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narcosis 发音

英:[nɑːrˈkoʊsɪs]  美:[nɑːˈkəʊsɪs]

英:  美:

narcosis 中文意思翻译



narcosis 词性/词形变化,narcosis变形


narcosis 短语词组

1、narcosis Nnssbaum's ─── [医] 努斯包姆氏麻醉(注射吗啡后再用全身麻醉)

2、stage of light narcosis ─── [医] 浅麻醉期

3、Nussbaum's narcosis ─── [医] 努斯包姆氏麻醉(注射吗啡后再用全身麻醉)

4、stage of deep narcosis ─── [医] 深麻醉期

5、nitrogen narcosis ─── 氮麻醉

6、general narcosis ─── [医] 全身麻醉

7、medullary narcosis ─── [医] 脊髓麻醉, 脊椎可卡因麻醉法

8、stage of narcosis ─── [医] 麻醉期

9、continuous narcosis ─── [医] 持续麻醉

10、basal narcosis ─── [医] 基础麻醉

11、insufflation narcosis ─── [医] 吹入麻醉

12、narcosis paralysis ─── [医] 麻醉后麻痹

13、narcosis therapy ─── 麻醉疗法

14、rausch narcosis ─── [医] 酩酊麻醉, 浅乙醚麻醉

15、ether narcosis ─── [医] 醚麻醉

16、narcosis paralyses ─── [医] 麻醉性麻痹

17、intravenous narcosis ─── [医] 静脉麻醉 ─── [法]

narcosis 相似词语短语

1、narcomas ─── n.昏睡;麻醉性昏迷

2、narcotics ─── n.麻醉剂(narcotic的复数);麻醉毒品

3、narcos ─── n.缉查毒品的刑警(narco的变形)

4、narcoses ─── n.麻醉;昏迷状态(narcosis的变形)

5、varicosis ─── n.静脉曲张病

6、narcists ─── n.自我陶醉者

7、narcotise ─── 麻醉剂

8、narcotism ─── n.麻醉状态;麻醉作用;麻醉剂中毒

9、narcotist ─── n.毒瘾患者,吸毒成瘾的人

narcosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective To watch the narcosis effect of Primacaine in the oral cavity diagnosis. ─── 目的观察碧兰麻在口腔诊疗中的麻醉效果。

2、Narcosis Experience of Foreign Body Extraction in Children Trachea ─── 小儿气管异物取出术麻醉效果观察

3、Keywords Guangxi Bama minipig;Specially-made Minnaining;Ketamine hydrochloride;Effects of narcosis; ─── 广西巴马小型猪;特制眠乃宁;盐酸氯胺酮;麻醉效果;

4、Conclusion:It is better effect to pelvic hematocele syndromes treated by narcosis. ─── 结论:麻醉治疗盆腔淤血综合征效果好。

5、Results The narcosis effect of Primacaine is much better than that of Iidocaine, without any harmful influence. ─── 结果碧兰麻组麻醉效果优良率明显高于利多卡因组,无任何不良反应。

6、narcosis therapy ─── 麻醉疗法

7、inert gas narcosis ─── 惰性气体麻醉

8、Lumbard-Mayo set of narcosis tubes ─── 伦-梅二氏麻醉管器械包

9、Narcotic: Drug that produces analgesia (see analgesic), narcosis (stupor or sleep), and drug addiction . ─── 麻醉性镇痛药:能产生止痛(麻醉(麻木或入睡)以及药物成瘾的药物。

10、Method:use the narcosis to cure pelvic hematocele syndromes 54 cases. ─── 方法:对54例盆腔淤血综合征的患者采用麻醉的方法治疗。

11、choroform narcosis ─── 氯仿麻醉

12、We propose that the apnea and coma reported is due to carbon dioxide narcosis. ─── 我们建议,呼吸暂停和昏迷报告是由于二氧化碳麻醉。

13、insufflation narcosis ─── 吹入麻醉

14、must be taken not to confuse narcosis with death. ─── 一定要注意不要将麻醉昏迷与死亡混淆。

15、Care must be taken not to confuse narcosis with death. ─── 操作一定要注意不要将麻醉昏迷与死亡混淆。

