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10-03 投稿


mingles 发音

英:[ˈmɪŋɡlz]  美:[ˈmɪŋɡlz]

英:  美:

mingles 中文意思翻译




mingles 常用词组

mingle with ─── 和…混合

mingles 词性/词形变化,mingles变形

名词: mingler |动词第三人称单数: mingles |动词过去分词: mingled |动词过去式: mingled |动词现在分词: mingling |

mingles 相似词语短语

1、bingles ─── n.短发;安打;打出安打;vi.安打;vt.剪短发;n.(Bingle)人名;(英)宾格尔

2、jingles ─── n.歌谣式;叮当声(jingle的复数形式);v.作叮当声;押韵(jingle的三单形式)

3、minges ─── n.(Minges)人名;(英)明奇斯

4、mingle ─── vi.混合;交往;vt.使混合;使相混;n.(Mingle)人名;(加纳、英)明格尔

5、mangles ─── vt.乱砍;轧布;损坏;n.轧布机;n.(Mangle)人名;(英)曼格尔

6、dingles ─── n.幽谷;峡谷;vi.发抖;发叮当声;n.(Dingle)人名;(英、葡)丁格尔

7、miggles ─── n.游戏用指弹的石子或珠

8、ingles ─── n.(Ingles)人名;(西)因格莱斯;(英)英格尔斯

9、mingled ─── v.(使)相混,融合;掺和;(在社交场合)相交往,应酬(mingle的过去式和过去分词)

mingles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Our breath comes out white clouds, mingles and hangs in the air. ─── 如今父亲带回来的藕粉包装精致,可以倒在杯子里直接冲热水搅拌就能吃,可是总是觉得太甜太甜,没有了当初的美味。

2、exclaims Watteau,Lancret, the painter of plebeians, contemplates his bourgeois, who have flitted away into the azure sky,Diderot stretches out his arms to all these love idyls, and d'Urfe mingles druids with them. ─── 平民画家朗克雷凝视着他那些飞入天空的仕女,狄德罗赞颂爱情,杜尔菲甚至说古代的祭司们也不免触景生情。

3、On the streets of Asuncion - the past mingles curiously with the fads and fashions of today. ─── 亚松森(巴拉圭首都)的一条街道上,历史和时尚非常奇怪的结合在一起。

4、And the earth mingles with the sky; ─── 并且地球与天空混在一起;

5、He mingles with the world.Like grows with like in transgression.It is a fearful assimilation. ─── 他与世人同流合污,渐渐变成罪中之人,真是可怕的同化;

6、Fire and water mingles the shower nozzle adopt the peculiar device to be too busy to be tied in wedlock with spraying water and gushing fire , the end in the water column burns raging flames. ─── 水火交融喷头采用特殊的装置把喷水与喷火无暇结合,在水柱的顶头燃烧熊熊烈火。

7、The pneumatics mingles the taut force of taut clip greatly ,Velocity is quickly ,Yet the dynamics are not steadyd ,Being living becomes flexible easily when carrying on dimensions place regulateing ; ─── 气动夹紧的夹紧力大,速度快,但是力度不稳定,在进行尺寸位置调整时容易松动;

8、Because of oil-solubility of bridging-off agent, the shielding zone is removed when bridging-off agent mingles with crude oil, and then the formation permeability is restored. ─── 桥堵剂是油溶性的、投产后与原油相遇其桥堵作用自行解除,储层渗透性得以恢复。

9、The refrain of "China's back" mingles with "that wouldn't happen here". ─── “中国回归”的回音混合着“那不会在这里发生”。

10、The course mingles both music and arts, it can strengthen and further enhance the children’s creativity and multiple intelligences. ─── 课程结合音乐及艺术,加强他们的创造力,发挥多元智能的果效。

11、In Copital, Mare's expana-tion of capitalist economic process, characteristecs and rules mingles with historical philosophy on the essenceand law of human society. ─── 马克思在阐释资本主义经济运行的过程、特点和规律时,内在地融入了关于人类社会的本质及其规律的历史哲学思想。

12、The rumble of what many believe is an enemy warplane somewhere overhead mingles with the thunder of the impending rainstorm. ─── 的隆隆声,许多人认为是一个什么地方的开销交融与临近的雷暴雨敌人战机。

13、Voluptuousness mingles there with its sweet tiny point, while it hides itself. ─── 奉承,具有隔着面纱亲吻的意味。

14、deity mingles against demon ─── 神魔交织

15、The music spreads widely along with the trails of beggars and mingles with other folk music. ─── 这些音乐随着乞讨者的足迹在江淮地区内广为流传,并且和其他民间音乐相互交融。

