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10-03 投稿


martyrize 发音


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martyrize 中文意思翻译



martyrize 词性/词形变化,martyrize变形

动词第三人称单数: martyrizes |动词现在分词: martyrizing |名词: martyrization |动词过去分词: martyrized |动词过去式: martyrized |

martyrize 相似词语短语

1、martyrise ─── 殉难

2、martyries ─── n.烈士纪念堂;忠烈祠

3、martyrised ─── 烈士

4、martyring ─── n.烈士,殉道者;乞怜者;因疾病或困难长期受折磨者;假圣人;v.殉难;折磨;杀害;n.(Martyr)马特(人名)

5、marmarize ─── 马尔马里兹

6、martyrish ─── 军事的

7、martyrises ─── 殉道者

8、martyrizes ─── 殉难

9、martyrized ─── 殉难

martyrize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is a martyr to his rheumatism. ─── 他长期受风湿病折磨。

2、Alice has been a martyr to her husband's appalling temper for the past ten years. ─── 十年来,爱丽丝一直受着丈夫那骇人听闻听的坏脾气的折磨。

3、A "martyr's cemetery" in China's southern Yunnan province. ─── 中国南方云南省的一座“烈士墓”。

4、Baptism was always in the Name of the LORD JESUS until the time of Justin Martyr when Triune Formula was used. ─── 受洗一向都是奉主耶稣的名,直到殉道士犹斯丁的时候,三位一体的受洗方式才被采用。

5、She's a martyr to her nerves. ─── 她长期忍受神经紧张之苦。

6、He arrived in Yenan in the spring of last year, went to work in the Wutai Mountains, and to our great sorrow died a martyr at his post. ─── 去年春上到延安,后来到五台山工作,不幸以身殉职。

7、Southern Branch mainlyji nian ting martyrs, martyrs Memorial Bridge construction, in the symmetricmu qu things buried in the more than 200 revolutionary martyr. ─── 南院主要有烈士纪念亭、烈士纪念桥等建筑,在对称的东西墓区里安葬着200多名革命烈士。

8、The main attractions areji nian ting revolutionary martyr and a national museum of rural party branches. ─── 主要景点有革命烈士纪念亭和全国第一个农村党支部纪念馆。

9、He fell into the enemy hands and died a martyr at the age of 26. ─── 他落入敌人手中,壮烈牺牲,那时才26岁。

10、He always act the martyr when he have to do the housework. ─── 他一做家务事就装成舍生取义的样子。

11、Don't make such a martyr of yourself! ─── 你不必为博得赞赏而自我牺牲!

12、She's a martyr to rheumatism. ─── 她长期受风湿病的折磨。

13、He was posthumously accepted as a martyr. ─── 他被追认为烈士。

14、Mr Hussein's death will not, of course, make him a martyr. ─── 侯赛因的死当然不可能让他成为一名烈士。

15、She died a martyr in the cause of progress, ie died trying to achieve progress. ─── 她为进步事业而牺牲.

16、One is that the sentence makes Mr Irving look a martyr. ─── 其一是这次判决会让欧文先生像个烈士。

17、She is a martyr to continuous headaches. ─── 她是一个不断受到头痛折磨的人。

18、She died a martyr for liberty. ─── 她为自由而捐躯。

19、If he dies, he will become a martyr. ─── 如果他死了, 他将成为烈士。

20、It is not fun to be a martyr, but it can be joyful because we know what the final result will be. ─── 做个殉道者不好玩,但因为我们知道最后的结果还是会在心里喜乐。

21、Some new city sculpture works emerged. among them are the Geleshan Revolutionary Martyr Monument, the Soong Chingling Statue, the Sun Yat-sen Statue, the Zhou Enlai Statue, Wasteland Cultivating Bull and Fables. ─── 又出现了歌乐山烈士纪念碑、宋庆龄像、孙中山像,周恩来像,开荒牛、寓言组雕等一批优秀的城雕作品,

22、Actually the celebration of Valentines Day as a day celebrating love seems to have little connection with the Saint who died a martyr's death on February 14, AD 270. ─── 事实上情人节庆典作为爱的庆祝日看来几乎和死于公元270年2月14日的圣人没什么关系。

23、The other type is simply a martyr, bemoaning his fate. ─── 另一个类别的便是简单地殉教者一名,为他的命运痛哭。

24、Don't play the martyr or look for sympathy at the expense of your husband. ─── 不要扮演殉道者的角色,以牺牲丈夫威望做代价来寻求人们对自己的同情。

25、He died a martyr to the cause of the revolution. ─── 他为革命事业牺牲了。

26、He arrived in Yanan in the spring of last year, went to work in the Wutai Mountains, and to our great sorrow died a martyr at his post. ─── 一个外国人,毫无利己的动机,把中国人民的解放事业当作自己的事业,这是什么精神?

