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10-01 投稿


marooning 发音

英:[məˈruːnɪŋ]  美:[məˈruːnɪŋ]

英:  美:

marooning 中文意思翻译




marooning 词性/词形变化,marooning变形

动词现在分词: marooning |动词第三人称单数: maroons |动词过去分词: marooned |动词过去式: marooned |

marooning 相似词语短语

1、harpooning ─── n.(捕鲸的)鱼叉,鱼镖;v.用鱼叉叉,用鱼叉捕获

2、cartoning ─── v.装入纸箱;(使)硬纸板成为纸盒(carton的现在分词)

3、jargoning ─── n.行话,术语;黄锆石

4、gadrooning ─── n.圆模雕刻装饰;卵形或杏仁形刻纹;vt.饰串珠状缘饰于…;饰凹槽装饰于…

5、crooning ─── v.低声歌唱;柔情地唱;对……低声唱;n.低吟,低吟声;轻哼,轻哼声;n.(Croon)(美、荷、瑞、德、比)克龙(人名)

6、pardoning ─── v.赦免(犯法者);原谅;可宽免(pardon的现在分词)

7、mooning ─── n.光屁股;v.闲荡;出神;对……亮光屁股(moon的现在分词)

8、masoning ─── n.泥瓦匠;石工(等于stonemason)共济会会员(等于freemason);vt.用砖瓦砌成

9、margining ─── n.输出边限微调;v.成为…的边;加旁注(margin的ing形式)

marooning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the Mesabi Iron Range,a brutish stretch of maroon hillocks(John McCormick)See Synonyms at brute ─── 梅萨比艾恩山是褐紫红色山脉中艰险的一段(约翰·麦考密克)参见

2、Mainly look at the color, lustre and nature of the leaves, see if the leaves are complete and soft.The leaves of high-quality tea are maroon, bright, complete and soft rather than rotten or hardened. ─── 此外,在判定普洱茶的年份主页,五年以上陈茶在市面上已经不多,凭感官判断并不容易,消费者在购买时应多注意。

3、She was shuffling through the stacks of expensive stockings, sheer colors shining through slick cellophane windows: taupe, navy, a maroon as dark as pig's blood. ─── 她正检视一迭昂贵的丝袜,丝袜细致的色彩映着光滑的玻璃柜台闪闪发亮:灰褐、天蓝、还有像猪血般深暗的红栗。

4、Colorado's Maroon Bells are said to be the most photographed peaks in North America. Maroon Lake mirrors their jewel-like beauty. ─── 科罗拉多州的褐铃峰据说是北美洲被拍摄最多的山峰,而褐湖宛如一面闪亮的明镜,映照出褐铃峰那奇珍异宝般的美景。

5、Holy Bible, Standard Size, Maroon Leather Zipper with Thumb Index, Reference, Gold Edge, Shen Edition (CUNP) (Simplified Script ─── 新旧约全书.标准版(特别版).文理串珠新旧约圣书(委办译本).黑色或啡色硬面白边.上帝版

6、Maroon Shark ─── n. 栗色鲨(鲤科)

7、the Mesabi Iron Range, a brutish stretch of maroon hillocks(bJohn McCormick)See Synonyms at bbrute ─── 梅萨比艾恩山是褐紫红色山脉中艰险的一段(b约翰 麦考密克)参见

8、pyrazolone maroon ─── 吡唑啉酮紫红

9、the Mesabi Iron Range,a brutish stretch of maroon hillocks(bJohn McCormick)See Synonyms at bbrute ─── 梅萨比艾恩山是褐紫红色山脉中艰险的一段(b约翰·麦考密克)参见

10、Maroon Oriole ─── n. 朱鹂

11、perennial twining vine of Old World tropics having trifoliate leaves and racemes of fragrant purple pealike flowers followed by maroon pods of edible seeds; ─── 旧大陆热带多年生缠绕藤蔓植物,有三叶的叶子和紫色豌豆般芳香的总状花序,结褐紫红色的豆荚,种子可以食用;

12、Tufted evergreen perennial herb having spikes of tiny white flowers and glossy green round to heart-shaped leaves that become coppery to maroon or purplish in fall. ─── 多年生常绿簇生草本植物,有白色小花穗,圆形或心形有光泽的绿叶,秋天从古铜色变成褐紫红色或紫色。

