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10-03 投稿


Corsica 发音

英:[ˈkɔːrsɪkə]  美:[ˈkɔːsɪkə]

英:  美:

Corsica 中文意思翻译



Corsica 短语词组

1、corsica cola ─── 科西嘉可乐

2、corsica lt chevorlet ─── 科西嘉岛切弗雷特中尉

3、National Liberation Front of Corsica ─── [网络] 科西嘉民族解放阵线

Corsica 相似词语短语

1、Corsica ─── n.科西嘉岛

2、borsic ─── n.轻韧硼纤维和碳化硅制成的复合材料

3、corbina ─── n.北美乌鱼

4、Corsican ─── adj.柯西嘉的;柯西嘉人的;柯西嘉语的;n.柯西嘉人;柯西嘉语

5、cordia ─── n.破布木属;科迪亚(汽车品牌)

6、carsick ─── adj.晕车的

7、coria ─── n.科里亚(人名)

8、cortical ─── adj.皮质的;[生物]皮层的;外皮的

9、corita ─── 岩心

Corsica 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The master was to get all this out of Leghorn free of duties, and land it on the shores of Corsica, where certain speculators undertook to forward the cargo to France. ─── 少女阿梅丽号的船长极希望留下象爱德蒙这样有用的人,他预支了一些将来应得的红利给爱德蒙。

2、thus , you see , though born in paris , i was brought up in corsica . ─── 所以,我虽然生在巴黎,却是在科西嘉长大的。

3、while on the extreme verge of the horizon might be seen the fishermen's boats, white and graceful as the sea-gull, or the merchant vessels bound for Corsica or Spain. ─── 从地平线远望,那些船象海鸥一样白,那样姿态优美,可以看见回到马地古去的渔艇和开赴科西嘉或西班牙的商船。

4、French colonist should go out from Corsica! ─── 法国殖民者应该从科西嘉滚出去!

5、It only takes 2 hours to fly from Sweden to Corsica how was the trip then ? ─── 我刚刚去了我承诺过要去的科西嘉。从瑞典飞往那里需要2小时。

6、wild short-fleeced mountain sheep of Corsica and Sardinia ─── 产于撒丁尼亚和科西嘉岛山区的野生短毛羊

7、wild short-fleeced mountain sheep of Corsica and Sardinia. ─── 产于撒丁尼亚和科西嘉岛山区的野生短毛羊。

8、for my own part, I protest that, should I ever go to Corsica,my first visit, ere even I presented myself to the mayor or prefect, should be to the bandits of Colomba, if I could only manage to find them; ─── 因为以我自己而论,我可以明目张胆地说,假如我一旦去访问科西嘉,那么我在拜访总督或县长之前,一定先去拜访一下哥伦白的强盗,当然要是我能设法和他们相会的话。

9、A city of western Corsica, France, on the Gulf of Ajaccio, an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea. Ajaccio was the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte. Population,54, 089. ─── 阿雅克肖法国科西嘉岛西部城市,位于地中海的入海口的阿雅克肖湾上,阿雅克肖是拿破仑·波拿巴的出生地。人口54,089

10、Corsica is a large French island located to the south-east of mainland France in the west Mediterranean Sea (close to Genova, Italy). ─── 可西嘉岛是位于法国大陆的东南面西地中海中的一个大岛(与热纳亚和意大利相邻)。

11、A small, wild European sheep (Ovis musimon), native to Sardinia and Corsica and having large curving horns in the male. ─── 欧洲盘羊:一种欧洲野生小型羊(摩弗仑羊欧洲野羊),原产于撒丁尼亚和科西嘉岛,雄性羊有大而弯的角

12、knife styles we should mention the styles of Rome, Neaples, Salerno, Calabria and Corsica. ─── 刀的风格中,我们应该提到罗马风格,尼普尔斯风格,萨莱诺风格,卡拉布里亚风格和科西嘉风格。

13、A wreath-laying ceremony was also held at Bastia airfield on Corsica, followed by a mass in the Corsican town of Borgo, from which Saint-Exupery took off on the fateful last flight. ─── 在科西嘉岛的巴斯蒂亚机场上也举行了一次花环纪念仪式,参加仪式的很多人来自博戈的科西嘉镇,圣艾修伯里最后一次死亡之旅就是从这里起飞的。

14、Free france political prisoner,the Corsica Independen Leader Yan Colonna. ─── (解放科西嘉!释放法国政治犯,科西嘉独立领导人柯隆纳!)

