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10-04 投稿


masseur 发音

英:[mæˈsɜːr]  美:[mæˈsɜː(r)]

英:  美:

masseur 中文意思翻译



masseur 反义词


masseur 词性/词形变化,masseur变形


masseur 同义词

hunk | pot | muckle | tissue | much | density | hoi polloi | congregate | majority | volume | batch | brigade | quantity | jungle | hatful | lot | chunk | sight | pile | amount | aggregated | plenty | mickle | area | lump | reservoir | weight | corpus | block | cake | deal | heap | people | wad | great deal | passel | quite a little | main part | stack | multitude | nugget | load | lots | crowd | masses | the great unwashed | aggregative | knot | mountain | flock | physique | frame | build | magnitude | measure | body | peck |bulk | accumulation | form | essence | spate | slew | raft | figure | lion's share | supply | mob | good deal | mint | collection | measurement | aggregate | mess

masseur 短语词组

1、vibratory masseur ─── 振动按摩师

masseur 相似词语短语

1、masher ─── n.捣碎器;调戏妇女者

2、danseur ─── n.男芭蕾舞蹈家

3、masseuse ─── n.女按摩师

4、amasser ─── 阿玛瑟

5、maser ─── n.[电子]微波激射器;分子增幅器;n.(Maser)人名;(德)马泽尔

6、chasseur ─── n.追击兵;侍者;猎人;n.(Chasseur)人名;(法)沙瑟尔

7、masseter ─── n.[解剖]咬肌,嚼肌

8、masseurs ─── n.男按摩师;按摩器

9、masker ─── n.戴面具的人

masseur 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do you have a masseur here? ─── 这里有男按摩师吗?

2、He could probably recall some of McCulloch's jokes, which have become a feature of the England dressing room since he was poached from his job as masseur for Scotland, a place where gallows humour was a necessity under Berti Vogts. ─── 他(特里)还能回忆起来一些麦卡洛克讲的笑话,自从他被从苏格兰队医按摩师的位子上挖来后,就成了英格兰更衣室里的风景线。

3、The steam, the heat, and the battering you receive from a stern faced masseur. ─── 那种蒸汽,热度,乃至神情严肃的男按摩师的手艺都无与伦比。

4、Terry has been worked on at great length by club doctor Bryan English, physio Dean Kenneally and masseur Billy McCulloch, and his movement has little restriction now. ─── 约翰.特里已经能够在周一一早参加大部分在科巴姆的训练,然后加入了保加利亚索非亚的21人的旅行。

5、Our masseur Billy McCulloch scares the foreign lads! ─── 我们的按摩师比利.麦柯克罗奇吓怕了外国球队!

6、Jeff: Festina was the best team in the 1997 Tour de France. Willy Voet was masseur of its rider Richard Wilank, who was the second place winner of the 1997 Tour de France. A layer of dark clothes hanged over France at once. ─── 杰夫:费斯蒂纳是1997年环法赛中成绩最好的车队,而沃特则是1997年环法赛亚军法国人理查德·维兰克的按摩师,一层乌云顿时笼罩在法国上空。

7、That should put an end to S.R.'s career as an amateur masseur. ─── 这应该能是柔肩者的”业余按摩“职业生涯画上一个句号。

8、The masseur had a pain in his back passage. ─── 男按摩师的肛门有点疼。

9、Masseur, Hong Kong people, provides oil body massage, foot massage services, good environment &privacy. ─── 来香港玩,记得找我,港式按摩,足底按摩,技术一流

10、John Terry, Damien Duff and masseur Billy McCulloch go to see broken leg victim Wayne Bridge in hospital and take the Carling Cup to him. ─── 约翰-特里、戴米恩-达夫和按摩师比利-麦卡乐奇去医院看望惨遭飞铲断了脚的韦恩-布里奇,带去的还有卡林杯。

