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10-03 投稿


miasmal 中文意思翻译



miasmal 词性/词形变化,miasmal变形

形容词: miasmal |名词复数: miasmas |

miasmal 相似词语短语

1、mahmal ─── 马赫马尔

2、chasmal ─── adj.似裂罅的;深陷的

3、miasmata ─── n.瘴气;臭气;不良影响(miasma的变形)

4、miasmic ─── adj.有害的;瘅气的

5、mammal ─── n.[脊椎]哺乳动物

6、miasma ─── n.瘴气;臭气;不良影响

7、chiasmal ─── 交叉的

8、miasmas ─── n.瘴气;臭气;不良影响

9、dismal ─── adj.凄凉的,忧郁的;阴沉的,沉闷的;差劲的;可怜的

miasmal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、 双语使用场景

2、How to solve gastric miasma `` ? ─── 怎样解决胃瘴气``?

3、Keywords domestic wastes disposal;sanitary landfill field;seepage;miasma collection; ─── 垃圾处理;卫生填埋场;垃圾渗滤液;沼气收集;

4、This year in July, Guizhoutong zhi Suseo Ming rebeltu chong , state-chinglv jun ordered a crusade the way, are dyed-lan miasma of gas, died in the army, 64-year-old throughout the year. ─── 这年七月,贵州水西同知屠崇明反叛,邦清奉命率军征讨途中,身染瘴岚之气,病逝于军中,终年64岁。

5、The greatest challenge Chinese authorities may face is convincing the world that the miasma enshrouding Beijing is not smog, but fog. ─── 对于中国官方来说最大的挑战是向世界证明罩在北京上空的是雾气而不是烟雾。

6、Where free speech is stopped miasma is bred, and death comes fast. ─── 如果言论自由被中止了,瘴气就滋生,死亡迅即来临。

7、Dust rose from the footpaths to meet the grey miasma, forming a nasty veil of sand that scorched the faces of the passers-by. ─── 便道上尘土飞起多高,与天上的灰气联接起来,结成一片毒恶的灰沙阵,烫着行人的脸。

9、In the exploration of enduring great hardships, though the domain of mathematics was shronded in rational miasma, the wisdom light of human thought will light up the whole world in the end. ─── 在筚路蓝缕的求索中,数学的王国虽曾笼罩过理性的迷雾,但人类思想的智慧之光终将照彻寰宇。

10、It is said that the Yunnan-Guizhou and other provinces there is a miasma mountain mist, is chest tightness, vomiting,腹疼, Xing枣仁solvable. ─── 据说,云贵等省有一种山瘴雾气,使人胸闷、呕吐、腹疼,邢枣仁可解。

11、Bad or foul air; miasma. ─── 污浊之气污浊的或不干净的空气;瘴气

12、clearing Heat and expelling Miasma ─── 清热解毒

13、The Southwest frontier in the Ming Dynasty was a remote and desolate place where miasma prevailed. ─── 明代的西南边疆,地远荒僻,瘴疠严重。

14、Lan Yu steaming miasma, non-spicy or not enough to warm the stomach Jianpi. ─── 岚瘴郁蒸,非辛辣或酒酿不足以温胃健脾。

15、clear away the miasma ─── 拨开迷雾

16、foul air; miasma ─── 沴气

17、Epidemic Miasma ─── 疠气

18、laryngeal swelling with miasma ─── 锁喉蛇瘴

19、evil wind and miasma ─── 妖风迷雾

20、Shemsen had expected to find sahuagin beyond the miasma, but there were only sharks so wrought with blood frenzy that no malenti could hope to dominate them. ─── 舍姆森曾希望见到沙华鱼人而不仅是窒息毒液,但他只见到因渴血而疯狂、没有任何玛林提会妄图控制的鲨鱼。

21、miasma theory ─── 瘴气理论

22、It put a stop to torture, promulgated the truth, expelled miasma, rendered the century healthy, crowned the populace. ─── 它解决了问题,宣布了真理,清除了瘴气,净化了世纪,替人民加了冠冕。

23、The show there was the MC 10z or something like that: all i know that was i go in there, and it’s a damn miasma of cheap smokes and there are plenty of standard issue hip hop outfits walking around. ─── 事实上我也不认 识这些人,所以我也不是很确定,但是今天听到了一个女的,好像是欧洲人,操者一口流利的中文在跟一些中国人谈话。

24、He anticipated the honor that would fall around his shoulders when he, a malenti, finished what the miasma and sharks had left undone. ─── 他预想,当自己,一个玛林提,完成了窒息毒液和鲨鱼们未完成的工作时,荣誉将会降临在他身上。

25、10.Residents on the west side of Handan live in a miasma of dust and smoke that environmental authorities acknowledge contains numerous carcinogens. ─── 邯郸市西部地区的居民,每天都生活在乌烟瘴气的环境中,连当地环保部门都承认,许多污染物含有致癌物质。

26、often felt as if she were slightly lost, floating through a miasma of self-doubt. ─── 常常感到些微的迷失,浮沉在自我怀疑的迷雾中。

27、Miasmal clouds ─── 瘴烟毒雾

28、When he'd opened his eyes again the miasma was gone and he was neither alone nor among sahuagin. ─── 当他再次睁开眼睛的时候,窒息毒液已经消失,他既不孤单也不身处沙华鱼人中。

29、Changing water levels now at times unleash a miasma of disease from exposed sewage. ─── 如今,大坝不时地改变水位,从暴露的污水释放出了疾病瘴气。

30、1. A miasma rose from the marsh. ─── 沼泽地里冒出了瘴气.