16、Sin mingles even with our holy things, and our best repentance, faith, prayer, and thanksgiving could not be received of God were it not for the merit of the atoning sacrifice. ─── 而罪常与我们看为是好的事混杂在一起,若没有耶稣宝血的挽回祭,我们的悔改、信心、祷告,在上帝眼中,都不算数。

17、At first he removes it and mingles with the children. ─── 起初,他删除,并与孩子交织在一起。

18、Briary blackberry character mingles with violet, cola and spice nuances in the wine's inviting aromas and velvety flavors. ─── 有着石南、黑莓的味道,伴随着紫罗兰、可乐和香料的味道。

19、The designer’s wish was to create a living experience that fully mingles the interior and exterior.Nature saturates into the living fabric and becomes part of life. ─── 设计师希望从大宅内部营塑自然况味与园区浓绿景色作呼应,构成室内外景致相互套叠,与自然相拥的诗情画意。

20、Though she mingles with the rich and famous, Westenra says her thriftiness keeps her grounded. ─── 尽管现在她已名利双收,海莉说她勤俭的习惯使得她依旧计划井然。

21、The refrain of "China's back" mingles with "that wouldn't happen here".They may be speaking too soon.If they are, it will be our problem as well as theirs. ─── “中国复兴”以及“类似的事情不会发生在这儿”的论调夹杂而下,但也许说这些还太早,即便果真如此,它也将成为我们的也是他们的问题。

22、As land mingles with sea over these vast distances, it embraces at least three distinct ecosystems. ─── 在这么长的距离内,海陆交融,至少形成三个独特的生态系统。

23、Very often, whether a leader is seen as such is a result of the perception by the masses of how he relates to and mingles with the people. ─── 吴总理的意思是要指出领袖的亲和力的重要性,而亲和力往往表现在人民对领袖与民相处的观感与印象。

24、In the marshes, where the Euphrates nears the end of its 1,730-mile journey and mingles with the less salty waters of the Tigris before emptying into the Persian Gulf, the situation is grave. ─── 这片灌木丛中,问题十分严重。在这里,幼发拉底即将走完1730英里的全长,与盐分相对较少的底格里斯河交汇,并最终流入波斯湾。

25、To take revenge for his brother, overseas scholar Li Nanfeng gives up his bright future, conceals his identity and and mingles with his enemy Lin Zhiqiu. ─── 留学归来的李楠风为给跳楼身亡的哥哥报仇,放弃前途,改名换姓甚至瞒着苦候他归来的恋人丁宁,混进仇人林知秋的公司伺机报复。

26、Luoyang is a famous ancient capital and cultural city of China, its construction of tourism culture mingles hope and fear. ─── 洛阳是我国著名的历史文化名城,旅游文化建设喜忧参半。

27、On the contrary, Ding mingles his personal experience, interests and imagination with his extravagant ideas; ─── 在当今画坛,很难见到这样的画境。

28、The reality mingles with illusion, as if Little Tree had never left. ─── 现实与幻觉的交织,仿佛小树从未离开过。

29、8 2 Ephraim mingles with the nations, Ephraim is a hearth cake unturned. ─── 厄弗辣因想混杂在列邦之中,厄弗辣因成了一块尚未翻过的烤饼。

30、He rarely mingles with persons of his own rank in society. ─── 他几乎不与和他身分相同的人交往。

31、Till mountains crumble,Streams run dry,Thunder rumbles in winter,Snow falls in summer,And the earth mingles with the skyNot till then will I cease to love you! ─── 除非是山没有了丘陵,长江、黄河都干枯了,冬天雷声隆隆,夏天下起了大雪,天与地合到一起,我才敢同您断绝!

32、I've known Namu for a decade and have observed as she mingles fantasy and fact based on what she thinks will sell. ─── 我认识娜姆十年,每当她从卖座的角度出发,把幻想和事实混为一谈,我都在场。

33、The scene on Jing-tian Road mingles the ancient Chinese respect for the environment with a dancing, almost ebullient, sense of repose. ─── 金田路的风景用舞蹈混合了古代中国对环境的尊重。几乎是热情洋溢的,是休息的感觉。

34、He rarely mingles with persons of his own rank. ─── 他极少与自己地位相同的人交往。

35、Our breath comes out white clouds mingles &hangs in the air. ─── 我们的鼻息如白云般文织凝结在冷空气中.