11、I would have a massage in the morning before training and sometimes the coach would tell you it was risky to train that day on the word of what the masseur had felt in your muscles. ─── 我早晨训练之前会接到信息,有时候教练会告诉你今天的训练会有哪些风险。”

12、Wangbao Hello Mrs. Zhang, it's very nice to meet you. Let me now take you to Room Number 1 where our masseur, Mr. Lizhi, is waiting for you. ─── 谢谢你替我们做出的所有安排。我们都很顺利的住下来,酒店的房间也很好。这是我的妈妈,它需要为他的背痛接受治疗。

13、Advertising for many of these chairs claim they can be as good as a massage from a qualified masseur. ─── 现在很多品牌都说自己的按摩椅可以媲美专业推拿、按摩师。

14、How masseur Billy McCulloch keeps Chelsea and England stars entertained, telling jokes on stage in his Speedos! ─── 多么聪明的麦克拉伦啊,他总能使切尔西和英格兰充满快乐,在台上他的速率器里讲笑话.

15、The masseur and the masseuse took care of the aged at an early age. ─── 那个男按摩师和女按摩师在很年轻的时候就把老人照顾得很好。

16、Jeff: Festina was the best team in the 1997 Tour de France. Wil-ly Voet was masseur of its rider Richard Wilank, who was the second place winner of the 1997 Tour de France. A layer of dark clothes hanged over France at once. ─── 杰夫:费斯蒂纳是1997年环法赛中成绩最好的车队,而沃特则 是1997年环法赛亚军法国人理查德·维兰克的按摩师,一层乌云顿 时笼罩在法国上空。

17、'Our masseur Billy McCulloch scares the foreign lads!' ─── “我们的按摩师比利.麦柯克罗奇吓怕了外国球队!”

18、13 Do you need a masseuse or masseur? ─── 您需要女按摩师还是男按摩师?

19、The masseur and the masseuse decided to stage a general strike on the stage. ─── 男按摩师和女按摩师决定在舞台上举行总罢工。

20、David Duchovny does not have to do so much as the producer but he has some good, provocative scenes with Mary McCormack as a masseur. ─── 大卫杜楚尼饰演的监制没有太多戏份,但跟饰演按摩师的玛利麦歌玛克有数幕具挑逗性的对手戏。

21、How masseur Billy McCulloch keeps Chelsea and England stars entertained, telling jokes on stage in his Speedos! ─── 多么聪明的麦克拉伦啊,他总能使切尔西和英格兰充满快乐,在台上他的速率器里讲笑话。

22、vibratory masseur ─── 振动按摩器震颤按摩器

23、There's a well-know masseur in this hospital. I'll give him a call and ask him to take care of you. ─── 我们医院有一位有名的按摩师,我给他打个电话,让他帮您按摩一下。

24、His only company was his good friend and England masseur at the time, Terry Byrne. ─── 唯一陪在他身边的是他的好友和当年英格兰队里的按摩师,特里伯尼。

25、The masseur and the masseuse will stage a new play on the stage. ─── 男按摩师和女按摩师将在舞台上演一个新戏。

26、billy mcculloch , our masseur , always tells great jokes after dinner , so he ' s definitely the funniest person at the club. ─── 我们的按摩师,在饭后总唉说笑话,他一定是我们俱乐部礼貌最有趣的人。

27、The passage has become the stage of dating for the masseur and the masseuse. ─── 男按摩师劝女按摩师不要选择戏剧表演作职业.

28、The magic of a sensous massage lies in the hands of a masseur. ─── 按摩师魔法式的手指在你的背上游走。

29、The masseur gave the masseuse a massage in order to massage the masseuse's ego. ─── 为范冰冰的资料了讨好女按摩师,男按摩师给女按摩师做按摩。

30、AHA is a no no. The masseur just rubbed oil on my body, I did not feel I was being massaged. I will never go back to this place. ─── 天文学家周三说,已在距离地球60光年的一个巨大行星的大气层中发现存在水的证据,而这也是迄今地球太阳系外存在水的最佳证据。