13、The moist hungry earth, waiting upturned for the cotton seeds, showed pinkish on the sandy tops of furrows, vermillion and scarlet and maroon where shadows lay along the sides of the trenches. ─── 潮湿的饥饿的土地,正等待着播种棉花种子,而土地的红色在畦顶凸处的是浅红、粉红,在畦沟凹处的是银红、猩红和赭红。

14、Study on Genetic Polymorphism of Erythrocyte and Plasma Esterase in Maroon, White and Yellow Feather Quail ─── 栗羽、白羽和黄羽鹌鹑红细胞和血浆酯酶的遗传多态性研究

15、"Shut your mouth!" bellowed Ron, bypassing red and turning maroon. ─── “闭上你的嘴!”罗恩吼道,脸从红色变成了栗色。

16、the Mesabi Iron Range, a brutish stretch of maroon hillocks(John McCormick)See Synonyms at brute ─── 梅萨比艾恩山是褐紫红色山脉中艰险的一段(约翰 麦考密克)参见

17、Eurasian checkered lily with pendant flowers usually veined and checkered with purple or maroon on a pale ground and shaped like the bells carried by lepers in medieval times; widely grown as an ornamental ─── 欧亚的一种波折百合,花下垂,通常在较淡的底色上有紫色或栗色叶脉状或棋盘格状纹理,作为一种观赏植物被广泛种植

18、Eurasian checkered lily with pendant flowers usually veined and checkered with purple or maroon on a pale ground and shaped like the bells carried by lepers in medieval times; ─── 欧亚的一种波折百合,花下垂,通常在较淡的底色上有紫色或栗色叶脉状或棋盘格状纹理;

19、Sexy lingerie in the shades of black, maroon or burgundy is your idea of fashion heaven, and you wear that intimate bedroom look as often as you can and anywhere you can! ─── 白羊: 炽热的红色很衬白羊座热情似火的个性,用它作为你全套行头的主色调是再好不过了。头发也可以配以红色来提亮。

20、immedial maroon B ─── 直达栗棕

21、 双语使用场景

22、Moreover, her maroon hair and the red ribbon correspond well with the armrest of the chair in terms of the tonality. ─── 粟色的发丝、红色的发带和座椅的扶手在色系的使用上也十分调和。

23、The trim on the cards was all the same in each room. The front room was black and blue trim; the library was the same maroon as the bookcases. ─── 各个房间的装修可能是一样的。前室是黑蓝格调的装修,而书房的则是和书架相同的栗色格调。

24、Overall plume of black, white chest with wide profile, wing with leukoplakia, a deep abdominal Maroon cross striations. ─── 整体体羽黑色,胸具白色宽纹,翼具白斑,腹部具深栗色横纹。

25、For the maroon series, the edges of the object were fluffy and feathery, making a gentle and natural transition from the background to the object in the front. ─── 空中乱飃的雪花撞到脸上,化成冰水,从鼻梁流下来。

26、The moist hungry earth, waiting upturned for the cotton seeds, showed pinkish on the sandy tops of furrows,Vermilion and scarlet and maroon where shadows lay along the sides of the trenches. ─── 森林中被开垦的种植园和绵延数英里的棉花田,对着温暖的太阳微笑而怡然自得。

27、The Genetic Polymorphism of the Erythrocyte and Plasma Esterase in Maroon,White and Yellow Feather Quail ─── 栗羽、白羽和黄羽三种羽色鹌鹑红细胞和血浆酯酶的遗传多态性

28、B thioindigo maroon ─── 硫靛紫红

29、Great evening designer bag in maroon with sequin and bead work giving that perfect look for a perfect evening. ─── [相关分类:腰带及附件,手提包和手袋,皮夹,钱包和卡夹

30、Fruit beautiful, medium to large, to 18 oz., ovoid, skin thin, lacquered maroon purple. ─── 果实美观,大中型,18安士.卵圆体形,皮肤薄,雕漆枣红色紫色.

31、Along with the bouquets and candles was a yellow sign covered in maroon and orange handprints, bearing the words ''Never forgotten. ─── 与花束和蜡烛一起的还有覆盖着栗色和橙色手印的黄色标牌,上面写着“永远不要忘记。”

32、Corolla white outside, deep maroon or orange inside, to 1 cm; ─── 在外面的花冠白色,在里面的深的褐红色或橙,对1厘米;

