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morphology 发音

英:[mɔːrˈfɑːlədʒi]  美:[mɔːˈfɒlədʒi]

英:  美:

morphology 中文意思翻译



morphology 网络释义

n. 形态学,形态论;[语] 词法,[语] 词态学

morphology 短语词组

1、morphology of virus ─── 病毒形态

2、paradigm morphology ─── 范式形态

3、integrated morphology ─── [电] 积分形态学

4、Morphology (biology) ─── 形态学(生物学)

5、morphology-dependent resonance ─── 形态依赖的共振

6、entomological morphology ─── 昆虫形态学

7、Morphology (linguistics) ─── 形态学(语言学)

8、inflectional morphology ─── [网络] 屈折形态学;构形形态;屈折形态标记

9、rule of morphology ─── [网络] 形态规则

10、fluvial morphology ─── 河川地貌学, ─── 河川形态学

11、derivational morphology ─── 派生形态学

12、Glacier morphology ─── 冰川形态

13、translational morphology ─── [电] 译码形态

14、morphology of polymer ─── [化] 聚合物形态学

15、morphology assay ─── 形态学测定

16、compound morphology ─── [网络] 复合形态

17、morphology of bacteria ─── 细菌的形态

18、frond morphology ─── 额状形态

19、morphology element ─── 形态元素

morphology 常用词组

surface morphology ─── 表面形态

crystal morphology ─── [晶]晶体形态学;形态结晶学;晶体结构

plant morphology ─── 植物形态学

morphology 词性/词形变化,morphology变形

形容词: morphological |副词: mor-phologically |名词: morphologist |名词复数: morphologies |

morphology 相似词语短语

1、carpology ─── n.果实学;[植]果实分类学

2、morphotropy ─── n.变形性;变晶影响

3、morphologies ─── [生物][晶体]形态学;形态论;[语]词法(morphology的名词复数)

4、carphology ─── n.摸空症;循衣摸床

5、morphologic ─── adj.形态学(上),形态学的

6、conchology ─── n.贝类学,贝壳学

7、morphologist ─── n.形态学者

8、geomorphology ─── n.地形学,地貌学

9、archology ─── n.起源说

morphology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The microstructure and morphology of single polymer chain. ─── 单个高分子链的结构和形态。

2、The testes,ovarium and reproductive tube of adult treeshrew in its morphology and weight have marked seasonal changes. ─── 成年树的睾丸、卵巢和生殖管道的形态及重量有明显的季节性变化。

3、They attain complex morphology, appearing as branched, tubular processes. ─── 它们达到复杂的形态,出现分枝,管状突起。

4、Pollen morphology of the family Rutaceae in China. ─── 中国芸香科植物的花粉形态.

5、The morphology of essence microcapsules was examined by microphotography. ─── 并通过显微摄影,考查微囊的形态结构。

6、Pollen morphology in Chinese species of Stemona. ─── 中国百部属花粉形态研究.

7、Pollen morphology of the family Verbenaceae in China. ─── 中国马鞭草科植物的花粉形态.

8、DeShong, M. "Housing Typology and Urban Morphology: London and Paris." 1990. ─── 居住类型学与都市形态学:伦敦与巴黎>,1990.

9、The SEM morphology showed that hydrogen reaction was found during the process of nickel plating. ─── SEM分析表明,化学镀镍过程中伴有吸氢反应。

10、However, as already indicated by the distinctness of these two, their morphology seems to be a convergent adaptation. ─── 然而,正如已经表明,由特异性这两个,其形态似乎是一个收敛的适应。

11、The morphology of abnormal graphites has the three-dimensional interconnection netlike structure. ─── 异常石墨的形态表现出相互联结的立体网络状。

12、Pollen morphology of the family Symplocaceae from China. ─── 中国山矾科植物花粉形态.

13、Study on the pollen morphology of the Chinese family Oleaceae. ─── 中国木犀科花粉形态研究.