31、Our masseur, Billy McCulloch, is a big part of it. ─── 我们的按摩师比利.麦柯克罗奇是它的一个重要部份。

32、Each issues of the magazine conations 200,000Chinese Characters and has distinguished feature of masseur information and easily operation. ─── 畜禽业每期近20万字,具有信息量大,操作性强的鲜明特色。

33、John Terry, Damien Duff and masseur Billy McCulloch go to see broken leg victim Wayne Bridge in hospital and take the Carling Cup to him. ─── 约翰-特里、戴米恩-达夫和按摩师比利-麦卡乐奇去医院看望惨遭飞铲断了脚的韦恩-布里奇,带去的还有卡林杯。

34、Within the immediate vicinity of the guest house you will find a masseur, a solarium, a casino and a fitness centre. ─── 您可选择配置完善的客房和套房,其中部分更享有布达佩斯的壮丽景色。

35、A masseur or masseuse selects an appropriate massage style and essential oil fragrance for customers. ─── 由男按摩师或女按摩师选择合适的马杀鸡方式与香精油香气给顾客.

36、Masseur: Sorry, madam. I thought you said you had itchy feet. ─── 男按摩师:对不起,小姐。我刚才以为你说的是脚发痒。

37、The masseur kneaded my back. ─── 按摩师替我推拿背。

38、Jamie: I think I'll try to find a blind masseur . I hear they're good, and it's a good way for blind people to find a good job. ─── 洁咪:我想我会试著找一个盲人按摩师。我听说他们很厉害,而且对盲人来说,这也是个找到好工作的方法。

39、59.Jack protested the' masseur was an unnecessary extravagance . ─── 杰克断言男按摩师是一种不必要的奢侈。

40、There was a discussion before we went to Cologne [to play Sweden] because he might have stayed in Baden-Baden to work on his fitness level with a masseur. ─── “在我们去科隆(打瑞典)前,有(带不带他的)讨论,因为他有可能留在巴登巴登在按摩师的陪伴下恢复体能。”

41、Jack protested the' masseur was an unnecessary extravagance. ─── 杰克断言男按摩师是一种不必要的奢侈。

42、I don't know. Are you a masseur? ─── 我不知道,你是按摩师吗?

43、Jamie: I think I'll try to find a blind masseur . ─── 洁咪:我想我会试著找一个盲人按摩师。

44、The original tax administration of Guangxi system skill hits the chief coach,Lecturer.First Wushu Judge.The Generation Successor of Zhaobao Taiji,Taiji Master.High Masseur in the Tradition of china. ─── 讲师、中医推拿技师、中国武术一级裁判,赵堡太极嫡系传人,原广西税务系统技击总教练。

45、However, it is understood he did not drink alcohol and his situation was monitored by Stewart Sullivan, a club masseur. ─── 无论如何相信他没有喝酒,球会亦有一名男按摩师监察他的状况。

46、Foot acupressure: acupressure masseur method used to massage your legs and feet to do, eliminate fatigue, improve the sub-health of the muscle soreness after exercise have奇效.Do not like to try Oh! ─── 足底指压:按摩师用指压法给您做腿脚按摩,消除疲劳,改善亚健康,对运动后的肌肉酸痛有奇效.不仿试试哦!

47、It was here that I really started to word and study harder to makd myself a better masseur. ─── 全身按摩,比如说做手或者做背,仅仅能够使你得到放松,在身体的这些部位是没有反射点的。

48、2. The masseur gave the masseuse a massage in order to massage the masseuse's ego. ─── 为了讨好女按摩师,男按摩师给女按摩师做按摩。

49、Of course, in addition, he was paying for his florist, tailor, maid, masseur, etc. ─── 只是调整将是一个长时间的过程。

50、year-old blind, Cui Jian's stubborn determination to finish the technical secondary school, university and become a good masseur. ─── 16岁失明后,崔健以顽强的毅力读完了中专、大学,成为了一名出色的按摩师。

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