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10-03 投稿


magian 发音


英:  美:

magian 中文意思翻译




magian 相似词语短语

1、magic ─── n.魔法,巫术;魔术;魅力;(非正式)有魅力之物;(非正式)罕见才能;adj.有魔力的;魔法的;神奇的;(非正式)极好的;v.(像)用魔法变出(或移动、改变等);n.(Magic)(美)马吉克(人名)

2、magsman ─── n.骗子;(澳)讲述轶事的人

3、magicians ─── n.英伦魔法师(喜剧片)

4、magics ─── n.魔法,巫术;魔术;魅力;(非正式)有魅力之物;(非正式)罕见才能;adj.有魔力的;魔法的;神奇的;(非正式)极好的;v.(像)用魔法变出(或移动、改变等);n.(Magic)(美)马吉克(人名)

5、magilp ─── n.油画用的油(等于megilp);似冻子之油画材料

6、Magian ─── n.魔术师;adj.拜火教祭司的;(古代波斯)祆教僧侣的

7、magician ─── n.魔术师,变戏法的人

8、magma ─── n.[地质]岩浆;糊剂;n.(Magma)人名;(英)马格马

9、magical ─── adj.魔术的;有魔力的

magian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After that Gaumata, the Magian, had dispossessed Cambyses of Persia and Media, and of the other provinces, he did according to his will.He was (as) king. ─── 穆护高墨达篡冈比西斯而得波斯、米底、他省之后,彼之所为顺其心意,遂僭王号。

2、One day, said that is his uncle's person is a magian actually, he the Aladdin belt to a cave, has wanted to use Aladdin's to take away hole in god lamp. ─── 阿拉丁神灯》讲了这样壹个故事:阿拉丁是个没有爸爸地孩子。一天,一个自称是他叔叔的人其实是个魔法师,他把阿拉丁带到了一个山洞里,想利用阿拉丁把洞里的神灯拿去。

3、Thus said Darius, the King: There was no man, either Persian or Median or of our own race, who took the kingdom from Gaumata, the Magian. ─── 大流士王制曰:无虑波斯、米底亦或寡人之族人,无人可从穆护高墨达之手夺回此国。

4、The scarecrow wants to ask the magian to want the brains, tin Pi Ren to want a heart, the timid lion wish gallbladder, therefore they accompany, but line. ─── 稻草人想找魔法师要头脑、锡皮人想要一颗心、胆小的狮子想要胆,于是他们结伴而行。

5、But they discovered that the supernatural power boundless magian is one similarly the magician who blows by the tornado, simply does not have what supernatural power. ─── 但他们发现法力无边的魔法师不过是一个同样被龙卷风刮来的魔术师,根本没有什么法力。

6、In the female celestial and under people's help, she looks for the means which along the yellow brick road to the green crystal city the big magian seeks goes home. ─── 在仙女和人们的帮助下,她沿着黄砖路到绿水晶城去找大魔法师寻找回家的办法。

7、After that Gaumata, the Magian, had dispossessed Cambyses of Persia and Media, and of the other provinces, he did according to his will. ─── 后穆护高墨达篡冈比西斯而得波斯、米底、他省。

8、hole has been stopped up by the magian, the magian went to the African native place. ─── 洞被魔法师堵住了,魔法师去非洲老家了。

9、Meanwhile in Persia a usurper, the Magian Gaumata, arose in the spring of 522, who pretended to be the murdered Bardiya (Smerdis) and was acknowledged throughout Asia. ─── 同时,在波斯出现了一位篡夺者,古波斯之祭司高马他,在公元前522年出现,假装要去谋杀巴尔迪亚,被整个亚洲所知。

10、"Kiel bone se mi havus tian magian penikon!" ─── “要是我有一支神笔,就好了!”

11、One day, said that is his uncle's person is a magian actually, he the Aladdin belt to a cave, has wanted to use Aladdin's to take away hole in god lamp. ─── 一天,一个自称是他叔叔的人其实是个魔法师,他把阿拉丁带到了一个山洞里,想利用阿拉丁把洞里的神灯拿去。

12、12) Thus said Darius, the King: The kingdom of which Gaumata, the Magian, dispossessed Cambyses, had always belonged to our race. ─── 大流士王制曰:穆护高墨达篡冈比西斯而得之王国,古来即属于寡人之家族。

13、Thus said Darius, the King: Afterwards, there was a certain man, a Magian, Gaumata by name, who raised a rebellion in Paishiyauvada,, in a mountain called Arakadri?;;. ─── 大流士王制曰:未几,有一名曰高墨达之人,实为一穆护僧,于阿拉卡德里什山中之皮什亚乌瓦达地方起而作乱。

14、One was named Gaumata, the Magian; he lied, saying 'I am Smerdis, the son of Cyrus.' He made Persia to revolt. ─── 其一名曰穆护高墨达,彼作妖言曰:“吾乃司美尔迪斯,居鲁士之子。”波斯因彼而叛。

15、The hole has been stopped up by the magian, the magian went to the African native place. ─── 洞被魔法师堵住了,魔法师去非洲老家了。

16、The hole has been stopped up by the magian, the magian went to the African native place. ─── 洞被魔法师堵住了,魔法师去非洲老家了。

17、But they discovered that the supernatural power boundless magian is one similarly the magician who blows by the tornado, simply does not have what supernatural power. ─── 但他们发现法力无边的魔法师不过是一个同样被龙卷风刮来的魔术师,根本没有什么法力。

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