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milliliter 发音

[ 'mɪlɪˌlitɚ]

英:  美:

milliliter 中文意思翻译



milliliter 相似词语短语

1、milliliters ─── n.毫升

2、millilitres ─── n.[计量]毫升

3、microliter ─── n.微升

4、millilitre ─── n.[计量]毫升

5、melilite ─── n.[矿物]黄长石;方柱石

6、millimeters ─── n.毫米(millimeter的复数形式)

7、kiloliter ─── n.千升(容量单位)

8、millimeter ─── n.毫米

9、millerite ─── n.针硫镍矿

milliliter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Their sperm production had been monitored each month until their sperm count hit 20 million per mL (milliliter), which is considered fertile. ─── 这些男士接受此种避孕措施后,其精子数量每个月都被记录下来,直到停药后,其精子水平恢复到每毫升2000万个(该精子水平被认为可生育)。

2、The detectable limit of this method is less than 1 pg(or 1 unit )of IL-6 in one milliliter. ─── 检测灵敏度为1pg或1U/ml以下;

3、Inks are available in individual 110 and 220 milliliter cartridges. ─── 油墨,可在110个人和220毫升墨盒。

4、Volume: liter, Cubic meter, milliliter, Gallon, Quart, Pint, Fluid Ounce, bushel, Fluid Arroba ─── 体积:升,立方米,毫升,加仑,夸脱,品脱,流液盎司,流体阿罗瓦,蒲式耳,流液阿罗瓦

5、The jars and bottles feature an oxygen and CO2 barrier coating that improves the oxygen barrier on a 500 milliliter OPP bottle approximately 140 times over an uncoated PP version. ─── 在罐子和瓶子功能的氧气和二氧化碳障涂层,提高了氧气阻隔在500毫升的OPP瓶约140倍的非涂布聚丙烯版本。

6、Current treatment guidelines call for patients to start highly active antiretroviral therapy, or HAART, when they have fewer than 350 CD4 cells per milliliter of blood. ─── 如果病人的CD4细胞在每升血液中少于350个,现在的治疗方针要求他们进行高效抗逆转录病毒疗法,或叫HAART。

7、Two hundred and fifty milliliter of soil sample was added to each pot. ─── 在温室试验中,每一盆钵装土250毫升,留5棵高粱苗。

8、The 130-milliliter, injection-molded high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles and closures were supplied by RPC Containers. ─── 130毫升,注塑高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)瓶和关闭所提供的RPC容器。

9、chemistry that deals with minute quantities of materials,frequently less than one milligram in mass or one milliliter in volume ─── 研究极小数量物质的化学,通常研究对象质量小于一毫克或体积小于一毫升

10、Each milliliter of sheep or dog anti-rOspA serum could kill 10~6 Lyme disease spirochetes at most. ─── 绵羊和犬的抗rOspA血清杀菌能力因免疫剂量的不同而不同,每毫升绵羊和犬抗rOspA血清最高可杀灭1.0×106个莱姆病螺旋体。

11、Reoccupy calx 1 gram, with the pulverization that a few water make, add 50 milliliter water next, filter goes residual; ─── 再用生石灰1克,用几滴水使之粉化,然后加50毫升水,滤去残渣;

12、Using lidocaine to side limbs at the same time 2 grams join 5% dextrose the Jing Di in 500 milliliter, 20 / are divided, inspect heart circumstance to adjust the drop of two medicine fast. ─── 同时在对侧肢体用利多卡因2克加入5%葡萄糖500毫升中静滴,20滴/分,并视心脏情况调节两药的滴速。

13、Definitely pine torch tea: 30 grams definitely the water that pine torch adds 700 milliliter, boil to medical soup half when involve fire. ─── 决明子茶:30克决明子加入700毫升的水,熬至药汤一半的时候关火。

14、milliliter blood could be sold for 40 yuan! ─── 卖200毫升血可以赚40块钱!

15、The drink of 6 great health care that World Health Organization offers includes green tea, claret (daily 100 milliliter) , soup of mushroom of Shang He of soya-bean milk, yoghurt, bone. ─── 世界卫生组织提出的六大保健饮品就包括绿茶、红葡萄酒(每日100毫升)、豆浆、酸奶、骨头汤和蘑菇汤。

16、Of the Bordeaux mixture of 1% making up a method is: Bluestone 1 gram, water heats after smashing 50 milliliter are dissolved; ─── 1%的波尔多液的配制方法是:硫酸铜1克,粉碎后加热水50毫升溶化;

17、Material: 50 grams of tremella , 1 piece of pomelo , a liitle water and 100 milliliter of apple vinegar. ─── 材料:银耳50克,柚子1片,清水少许,苹果醋100毫升。