14、Film preparation c onditions,film surface morphology and structure of the two kinds of materials ar e summarized. ─── 总结了这两类材料的成膜条件、薄膜表面形态和结构以及它们的敏感特性。

15、The concentrations of CTAB and TEOS affected obviously the morphology and the mesostructure of the mesoporous silica. ─── CTAB和TEOS的浓度可以影响介孔二氧化硅的形貌和介孔结构的有序性;

16、The surface property and morphology of the grafting membrane were measured by a contact angle measuring instrument and a . . . ─── 用接触角测定仪和扫描电子显微镜测定了接枝膜表面的性能和形态。

17、Pollen morphology of 9 species and 1 variety in the genus Leonurus (Lamiaceae) was examined by means of LM and SEM. ─── 利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜对国产8种1变种及欧美产1种益母草属植物的花粉粒进行观察与研究。

18、Pollen morphology of Loxostemon (Cruciferae) in China. ─── 中国弯蕊芥属植物花粉形态的观察.

19、Title: The morphology of a cochineal insect , Dactylopius confuses and the ultra-morphology of its wax secretion. ─── 关键词:蚧总科;胭脂蚧科;蜡泌物;形态特征

20、Pollen morphology of Alpinia (Zingiberaceae) from China. ─── 中国山姜属植物花粉形态观察.

21、Basic graphite morphology types of nodular iron were introduced. ─── 介绍球墨铸铁中石墨的基本形态类型。

22、Therefore, the foregut armature reflects certain taxonomic morphology. ─── 同时也可看出,云秃蝗属和蹦蝗属更相近,体现了前肠形态特征与其他分类性状呈正相关。

23、Studies on the pollen morphology of tribe Zizipheae of Rhamnaceae in China. ─── 中国鼠李科枣族花粉形态的研究.

24、Pollen morphology of Umbelliferae in China and its evolution. ─── 中国伞形科花粉形态及其早期演化.

25、Different concentrations of ATRA have different effects on morphology, proliferation and apoptosis of the RPE cells. ─── 不同浓度的ATRA对RPE细胞的形态、增殖有不同的影响。

26、Six different colony morphology isolates were purified and primary identified. ─── 对单一菌株与混合菌株的降解效果进行了比较。

27、An automatic processing system for forms based on mathematical morphology is presented. ─── 介绍一种全新的基于数学形态学的表格自动处理系统。

28、Pollen morphology of Styracaceae and its taxonomic significance. ─── 安息香科的花粉形态研究及其在分类上的意义.

29、No significant difference was found in islet cell morphology or function between MES and SES ( P > 0.05 ). ─── 两组比较差异显著 (P

30、Students majoring in Chinese must have an overall mastery of morphology. ─── 学中文的学生必须对正词法有全面的掌握。

31、Studies on the pollen morphology of Chinese Trichosanthes. ─── 中国栝楼属花粉形态的研究.

32、Impact of total gonadotropin dose on oocyte morphology and clinical outcome in ovarian stimulation cycles. ─── 卵巢刺激周期促性腺激素用量对卵母细胞形态及临床结局的影响。

33、The morphology of China Buryat is almost exclusively suffixing. ─── 名词和动词词汇高度地变形,形容词完全不变形也不必和它的中心名词一致。

34、Pollen morphology and its exine ultrastructure of the Zygophyllaceae in China. ─── 中国蒺藜科花粉形态及其外壁超微结构.

35、The surface morphology after preferential corrosion along the vertical orientation was observed via an optical microscope. ─── 用光学显微镜观测和分析电火花线切割硅表面沿纵向分层择优腐蚀后的形貌;

36、Studies on the pollen morphology of the Chinese Palmae. ─── 国产棕榈科花粉形态研究.

37、A study on pollen morphology of Quercoideae Oerst (Fagaceae) in China. ─── 中国壳斗科栎亚科花粉形态研究.

