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10-03 投稿


mimical 发音


英:  美:

mimical 中文意思翻译




mimical 相似词语短语

1、magical ─── adj.魔术的;有魔力的

2、inimical ─── adj.敌意的;有害的

3、metical ─── n.梅蒂卡尔(莫桑比克货币单位)

4、comical ─── adj.滑稽的,好笑的

5、finical ─── adj.过分注意的;过分讲究的;过分周到的;n.(Finical)人名;(英)菲尼卡尔

6、domical ─── adj.圆屋顶的;穹窿式的

7、mimetical ─── 模拟的

8、mimically ─── 模仿地

9、medical ─── adj.医学的;药的;内科的;n.医生;体格检查

mimical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ms.Louden proposed creating a landscape that would mimic the natural wetlands that border Yahoo's campus, but with a high-tech twist. ─── 劳登建议,营造一片模仿雅虎办公园区附近天然湿地的景观,不过要进行高科技化的变形。

2、In a mirage the desert will mimic a lake. ─── 在海市蜃楼中,沙漠有时会现出湖泊的形象。

3、There are a few reports in the literature about symptomatic RAA presented in adulthood, and it may mimic exercise-induced bronchospasm. ─── 因右主动脉弓异常在成人期才产生症状的病例报告非常的少,而且和运动性气喘的临床症状相似。

4、Warm water on the skin, or almost anything damp, will still create convection with the air and mimic sweat. ─── 在皮肤上撒上温水,或者随便什么潮湿的东西,都能和空气产生对流从而模拟出汗的过程。

5、With anonymous methods mimic the code layout of a regular method, aligned with the anonymous delegate declaration. ─── 匿名方法模仿普通方法的布局,和匿名委托定义放在一行。

6、Lone antiprotons can thus mimic the antihydrogen signal. ─── 因此,单一的反质子也会产生类似反氢的讯号。

7、At the international level sport is frankly mimic warfare. ─── 国际级比赛简直就是一场模拟战争。

8、It's just like children learning to speak. They mimic their mothers' voices. When they're alone, they speak to themselves. ─── 就像小孩子学说话一样。他们模仿妈妈的声音。当他们独处时,他们会自言自语。

9、Pachydermoperiostosis( PDP) is a rare disease that may mimic secondary hypertrophic osteoarhropathy or acromegaly. ─── 厚皮性骨膜病为一罕见疾病,临床上极似续发性肥大骨关节炎或肢端肥大症。

10、From the mimic panel and color display device, the dispatchers can directly visualize the real time information of main grid. ─── 从模拟屏和彩色显示器上,调度员可直接看到主干网的实时信息。

11、In parallel manner, humans act out and mimic the fear that surrounds them. ─── 在平行情况里,人类们做出并模仿围绕他们的恐惧。

12、In the chemical mimic system, we infer the ideal model of the precipitation growth in the Gel. ─── 在一简化了的化学体系-凝胶介质中,提出沉淀增长的理想模型。

13、The buildings use a horizontal gradient fill effect that darkens near the base of the buildings to mimic the light at dusk. ─── 建筑使用水平渐变填充效果,该效果在接近建筑地基处变暗,以模仿黄昏时的光线。

14、The mockingbird was so named because of its ability to mimic other birds' songs and calls, to which it adds some variations of its own. ─── 嘲鸟之所以这样称呼是因为它有模仿其他鸟叫的能力,并加以自己独特的变化.