18、Fruit yoghurt: Put a banana or an apple in mixer to wring broken, rejoin the yoghurt of 250 milliliter a mix is even, make fruit yoghurt. ─── 水果酸奶:将一根香蕉或一个苹果放在搅拌机里绞碎,再加入250毫升的酸奶一起搅拌均匀,制成水果酸奶。

19、1) will fry dolly of nutlet, Yi benevolence, use water decoction twice, collection juice 500 milliliter; ─── 1)将炒果仁.苡仁捣碎,用水煎煮两次,收取汁液500毫升;

20、Though, the milk that drink delicacy instead drinks defatted milk milk of a cup of complete fat (250 milliliter) have 65 calorie about, won't become the matter that send fertilizer. ─── 将喝鲜奶改为喝脱脂奶虽说一杯全脂牛奶(250毫升)大约有65卡路里,不会成为致肥原因。

21、Yangtao of the need when making is 500 grams, low spend liquor 500 milliliter. ─── 制作时需要猕猴桃500克、低度白酒500毫升。

22、A normal healthy fermentation will reach the stationary phase with a cell population up to 100 - 150 million viable yeast cells per milliliter. ─── 发酵达到正常健康的细胞,与固定相人口多达100-150万可行酵母细胞每毫升。

23、Inside two hours after the water that 500 milliliter drink below normal circumstance, regular meeting wants to go up of the toilet. ─── 正常情况下喝500毫升的水后两个小时内,一定会要上厕所的。

24、After the balloon reachs gastric ministry, doctor repass pipe goes to 450 milliliter the blue brine rinse of 700 milliliter the balloon in her stomach. ─── 当气球到达胃部后,医生再通过管子将450毫升到700毫升的蓝色盐水灌进她胃中的气球。

25、The ground is disinfected first by the sparge inside extroversion, gush dosage is every square metre 200 milliliter arrives 300 milliliter, after waiting for indoor disinfection to end, again by sparge repeats outside introversion. ─── 地面消毒先由外向内喷雾一次,喷药量为每平方米200毫升到300毫升,待室内消毒完毕后,再由内向外重复喷雾一次。

26、Capacity only every bottles of price is the sparge agent of 57 milliliter 9.95 dollars. ─── 容量仅57毫升的喷雾剂每瓶售价为9.95美元。

27、After the volume is calibrated with distilled water at 25 C, the same volume of paint is weighed and the density is calculated in grams per milliliter or pounds per gallon. ─── 在体积用蒸馏水在25C情况下校准后,相同体积的涂料称重和其密度可以计算用每毫升多少克来表示或每加仑多少磅来表示。

28、English language in general day-to-day, ml represent milliliter, ml mean. ─── 一般英文日常用语中, ml 仅代表 milliliter,毫升的意思。

29、If press weight to calculate,the child drinks the word of the main demand of the grandma, the good amount that drink a milk is everyday 150 milliliter grandma has compared every kilograms of weight. ─── 事实上,孩子到了1岁多,半夜仍会醒来喝奶属正常现象,家长不必担心。

30、The PSA leel, measured in nanograms per milliliter of blood, reflects how much of this antigen is being produced and released into the bloodstream. ─── 通过血液检测到的PSA水平是每毫升血液的PSA纳克数,反应的是该抗原产生并释放到血流中量。

31、Consumption: 10 kg per milliliter of fabric using this product 50-70. ─── 用 量:每10公斤织物用本品50-70毫升。

32、Pour green tea bubble with boiling water first, grape and candy add cold water 60 milliliter, mix drink with green tea juice, can fight consenescence and retain green vigor. ─── 先将绿茶用沸水冲泡,葡萄与糖加冷水60毫升,与绿茶汁混饮,可抗衰老和保持青春活力。

33、milliliter [ml] ─── 毫升公撮

34、grams per milliliter ─── 克/毫升

35、Switch your afternoon soda to a diet soda to save 150 calories (per 330-milliliter can) a day. ─── 将下午茶时间的普通汽水改成低能量汽水,这样你每喝一罐330毫升的低糖汽水便可少摄入150大卡热量。

36、(Cane of 7) sweet potato 150 grams, decoct water 150 milliliter, right amount take. ─── (7)山芋藤150克,煎水150毫升,适量服。

37、Usage is angelica 50 grams, add decoction of right amount water 2 times, decoction 1000 milliliter filter. ─── 用法是当归50克,加适量水煎煮2次,煎煮1000毫升过滤。

38、" to reinforce conviction, again compensatory: "Every milliliter wants the price on the market 0.75 cent!"Every milliliter wants the price on the market 0.75 cent!! ─── 为加强说服力,再补充一句:“市场上售价每毫升要0.75美分呢!”