38、Flocs examined by SEM at different SRTs showed diversity in morphology. ─── 不同泥龄下,污泥絮体形态结构亦不相同,泥龄短时,絮体表面粗糙,结构开放疏松;

39、No clear spherulitic morphology was observed in polarizing optical micrograph of PHB-diol. ─── 在PHB-diol的偏光显微镜照片中观察不到明显的球晶形态。

40、Pollen morphology of Sterculiaceae from China (1): Sterculieae. ─── 中国梧桐科植物花粉形态的研究(1)苹婆族.

41、Spore morphology of Chinese ferns. ─── 中国蕨类植物孢子形态。

42、Effects of medicinal treatment and observation of thyroid morphology and thyroid function in subacute thyroiditis. ─── 亚急性甲状腺炎药物治疗效果及形态与功能的观察。

43、Pollen morphology of Camellia sect. Chrysanthae from Guangxi. ─── 广西金花茶花粉形态。

44、Studies on pollen morphology of Tamaricaceae in China. ─── 中国柽柳科植物花粉形态的研究.

45、Pollen morphology of the subtribe Hyoscyaminae (Solanaceae). ─── 中国茄科天仙子亚族的花粉形态研究.

46、Cauda epididymal sperms were counted and analyzed with morphology and motility. ─── 对附睾精子进行形态、动力学分析等。

47、The cells found in the two cases reported may be described as gemmy ring like lymphocyte in morphology. ─── 在报道的两种情况下发现的细胞在形态上可描述为宝石状的淋巴细胞。

48、Pollen morphology of the genus Kadsura from China. ─── 中国南五味子属植物花粉形态的研究.

49、The mature sarcoma and leukemia virions have type C morphology. ─── 成熟的肉瘤和血病的病毒粒子呈C型结构。

50、The fiber morphology can be concisely summarized. ─── 可以对棉纤维的形态结构进行扼要地归纳。

51、Studies on the pollen morphology of the genus Brassica (Cruciferae) in China. ─── 中国芸苔属植物花粉形态的研究.

52、Cell morphology had no obvious change in DMEM+EGF,K-SFM+BPE,and DMEM+FBS groups during the whole culture process. ─── DMEM+EGF、K-SFM+BPE、DMEM+FBS组细胞均呈阴性表达。

53、Many theoretical models have been developed to describe the effective evolution of the surface structure and morphology. ─── 许多理论模型被用来描述表面结构和形态的演变。

54、From morphology and adsorption kinetics, absorbability to PCBs of algae has been primary discussed. ─── 从藻细胞的形态学以及吸附动力学方面,初步探讨了海洋微藻对两种PCBs的吸附能力。


56、The morphology of PVA/PAA-AM superabsorbent fibers were measured. ─── 对PVA/PAA-AM高吸水纤维的形态结构进行了研究。

57、Pollen morphology and systematics of Salix in northeastern China. ─── 中国东北柳属花粉形态及其系统学研究.

58、The study on the developmental morphology of the giandular hairs on the leaf surface of Amethystea caerulea L. ─── 叶表面腺毛的发育形态学研究。

59、Double staining showed two populations of cells with different morphology and color. ─── 双重染色显示两种形态和颜色不同的细胞。

60、The morphology and composition of the pangolin’s scale were analyzed. ─── 对穿山甲鳞片的形态和组成进行了分析。

61、Studies on the spore of morphology of the family Selaginellaceae from China. ─── 中国卷柏科孢子形态的研究.

62、Therefore, the root should have corresponding plasticity in morphology, growth and biomass investment patterns. ─── 因此,当地分布的植物的根系则应该具有相应的形态、长和生物量投资方面的可塑性。

63、Having the same morphology and linear sequence of gene loci as another chromosome. ─── 同源的与另一个染色体在遗传座位组合和其可见结构上一致的

64、Introduction to Syntax, Morphology and Phonology. ─── 介绍句法(子结构)(文)态学和音系学。

65、Meanwhile,the morphology of ZnS:Cu,Au was analyzed by SEM. ─── 同时,用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对ZnS:Cu,Au颗粒进行了尺寸和形貌表征.

