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molluscous 发音


英:  美:

molluscous 中文意思翻译



molluscous 短语词组

1、molluscous corpuscles ─── [医] 软疣小体

molluscous 相似词语短语

1、molluscum ─── n.软疣

2、molluscan ─── adj.软体动物(门)的;n.软体动物

3、molluscoid ─── adj.拟软体动物的;软体动物似的

4、mollitious ─── 软的

5、collusions ─── n.勾结;共谋

6、mollusc ─── n.软体动物

7、molluscs ─── n.软体动物(mollusc的复数)

8、couscous ─── n.蒸粗麦粉

9、mollusca ─── n.[无脊椎]软体动物类

molluscous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、cephalopod mollusk of warm seas whose females have delicate papery spiral shells. ─── 温暖海洋中的头足类软体动物,雌性有精致的象纸一样的螺旋状壳。

2、meat of edible aquatic invertebrate with a shell (especially a mollusk or crustacean). ─── 可食用的带壳水生无脊椎动物的肉(尤其是软体动物或甲壳类动物)。

3、marine mollusk characterized by well-developed head and eyes and sucker-bearing tentacles. ─── 有发育良好的头、眼和带吸盘触须的海生软体动物。

4、marine mollusk ─── 海洋贝类

5、The siphon of a bivalve mollusk,such as a clam. ─── 双壳软体动物的吸管,如蛤。

6、South Australia's specialty known as "the first of eight seafood", abalone, fish, fine-sounding name, is for single-hull shell, is a marine mollusk. ─── 南澳特产的被誉为"海味八珍之首"的鲍鱼,名曰鱼,实为单壳贝类,属海洋软体动物。

7、cephalopod mollusk of warm seas whose females have delicate papery spiral shells ─── 温暖海洋中的头足类软体动物,雌性有精致的象纸一样的螺旋状壳

8、largest mollusk known about but never seen (to 60 feet long) ─── 最大的软体动物,著名但从来没有人见过(可达60英尺长)

9、There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. ─── |有一个软体动物和一个海参.

10、Rickettsia-like organisms infection of marine mollusk ─── 海洋贝类类立克次体的感染

11、marine gastropod mollusk having a very small thin shell. ─── 海生腹足软体动物,有一层非常薄的壳。

12、primitive elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusk having a mantle covered with eight calcareous plates. ─── 原始的细长身体且两边对称的海生软体动物,有上覆八个钙质骨盘的覆盖物。

13、A marine bivalve mollusk of the family Pholadidae, having a long shell with which it bores into wood, rock, and clay, often causing destruction of wharf pilings. ─── 海笋,穿石贝海笋科中的一种海类甲壳软体动物,有长的甲壳,可以借之伸入到木头、岩石和泥土中,常引起对码头堆放物的破坏

14、Most nudibranchs lack a shell, mantle cavity (see mollusk), and gills, and breathe through the body surface. ─── 大多数裸鳃类无壳、外套腔(参阅mollusk)和鳃,以身体表面呼吸。

15、a protein substance that is the organic basis of mollusk shells ─── 作为软体动物贝壳有机基质的蛋白质

16、Bullacta exarata, a kind of shell mollusk, lives on inshore tidal land as a cooking material popular in coastal region in China. ─── 摘要泥螺是生长在我国沿海滩涂的一种软体贝类动物,是沿海特有的烹饪原料。

17、widely distributed fast-moving ten-armed cephalopod mollusk having a long tapered body with triangular tail fins. ─── 广泛分布的十肢头足类动物,游动迅速,身体长而尖,有三角形尾鳍。

18、The species distribution in Lushan nature reserve was described and the fauna of terrestrial mollusk was compared with other areas. ─── 对庐山自然保护区陆生贝类的分布与区系进行了分析,并和其它地区陆生贝类的物种多样性作了比较。

19、inch-long mollusk imported accidentally from Europe; clogs utility inlet pipes and feeds on edible freshwater mussels. ─── 一英寸长的软体动物,偶然从欧洲引入;阻塞公共的管道入口,吃淡水贻贝。