31、the miasma of depression ─── 压抑的气氛

32、When he has fifty different desires, his heart resembles a mere of stagnant water, spread out into a marsh, breeding miasma and pestilence; ─── 但是当他所有的欲望引入一条管道时,他的心便成为清净的河水,快迅奔流、灌溉田地。

33、Lu water takes a personSmokeFew, miasma very heavy and Lu water is poisonous. ─── 泸水一带人烟极少,瘴气很重而且泸水有毒。

34、The dangers there are not solely architectural. Once inside that wretched place, many succumb to a vile miasma. ─── 那座摇摇欲坠的塔虽然很危险,但是塔深处弥漫的致命毒气却让那里变成一个死亡之地。

35、Keywords smoke eliminating agent;electric fire;soot;miasma; ─── 消烟剂;电气火灾;烟尘;毒气;

36、on the whole, he preferred scum to miasma, and he preferred the torrent to the cesspool, and the falls of Niagara to the lake of Montfaucon. ─── 整个地说,他爱泡沫甚于沼气,急流甚于污池,尼亚加拉瀑布甚于隼山湖。

37、An emplaced artillery piece, the Miasma is named after its munition, the Miasma Shell, which does incredible damage over time. ─── 一种固定炮装置,毒气炮是根据他的弹药:毒气炮弹而命名的.该炮弹可以在短时间内造成极大的伤害.

38、miasma and smoky mist ─── 瘴雨蛮烟

39、Miasma Geography of Southwest and Ling Nan Area In Tang and Song Dynasties and intelligentsia'Sensible Treatment ─── 唐宋西南、岭南瘴病地理与知识阶层的认识应对

40、A miasma of stale alcohol hung around him. ─── 他身上老有股难闻的酒精味。

41、wreathed in a miasma of cigarette smoke ─── 裹在烟雾腾腾满是烟草味的空气里

42、of green road miasma 2 it is compose builds system of fruitful innovation of science and technology. ─── 区域科技创新需要两个基本保证:一是浓郁的科技创新氛围,二是构建卓有成效的科技创新体系。

43、A grey miasma, neither cloud nor mist, hung low in the sky and the atmosphere was stifling. ─── 一些似云非云,似雾非雾的灰气低低的浮在空中,使人觉得憋气。

44、10. Residents on the west side of Handan live in a miasma of dust and smoke that environmental authorities acknowledge contains numerous carcinogens. ─── 邯郸市西部地区的居民,每天都生活在乌烟瘴气的环境中,连当地环保部门都承认,许多污染物含有致癌物质。收藏指正

45、He wondered how his life had degenerated into this clawing miasma of raw unfulfilled need. ─── 他不知道如何生活,他已蜕变为这扣瘴原料没有兑现的需要。

46、the miasma of foul-smelling fog limits visibility. ─── 行星表面乌烟瘴气,能见度低。

47、A miasma rose from the marsh. ─── 沼泽地里冒出了瘴气。

48、Miasma smoke hesitation in 8000, Chang Ren Gang independence 300 years. ─── 不辞烟瘴八千里,独任纲常三百年。

49、Unafraid to look deep into the miasma at the heart of the world. ─── 不再害怕看到世界中心深处的毒气

50、A miasma of lead, mercury, sulfur dioxide, and other elements of coal-burning and car exhaust hovers over most Chinese cities. ─── 铅、汞、二氧化硫和其他因燃煤和汽车尾气而造成的气体所组成的毒气笼罩着中国大多数城市。

51、The government was also the chief contributor to the air of hasty, brutish, self-preservation which hung over the road in a miasma as choking as the dust. ─── 政府并且是造成主路之上那同尘土一般呛人的急躁、暴戾、自私自利的主要推手。

52、The miasma of toxic stink leaves you gasping, breezes batter you with filth, and even the rats look forlorn. ─── 有毒的气体让人无法呼吸,风把垃圾吹到脸上,甚至那里的老鼠看上去都是绝望的。

53、The grey miasma hard lifted and it was less stifling, but the sun was beating down more fiercely than ever. No one dared look up because all around was so dazing, with the air, roofs, walls and ground a glaring white tinged with crimson. ─── 天上那层灰气已散,不甚憋闷了,可是阳光也更厉害了许多:没人敢抬头看太阳在哪里,只觉得到处都闪眼,空中,屋顶上,墙壁上,地上,都白亮亮的,白里透着点红;

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