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10-03 投稿


mesoblastic 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 中胚层的


mesoblastic 词性/词形变化,mesoblastic变形

形容词: mesoblastic |

mesoblastic 短语词组

1、mesoblastic sensibility ─── [医] 深部感觉

2、mesoblastic organs ─── [医] 中胚层器官

3、lateral mesoblastic plate ─── [医] 中胚层侧板

4、mesoblastic organ ─── 中胚层器官

5、mesoblastic segment ─── [医] 体节

6、mesoblastic nephroma ─── 中胚叶肾瘤, ─── 中胚层肾瘤

mesoblastic 相似词语短语

1、ameloblastic ─── adj.造釉细胞的;成釉细胞的

2、mesoblasts ─── n.[胚]中胚层

3、mesoblast ─── n.[胚]中胚层

4、megaloblastic ─── adj.巨成红细胞的

5、neuroblastic ─── 原始神经母细胞的

6、meroblastic ─── [胚]不全裂的,偏裂卵的

7、myoblastic ─── 成肌细胞

8、leukoblastic ─── 成白细胞

9、myeloblastic ─── adj.[基医]成髓细胞的

mesoblastic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The final diagnosis was Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma . ─── 最终诊断为先天性中胚层肾瘤。

2、Extraembryonic mesoblast ─── 胚外中胚层

3、mesoblastic segment ─── [医] 体节

4、congenital mesoblastic nephroma ─── 先天性中胚层肾瘤

5、The present case report explains echographic features of a Mesoblastic Nephroma diagnosed at the 31 weeks of pregnancy and make a brief discussion. ─── 的这个病例就提供了一例在孕31周诊断的中胚层肾瘤的回声特征并做了简单的讨论。

6、chordo mesoblast ─── 脊诵胚层

7、Herein we present an adult with mesoblastic nephroma, which shows heterogenous echogenesity in abdominal sonography. ─── 我们报告一位成年中胚层肾瘤病例。在超音波下显示非均匀性超音波密度。

8、Mesoblastic nephroma, also known as fetal mesenchymal hamartoma or leiomyomatous hamartoma, is predominantly seen in infancy. ─── 摘要中胚层肾瘤,或者被称为胎儿间叶缺陷瘤或是平滑肌缺陷瘤,主要发现在幼儿时期。

9、gastral mesoblast ─── 原肠中胚层

10、somatic mesoblast ─── 体壁

11、Mesoblastic nephroma, a benign tumor, is the most common renal neoplasm in neonates. ─── 中胚叶肾瘤,良性肿瘤,是最常见的肾肿瘤新生儿。

12、Although unusual huge size as in this case, congenital mesoblastic nephroma (CMN) could be considered when encountering a solid fetal renal tumor. ─── 对于胎儿肾脏实质的肿瘤,尽管如这病例中不寻常的大小,中胚叶细胞肾瘤应该要列入鑑别诊断中。病理报告确定了此诊断。

13、mesoblastic organ ─── 中胚层器官

14、Objective:To characterize the clinical presentation of congenital mesoblastic nephroma (CMN) in children. ─── 目的:探讨小儿先天性中胚叶肾瘤(CMN)的临床特点、诊断及治疗。

15、axial mesoblast ─── 轴中胚层

16、mesoblastic saccule ─── 中胚层小囊

17、mesoblastic band ─── 中胚层带

18、According to the literature, there were only 23 cases of adult mesoblastic nephroma were reported till 1999. ─── 根据过去的文献,到西元1999年只有23个病例报导。

19、Primitive mesoblast ─── 原始中胚层

20、mesoblastic sensibility ─── [医] 深部感觉

21、Six cases of chileren?s congenital mesoblastic nephroma(CMN)were studied,including five typical CMN,and the other one fully cellular type(or atypical). ─── 本文观察了儿童先天性中胚层肾瘤(CMN)6例,其中典型CMN5例,富于细胞型(或不典型)CMN1例。

22、DNA content and cell cycle in paraffin-embedded sections collected from 5 cases of congenital mesoblastic nephroma. 96 cases of nephroblastoma and 27 normal kidneys were studied by flow cytometry. ─── 流式细胞术对5例先天性中胚层肾瘤、96例肾母细胞瘤和27例正常肾石蜡包埋组织进行了DNA含量和增殖活性分析。

23、mesoblastic organs ─── [医] 中胚层器官

24、lateral mesoblastic plate ─── [医] 中胚层侧板

25、premandibular mesoblast ─── 下颌前中胚层

26、The final diagnosis was Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma . ─── 最终诊断为先天性中胚层肾瘤。

27、mesoblastic sarcoma ─── 中胚层[性]肉瘤

28、The paper expounds its defence mechanism from prevention and inhibition of somatic mesoblast,cellular immunity,humoral immunity and temperature rising,and. ─── 从体壁阻抑、细胞免疫和体液免疫以及体温升高4个方面阐述了昆虫对真菌的防御机制及其研究进展。

29、nephroma mesoblastic ─── 中胚层性肾瘤

30、The present case report explains echographic features of a Mesoblastic Nephroma diagnosed at the 31 weeks of pregnancy and make a brief discussion. ─── 我们的这个病例就提供了一例在孕31周诊断的中胚层肾瘤的回声特征并做了简单的讨论。

31、mesoblastic somite ─── 中胚层体节

32、mesoblastic nephroma ─── 中胚层肾瘤

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