27、She said no more, but, turning to her room as meekly as a martyr. ─── 她没有说别的话,只象一个殉教者那样老老实实地回到了自己的房间。

28、He became a martyr to French-Canadians. ─── 他成为说法语的加拿大人的死难者。

29、Be being done too early is martyr, the time that make is right it is precursory. ─── 做得太早就是先烈,做的时间合适就是先驱。

30、Enough! Will you stop being such a martyr? ─── 够了,说的好像你壮烈牺牲了一样!

31、A member disputed the martyr's palm with me, and, on a division defeated me by two votes, to my secret relief. ─── 一位成员和我争着去当光荣的殉道者,表决的时候,他以两票得胜,我暗自庆幸。

32、Be caring, but don‘t be a martyr. ─── 但要小心谨慎,不要成为牺牲者。

33、It is better to be a martyr than a confessor. ─── 与其做忏悔,不如做殉道者。

34、World Union of Martyr Cities - Cities of Peace ─── 世界蒙难城市-和平城市联盟

35、Mainly, history cultural history site and scenic sport has:"wangxian slope","revolution martyr monument","zhenning fort","visit fish at longtang","yinsheng plant garden" and so on. ─── 主要的文物古迹和景点有:“望仙坡”,“革命烈士纪念碑”,“镇宁炮台”,“龙塘观鱼”,“荫生植物园”等。

36、Nothing is very easy in this world. However, it is not worth being a martyr when there are no adverse circumstances. ─── 世间没有一样容易的事。没有逆境的事,不值得我们作为人生的灯塔。

37、To make a martyr of, especially to put to death for devotion to religious beliefs. ─── 处死(坚持信仰者),使殉难折磨某人,尤其是对为宗教献身的人给极刑

38、He would willingly have been a martyr in the cause, had the cause admitted of martyrdom . ─── 如果这一事业允许殉难的话,他会欣然为这一事业献生的。

39、He was a martyr for his faith. ─── 他为自己的信仰而殉难。

40、Hamas will now galvanise support using the most powerful symbol possible, a martyr whose face was already a national totem. ─── 一些仔细观察激进穆斯林的人士称,哈马斯将利用他们最强有力的民族烈士的死唤起更大的支持。

41、He died a martyr to the revolution at the age of 26. ─── 在26岁时他为革命壮烈牺牲了。

42、They took revenge for the martyr's death on the enemy. ─── 他们为死难的烈士向敌人报仇。

43、They discovered a diary left be hind by the martyr. ─── 他们发现了这位烈士遗留下来的一本日记。

44、You can lie to yourself but this way you will not convince them that you are a martyr who has been suffering because of their cruelty. ─── 你可以这样骗你自己,而是你不会说服他们,你是一位烈士的痛苦,因为他们一直残酷。

45、A group of Young Pioneers planted many pines around the martyr's monument. ─── 一群少先队员在烈士纪念碑周围栽了许多松树。

46、Christian martyr often depicted as a giant who converted to Christianity and thereafter devoted himself to carrying travelers across a river.His feast, July25, was dropped from the Catholic liturgical calendar in1969. ─── 圣 克里斯托夫基督殉道者,被描述为归依基督教的巨人,致力于将游人背过河去。他的节日为七月二十五日,从1969年天主教礼拜仪式日历起中断

47、In the north of the road there is “Martyr Liuying's commemorating booth”. ─── 墓道北侧建有“刘英烈士纪念亭”。

48、English: It is better to be a martyr than a confessor. ─── 中文:与其作忏悔者,不如作殉道者。

49、He died a martyr in the cause of science. ─── 他为科学而牺牲。

50、In recognition of his achievements.Endorsing his party and the government as a revolutionary martyr, and his ashes buried in the cemetery of martyrs Jidong. ─── 为了表彰他的功绩.党和政府追认他为革命烈士,并把他的骨灰安葬在冀东烈士陵园。

51、A fridge filled with everything from steak to frozen fish suggests the" martyr mum". ─── 一个装满了从牛排到冰冻鱼在内的所有食品的冰箱暗示其主人是一位“自我牺牲的妈妈”。