15、a small,wild European sheep(Ovis musimon),native to Sardinia and Corsica and having large curving horns in the male ─── 欧洲盘羊,一种欧洲野生小型羊(摩弗仑羊欧洲野羊),原产于撒丁尼亚和科西嘉岛,雄性羊有大而弯的角

16、The government of France should apology to the people in Corsica. ─── 法国政府应该向科西嘉人民道歉!科西嘉独立万岁!

17、Chevrolet CORSICA 2.2L Engine Wiring | ─── 雪佛兰科西佳2.2L发动机线束

18、Condemn the squash and repression of French government on the justicial actions of Corsica people. ─── 谴责法国政府对科西嘉人民正义行为的镇压!

19、beautiful scenery and wine are enjoyable like the noble in Corsica, where special local products involves Napoleon, cate and hotel. ─── 美景美酒,贵族般的享受原味科西嘉,科西嘉岛,特产:拿破仑、美食、酒店。

20、The French-held island of Corsica appears as a dark mass rimmed with light near the top of the frame. ─── 图片上部的法属科西嘉岛好似镶了光边的黑团。

21、A city of northeast Corsica, France, on the Tyrrhenian Sea. It is a commercial and tourist center. Population, 44,020. ─── 巴斯帝亚:位于第勒尼安海,法国科西嘉岛东北部的一港市,它是商业和旅游中心。人口44,020

22、The French also like jokes about the Corsicans, Corsica is a French island where people have a reputation for being lazy, vengeful and clannish. ─── 科西嘉是法国的一个岛,那里的人们被认为懒惰,记仇以及排外,因此法国人喜欢开科西嘉人的玩笑。

23、Don't forget wine produced in Corsica,button-down bartender will give a proposal to begin with red wine. ─── 千万别忘记科西嘉的美酒,温文尔雅的调酒师建议从红葡萄酒开始。

24、a region of France on the island of Corsica; birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte. ─── 科西嘉岛上的法国的一个区;拿破仑·波拿巴的出生地。

25、K Shame-on-France Free Corsica! ─── 无耻的法国,解放科西嘉!!!

26、Key words: Corsu;Corse;Corsica; ─── 关键词:科西嘉;

27、The hellebore of Corsica, in flower since the end of January, always maintains one's rank. ─── 科西嘉的嚏根草,开着花1月末,总是保持一个人的职位。

28、Long live the independence of Corsica, France pigs get out of the Earth. ─── 科西嘉独立万岁,法国猪滚出地球。

29、Beijing Olympics: free Corsica! France to stop the massacre, ─── 北京奥运会:自由科西嘉!法国人停止屠杀,侵略,武力镇压!

30、Napoleon Bonaparte was born of poor parents on the island of Corsica in 1769. ─── 拿破仑.波拿巴于1769年出生于科西嘉一个贫苦的家庭。

31、an arm of the Mediterranean between northwest Italy and Corsica. ─── 在意大利西北和科西嘉岛之间的地中海的一个海湾。

32、of or relating to or characteristic of Corsica or its people. ─── 属于或关于科西嘉、科西嘉人的,或有其特点的。

33、Honeymoon in Corsica ─── 在科西嘉岛度蜜月(英文)

34、Things could hardly turn out worse for Katrin.In Corsica, her boss and lover of many years tells her that his wife is pregnant. ─── 嘉莲可真倒霉,她的上司兼多年爱人告诉她他的妻子怀孕了。

35、The man from Corsica.You have shown us how wonderful you people in Corsica are! ─── 另一个,就是令我敬佩的梁家大哥。

