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10-02 投稿


mechanize 发音

英:['mɛkənaɪz]  美:['mɛkənaɪz]

英:  美:

mechanize 中文意思翻译



mechanize 词性/词形变化,mechanize变形

动词现在分词: mechanizing |动词过去分词: mechanized |动词过去式: mechanized |名词: mechanization |动词第三人称单数: mechanizes |

mechanize 相似词语短语

1、unmechanize ─── 不机械化

2、mechaniser ─── 机械化器

3、mechanised ─── adj.机械化的,用机械装置的;v.使机械化,使……用机械装置(mechanise的过去式和过去分词)

4、mechanized ─── adj.机械化的;呆板的;v.使机械化;用机械操作(mechanize的过去式和过去分词)

5、mechanizes ─── vt.使机械化;机动化;用机械装置

6、mechanises ─── v.使机械化(等于mechanize)

7、mechanise ─── v.使机械化(等于mechanize)

8、mechanizer ─── 机械化

9、mechanic ─── n.技工,机修工;adj.手工的;n.(Mechanic)人名;(英)梅凯尼克

mechanize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Of course, as a long-time Pythonista, I find mechanize more robust, which seems to follow the general pattern of the two languages. ─── 当然,作为长期的Python支持者,我认为mechanize更健壮,它看上去似乎继承了两种语言的通用模式。

2、This paper introduces the mechanize evolution and status of auxiliary coveyance in Bulianta coal mine,then analyses and compares the differenses of different auxiliary coveyance models. ─── 介绍了补连塔矿辅助运输机械化的发展过程及其现状,并对不同的辅助运输模式进行了分析比较。

3、The Status Quo and Developmental Advices of the Agricultural Mechanize in Jiashan County ─── 嘉善县农机化现状及发展建议

4、On the Quality Domination of the Pith Road Surface Mechanize Construction ─── 浅谈沥青路面机械化施工中的质量控制

5、C.One of our main tasks now is to mechanize agriculture. ─── 当前的主要任务之一是实现农业机械化。

6、One of our main tasks now is to mechanize agriculture. ─── 我们现在的主要任务之一是实现农业机械化。

7、Mechanize construct ─── 施工机械化

8、Author Wang Chongsheng;Yao Shufang(Hebei Institute of Mechan Elect.Engineering); ─── 作者王重生;姚书芳;

9、divided the agricultural mechanize development of 115 countries(cities) in Shanxi province to different types, and raised the developing strategies for regions of different types; ─── 利用综合聚类分析方法,对山西省115个县(市)进行了农机化发展类型划分,提出了不同类型区域的发展策略;

10、If you try to "mechanize" or control the software development process too much, you'll lose control. ─── 如果您设法使软件开发过程过度“机械化”或过多控制此过程,那么您将对此失去控制。

11、the rice production of mechanize ─── 水稻生产机械化

12、Investigate the present condition of mechanize protection farming technique expansion, analyses the experience and existent problems of the work, puts forward the counterplan to develop it . ─── 通过对柳林县机械化保护性耕作技术现状的调查,研究分析了工作的经验和存在的问题,有针对性地提出了发展保护性耕作技术的对策。

13、The paper analyzes the problem in separating oil tar by the mechanize trough.It raises the concrete transform plan,which gains the well economic efficiency in reality. ─── 分析了机械化澄清槽分离焦油过程中存在的难题,提出了具体的改造方案,并且在实际中取得较好的经济效益。

14、The join way of scraper coveyor cable pan using in mechanize working face is designed into fixtureless join way.This way suits fully_mechanized and coventionally_mechanized coal winning face. ─── 将机械化采煤工作面刮板输送机电缆槽之间的联接,设计成无紧固件的联接方式。适用于综采、高档普采等机械化采煤工作面。

15、mechanize a factory. ─── 使工厂机械化

16、Pipe racking system was developed when people began to find methods to mechanize the operation of tripping in and tripping out in 1940s. ─── 在20世纪40年代,人们就开始探索起下钻操作的机械化方法,于是产生了钻杆自动排放系统。

17、Photochromic mechan ism has been stud ied by means of laser photol ysis time-resolved spec-troscopy and the decay kinetics of intermediates. ─── 通过激光光解技术、时间分辨光谱和反应中间体的衰减动力学深入研究了光致变色机理。