33、No black or dark maroon color lip stick. ─── 不可涂抹黑色或深褐色的口红。

34、2. Pirates used to maroon people on desert islands. ─── 海盗过去惯常把人们遗弃在荒岛。

35、maroon about the city ─── 在城里闲荡

36、And the and in the difference between gray upper body more, the two threatened Maroon (sometimes not reveal), a short-jaw, yellow spot smaller jets, a yellow head. ─── 与暗绿绣眼鸟及灰腹绣眼鸟的区别在上体灰色较多,两胁栗色(有时不显露),下颚色较淡,黄色的喉斑较小,头顶无黄色。

37、The sheet metal (fenders and hood) are painted black, beautifully applied pin striping (maroon stripes bordered on both sides with a thin gold stripe) add to the paint detail. ─── 张金属(防御物和头巾)被画黑色又美好应用的大头针脱衣(逃亡黑人奴隶斑纹近乎有一条瘦的金色斑纹的两者边)增加到油漆细节。

38、Jo in maroon, with a stiff, gentlemanly linen collar, and a white chrysanthemum or two for her only ornament. ─── 乔,一身暗红,直立的亚麻衣领颇有一番绅士风味儿,而身上唯一的装饰则来自衣裙上那一两朵洁白的小雏菊。

39、Maroon Clownfish ─── n. 红透小丑(雀鲷科)

40、The new hues that are ruling the roost, include shades of lavender, maroon, rose, purple, and plum,' says Jyoti Narula, business head, Bwitch Sexy Lingerie. ─── 实施简便 采用先进的嵌入式代码设计,只需在企业的网站页面上插入一段代码,即可实现搬家公司的全部功能。

41、maroon baking enamel for bike ─── 紫红自行车专用烘干磁漆

42、I can't make up my mind whether to buy this dark checkered suit or this maroon colored one? ─── 我无法下决心究竟是买这套黑色方格衣服还是这套茶色的。

43、Tuberous perennial having a cowl-shaped maroon or violet-black spathe. ─── 一种欧洲的海芋属植物,具有一个帽罩形状的佛焰苞。

44、Jo in maroon, with a stiff, gentlemanly linen collar and a white chrysanthemum or two for her only ornament. ─── 乔一身栗色衣裳,配一件笔挺的男式亚麻布衣领,身上唯一的点缀是两朵白菊花。

46、Maroon your wishes on a desert ─── 放逐了你的期许

47、Maroon lake ─── 紫红色淀

48、They still fancied that if they were to put a blue ribbon in her hair, and do it up high, and to put the blue sash lower on the maroon dress and so on, then all would be well. ─── 她们总是觉得,如果把一条天蓝色的绸带系在向上梳的头发上,并从棕色的连衣裙上披下一条天蓝色的围巾,等等,一切就会显得美观了。

49、maroon sb. on a desert island ─── 把某人放逐到荒岛上

50、Maroon feather strains ─── 栗羽系

51、maroon concrete floor paint ─── 紫红水泥地板漆

52、vine widely distributed in eastern North America producing racemes of purple to maroon flowers and abundant usually subterranean edible peanutlike one-seeded pods. ─── 广泛分布于北美洲的藤蔓植物,有紫色至褐紫红色的总状花序,在地下结类似花生的一个种子的豆荚。

53、everbright fast maroon ─── 甲苯胺紫红

54、Description: Luexiao size (25 centimeters) of the Maroon and gray thrush. ─── 描述: 体型略小(25厘米)的栗色及灰色鸫。

55、This paper studies the color of three ceramic pigments, determines the relationship between the crystal structure and color, discusses crystal structure composing range of lilac pink and maroon ceramic pigments. ─── 研究了三种锡基含铬陶瓷颜料的呈色,确定了载色体矿物组成与颜料呈色性能之间的关系,讨论了紫色、红色、红色颜料的载色体矿物组成范围。

56、How Heisenberg, marooning himself on the bleak isle of Helgoland, saw that there were no orbits, that what happened inside atoms was different from anything that could be pictured by a human brain. ─── 海森堡自我流放到阴冷的赫尔戈兰岛上,如何观察到原子内部并没有轨道,其内部所发生的情况不同于人脑可想象出的任何情况。

57、'I'm Ben Gunn, I am,' replied the maroon, wriggling like an eel in his embarrassment. ─── “是的,我是本 - 刚恩,”这位放逐在荒滩上的水手答道,一面不好意思地像鳗鱼一样扭动着身子。

58、The tram is an open-balcony design at the upper deck with maroon sofas. ─── 古董电车的上层为半开篷式设计,设有枣红色沙发;

59、Maroon toner ─── 紫红调色剂栗红色料

60、She couldn't see the ceilings dusty with flies, the ugly maroon walls, the bottles and sticky spoons. ─── 她看不到落满灰尘和苍蝇的天花板。难看的酱色墙壁,瓶瓶罐罐和黏腻的茶勺。