39、Morning, nurse as before afternoon, daily at least 500 milliliter. ─── 早晨、下午依旧喂奶,每日至少500毫升。

40、Need injection only a few adipose (about 30 milliliter) can solve this problem, coxal meeting appears more plump. ─── 只需要注射少量的脂肪(约30毫升)就可以解决这个问题,臀部会显得更为丰满。

41、The mother's milk, the baby powdered milk include the rich calcium, if calcareous amounts to 50 milligrams in 100 milliliter baby powdered milk, in mother's milk calcareous 30 milligrams. ─── 母乳、婴儿奶粉都含有丰富的钙,如在100毫升的婴儿奶粉中含钙达50毫克,母乳中含钙30毫克。

42、For the diagnosis of bacteriuria in symptomatic patients, decreasing the colony count to 1000 to 10,000 bacteria per milliliter will improve sensitivity without significantly reducing specificity (level of evidence, C). ─── 对有症状菌尿患者诊断菌尿的标准可以减少为每毫升1000年到10,000细菌,这可以增加敏感性,而且没有显著的减少减少特异性(证据级别,C)。

43、The question is how much cellulose does a unit milliliter probably have? ─── 问题是一单位毫升大约有多少纤维素?

44、In addition, patients had at least six months, blood in the number of HIV to less than 40 viruses per milliliter level. ─── 还有,患者在此前至少六个月里,血液中艾滋病毒的数量,要低于每毫升40个病毒的水平。

45、Round-the-clock energy 1000 - 1200 kilocalorie, protein 65 - 70 grams, water portion 3000 milliliter above, very safe, can hold to a month. ─── 全天能量1000-1200千卡,蛋白质65-70克,水份3000毫升以上,非常安全,可以坚持一个月。

46、The jaundice chip was designed as a "five-in-one" gene chip to screen mutations (a permanent change in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene) in five genes using only one milliliter, or less than a half of a teaspoon, of blood. ─── 这种黄疸芯片设计为一种“五合一”基因芯片,用于筛查五种基因的突变(构成基因的DNA序列的永久性改变),只需一毫升或者不到半茶匙血液。

47、A milliliter; one cubic centimeter. ─── 毫升;立方厘米

48、milliliter(1/1000 of a liter) ─── 毫升(千分之一升)

49、Take this medicine to have exquisite, it is to have chroma demand, 50 milliliter water develops a packet, ; ─── 服用该药有讲究,一是有浓度要求,50 毫升水冲一包,不能直接倒入口中吞服;

50、Chemistry that deals with minute quantities of materials, frequently less than one milligram in mass or one milliliter in volume. ─── 微量化学研究极小数量物质的化学,通常研究对象质量小于一毫克或体积小于一毫升

51、Hotpot 250 grams, ginger 20 grams, yam 100 grams, milk 250 milliliter. ─── 羊肉250克、生姜20克、山药100克、牛奶250毫升。

52、2 add water 500 milliliter, first conflagration boil, concentrated juice is become in small fire cook over a slow fire. ─── 2 加水500毫升,先大火煮沸,在小火煨成浓汁。

53、Breakfast: 250 milliliter degreasing coffee, 1 big orange, several entire wheat breads, 1 entire wheat muffin, the egg which fries in oil with the Chinese olive, 1 cheese, 1/4 pear, 4 cherry tomato. ─── 早餐:250毫升脱脂咖啡,1个大橘子,几片全麦面包,1个全麦松饼,用橄榄油煎的鸡蛋,1块干酪,1/4个梨,4 个樱桃西红柿。

54、Old people waters everyday commonly quantity 1500 compare to 2000 milliliter appropriate. ─── 老年人一般每天饮水量1500至2000毫升比较合适。

55、The U.S. bacterial limit is no more than 500 colony-forming units of bacteria per milliliter of water. ─── 美国的细菌数量上限是每毫升水不超过500个菌落形成单位。

56、8.Clay wall sucks fluid quantity to be every square metre 150 milliliter arrives 300 milliliter, cement wall, board wall, lime wall is every square metre 100 milliliter. ─── 泥土墙吸液量为每平方米150毫升到300毫升,水泥墙、木板墙、石灰墙为每平方米100毫升。

57、French brand, in Euramerican medicine makeup of the sale, price of this bottle of ability in swimming is compared very tall, 500 milliliter, 200 yuan or so. ─── 法国的牌子,在欧美药妆销售的,这瓶水性价比很高,500毫升,200元左右。

58、I think me and should reduce weight, the last time dedicate the time of blood, incredibly run off 100 milliliter lard. ─── 我想我应该去减肥了,上次献血的时候,居然流出了一百毫升的猪油。