20、So the sea mollusk says to the cucumber. ─── 于是软体动物对海参说。

21、I swear I have never seen such a mollusk with thorns all over its body. ─── 我敢发誓我从来没有见过这种全身长满棘刺的软体动物。

22、molluscous corpuscles ─── [医] 软疣小体


24、The oyster, mussel, clam and cockle, scallop, abalone pathogenic parasitic species and endoparasitic protozoan taxonomic affiliation were listed in the paper to provide basic data for mollusk disease research in Chian. ─── 本文比较系统地列举了导致牡蛎、贻贝、蛤类、扇贝、鲍鱼病害的寄生虫种类及体内寄生原生动物分类地位 ,为我国贝类病害的研究提供基础资料。

25、Iced mollusk ─── 冻贝肉

26、mariculture mollusk ─── 养殖贝类

27、Conserving mollusk's germ plasm resources is a reliably guarantee of sustainable development of aquiculture. ─── 保护贝类种质资源,是使我国贝类养殖业健康持续发展的可靠保障。

28、largest mollusk known about but never seen (to 60 feet long). ─── 最大的软体动物,著名但从来没有人见过(可达60英尺长)。

29、There's a mollusk, see? ─── And he walks up to a sea--|有一个软体动物, 知道吗?

30、The mantle of a mollusk, brachiopod, or bird. ─── 外套膜软体动物、腕足类动物或鸟的套膜

31、the coiled,flat,chambered fossil shell of an extinct mollusk belonging to the class Cephalopoda,which was abundant in the Cretaceous period ─── 已灭绝软体动物的螺旋形、扁平的化石外壳,属头足纲动物,大量存在于中生代

32、There are two types of mollusk that are actively venomous. ─── 有两种随时释放毒素的软体动物。

33、marine bivalve mollusk having a dark elongated shell; ─── 有深色加长壳的海生双科类软体动物;

34、A new vaccine developed at Memorial Sloan-Kettering binds a protein from a mollusk called a limpet to seven different types of sugars and a protein fragment found only on cancer cells. ─── 一种新型疫苗在斯

35、inch-long mollusk imported accidentally from Europe; clogs utility inlet pipes and feeds on edible freshwater mussels ─── 一英寸长的软体动物,偶然从欧洲引入;阻塞公共的管道入口,吃淡水贻贝

36、Having a shell consisting of a single valve or piece.Used of a mollusk. ─── 单壳的具有由单个瓣膜或部分组成的壳的。

37、The mollusk fair contract of fresh water melts to breed with the active research of egg white ─── 淡水软体动物集约化养殖与活性蛋白研究

38、Falini G,Albeck S,Weiner S,et al.Control of aragonite polymorphism by mollusk shell macromolecules[J].Science,1996,271:6769. ─── 吴一民,陈建庭,孙炜,等.珍珠层人工骨促进成骨细胞的体外成骨能力[J].中国矫形外科杂志,2003,11:217219.

39、A mollusk, such as an oyster or a clam, that has a shell consisting of two hinged valves. ─── 双壳类一种软体动物,如牡蛎或蛤,有由两个开合的瓣组成贝壳的动物

40、In order to crush up the conspiracy of the mollusk, Hanbagui, together with the universe police Guanxiaoyu, fight fiercely against the enemy. ─── 为了找到传说中威力无穷的宝石“魔王之卵”试图征服整个宇宙,宇宙星际A级罪犯软骨虫也来到地球;

41、marine bivalve mollusk having a dark elongated shell; live attached to solid objects esp. in intertidal zones ─── 有深色加长壳的海生双科类软体动物;附着在固体特别是潮间带的固体上生活

42、Based on the study of bio-accumulation of heavy metals in water environment, the paper summarizes the accumulation rule and research status of heavy metals in aquatic organisms (including fish, mollusk and shellfish). ─── 摘要本文综述了水环境中重金属在水生生物体内(包括鱼类的鳃、软体动物及贝类的肾、肝和肌肉等组织器官)蓄积研究现状及蓄积规律。