61、Eurasian checkered lily with pendant flowers usually veined and checkered with purple or maroon on a pale ground and shaped like the bells carried by lepers in medieval times; widely grown as an ornamental. ─── 欧亚的一种波折百合,花下垂,通常在较淡的底色上有紫色或栗色叶脉状或棋盘格状纹理;作为一种观赏植物被广泛种植。


63、maroon to purple-brown orchid with yellow lip; Europe,North America and Japan ─── 一种兰花,花色从栗色到紫褐色,有黄色的唇瓣;产自欧洲、北美和日本

64、"Severity" is divided into three categories as represented by bar charts: fatal (maroon), serious (blue) and mild (sand). ─── 严重程度分为三级,用长条图表示:致命(褐紫红色)、严重(蓝色)及轻微(浅棕色)。

65、“No, really, ma bonne amie, that dress isn't pretty,” said Liza, looking sideways at Princess Marya from a distance;“tell her to put on you your maroon velvet there.Yes, really! ─── “我的朋友,说实话,不行,这件连衣裙不美观,”丽莎说道,她从侧面远远地望着公爵小姐,“你那里有一件紫红色的连衣裙,吩咐人拿来!

66、The Maroon Heritage of Moore Town ─── 摩尔镇的马隆人传统

67、I love the color in this one. The maroon and browns of the shirts with the yellow daffodils. The helicopter becomes a misplaced contraption within the natural environment. ─── 我喜欢这幅的颜色。栗色和褐色的T恤夹杂着黄色的水仙花。没有自然环境的映衬下,直升飞机将成为一个摆错地方的道具。

68、An inhabitant of the rapidly diminishing lowland forest regions, the rare Maroon Oriole is one bird species that requires protection. 2. ─── 图1:住在低海拔阔叶林中的朱鹂,因为栖息地迅速减少,目前是需要保护的稀有鸟类。

69、maroon to purple-brown orchid with yellow lip; Europe, North America and Japan. ─── 一种兰花,花色从栗色到紫褐色,有黄色的唇瓣;产自欧洲、北美和日本。

70、Wei Yu lateral Maroon. ─── 外侧尾羽栗色。

71、Maroon leaf monkey ─── n. 栗红叶缑

72、"They are thugs, but I am not afraid," he adds, fingering his second-hand Bible in a maroon zippered binding. ─── “他们是恶棍,但我并不畏惧”,他用手指抚摸着那本紫线装订的二手圣经,补充道。

73、"the Mesabi Iron Range, a brutish stretch of maroon hillocks" (John McCormick) ─── “梅萨比艾恩山是褐紫红色山脉中艰险的一段”(约翰·麦考密克)。

74、Keywords maroon cashmere;decoloring technology;loss of fiber strength;dyeing technology; ─── 紫羊绒;脱色工艺;染色工艺;

75、They may be entirely green, green with maroon splotches, or green on the upper side and red-purple beneath. ─── 他们可能完全不绿,绿褐色枣红色或绿色版图上方,红色和紫色下方.

76、vine widely distributed in eastern North America producing racemes of purple to maroon flowers and abundant usually subterranean edible peanutlike one-seeded pods ─── 广泛分布于北美洲的藤蔓植物,有紫色至褐紫红色的总状花序,在地下结类似花生的一个种子的豆荚

77、With rich maroon gowns flowing and the traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt. ─── 父亲们在灿烂的笑容后面正猛力抽嚥;

78、oon} .at_11{BORDER-RIGHT: maroon 1pt solid; BORDER-TOP: #ece9... ─── 上海华荟机械设备有限公司>>类别:封口机械上海市2008-12-2909:29

79、The TVA engineers who brought hydroelectric power to the South also regulated dam flow to maroon mosquito larvae and installed acres of screen in windows and doors. ─── TVA工程师将水力发电厂带到美国南方,还调整了水坝的流量,让蚊子的幼虫无以为生,并且装置了无数的纱门与纱窗。

80、The rutabaga is shiny black on the outside, maroon inside and is tender, crisp and ragrant. ─── 于1911年巴拿马国际博览会上获奖。

81、The 1995 (as served from a magnum bottle) was showing dark maroon color but still with little shininess. ─── 1995年的酒(这是双瓶装)呈深棕红色泽,光泽仍在。

82、maroon base rubber ─── [医] 褐红色基板橡皮

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