36、A recent painting is The Game, which mingles the imagery of sport and political repression. ─── 最近的画作《比赛》,掺杂着体育和政治压迫意象。

37、A deep, seductive &utterly masculine fragrance Features woodsy notes of cedar, clove Mingles with bergamot, lemon, clary sage, basil &juniper Perfect for all occasions ─── 4强盗淡香水喷雾深邃、迷人的男性香水,带有雪松、丁香树的木调,混合了佛手柑、柠檬、鼠尾草、罗勒、杜松,适合所有场合。

38、i miss you winona weiwei :Till mountains crumble,the earth mingles with sky,Till then will I cease to love you . ─── 怎么感到都是我的经历!!哎呀感情呀爱情呀!!说不完的话题

39、In his novels "Elsie Venner","The Guardian Angel" and "A mortal Antipathy" he mingles light-hearted local colour with themes that could be of great significances. ─── 在他的小说《艾尔西·文纳》《守护天使》和《致命的反感》里,他把轻松的地方色彩掺入可能具有重大意义的主题。

40、In his novels "Elsie Venner", "The Guardian Angel" and "A mortal Antipathy" he mingles light-hearted local colour with themes that could be of great significances. ─── 在他的小说《艾尔西·文纳》《守护天使》和《致命的反感》里,他把轻松的地方色彩掺入可能具有重大意义的主题。

41、The huge barbeque pit in the restaurant where everyone mingles grilling their own meat and seafood creates an ambience of casualness, relaxation and friendliness. ─── 餐馆中,众人围坐在巨大烤架旁烧烤肉食和海鲜的情景营造了一种休闲、轻松和友好的气氛。

42、The design actually blends with the ground, and it actually extrudes itself out of the ground and mingles with it. ─── 建筑随着地势起落,既水平延伸,也与地形天然交融在一起。

43、Nature sometimes mingles her effects and her spectacles with our actions with sombre and intelligent appropriateness, as though she desired to make us reflect. ─── 上天有时会在适当时刻使万物的景象和人的行动发生巧妙的配合,从而产生出深刻的效果,仿佛有意要我们多多思考似的。

44、And each civilisation spreads into and mingles with the spread of other civilisation. ─── 而每一种文明不断与其他文明彼此播散与交融。

45、It mingles the romantic ethos of the southerners with the perseverance and determinations of the northerners, whose ideals are to reform the society, representing the subjectivity of the intellectuals emerged after the Warring Period. ─── 《天问》的诗学精神则是南北文化结合的产物,兼具南人的浪漫与北人的坚忍之志、强毅之气,并体现了春秋战国以后崛起的士人群体的主体精神。

46、Mingles the oriental culture and the occidental culture and will give the children a multicultural basis of development. ─── 多元文化背景,东西方文化交融,为孩子提供了广阔的发展空间。

47、True history being a mixture of all things, the true historian mingles in everything. ─── 历史既然包罗一切,真正的历史学家便应过问一切。

48、Leshan Statue of Buddha, which mingles the Buddha with the mountain, is the biggest stone-carved statue of Buddha throughout the world. ─── 乐山大佛,佛、山合一,是世界上迄今为止发现的最大的石刻佛像。

49、The hydraulic pressure mingles the taut force of taut clip and to be steadyd greatly ,Large soldering tool set-up constantly adopts ,The shortcoming is the easy divulgence ,Create pollution 。 ─── 液压夹紧的夹紧力大且稳定,是大型拼焊工装常采用的,不足之处是易泄漏,造成污染。

50、Our breath comes out white cloud mingles and hangs in the air ─── 你我呼出的气如云雾般交错,凝结在冷空气中

51、He rarely mingles with other students on the campus. ─── 他很少和校园里的其他学生交往。

52、The result shows that the temperature of the smoke generator from the fire in the large space building is rather low, and the smoke subsides easily and mingles with air. ─── 结果表明,在大空间火灾中生成的烟气温度比较低,很容易发生沉降及与空气混合。

53、I've known Namu for a decade and have observed as she mingles fantasy and fact based on what she thinks will sell. ─── 我认识娜姆十年,每当她从卖座的角度出发,把幻想和事实混为一谈,我都在场。

54、The distant rumbling of the guns mingles with our marching song. ─── 枪的深邃长声与我们行进歌混合。

55、Here past glamour mingles with the latest cool, while today's style also is the progenitor of the trend tomorrow. ─── 在这里,过去的风情与今天的时尚共存,今天的魅力延展着明天的期盼。

56、Mingles and hangs in the air ─── 缭绕在空中

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