43、Bullacta exarata,a kind of shell mollusk,lives on inshore tidal land as a cooking material popular in coastal region in China. ─── 泥螺是生长在我国沿海滩涂的一种软体贝类动物,是沿海特有的烹饪原料。

44、Later I went to the hospital to see him, he was cream-faced, lying on the sickbed flabbily like a mollusk amoeba, and actually he was vivid before. ─── 后来我去医院看他,他脸色苍白,原本生龙活虎的小伙子像软体动物变形虫一样毫无生气的贴在病床上。

45、Cephalopod belongs to an important economic mollusk and also plays an important role in the marine ecological system. ─── 摘要头足类不仅是重要的经济软体动物,同时在海洋生态系中扮演着重要的角色。

46、marine bivalve mollusk having a dark elongated shell; live attached to solid objects esp. in intertidal zones. ─── 有深色加长壳的海生双科类软体动物;附着在固体特别是潮间带的固体上生活。

47、Mmm.There`s a mollusk,see? And and he walks up to a sea. ─── 嗯,有一个软体动物,知道吗?他走向大海.

48、common edible European bivalve mollusk having a rounded shell with radiating ribs. ─── 普通的可食用欧洲产双壳类软体动物,圆壳并有辐射状肋骨。

49、Having a shell consisting of a single valve or piece. Used of a mollusk. ─── 单壳的具有由单个瓣膜或部分组成的壳的。用于软体动物。

50、The laminated microstructure of nacre and unique growing trace on the shell of mollusk contribute to the anisotropic modulus of elasticity. ─── 弹性模量的各向异性主要来自于珍珠层微观组织结构和贝壳生长纹结构的特点。

51、There was this mollusk and he walks up to a sea cucumber. ─── 有一个软体动物,他走着去找一个海参.

52、Rickettsia-like organism infections can lead to severe diseases and sometimes large death, which has become a restrictive factor in the development of marine mollusk industry in the world. ─── 摘要类立克次体的感染可以引起海洋贝类病害的发生,并且有时会导致贝类的大规模死亡,成为在世界范围内影响海洋贝类养殖业发展的重要制约因素。

53、The quantitative samples included 4 sorts of Macrobenthos, and mollusk was in the highest flight. ─── 定量样品中的生物可以分为4大类,软体动物占主要地位,占总生物量的68.89%。

54、Many people in this part of the world eat the mollusk by boiling it and if a melo pearl were present this would cause undesirable surface blemishes on the pearl. ─── 因为这个地区的很多人煮食其贝肉,造成发现美乐珠的时候珠体表面已经有乐另人不快的瑕疵。

55、A univalve mollusk or shell. ─── 单壳软体动物或壳

56、An animal, such as an insect or a mollusk, that lacks a backbone or spinal column ─── 无脊椎动物缺少脊骨或脊柱的动物,例如昆虫或软体动物

57、macrobenthic mollusk ─── 底栖软体动物

58、primitive elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusk having a mantle covered with eight calcareous plates ─── 原始的细长身体且两边对称的海生软体动物,有上覆八个钙质骨盘的覆盖物

59、meat of edible aquatic invertebrate with a shell,especially a mollusk or crustacean ─── 可食用的带壳水生无脊椎动物的肉,尤其是软体动物或甲壳类动物

60、Any aquatic mollusk, crustacean, or echinoderm that has a shell. ─── 有壳的水生软体动物、甲壳动物或棘皮动物的统称。

61、Keywords Shenzhen;heavy metal;contamination;mollusk;intertidal zone; ─── 深圳市;重金属;污染;软体动物;潮间带;

62、But actually,the mollusk isn`t moving. ─── 但事实上,这个软体动物是不能动窝的.

