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10-04 投稿


minny 发音


英:  美:

minny 中文意思翻译




minny 词性/词形变化,minny变形


minny 相似词语短语

1、mingy ─── adj.吝啬的;卑鄙的;少得可怜的;卑贱的

2、Winny ─── n.软件名

3、hinny ─── n.公马和母驴所生的骡子

4、minty ─── adj.有薄荷香的;有薄荷味的;n.(Minty)人名;(英)明蒂

5、miny ─── adj.如矿坑的;n.(Miny)人名;(德、葡)米尼

6、mincy ─── 硬币

7、Ginny ─── adj.杜松子酒的;有杜松子酒味的;n.(Ginny)(美、印、马、澳、新)金尼(人名)

8、finny ─── adj.多鱼的,似鱼的;有鳍的;n.(Finny)(美、印)奋丽(人名)

9、Vinny ─── n.文尼(男子名,Vincent的昵称,等于Vinnie)

minny 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can someone explain how with our defensive wizard on the bench for the entire 4th quarter we held Minny to 12 points?Care to speculate why then we then inserted him into the game in OT? ─── 有人能跟我解释我们把防守魔术师放在板凳上而第四节我们却让森林狼只得了12分,思考一下为什么我们在加时赛要把他放在场上。

2、Minny is up 2 and Blazers have last shot of the game here...keep your fingers crossed. ─── 森林狼现在领先2分,而开拓者控球获得最后一次进攻投篮的机会。。。希望能投进。

3、3. Minny is up 2 and Blazers have last shot of the game here...keep your fingers crossed. ─── 森林狼现在领先2分,而开拓者控球获得最后一次进攻投篮的机会。。。希望能投进。收藏指正

4、Only the best can marry Minny. ─── 鼠爸爸说:Who is the best?

5、get the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz together against her, make ready a scribe against her;let the horses come up against her like massed locusts. ─── 又派军长来攻击他,使马匹上来如蚂蚱,使列国和玛代君王,与省长和副省长,并他们所管全地之人,都预备攻击他。

6、Come, let us seek for Minny ourselves, and begone. ─── 来,让我们自己找敏妮去,走吧。

7、Minni got a job as a bank clerk. ─── 蜜妮找到一份银行职员的工作。

8、While the weight became too heavy for KG's frame in Minny he came to Boston where he could distribute some of the responsibility. ─── 当时在明尼苏达加内特身上的担子越发沉重,加内特几乎不胜负荷,之后他来到了波士顿,在一支他同样可以共享力量但有好队友一起分担责任的球队。

9、27 2 Raise a signal on the earth, blow the trumpet among the nations;Dedicate peoples to war against her, summon against her the kingdoms, Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz; ─── 你们在地上树立旗帜,在万民间吹起号角,祝圣万民向她进攻,召集阿辣辣特和明尼及阿市革纳次王国向她进攻,派遣一员大将向他进攻;

10、I spoke with one Eastern conference exec a few days after the Wizards pulled off the Minny trade for Foye and Miller and he said plainly, "If those guys can stay healthy, that's an elite team. ─── 在奇才和森林狼交易换到福耶和米勒后,我曾和一位东区业内人士聊起此事,该坦白的表示,“只要这些家伙身体别出乱子,这个队就不得了。”

11、Minny, Aibileen’s best friend, is short, fat, and perhaps the sassiest woman in Mississippi. ─── 矮又胖的Minny是Aibieen最好的朋友,她可能是整个密西西比最鲁莽的女人了。

12、i remember Minni also didnt sleep very well before 8months old(or she didnt let us sleep well), i needed to feed her every ... ─── 谢谢,小贝从昨天晚上开始睡觉好点了,到了凌晨3:30要起来喝奶,还拉臭臭,然后玩了一个小时再睡。

13、The next game is against Minny, which if Mac comes back, should be vacation time for the Yaoza. ─── 下一场比赛是对明尼苏达,假如麦蒂在那场比赛回归的话,姚明大帝可以好好休息一下了。

14、but at that announcement she hastily disengaged herself, and whistled to Minny , who obeyed her like a dog. ─── 可是一听这个宣告,她连忙挣脱,向敏妮呼啸一声,它像条狗一样的应声来了。

15、but at that announcement she hastily disengaged herself, and whistled to Minny, who obeyed her like a dog. ─── 可是一听这个宣告,她连忙挣脱,向敏妮呼啸一声,它像条狗一样的应声来了。

16、Minny, Aibileen's best friend, is short, fat, and perhaps the sassiest woman in Mississippi. ─── 敏妮,Aibileen最好的朋友,是矮,是胖,也许是在密西西比州sassiest女子。

17、They are 3.5 behind, with one to play tomorrow against Minny, which I can see they lose to the playoff struggling twolves. ─── 他们落后我们3.5场,用一个人明天和森林狼较量,我会看着他们第12次错失季后赛资格。

18、Minny finally finds a position working for someone too new to town to know her reputation. ─── 敏妮终于找到有能力的人工作太新的城镇知道她的声誉。

19、Another faction of the Sudan Liberation Movement, led by Minni Minawi, said three high-ranking members were aboard the hijacked flight. ─── 由米纳维领导的苏丹解放运动的另一派系说,该组织有三名高级成员在那架被劫持的飞机上。

20、Theo Ratliff was not available to the Rockets. He was discussed between Minny and Detroit before he was released. So he wasn't an option. ─── 拉特里夫不适合火箭。他在狼买断与活塞的计划中,因此他不在我们的选项中。

21、Pluto's Bubble Bath - This episode features Mickey Mouse, Minny Mouse and Pluto. ─── 冥王星的泡泡浴-这段插曲功能米老鼠,敏妮鼠标和冥王星。

22、When Minny shot 40 total free throws... the Rox 19 for the whole game. ─── 狼全场获得40次罚球,而火箭只有19次。

23、I gave Michael books and pictures to prepare Minny every evening, and to put her back in the stable: you must n't scold him either, mind. ─── 我给麦寇尔一些书和画,叫他每天晚上把敏妮准备好,等用过后把它牵回马厩里:记住,你也千万别骂他。

24、If everyone knew minny wanted to trade him, they'd use that knowledge as leverage for trying to get a more advantageous trade. ─── 如果人们都知道明尼苏达想交换他,他们会把这个信息作为砝码,使自己在交易中处于有利地位。

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