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10-03 投稿


moonset 发音


英:  美:

moonset 中文意思翻译



moonset 短语词组

1、moonrise moonset ─── 月出 ─── 月落

2、moonset moonrise ─── 月落 ─── 月升

3、moonset vintage ─── 月落葡萄酒

moonset 相似词语短语

1、mooned ─── adj.月状的;月亮般的;以月亮图案装饰的;v.懒散度日,浪荡;出神,发呆;以屁股示人(moon的过去式和过去分词)

2、mooner ─── n.多在月圆时作案的罪犯

3、moonshot ─── n.月球探测器;对月球发射

4、moonseed ─── n.月籽藤

5、mooniest ─── 罂粟花

6、moonlet ─── n.小卫星;人造卫星

7、moonier ─── 穆尼尔

8、moonlets ─── n.小卫星;人造卫星

9、moonbat ─── 月蝙蝠

moonset 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Eastern Asia, eastern Australia and New Zealand missed the last stages of the eclipse because they occurred after moonset. ─── 由于月落,亚洲东部、澳洲东部和新西兰也都看不到本次月食的最后阶段。

2、Recorded after moonset, the starry background features the bright star Vega on the right. ─── 这张照片拍摄于月落之后,这片繁星中的最亮点是画面右侧的织女星。

3、Explanation: Just before the rising Sun fully illuminated the 2,635 meter summit of Cerro Paranal in northern Chile, Gordon Gillet captured this stunning moonset. ─── 说明:就在升起的太阳完全照亮智利北部高达2,635米的安第斯山脉支脉帕拉纳尔山峰之前,戈登.吉尔拍摄到了这张绚丽的月落影像。

4、How can you know what time to expect moonrise or moonset? ─── 你是如何知道何时期盼月起月落的?

5、This morning, however, I witnessed another of Mother Nature's spectacular shows-a moonset. ─── 今天早上,我亲眼目睹了大自然的另一种奇观——月落。

6、How can you know what time to expect moonrise or moonset? ─── 你是如何知道何时期盼月起月落的?

7、"moonset Wu Ti frost sky, Jiangfeng fishing boat on the unhappy sleep" warm . ─── “月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠”的温馨。

8、A second circular LCD display around the edge shows the times of moonrise and moonset. ─── 环绕表盘的第二圈的液晶屏显示月生月落。

9、moon set (moonset) ─── 月没

10、This well-composed multiple-exposure image recorded the steady progress of the dramatic moonset with a 6. 5 minute gap between each frame. ─── 这张精美合成的多重曝光照片记录下了一场戏剧性的月落的平稳过程,每一帧之间间隔6.5分钟。

11、Recorded after moonset, the starry background features the bright star Vega on the right.Extending below the western horizon is the faint band of the northern Milky Way. ─── 上面这幅在月落后拍摄的照片里,背景星空右上方的亮星是织女星,贯过影像并延伸到西方地平线的暗淡带状结构是北天银河。

12、For Taiwan area, the eclipse will be in progress at moonset, people can only watch part of this event before moonset, with naked eyes or a small telescope. ─── 但是,气象局特别提醒民众注意,由于日没时的夕阳亮度还是很强,最好准备适当的遮减光器具观看,但观看的持续时间最好不要太久。

13、moonrise and moonset tables ─── 月亮出没时间表

14、"moonset Wu Ti frost sky, Jiangfeng fishing boat on the unhappy sleep" warm . ─── “月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠”的温馨。

15、Recorded after moonset, the starry background features the bright star Vega on the right. ─── 这张照片拍摄于月落之后,这片繁星中的最亮点是画面右侧的织女星。

16、Western Europe will see the beginning stages of the eclipse before moonset, while western Asia will get the later stages after moonrise. ─── 欧洲西部将会在月落之前看到月食的开始阶段,而亚洲西部在月升之后将看到后期阶段。

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