63、Also called a straight ammonite, Bacculite is an ammonite mollusk with a straight, not spiraled, shell. ─── 桌面组图:海怪来啦,赶紧收衣服啊。。。

64、marine gastropod mollusk having a very small thin shell ─── 海生腹足软体动物,有一层非常薄的壳

65、The siphon of a bivalve mollusk, such as a clam. ─── 吸管双壳软体动物的吸管,如蛤

66、5. A thin scale, plate, or layer of bone or tissue, as in the gills of a bivalve mollusk or around the minute vascular canals in bone. ─── 我们漫步在繁忙的街道上,两旁服侍店与卖“波格拉瓦”的小摊位林立,“波格拉瓦”是一种薄片状、在圆形浅盘上做的酥皮点心。收藏指正

67、common edible European bivalve mollusk having a rounded shell with radiating ribs ─── 普通的可食用欧洲产双壳类软体动物,圆壳并有辐射状肋骨

68、freshwater or marine or terrestrial gastropod mollusk usually having an external enclosing spiral shell. ─── 淡水、海水或陆栖的腹足纲软体动物,通常有外部包裹的螺旋壳。

69、The necessity, emphasis and difficulty for the research on the rickettsia-like organism of the marine mollusk were discussed, and the trend of the development on the research is given. ─── 文章提出对海洋贝类类立克次体进行研究的必要性,分析了研究的重点及难点,展望了此研究领域的发展趋势。

70、marine bivalve mollusk having a heavy toothed shell with a deep boat-like inner surface. ─── 海生双科类软体动物,壳重而带齿,壳内表面深且象船。

71、a comblike structure,such as the respiratory apparatus of a mollusk or a row of spines in some insects ─── 栉鳃,栉齿,一种梳子状的结构,如软体动物的呼吸器官或者某些昆虫的一排刺

72、Two important pearl-culturing mollusk shells, which include Pinctada martensii(Dunker) and Hyriopsis cuningii(Lea), have been studied by laser micro-Raman spectrometry. ─── 本文采用显微激光拉曼光谱对马氏珍珠贝和三角帆蚌贝壳进行了研究。

73、They belong to that species of molluscous perforatorswhich excavate holes in the hardest stone; their shell is rounded at bothends, a feature which is not remarked in the common mussel. ─── 它们属于穿孔类软体动物,能在最坚硬的岩石中挖洞;它们的外壳两端浑圆,这是一般贻贝所没有的特征。

74、They belong to that species of molluscous perforatorswhich excavate holes in the hardest stone; ─── 它们属于穿孔类软体动物,能在最坚硬的岩石中挖洞;

75、Keywords Dongguan port;Iced mollusk;Entorotoxicgenic E.coli O6; ─── 东莞口岸;冻贝肉;肠产毒性大肠埃希菌O6;

76、A comblike structure, such as the respiratory apparatus of a mollusk or a row of spines in some insects. ─── 栉鳃,栉齿一种梳子状的结构,如软体动物的呼吸器官或者某些昆虫的一排刺

77、Keywords trace element;water pollution;Corbicula fluminea;mollusk shell;Nanming River.; ─── 微量元素;水污染;河蚬;软体动物壳体;南明河;

78、The shell coloration of marine mollusk is a useful genetically-based phenotypic trait, which plays an important role in breeding and production of marine shellfish. ─── 摘要海产贝类的贝壳颜色是一个对生产、育种有重要意义的可遗传性状。

79、A cephalopod mollusk, such as a squid or cuttlefish, having ten armlike tentacles. ─── 十腕亚目动物如鱿鱼,乌贼,有十只象胳膊一样的触角

80、A marine bivalve mollusk of the family Pholadidae,having a long shell with which it bores into wood,rock,and clay,often causing destruction of wharf pilings. ─── 海笋,穿石贝海笋科中的一种海类甲壳软体动物,有长的甲壳,可以借之伸入到木头、岩石和泥土中,常引起对码头堆放物的破坏。

81、Investigation on the ecological environment of mollusk hosts and the infection for Angiostrongylus cantonensis ─── 广州管圆线虫的软体动物宿主生态环境及其感染调查

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