66、These cysts are lined by epithelium with eosinophilic cytoplasm and a hobnail morphology, and there is often ovarian-like stroma. ─── 囊壁由含有嗜酸性胞浆的上皮围成,上皮细胞呈鞋钉状,常常有卵巢样间质。

67、Spectral seismograms are introduced as a means to recognize the morphology of the seismic signal, as arriving at the point of observation. ─── 为了识别到达观测点的地震信号的形态,我们引入谱地震图的方法。

68、It is also peculiar in the morphology of atlas, axis, pygostyle, sternum, etc. ─── 寰椎、枢椎、尾综骨、胸骨等形态特殊。

69、They usually differ markedly in morphology. ─── 它们在形态学上是有明显不同的。

70、Title: The study on pollen submicroscopic morphology of Magnolia L. ─── 关键词:木兰属;花粉;形态;覆盖层穿孔;扫描电镜

71、Studies on the morphology of the flowers and cytology of the anther development of a DGCMS line in Brassica napus L. ─── 一个甘蓝型油菜DGCMS雄性不育系的花器形态及细胞学研究。


73、Pollen morphology of Plumbaginaceae in China. ─── 中国白花丹科花粉形态研究.

74、Morphology of the androecium, perianth (tepals), and the inflorescence has traditionally been used to circumscribe genera and tribes. ─── 雄蕊群的形态学,花被(花被片),和花序通常用来划分属和族。

75、STUDIES ON POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF ADONIS L. ─── 侧金盏花属(Adonis L.)植物花粉形态研究

76、Study on the pollen morphology of Calycanthus L. ─── 夏蜡梅属花粉形态的研究.

77、Pollen morphology of Caprifoliaceae from China and its taxonomic significance. ─── 中国忍冬科植物花粉形态及其在分布上的意义.

78、Architectural morphology is the study of how shifting cultural and environmental conditions produce changes in an architectural form. ─── 建筑形态学是研究不断变化的文化和环境条件如何使建筑形式发生变化的学科。

79、The series Variantia Ching et S. H. Wu mainly occur in China and its members are highly variable in morphology. ─── 变异铁角蕨系(Series Variantia Ching et S.H.Wn)主产我国,形态变异大。

80、The microstructure and morphology of the Cu/Al powders were investigated by SEM, XRD, EDS and BET. ─── 利用SEM,XRD,EDS,BET等测试手段对复合粉末进行了微观测试和表征.

81、Pollen morphology and phylogenetic relationships in the Diapensiaceae. ─── 岩梅科的花粉形态和系统与亲缘关系.

82、The clathrate compound in 2:1 presented obvious effects in hepatic morphology. ─── 小鼠肝脏组织学检查结果显示,甘珀酸钠苦参素2:1包合物组肝脏形态有明显改善。

83、Keywords: reactive-crystallization, calcium oxalate hydrates, induction time, nucleation, morphology. ─── 关键词:反应结晶、含水草酸钙、感应时间、成核、晶型。

84、Comparative pollen morphology of the Cornaceae and allies. ─── 山茱萸科及相关诸科之花粉粒形态比较研究.

85、Thus there seems to be a relation between parasporal body morphology and activity. ─── 因此,似乎在伴胞体形态学与活性之间存在着相关性。

86、Studies on pollen morphology of genus Potentilla sensu lato (Rosaceae). ─── 广义委陵菜属花粉形态研究.

87、The Puerto Rican twig species closely resembles the twig species of Cuba, Hispaniola, and Jamaica in morphology, habitat use, and behavior. ─── 波多黎各的嫩枝物种在形态、栖息地用途和行为上与古巴、伊斯帕尼奥拉岛和牙买加的嫩枝物种非常相似。

88、Pollen morphology of 8 genera of Chinese Umbelliferae (Apiaceae). ─── 中国伞形科八个属的花粉形态研究.

89、Studies on spore morphology of some Chinese Sphagnum L. ─── 几种国产泥炭藓孢子形态的研究.

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