36、Cape Girolata, Cape Porto, Scandola Nature Reserve, and the Piana Calanches in Corsica ─── 科西嘉岛的吉罗拉塔海角、波尔图海角、斯坎多拉自然保护区和皮亚纳-卡兰切斯

37、If the projects work (one in Corsica was less successful), Mr Frattini would like to scale them up, with member countries eventually setting import quotas for foreign labour. ─── 如果这项计划得以顺利实施(在科西嘉岛的一项类似试点工程效果并不理想),弗拉蒂尼希望能够将这种模式扩展到那些对外国劳动力设立进口限额的国家。

38、Since I'm not going back to coaching for a while, I can propose Pianosa, Capraia, Elba, Corsica. ─── “我暂时不会回去执教。我计划去皮库岛、卡普雷拉岛、厄尔巴岛和科西嘉岛。

39、I will not mind going to Corsica. ─── 我倒乐意去科西嘉。

40、sardinia and Corsica lie on the flank of the long Italian boot ─── 撒丁与科西嘉位于意大利靴形半岛之侧面。

41、Just as Free French troops landed here in Corsica to liberate the birthplace of Napoleon's, . ─── 就像法国部队登陆科西嘉解放拿破仑的故乡一样,。

42、Chevrolet Corsica ─── 雪佛兰柯西嘉,简称柯西嘉

43、10. A small, wild European sheep(Ovis musimon), native to Sardinia and Corsica and having large curving horns in the male. ─── 欧洲盘羊一种欧洲野生小型羊(摩弗仑羊欧洲野羊),原产于撒丁尼亚和科西嘉岛,雄性羊有大而弯的角收藏指正

44、Free Corsica, Free North Ireland, Return Alaska to Russia! ─── 科西嘉独立,北爱尔兰独立,归还阿拉斯加给俄国!

45、A city of western Corsica,France,on the Gulf of Ajaccio,an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea. Ajaccio was the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte. Population,54,089. ─── 阿雅克肖法国科西嘉岛西部城市,位于地中海的入海口的阿雅克肖湾上,阿雅克肖是拿破仑·波拿巴的出生地。人口54,089。

46、an arm of the Mediterranean between Italy and the islands of Corsica and Sardinia and Sicily. ─── 地中海位于意大利、科西嘉列岛和撒丁岛以及西西里岛之间的海湾。

47、The ministry also told Roy-Henry he must seek the agreement of Napoleon's descendants, some of whom live in Italy and the emperor's birthplace of Corsica, to provide a DNA sample before the case can proceed further. ─── 国防部还告诉罗伊·亨利说,他必须求得一些居住在意大利和其出生地--科西嘉岛的拿破仑后裔们的同意,请求他们为进一步的测试提供DNA样本。

48、Protest the France occupying Corsica for so many years. ─── 抗议法国政府多年来对科西嘉的占领。

49、The Young Amelia left it about four miles away on her left and kept on her course for Corsica. ─── 雅美里亚号从它的左侧四哩处驶过,继续航向科西嘉岛。

50、Even it was a short time to know you, I would say, I have a very good friend in Grenoble, in Corsica. ─── 和你探讨的很多问题,都还没有得到答案,也许要用一生来回答。

51、People of Corsica should have their right to pursue their independence,their freedom. ─── 科西嘉人民有权利追求他们自己的自由与独立。

52、Free Corsica, Free North Ireland, Return Mascarene Islands to Argentina. ─── 科西嘉独立,北爱尔兰独立,归还马岛给阿根廷!