15、Mimic enzyme catalysis is a new challenging project in green chemistry. ─── 仿酶催化是绿色化学研究中的一个重要课题。

16、You can even mimic it although I cannot understand the goal of this. ─── 你甚至可以扮成圣诞老人,虽然我还不太明白这样做的目的何在。

17、Soon they began to mimic the energy flow in their fields that spun in the crown chakra of earth and through all the kingdoms residing therein. ─── 很快地,他们就开始在自身能量场中模仿这些能量流,让其在地球的皇冠顶轮并通过所有居住其中的王国转动。

18、If they could be clarified, it might be possible to mimic them on an industrial scale, and thus produce better drugs. ─── 如果这一点能够被弄清楚,那么在产业规模上模拟他们并由此获得更好的药物将成为可能。

19、Highly intelligent creatures, giant Pacific octopuses have learned to open jars, mimic other octopuses, and solve mazes in lab tests. ─── 巨型太平洋章鱼的智商很高,它们能学会开罐头,模仿其他的章鱼,在实验中顺利通过谜宫。

20、To act as an imitator or mimic. ─── 充当模仿或抄袭者

21、He used to mimic speech peculiarities of another. ─── 他过去总是模仿别人讲话的特点。

22、Sometimes I just guess a dictation right because I mimic a phrase I heard in class. ─── 在听写时,有时我仅依靠模仿平时上课时听到的单词就可以猜对听写时的词汇。

23、The students mimic his speaking style and take grammar quizzes from the president's election night victory speech in Chicago's Grant Park. ─── 学生们从总统在芝加哥大公园的选举夜胜选演说中模仿他的说话风格和接受语法测试。

24、Some cases of granulomatous prostatitis may closely mimic high-grade cancer. ─── 一些肉芽肿性前列腺炎看起来可能更像是高分级癌。

25、To mimic cardiac cell composition, we reseeded these constructs with cardiac or endothelial cells. ─── 为了模仿心脏细胞组成,我们对这些结构再植心脏细胞或内皮细胞。

26、May initially mimic a viral respiratory illness and then rapidly progress to diffuse pulmonary involvement leading to respiratory failure. ─── 很快扩散至肺部引起呼吸衰竭。

27、A ludicrous, buffoonish character in old comedies who attempts feebly to mimic the tricks of the clown. ─── 小丑,丑角旧时喜剧中滑稽可笑的角色,他们愚笨地来模仿小丑的把戏

28、The "Traditional", hate Christianity, celebrate the Black Mass, in the cup they drink blood of a sacrificial animal or human, to mimic the Mass. ─── '传统的',憎恨基督教,颂扬黑弥撒,模仿黑弥撒,饮用小杯中盛装的动物血或者人血。

29、Curl the handles to mimic the top of the stilt. ─── 弯曲手柄与支撑足保持一致。

30、Her mother Hannah was also an entertainer. A wonderful mimic, she had a sweet, charming voice. ─── 他母亲哈那是一位出色的喜剧演员,嗓音甜美动人。

31、It's essentially a mimic of the natural process of geology on a smaller time scale. ─── 它实际上是对地质情况自然过程的一个模拟,只是时间更短。

32、In his presentational style, Mr Zuckerberg has looked to mimic the self-assured swagger of Mr Jobs. ─── 带着表演般的风格,扎克博格希望效仿乔布斯那种旁若无人的自信。

33、She learned to mimic at the age of five. ─── 她5岁时就学会模仿。

34、HCV pseudotyped virus is a model that can closely mimic the early steps of HCV infection. ─── HCV假病毒是目前研究HCV感染早期阶段即病毒吸附、受体结合及与细胞膜融合等较理想的HCV替代模型。

35、ADT is “purely a response to the hyperkinetic environment in which we live,” writes Hallowell, and its hallmark symptoms mimic those of ADD. ─── “在人类的历史上,大脑从来没有被要求在同一时间做这么多工作。”

36、Most are nectar feeding and many mimic bees and wasps, with their characteristic black and yellow bands in the abdomen. ─── 它们大多数都是以花蜜为食,它们中的很多酷似蜜蜂和黄蜂,因为它们都在下腹部有标志性的黄色和黑色条纹。

37、Other creations began to mimic her music when at another time, each creation held distinct music of their own. ─── 在另一时间中,每一个创造物都拥有独特的音乐,而其它创造物开始模仿她的音乐。