18、according to the requirement of the new agricultural mechanize development view, put forward the emphasis of agricultural mechanize development in Shanxi province; ─── 根据新的农机化发展观的要求,分析了山西省农业机构及相应的农机化水平,提出了山西省农机化的发展重点;

19、Position and action of agricultural mechanize in the development of modern agriculture ─── 论农业机械化在发展现代农业中的地位及作用

20、From 1933 to 1939 Germany was on a quest to fully mechanize their army for an upcoming conflict. ─── 从1933年到1939年,德军开始为将来的战争组建机械化部队。


22、Discussion on Mechanize Road Maintenance of Huning Expressway ─── 谈沪宁高速公路路面的机械化养护

23、mechanize farming ─── 使耕种机械化

24、mechanize construction ─── 机械化施工

25、S. agriculture to mechanize and pursue agricultural efficiency. ─── 美国农场相对广大的面积,加上劳动力的缺乏(部分原因是获得土地太容易了)迫使美国农业向机械化和提高效率的方向发展。

26、Fixtureless join of scraper conveyor cable pan using in mechanize working face ─── 机械化工作面刮板输送机电缆槽无紧固件联接

27、The country is aim to mechanize its farming industry. ─── 国家目标是使农业机械化。

28、A close friend of mechanize is the equally excellent library Beautiful Soup (see Resources for a download link). ─── mechanize的一个亲密伙伴是同样出色的BeautifulSoup库(参见参考资料获得下载链接)。


30、Mechanize Technology and Related Machines of Make up for Sow and Mend on the Natural Meadow ─── 天然草地机械化补播改良技术及配套机具

31、mechanize one's life ─── 使生活变得程式化且单调

32、Composite mechanize driving ─── 综合机械化掘进

33、This paper also holds that in order to strengthen the anti-te r rorism action, it's important to deepen the understanding in the aspect of terro rism-proof coordination mechan... ─── 提出在软课题方面进行深化研究,在协调体制上展开充分探讨,以完善轨道交通防恐体系。

34、Use Temporary Support to Raise Mechanize Driving ─── 使用临时支护提高机掘单进水平

35、The technology condition of gears has direct effects on the motion of the mechanize system. ─── 齿轮的技术状态的好坏直接影响整台设备或整套机械化系统可靠运行。

36、The warehouse equip with all kinds of transport machinery, mechanize operation, and specific duty fire brigade. ─── 仓库配有各种用于商品搬倒作业的机械设备,实行机械化作业,并自有专职消防队。

37、Keywords agricultural mechanize;development research;development strategy;the new era; ─── 农业机械化;发展研究;发展战略;新时期;

38、to mechanize an industrial process ─── 使工业程序机械化

39、In the early sixties, programmed learning was looked on as the pathway to mechanize the learning process. ─── 在六十年代早期,程序化学习被看作是机械化学习过程的途径。

40、Only gradually are technologies being developed to mechanize the task. ─── 渐渐地科技才发展到能使这项任务机械化。

41、Keywords biodegradable lubricants;low erucic acid rapeseed oil;antioxidants;tribochemistry;action mechan ─── 可生物降解润滑油;低芥酸菜籽油;抗氧剂;摩擦化学;作用机理;

42、In accordance with output lower of comprehensive drivi ng group,makes a suggestion on using temporary support to raise mechanize drivin g output,after improving,the driving ontput is raised 25 %. ─── 针对综掘队组单进水平较低现象,提出了“使用临时支护,提高机掘单进水平”建议及相应措施。改进后,掘进队单进水平提高了25%。

43、9.How we mechanize transitions from horizontal to vertical flight will free up time for training skills more pertinent to the mission. ─── 我们从水平到垂直飞行状态转换的自动程度将直接关系到把技能训练的时间归解放给任务本身的程度。

44、The join way of scraper coveyor cable pan using in mechanize working face is designed into fixtureless join way. ─── 将机械化采煤工作面刮板输送机电缆槽之间的联接,设计成无紧固件的联接方式。

45、Finally, summarized the total studying achievements, put forward relative developing suggestions, and pointed out the studying direction of regional agricultural mechanize developing issues. ─── 最后,对整个研究成果进行了总结,提出了相应的发展建议,并指出了区域农机化发展问题的研究方向。

