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10-04 投稿


micrology 发音

[ maɪ'krɑlədʒi]

英:  美:

micrology 中文意思翻译



micrology 短语词组

1、micrology open ─── 微观开放

2、micrology spectrum ─── 显微光谱

micrology 相似词语短语

1、micrologic ─── 微程序控制逻辑

2、necrology ─── n.死者名册;讣告;[统计]死亡统计学

3、virology ─── n.[病毒]病毒学,滤过性微生物学

4、microblogs ─── 微博(microblog的复数)

5、microcopy ─── n.缩微本;由缩影胶片复印的影本;vt.缩微复制;vi.制作缩微本

6、microblog ─── n.微博

7、microloan ─── 小额贷款

8、macrology ─── n.烦冗;烦冗的话

9、microtomy ─── n.切片法

micrology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords logging tool microlog caliper gamma continuous inclinometer connection circuit design; ─── 关键词测井仪器;微电极;井径;伽马;连续测斜仪;配接;电路设计;

2、 双语使用场景

3、Keywords shallow refraction;single well microlog;twin-well microlog;wave mechanics analysis; ─── 表层地质结构;小折射;单井微测井;双井微测井;波动力学分析;

4、environmental micrology ─── 环境微生物学

5、Microlog and LVL refraction data are used in determination of shot depth,along with shooting by large quantity of explosives and receiving by buried geophones. ─── 激发上利用微测井和小折射资料合理选择井深,大药量激发;接收上采用钻孔埋置检波器;静校正方面形成了适合火焰山的静校正技术。

6、a recognition of the vertical fracture-developed section and fractural occurrence for it using dip log, full-bore imaging microlog and dipole shear imaging sonic logging; ─── 利用地层倾角测井、全井眼微电阻率成像测井、偶极横波成像测井等技术,识别出了砂砾岩储集层在纵向上的裂缝发育段及裂缝产状;

7、The research accomplishment and the relative documents had detailed records on the species and distribution of wine yeast microbes,micrology,and the efficacy of wine yeast etc. ─── 老一辈的科技人员的研究成果及文献,对中国酒曲微生物的种类及分布、菌类学、酒曲的效用等均作了较详细的记载。

8、microlog continuous dipmeter ─── 连续式微电极地层倾角测量仪

9、Keywords Pollen Typhae;Pollen with staminate flower;description;micrology;total ashes;ethanol-soluble extract;content determination; ─── 蒲黄;草蒲黄;性状、显微鉴别;总灰分;醇浸出物;含量测定;

10、Through the analysis of debris shape micrology, this paper constructed a describing system of fractal parameters and identified them effectively. ─── 摘要主要介绍基于形态学方法的磨粒显微分析与综合识别技术,及其在发动机磨损状态监测与故障诊断中的应用。

11、Field surveys of the shallow refraction and microlog for both P-wave and S-wave have been made simultaneously in a work area. ─── 在一个工区同时开展了浅层纵横波折射、纵横波微测井的野外勘探,并取得较为丰富的野外资料以及处理和解释成果。

12、electron micrology ─── 电子显微学

13、Keywords three-dimensional seism;dual-borehole microlog;ghost;variablebin;geophone array;planting condition;coupling; ─── 三维地震;双井微测井;虚反射;可变面元;检波器组合;埋置条件;耦合;

14、Twin-well microlog is more sophisticated than conventional microlog and shallow refraction. ─── 双井微测井技术是比常规微测井技术和小折射方法更先进的一项新技术。

15、Methods The comparisons were carried out on their description,micrology,total ashes test,ethanol-soluble extract and assay in Pollen Typhae. ─── 方法从药材性状、显微鉴别、总灰分检查、醇浸出物测定和含量测定等方面,比较蒲黄与草蒲黄之间的质量差异。

16、Twin-well microlog data can be used to infer the variability of velocity and thickness of near surface in vertical and horizontal direction, as well as statics. ─── 利用双井微测井资料可以得到地震工区内表层速度和厚度在横向上和纵向上的变化规律,为地震资料的室内处理提供静校正量。

17、Keywords P-wave and S-wave;shallow refraction;microlog;joint interpretation; ─── 纵横波;浅层折射;微测井;联合解释;

18、The method has been used in seismic exploration in Daqing Oilfield in which the twin-well microlog data were analyzed by data processing techniques and wave mechanics analysis to determine o... ─── 将这项技术应用于大庆油田的地震勘探中,利用数据处理解释和波动力学分析等方法对微测井资料进行了分析研究,确定了最佳激发深度和岩性,并提供了工区的静校正量。

20、This paper summarized and analyzed the problems existing in miorolog curves in each inland giant oilfield.It put forward some counter measures of quality control to improve microlog curves. ─── 该文章对国内各大油田微电极测井曲线存在问题进行总结和分析,提出则井曲线质量控制措施,提高微电极测井曲线质量。

21、MicroloG logging has high longitudinal resolution and reliable division of thin interheddings and interlinings.It is a indispensable in sand mudstone profile combination logging. ─── 摘要微电极测井曲线的纵向分辨能力强,划分薄互层和薄夹层比较可靠,是砂泥岩剖面组合测井中不可缺少的测井方法。

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