38、An array of chemical sensors is used to mimic the range of protein receptors in the human nose. ─── 一组化学传感器被用来模仿人鼻子中的蛋白质感受器官的范围。

39、 双语使用场景

40、Under restrictive assumptions, the actions of elected officials mimic the wishes of the median voter. ─── 在严格的假设条件下,政治家的行为会趋向于迎合中间投票人的利益。

41、You would like to mimic this plan on your test environment. ─── 您需要在测试环境中模拟该计划。

42、Women may try and mimic the glow of love with cosmetics;but nothing can really replace the experience of love. ─── 女性会用化妆品尝试及模仿爱的光辉,但事实上没有事物能代替爱的体验。

43、That substance used illicitly to fool quality-inspection testers because it can mimic the properties of protein. ─── 乳制品之所以添加三聚氰胺是因为它可以虚增蛋白质含量、在质量测试中蒙混过关。

44、The clinical manifestation of chylous ascites may mimic retroperitoneal cystic lymphangioma. ─── 乳糜腹水的临床表现和后腹腔的囊状淋巴瘤十分类似。

45、Furthermore their use in phase-transfer catal-ysis,ion selective electrodes and mimic membrane isbriefly discussed. ─── 对其在相转移催化、离子选择电极及模拟膜中的应用也进行了简略的讨论。

46、We will buy his records, we will use a computer to download his songs, some men may even mimic the tone of his remarks. ─── 我们会买他的唱片,我们会用电脑下载他的歌,有些男生甚至会模仿他的语气说话。

47、When he would turn around, I would mimic him and get a few laughs. ─── 当他转过身的时候,经常被我的模仿逗得哈哈大笑。

49、MIMIC gives Network Engineers the ability to practice for CCNA and other certifications instead of just reading instructions. ─── MIMIC为网络工程师提供了对CCNA和其它认证进行实践的能力,而不是仅仅阅读指令。

50、In 71% of patients normal mimical function was obtained. ─── 71%的患者可以恢复正常的模仿功能。

51、Most biologists agree with Charles Darwin that the two movements mimic infantile nursing patterns. ─── 多数生物学家赞同查尔斯·尔文的观点,认为这两个动作是模仿婴儿吃奶的样子。

52、To mimic Chen Qing-shan's signature ending for many of his short stories, we will leave the readers to draw their own conclusion. ─── 为模仿陈晴山在许多短篇小说结束时的作法,我们让读者作出自己的结论。

53、With this technique, space on the hard drive is used to mimic the extra memory needed. ─── 使用这种技术,硬盘驱动器上的空间被用来模拟所需的额外内存。

54、Cram:american chemist. He shared a 1987 Nobel Prize for creating artificial molecules that can mimic vital chemical reactions. ─── "克拉姆:美国化学家,他创造了能够模仿主要的化学反应的人造分子并因此与人共获1987年诺贝尔奖"

55、Silent performers, wearing entirely black costumes, roam the streets of major cities and mimic the lives of everyday people. ─── 一些不说话的表演者穿着全黑的戏服在各大城市的街头上模仿平常人的生活。

56、Children tend to mimic their parents, so it pays to be a good role model. ─── 孩子易于效仿他们的父母,所以你得做好榜样。

57、For a week afterwards in our form we did nothing but mimic her father. ─── 在课堂上,一个星期之内,人们都是学着王亚明的父亲。

58、Initiation in China, brand-new environmental protection material, delicate design and veriest three dimensional mimic jigsaw puzzles! ─── 国内首创,全新的环保材料,精巧的设计,真正的全三维立体拼图.既实用又具有拼装乐趣的玩具礼品!