53、In my life I have visited France, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Corsica, Israel, India, China (including Macau and Hong Kong), Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. ─── 以前我去过法国,爱尔兰,意大利,德国,瑞士,以色列,印度,中国(在内澳门和香港),新加坡,泰国,和马来西亚。

54、The Captain had to get these goods out of Leghorn without having trouble with the Government officers, and get them on shore at Corsica. ─── 船长打算让这批货物躲过政府官员的盘查,运出勒格翁,载到科西嘉岛沿岸。

55、The Young Amelia left it three-quarters of a league to the larboard, and kept on for Corsica ─── 少女阿梅丽号在其左舷离它还不到一里路的地方驶过去了,直奔科西嘉而去。

56、The night came on, and enabled them to double the Cape of Corsica. ─── 夜来了,他们方得绕过科嘉海峡。

57、The Young Amelia left it about four miles away on her left and kept on her course for Corsica. ─── 雅美里亚号从它的左侧四哩处驶过,继续航向科西嘉岛。

58、Enjolras, whose blue eye was not fixed on any one, and who seemed to be gazing at space, replied, without glancing at Marius:-- "France needs no Corsica to be great. ─── 安灼拉的蓝眼睛并没有望着谁,仿佛只望着空间,这时他眼睛虽不望马吕斯,嘴里却回答说:“法兰西并不需要科西嘉来使它自己伟大。

59、A city of western Corsica, France, on the Gulf of Ajaccio, an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea. Ajaccio was the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte. Population, 54, 089. ─── 阿雅克肖法国科西嘉岛西部城市,位于地中海的入海口的阿雅克肖湾上,阿雅克肖是拿破仑 波拿巴的出生地。人口54,089

60、a region of France on the island of Corsica; birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte ─── 科西嘉岛上的法国的一个区;拿破仑·波拿巴的出生地

61、so saying , gaetano pointed in a direction in which a small vessel was making sail towards the southern point of corsica. ─── 说着,盖太诺就向一个方向指了指,果然那儿有一艘小帆船正在扬帆向科西嘉的南端驶去。

62、Close to home, other islands like Sardinia and Corsica make tempting targets for invasion. ─── 靠近本国的其他岛屿,比如撒丁岛和科西嘉岛是诱人的入侵目标。

63、A small, wild European sheep(Ovis musimon), native to Sardinia and Corsica and having large curving horns in the male. ─── 欧洲盘羊一种欧洲野生小型羊(摩弗仑羊欧洲野羊),原产于撒丁尼亚和科西嘉岛,雄性羊有大而弯的角

64、house in Corsica is made out of a large boulder whose overhang has been bricked in. ─── 科西嘉岛上的怪屋是由一整块巨大的卵石筑成的,其突出部分已经用砖给堵住了。

65、From Corsica," he went on, "I made use of a ship that was taking wine to the mainland." ─── 从科西嘉,”他接着说,“我搭了一艘把葡萄酒运到大陆的船。”

66、the Corsica ─── “科西嘉人”(拿破仑的绰号)

67、Free Corsica! ─── 自由科西嘉!

68、He began his days in the island of Corsica, but went on to become Emperor of France. ─── 他在科西嘉岛开始他的日子,但后来成为法国的皇帝。

69、The other plan was to capture sardinia and Corsica ─── 另一计划为进攻撒丁与科西嘉。

70、1962 to the present day: after leaving Algeria, the regiments regrouped in the south of France and Corsica, or overseas in Djibouti, Madagascar, Tahiti, and French Guiana. ─── 今天,法国政府之所以仍然用巨额开支养着这支部队,不过是为了保存外籍兵团充满传奇的色彩和弘扬传统的冒险精神罢了。

71、His profile was raised by a third place finish for Ghana in the Under 17s World Cup which led to a trial at Man United.But it was to Corsica he went, signing to play in the French league with Bastia. ─── 在代表加纳获得17岁以下世界杯第三名后他受到了人们的广泛关注,随之到曼联参加了试训,但是最终他去了科西嘉岛,与法甲球队巴斯蒂亚签了约。

72、He was still thinking over this matter when they returned from Corsica to Leghorn. ─── 史巴达的财产全赐给他了,而他却没钱买一艘小船,去载运那些宝藏。

73、"But," said the irritated president, "you called yourself Benedetto, declared yourself an orphan, and claimed Corsica as your country." ─── “但是,”审判长恼怒地说,“在预审的时候,你自称是贝尼代托,说你自己是一个孤儿,并声称你的原藉是科西嘉。”

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