59、A simple blood test can determine whether someone has what most researchers believe is an ideal level of vitamin D of between 30 and 40 nanograms per milliliter of blood. ─── 一个简单的血液测定可以确定是否有大多数研究者认为是一个理想水平的维生素D,每毫升血液30-40毫微克。

60、colony forming units per milliliter ─── 每毫升集落生成单位

61、(3) low Potassium and disease of tall Potassium blood: Drop when rate of kidney spherule filtration to 10 milliliter / when cent is the following, easy happening disease of tall blood Potassium. ─── (3)低钾和高钾血症:当肾小球滤过率下降至10毫升/分以下时,易发生高血钾症。

62、Preparation: Injection, every ampoule 2 milliliter, contain evergreen total glucoside 2.2 milligram. ─── 制剂:注射剂,每安瓿2毫升,含万年青总甙2.2毫克。

63、An investigation of bacterial epidemiology on the effects of three thousand milliliter bags on severely burned patients ─── 大面积烧伤应用三升袋的细菌学调查

64、Stew ripe, lukewarm take, every time 3TeaSpoon, make an appointment with 15 milliliter. ─── 炖熟,温服,每次三茶匙,约15毫升。

65、Contrary, if have acuteness have a headache or vomit, can try 50% dextrose 60 milliliter vein injects, close observation uses medical effect. ─── 相反,如有剧烈头痛或呕吐,可试给50%葡萄糖60毫升静脉注射,并密切观察用药效应。

66、Every day 1, each time 10-15 milliliter. ─── 每日1次,每次10-15毫升。

67、5. Cannikin yoghurt (125 milliliter) drink two cups. ─── 小杯酸奶(125毫升)就喝两杯。

68、unless stated otherwise, the inoculum concentration used in this study was 1000 spores per milliliter. ─── 除非另有说明,本研究所用接种物浓度均为每毫升1000个孢子。

69、to perhaps give dosage every time overmuch, exceed 5 milliliter, these metropolises increase the chance that forms scleroma. ─── 或者每次给药量过多,超过5毫升,这些都会增加形成硬结的机会。

70、For nicotine, that level was a mere 1. 8 nanograms per milliliter -- too low to be picked up in tests. ─── 对于尼古丁,仅仅是1.8毫微克每毫升,太低而不易提取。

71、unit per milliliter ─── 单位/毫升

72、Accurate filling water method is a few for many times, every time 100-200 milliliter is advisable. ─── 正确的补水方法是少量多次,每次100-200毫升为宜。

73、Certainly.First, we want to do 400 milliliter milk shakes.Prepare small mango 1, the kiwi is 2, the low fat milk is 200 milliliters, the fresh lemon juice is 2. ─── 当然可以。首先,我们要做四百毫升的奶昔。准备小芒果一个,奇异果两个,低脂牛奶二百毫升,新鲜柠檬汁两匙。

74、For example, 500 milliliter lemon juice each share includes 110 card quantity of heats. ─── 比如说,500毫升的柠檬汁每份含有110卡的热量。

75、Most fermentations should start with an inoculation of 3 - 4 million viable yeast cells per milliliter of must. ─── 最酵应从接种了3-4万每毫升酵母细胞必须可行。

76、"Red" refers to a daily drink red wine 50-100 milliliter, helps increase HDL and invigorate the silt, and preventing atherosclerosis. ─── “红”指每日可饮少量红葡萄酒50—100毫升,有助升高高密度脂蛋白及活血化淤,和预防动脉粥样硬化。

77、Because a gram of water is a milliliter, roughly. ─── 因为1克水大概是1毫升。

78、"Right amount " it is capacity for liquor wants proper, average white spirit shoulds not be every time more than 50 milliliter, beer does not exceed 300 milliliter. ─── “适量”就是酒量要适当,一般白酒每次不宜超过50毫升,啤酒不超过300毫升。

79、If there are two cancer cells in every 50 milliliters of blood, odds are the cells would not be found in a 10-milliliter blood sample. ─── 如果在每50毫升血液中有2个瘤细胞,那么,在10毫升血液样品中不能发现瘤细胞的可能性就会存在。

80、Oh, and it also calls for two-thirds of a seven hundred fifty milliliter bottle of Champagne. ─── 哦,这还要求有七亿五千万瓶中三分之二的香槟。

81、milliliter, ml ─── 毫升

82、Or (Oh,) and (it) also calls for two-thirds of 750 milliliter butter (bottle) of champagne for the turkey. ─── 对了,还要750毫升瓶子的三分之二香槟酒来烹饪火鸡。


84、The sewage of eduction of double crock washing machine, average every milliliter has 24 mould spore. ─── 双缸洗衣机排出的污水,平均每毫升有24个霉菌孢子。






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