52、She's a real martyr, thanks to you, Coach. ─── 她是个真正的烈士,感谢你,教练。

53、He was a hero when he lived and a martyr when he died. ─── 他生前是英雄,死后为烈士。

54、a martyr to the cause of freedom ─── 为了自由事业而献身的烈士

55、Christian martyr often depicted as a giant who converted to Christianity and thereafter devoted himself to carrying travelers across a river. His feast,July25,was dropped from the Catholic liturgical calendar in 1969. ─── 圣·克里斯托夫基督殉道者,被描述为归依基督教的巨人,致力于将游人背过河去。他的节日为七月二十五日,从1969年天主教礼拜仪式日历起中断

56、"You have eternity in which to explain and only one night to be a martyr in the amphitheater . ─── "你有的是无穷无尽的时间去解释,可只有一个晚上能在这竞技场上当牺牲品。

57、What a martyr she was! Dirty and deaf and bent and coughing all the time, nothing but a burden to herself. ─── 她受了多少活罪!又脏,又聋,又驼背,又是不停地咳嗽,她只是自己的一个累赘。

58、Christian martyr; patron saint of England; hero of the legend of Saint George and the Dragon in which he slew a dragon and saved a princess (?-303). ─── 基督教殉教士;英格兰的保护圣徒;在圣徒乔治和龙中他是屠龙救公主的英雄(?-303)。

59、She' s a martyr to rheumatism. ─── 她长期受风湿病的折磨.

60、To our great sorrow, she died a martyr at her post. ─── 令我们深感悲痛的是,她以身殉职了。

61、He knew the martyr of love and love of the martyr, and what's the scarcest is his willingness to take up the responsibility, to minimize hurt. ─── 其中一位木偶专家介绍,很多时候一整天的工作,就只能完成银幕上一两秒钟的镜头。

62、She's a martyr to rheumatism . ─── 天一冷,我的风湿病就犯了.

63、She didn't liveing in the pain memory ,but she at the son's had sat rocking chair be in a daze unconsciously.she had experienced crucifixion,so she was know martyr frame of mind. ─── 她不想让自己生活在充满痛苦的回忆中,却时时不知不觉地在儿子坐过的摇椅上发呆。

65、The martyr laid down his life for the country. ─── 先烈为国捐躯。

66、And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that slew him. ─── 20并且你的见证人司提反,被害流血的时候,我也站在旁边欢喜。又看守害死他之人的衣裳。

67、In one of the experiments Semmelweis contracted the blood-poisoning he was seeking to eliminate and died: a martyr' to truth, a prophet of progress who gave his life in a great cause. ─── 在一次实验中,塞麦乐韦斯患了他正在致力根除的血液中毒症逝世了:他是一位为真理而献身的人,一位献身于伟大事业,坚持进步的先驱。

68、You shall not make a martyr of yourself for my sake. ─── 你不要为我牺牲自己的利益。

69、You are a martyr and a lamb of god! ─── 你就会成为上帝的忠诚信徒!

70、Her face is now appearing on placards, in Iran and around the world, and many of the protesters are calling her a martyr. ─── 她的头像已经出现在伊朗以及全世界的布告栏中,许多抗议者称她为勇士。

71、He makes a martyr of himself. ─── 他牺牲自己取信于人。

72、He is a martyr to rheumatism. ─── 他长期深受风湿病之苦。

73、He lived a saint, and died a martyr. ─── 他生为圣人,死为烈士。

74、He was a martyr to gout . ─── 他受尽痛风之折磨。

75、a martyr to continuous headaches ─── 受持续头痛折磨者

76、She is a martyr to rheumatism. ─── 她长斯受着风湿病的折磨。

77、"The martyr has gone, but he is still immortal in our hearts," Abdul Qadir said."Baghdad flourished during his days, not like now. ─── 一位伊拉克人说:“萨达姆虽然走了,但是他的形象永远留在我们的心中。”

78、He is a martyr of his country. ─── 他为国捐躯。

79、Hamas will increase its standing within global Islamism, too, now that it has its own bona fide martyr, say these same experts: witness the street demonstrations for Yassin across the Muslim world. ─── 哈马斯也将更多的与国际伊斯兰主义站在一起,因为现在他们也有了忠诚的烈士。看看整个穆斯林世界为亚辛举行的游行。

80、 双语使用场景

81、Sima holds the view to cherish one's life but not to preserve one's own life aimlessly; Sima admires to die a martyr's death but not to give up one's life carelessly. ─── 司马迁珍视生命,但反对无意义的苟全生命;司马迁赞赏慨然赴死的勇气,但反对随意地放弃生命。

82、After death, he was posthumously awarded the title of martyr by the military command. ─── 军区在他死后把他追记为烈士。

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