true Lenten fast is a fast from sin and selfishness and this finds expression in a fast from food and drink. ─── 四旬期的真正禁食是禁止自己接触罪和自私,而此行为反映在禁食上。

19、It was the last opportunity to use eggs and fats before embarking on the Lenten fast and pancakes are the perfect way of using up these ingredients. ─── 在英国习惯称为“煎饼星期二”(Pancake Tuesday),人们在这一天要将斋戒节期间禁止食用的肉、油用完。

20、Lenten meals. ─── 斋期膳食

21、Another important aspect of Lenten Season is silence, a time to enter deeply into ourselves. ─── 四旬期的另一个重要地方便是静默。

22、My dear friends, during the Lenten season, are you willing to spend some time to meditate and pray? ─── 各位亲爱的朋友们,在这四旬期当中,你是否有空坐下来找点时间静修呢?

23、The Lenten practice of almsgiving thus becomes a means to deepen our Christian vocation. ─── 四旬期“施予”的举动,也就成为加深基督徒使命的工具。

24、3.No hare, sir; unless a hare, sir, in a lenten pie, that is something stale and hoar ere it be spent. ─── 不是什么野兔子;要说是兔子的话,也不过是斋节里做的兔肉饼,没有吃完就发了霉。

25、Through God's grace, the Lenten disciplines can bring about growth in Christ-likeness. ─── 通过神的恩典,大斋节的操练能带来基督形象的成长。

26、Please consider making a Lenten donation. May God bless you abundantly for your generosity! ─── 恳请大家慷慨作出这个封斋期奉献。愿主赐予鸿福。

27、Before long another Lenten season will be upon us. ─── 再过不久四旬期就会来到。

28、Every have our home suddenly recently towel gourd, my Mom says other have agriculture chemical, like eating this only so Lenten . ─── 最近我们家每顿都吃丝瓜,我妈说其他的都有农药,所以只吃这一样素菜。

29、Please use these materials to shape and deepen your Lenten journey this year. ─── 请使用这些材料,他们能朔造及深化您今年的大斋节的心灵旅程。

30、Lenten observances. ─── 大斋节的风俗习惯

31、Religious leaders opposed this Lenten ritual near Manila, but it has become one of the Philippine's top seasonal attractions. ─── 虽然宗教领袖反对这一马尼拉地区斋戒仪式,但是这已成为菲律宾人的头等大事。

32、As the Lenten liturgy frequently repeats, God offers to us sinners the possibility of being forgiven. ─── 与穷人分享自己的所有,使我们有机会领受这样的恩赐。

33、3.The Lenten fast dictated that the simnel cake had to keep until Easter. ─── 四旬斋斋戒说这种重油水果蛋糕必须一直保留至复活节。

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