16、"Narcotic: Drug that produces analgesia (see analgesic), narcosis (stupor or sleep), and drug addiction." ─── 麻醉性镇痛药: 能产生止痛(麻醉(麻木或入睡)以及药物成瘾的药物。

17、narcosis paralyses ─── [医] 麻醉性麻痹

18、Keywords ambient temperature;central body temperature;narcosis;experimental dogs; ─── 环境温度;实验犬;麻醉;中心体温;

19、narcosis paralysis ─── [医] 麻醉后麻痹

20、It is used as an inert gas in welding, rocket propulsion, balloon flight, hyperbaric chambers, deep-sea diving (see nitrogen narcosis), gas chromatography, luminous signs, and cryogenics. ─── 还可当作一种惰性气体应用于电弧焊接、火箭推进、气球飞行、高压室、深海潜水、气相色层分析法、发光讯号和低温技术。

21、aethylenum pro narcosi ─── [医] 麻醉用乙烯

22、nitrogen narcosis ─── 氮麻醉

23、Method:The rats were keeped in light narcosis. ─── 方法:维持大鼠于浅麻醉状态。

24、700 kPa nitrogen oxygen mixture pressure reduced rat EEG frequency significantly. High partial pressure oxygen may take an antagonistic effect on nitrogen narcosis. ─── 0kPa氮氧混合气中 ,即氮分压达到 6 78kPa时可对大鼠脑电活动产生较明显影响。

25、Some substances may affect the central nervous system and brain to produce narcosis and/or anaesthesia. ─── 有些物质可可以影响中枢神经系统和大脑产生麻醉和/或麻醉。

26、carbon dioside narcosis ─── 二氧化碳麻醉

27、"Narcotic: Drug that produces analgesia (see analgesic), narcosis (stupor or sleep), and drug addiction." ─── 麻醉性镇痛药:能产生止痛(麻醉(麻木或入睡)以及药物成瘾的药物。

28、pro narcosi ─── 麻醉用

29、narcosis analgesic ─── 麻醉性镇痛药

30、general narcosis ─── [医] 全身麻醉

31、Drug that produces analgesia (see analgesic), narcosis (stupor or sleep), and drug addiction. ─── 能产生止痛(参阅analgesic)、麻醉(麻木或入睡)以及药物成瘾的药物。

32、consciousness obstacle: Sex of the glare below bequeath of few number patient narcosis . ─── 意识障碍:极少数患者遗留下瞪眼性昏迷状态。

33、intravenous narcosis ─── [医] 静脉麻醉[法]

34、Environmental considerations such as exceeding planned depth, encountering currents, cold exposure, entanglements, and narcosis. ─── 环境考虑,如超出预定深度,遭遇水流,冷暴露,纠缠和昏迷状态。

35、Keywords Primacaine;oral cavity diagnosis;narcosis; ─── 碧兰麻;口腔诊疗;麻醉;

36、(1) consciousness obstacle: Sex of the glare below bequeath of few number patient narcosis. ─── (1)意识障碍:极少数患者遗留下瞪眼性昏迷状态。

37、Nitrogen Narcosis and High Pressure Nervous Syndrome : Experimental Study in Rabbits . ─── 氦气麻醉、及高压神经综合症:野兔的实验性研究。

38、ether narcosis apparatus ─── 乙醚麻醉器

39、Prevention of Knee Ankylosis by Continuous Passive Action in Narcosis Patients ─── 麻醉状态下行持续被动运动预防膝关节僵直的护理

40、Narcosis Analgesic and Current Clinical Anaesthesia ─── 麻醉性镇痛药与现代临床麻醉

41、As the operation and narcosis subsystem is a special branch of doctor workstation, also gives particular design ways and realization of the operation and narcosis subsystem. ─── 由于手术麻醉子系统是医生工作站的一个特殊分支,同时也给出了手术麻醉子系统的详细设计及实现。

42、Patient can still keep sobering after part of narcosis. ─── 病人在施以局部麻醉之后仍能保持完全清醒。

43、Hackenbruch narcosis ─── 哈肯布吕克麻醉(呈菱形的局部麻醉法)

44、Deep-sea divers can suffer nitrogen narcosis from breathing air under high pressure. ─── 深海潜水者会因在高压下呼吸而出现氮麻醉。