59、Mimic I Copies and magnifies the arcane evocation spell cast previous to it. Can only be cast after a critical hit with arcane. ─── 复制并且放大施法者上个奥术召唤法术,攻击目标。只能在使用奥术系法术产生重击效果时才能发动。

60、They mimic their mothers' voices. ─── 他们模仿妈妈的声音。

61、The second Dao now had the mimic . ─── 下面那把剑现在已有仿制品。

62、Any aspirant can mimic the style, but without passion the movements will lack true power. ─── 任何修习者都可以模仿这一招式,但若没有激情,便会缺乏真正的力量。

63、If widespread, such large space velocities could make a distribution typical of young stars mimic that of old stars. ─── 如果广泛存在这样大的空间速度,就可能使年青星的典型分布与老星分布相似。

64、Using resource of DCS, display and control of dynamic mimic screen for industrial process are imple-mented. ─── 利用dcs的资源实现工业过程动态模拟屏的显示控制。

65、Slide 6-6 This slide shows how candidiasis can mimic ringworm infections of the scalp. ─── 幻灯6-6这张照片显示头皮念珠菌病与头癣的损害相似之处。

66、They are also working to develop small molecules that interact with PAP to enhance or mimic its activity. ─── 他们还致力于开发小分子与PAP相互作用以加强或模仿PAP活动。

67、Some birds, like parrots, can mimic the sounds of people talking. ─── 一些鸟类,例如鹦鹉,会模仿人说话。

68、Extra micro norepinephrine preconditioning as a non-injury method can mimic the protective effects of classic IPC and shows its clinical values. ─── 外源性去甲肾上腺素预处理是一种无明显创伤性的对缺血/再灌注大鼠心脏具保护作用的预处理方法,能模拟经典缺血预处理心脏保护效应。

69、I took care not to be such a perfect mimic around my dad. ─── 于是我留神不在爸爸身边做完美的模仿。

70、Sir Peter Ustinov, the actor, director, playwright, novelist, scriptwriter and mimic, died in Switzerland at the age of 82. ─── 4月,集导演、演员、剧作家、小说家编剧和音乐家身份为一身的彼得-乌斯季诺夫在瑞士去世,享年82岁。

71、If your friend scratches her eyebrow or crosses her arms, studies suggest, odds are you’ll unthinkingly mimic the gesture. ─── 如果你的朋友搔她的眉毛或者交叉着手臂,研究表明,很可能你会不假思索地模仿她的姿势。

72、Give this piece of cardboard portrait of the fans also mimic the dress of Montgomery. ─── 举这幅硬纸板画像的球迷也模仿了蒙哥马利的穿着打扮。

73、And while logos can certainly employ an icon-like style, and even mimic the quadratic nature of icons. ─── 当然,标志在某总程度上能够模仿图标似的风格,甚至是模仿大自然的二次图标。

74、The rodent models called on to mimic human cancers are just not measuring up. ─── 想利用齧齿动物当模型来模拟人类癌症的想法,就是一直无法达到预期标准。

75、He could mimic all the teachers' accents. ─── 他能够模仿每位老师的口音。

76、Instead of looking at how computers can mimic creatures, he wants to build computers from biological components. ─── 他不是要研究计算机可以怎样模拟生物体,而是想用生物零件来组装计算机。

77、"What the Invisible Woman does is curve(5) space around herself to bend light. What these devices would do is to mimic(6) that curved space," he said. ─── 他说:“隐身女通过扭曲身边的空间来弯曲光线。所有这些装置都用于模拟被弯曲了的空间。”

78、An animal whose appearance is copied by a mimic. ─── 原型外表被仿造的动物

79、The ability of microfluidics to mimic the flow and geometry of human blood essels also proed critical. ─── 微流体技术关于血流及血管构型模拟的功能也是至关重要的。

80、The international level sport is frankly mimic warfare. ─── 坦率地说,国际范围的运动就是一场模拟战争。

81、It can be a localized, firm area with scarring that can mimic a breast carcinoma. ─── 它可因纤维化成为局限区以致于灰类似于乳腺癌外观。

82、Susan Tyler: They mimic us. We mimic them. ─── 他们演变成我们,我们演变成他们。

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