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10-03 投稿


psalter 发音

英:['sɔltə]  美:[ˈsɔːltər]

英:  美:

psalter 中文意思翻译



psalter 网络释义

n. 诗篇;诗篇集

psalter 词性/词形变化,psalter变形

名词: psalmodist |名词复数: psalmodies |

psalter 短语词组

1、bohun psalter ─── 伯浑诗篇

2、angelic psalter ─── 天使诗篇

psalter 相似词语短语

1、misalter ─── 其他

2、palter ─── v.含糊其词;敷衍了事;讨价还价

3、Psalter ─── n.诗篇;诗篇集

4、desalter ─── n.脱盐设备;脱盐剂

5、Psalters ─── 赞美诗歌

6、psaltery ─── n.古代弦乐器;索尔特里琴

7、psalteria ─── n.重瓣胃(psalterium的变形)

8、salter ─── n.腌制者;制盐者;n.(Salter)人名;(英)索尔特;(罗)萨尔特

9、prealter ─── 前置滤波器

psalter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This was a disappointment, but the lavishly illustrated Corbie Psalter is the curator's favourite book. ─── 这确实令人失望,不过插图华丽丰富的科尔比诗篇是这位管理员的最爱。

2、The great Psalter is the fountain which always spurt with the water of wisdom and joyous. (Shelley. ─── (英国诗人雪莱.

3、They copied not only Bibles, Psalter, scriptures, theological works, lives of the saints, church history and local annals, but also classical literature and scientific works. ─── 他们抄写圣经、经文、圣咏、神学著作、圣人行实、教会历史和地方编年史,也抄写非宗教的经典文学和科学著作。

4、The that mankind's immortal Psalter is you of soul! ─── 那人类不朽的诗篇是你的灵魂!

5、I hide in the quiet at the mid-night, spreading Psalter, writing down the engagement of each other mind, living concomitant, an a life time feeling lead long. ─── 我躲在静谧的夜里,摊开诗篇,写下彼此心灵的约定,生生相伴,一世情牵。

6、The Felbrigge Psalter , an illuminated manuscript Psalter, is the oldest book from England to have an embroidered bookbinding . ─── 费尔布雷奇诗集是一部彩色稿本的诗篇集,它是英格兰最古老的刺绣装订书籍。

7、The that mankind's immortal Psalter is you of soul! ─── 那人类不朽的诗篇是你的灵魂!

8、Although Psalm 117 is the shortest in the psalter, with only sixteen words in the Hebrew, it is pregnant with insight and meaning, and comes in the very middle point of the Bible. ─── 虽然诗篇第一一七篇是这一组诗篇中最短的一篇,祇有十六个希伯来字,它却含有见识与意义,而且成为圣经的中心。

9、show opens with the early ninth-century Corbie Psalter from France. ─── 展览从九世纪早期法国科尔比地方的圣经诗篇集开始。

10、Perhaps no other six psalms in the Psalter picture God's praiseworthy character as graphically as the ones in today's reading. ─── 在诗篇中,可能没有别的诗像今天读的这六首一样,那麽生动的描绘出上帝值得赞美的属性。

11、Let me write a loving great song with the loving Psalter table, let I play to ring with the loving mind one song loving melody. ─── 让我用爱的诗篇谱写一首爱的赞歌,让我用爱的心灵奏响一曲爱的旋律。

12、The Felbrigge Psalter , an illuminated manuscript Psalter, is the oldest book from England to have an embroidered bookbinding. ─── 费尔布雷奇诗集是一部彩色稿本的诗篇集,它是英格兰最古老的刺绣装订书籍。

13、This influential book had arrived in England by 1000, and within a century had become the model for the spectacular Harley Psalter, which has pride of place in the centre of the room. ─── 这个重要的书籍在公元1000年前来到英格兰,并在此后一个世纪内成了精巧华丽的哈雷诗篇集的模版,而后者正在展厅中心占据着最重要的位置。

14、This was a disappointment, but the lavishly illustrated Corbie Psalter is the curator's favourite book. ─── 这确实令人失望,不过插图华丽丰富的科尔比诗篇是这位管理员的最爱。

15、The period's chief masterpiece, the Utrecht Psalter, produced in 830, is represented by a photograph (it rarely leaves the Netherlands and never crosses an ocean). ─── 这一时期主要杰作,乌特勒支诗篇集,创作于830年,以照片的形式展示出来(它几乎没离开过荷兰也从未漂洋过海)。

16、From the Scottish Psalter; ─── Author 作者: Psalm 23;

17、Psalm 87 is a remarkable little gem that is unique in the Psalter. ─── 诗篇第八七篇是整个诗篇中的一块独特的小宝石。

18、I know in the morning the green is you, evening I know standing alone is a Psalter that has no thinking . ─── 清晨我知道绿色是你,黄昏我知道孤独是一首无绪的诗篇。

19、and mana cost equal or less than its psalter number from a graveyard to play attaching to this creature. ─── 数目且具有生物结界异能的灵气牌放置进场并结付在此生物上。

20、In fact, most prayers, if the Psalter is a true guide, are not. ─── 事实上,如果整套诗篇真正起到指导作用的话,大多数祷告都不能被冠以赞美之名。

21、The Psalter has become the hymnbook of the ages.It is read, recited, or sung virtually every day. ─── 这个时代,诗篇已成为诗歌集,每一天都可以朗读、背颂和吟唱!

22、The show opens with the early ninth-century Corbie Psalter from France. ─── 展览从九世纪早期法国科尔比地方的圣经诗篇集开始。

23、Psalm 90 is unique because it is the only one in the psalter ascribed to Moses, and although it is a personal meditation, he speaks on behalf of the whole nation. ─── 诗篇第九十篇非常独特,因为它是唯一被认为是摩西写的诗篇;它虽是属于个人的沉思,作者还是代替全国人民说话。

24、The show opens with the early ninth-century Corbie Psalter from France. ─── 展览从九世纪早期法国科尔比地方的圣经诗篇集开始。

25、Yearn for get a comeliness psalter ─── 渴望得到一份美丽的诗篇

26、Perhaps no other six psalms in the Psalter picture God's praiseworthy character as graphically as the ones in today's reading. ─── 在诗篇中,可能没有别的诗像今天读的这六首一样,那麽生动的描绘出上帝值得赞美的属性。

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