46、Keywords Composite mechanize driving;anchor staff;excavator;continuous adopt coal machine; ─── 综合机械化掘进;锚杆支护;掘锚机;连续采煤机;

47、I have used mechanize in several programming projects. ─── 我曾在多个编程项目中使用过mechanize

48、Keywords high output and high efficiency;mining craft;mechanize; ─── 高产高效;采煤工艺;机械化;

49、Conclusions It solves an interchange between the patients,the doctors and the mechan ics ,it comes true the individual character design in the porcelain fu sed -to -crown. ─── 结论:解决患者、医生、技师之间的信息交流,实现了烤瓷全冠的个性化设计。

50、The join way of scraper conveyor cable pan using in mechanize working face is designed into fixtureless join way. ─── 将机械化采煤工作面刮板输送机电缆槽之间的联接,设计成无紧固件的联接方式。

51、Thinking to mechanize maintenance of the roadway of our country ─── 关于我国公路机械化养护的思考

52、product peed by mechanize ─── 机械制种

53、Because of the temporary nature of site work and the frequent change of the work place, it is not possible to mechanize material handling to the same extent as it would be in a more stable operation. ─── 由于现场工作的暂时性和工作场所的经常变化,不太可能使物料处理机械化从而达到相同的程度,因为这将需要一个更稳定的操作。

54、C. One of our main tasks now is to mechanize agriculture. ─── 我们当前的主要任务之一是实现农业机械化。

55、High quality mechanize cast iron integrated bed. ─── 采用高质量的密烘整体铸铁床身。

56、Mechanize construction technology of nature aggregate base-course ─── 天然砂砾基层机械化施工技术

57、Based on the rheological properties of the magne tic rheological fluid,this paper carries out analysis on its transmission mechan ism. ─── 介绍磁流变液传动现象,分析了磁流变液的流变特性和传力特性,建立了磁流变液的动态屈服应力及传力的计算模型。

58、The industry revolution gives the furniture trade to bring the tremendous change, and causes the handwork tabrication of furniture through severely turn into severely mechanize manufacture. ─── 工业革命给家具业带来巨大的变革,使家具从重 手工制造变为重机械化生产。

59、The technology transform of the mechanize trough ─── 机械化澄清槽技术改造

60、10.If we can mechanize farming we can produce more crops with fewer people. ─── 如果我们能使耕种机械化,我们就能用较少的人力生产更多的农产品。

61、To mechanize agriculture in the main ─── 基本上实现农业机械化

62、From 1933 to 1939, Germany was on a quest to fully mechanize their army for an upcoming conflict. ─── 从1933年到1939年,德军开始为将来的战争组建机械化部队。

63、Armore cabl is requir for these instal to provid mechan strength dure instal and rodent and chemic protect after installation. ─── 这些装置要求使用铠装光缆,以便在装置过程中提供机械强度,并且在装置后提供侵蚀维护和化学保护。

64、GUO Dong-ming,KANG Ren-ke,SU Jian-xiu,et al.Future development on wafer planarization technology in ULSI fabrication[J].Chinese J Mechan Eng,2003,39(10):100-105 (in Chinese). ─── [3]郭东明,康仁科,苏建修,等.超大规模集成电路制造中硅片平坦化技术的未来发展[J].机械工程学报,2003,39(10):100-105.

65、ZQ203/100 drill power tong is a new type of mechanize tool on drilling floor. ─── ZQ203/100钻杆动力钳广泛用于石油钻井的起下钻杆作业。

66、In order to mechanize channel sampling in mines,channel sampler was developed and tested,and a great progress in development of channel sampler has been made. ─── 为了实现矿山刻槽取样的机械化,进行了刻槽取样机的研制和试验,并取得了很大的进展。

67、Research on narrow path horizontal seed close planting mode and whole mechanize production system of soybean ─── 大豆窄行平播密植栽培模式及配套机器系统的研究

68、Model of Soybean Yield and Beneficial Result of the Technology of High Quality and Efficiency of Ridge Mechanize Rainy Culture ─── 雨养垄系机械化优质高效配套技术的大豆产量及效益模型

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