45、Patient faint shows narcosis, high fever, convulsions, the skin cadaverous or the purple that show blueness. ─── 病人昏倒呈昏迷状态,高烧,惊厥,皮肤苍白或呈青紫色。

46、Methods dip 2% lidocaine or impede narcosis, use the acuity exonerative plane root slot cut endodontium,after drying overlay thin hydrochloride zinc and than using the zinc phosphate to mount. ─── 方法用2%利多卡因浸润或阻滞麻醉,用锐利挖器平根管口切断牙髓,拭干后用氢氧化钙糊剂覆盖根髓断面,硬固后,覆薄层氧化锌粘固粉,用磷酸锌粘固粉封洞。

47、chloroformum pro narcosi ─── 麻醉氯仿

48、Method: use the narcosis to cure pelvic hematocele syndromes 54 cases. ─── 方法:对54例盆腔淤血综合征的患者采用麻醉的方法治疗。

49、narcosis Nnssbaum's ─── [医] 努斯包姆氏麻醉(注射吗啡后再用全身麻醉)

50、Using Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient to Estimate Median Lethal Concentrations for Fish Due to Narcosis ─── 用辛醇水分配系数测定鱼因麻醉的中长致死浓度

51、Inducing sleep or stupor;causing narcosis. ─── 麻醉性的,催眠的;引起麻醉的

52、nitrogen narcosis [esp. in scuba diving] ─── 吸入太多氮气而致之神智不清

53、stage of narcosis ─── [医] 麻醉期

54、Inducing sleep or stupor; causing narcosis. ─── 麻醉性的,催眠的;引起麻醉的

55、Venenum bufonis,as one of the traditional Chinese materia medica,has functions in analgesia,eliminating inflammation a,d narcosis et al. ─── 蟾酥作为一种传统中药,具有镇痛、消炎、麻醉等作用。

56、He says that time spent by divers in the water is critical in terms of research costs and the threat of nitrogen narcosis. ─── 他说,就研究费用和氮麻醉的威胁来说,潜水员在水中的时间是至关重要的。

57、continuous narcosis ─── [医] 持续麻醉

58、Purpose:Observe the clinical effect of pelvie hematocele synclromes by the narcosis therapy. ─── 目的:观察麻醉治疗盆腔淤血综合征临床效果。

59、My wife got leukaemia to be treated in Beijing now, but now is,be in narcosis, be afraid very in my heart?Do not know the medical treatment level over there is higher? ─── 我老婆得了白血病现在在北京治疗了,可是现在是处于昏迷状态啊,我心里很是担心啊?不知道那里的医疗水平较高啊?

60、complete narcosis ─── 完全麻醉

61、stage of deep narcosis ─── [医] 深麻醉期

62、Basic Attainment of Clinical Narcosis Doctor and Training ─── 临床麻醉医师的基本素养与培训

63、set of narcosis tubes ─── 麻醉导管器械包

64、Nitrogen Narcosis and High Pressure Nervous Syndrome: Experimental Study in Rabbits. ─── 氦气麻醉、及高压神经综合症:野兔的实验性研究。

65、rausch narcosis ─── [医] 酩酊麻醉, 浅乙醚麻醉

66、ether narcosis ─── [医] 醚麻醉

67、Automatic Control Narcosis in Epidural Block after Normothermia Patent Ducts Arteriosus Ligature ─── 常温下行动脉导管未闭结扎患儿术后硬膜外自控镇痛

68、Keywords nitrogen narcosis;glycine;uptake;transporter of glycine; ─── 氮麻醉;甘氨酸;摄取;甘氨酸转运体;

69、Objective To observe the influence of ambient temperature to the central body temperature of experimental dogs in the period of narcosis. ─── 目的:观察环境温度对实验犬麻醉期间中心体温的影响。

70、basal anesthesia basal narcosis ─── 基础麻醉

71、Nitrogen narcosis (or nitrogen euphoria or raptures of the deep): Effects of breathing nitrogen under increased pressure. ─── 氮麻醉(亦称氮欣快或深水销魂):在压力增高的条件下吸入氮气所产生的生理效应。

72、medullary narcosis ─── [医] 脊髓麻醉, 脊椎可卡因麻醉法

73、stage of light narcosis ─── [医] 浅麻醉期

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