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10-03 投稿


misgave 发音

英:[mɪsˈɡeɪv]  美:[mɪsˈɡeɪv]

英:  美:

misgave 中文意思翻译



misgave 词性/词形变化,misgave变形

动词过去分词: misfueled/misfuelled |动词第三人称单数: misfuels/misfuels |动词过去式: misfueled/misfuelled |动词现在分词: misfueling/misfuelling |

misgave 同义词

ruin | bad luck | hardship | ill luck | sorrow | calamity | difficulty | casualty | loss | affliction | misadventure |disaster | accident | shame | tough luck | adversity | distress | catastrophe | trouble | mishap | tragedy | trial | grief | tribulation

misgave 反义词

good fortune | fortune

misgave 相似词语短语

1、misate ─── 误食

2、disgavel ─── 脱臼

3、misgive ─── v.使怀疑;使担心;使害怕

4、misgauge ─── 误判

5、misaver ─── 米萨维尔

6、misgives ─── v.使怀疑;使担心;使害怕

7、misgiven ─── v.使疑虑;使担忧(misgive的过去分词)

8、misdate ─── vt.填错日期;n.填错的日期

9、misgrade ─── 错坡

misgave 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The air was pitilessly raw and already my heart misgave me. ─── 寒气透骨地阴冷,我心里一阵阵忐忑不安。

2、My heart misgave him about lending him the money. ─── 我对借钱给他不放心。

3、she could not tell, but because he happened to be looking in her direction her weakening heart misgave her and she hurried by , too overcome with shame to enter. ─── 她并不知道这个人与那家商号是否有关系,但是这人正巧朝她的方向看,她被一种羞愧压倒了,立刻心虚地打退堂鼓,急急忙忙走开了。

4、when he heard this, his heart misgave him; for he thought of the awful enlightening, the terrible revulsion of feeling that awaited her in the morning. ─── 他听到了,心里觉得很不自在;因为他想到明天早晨真相大白,那时有多么可怕,等待她的情感上的反应又会多么剧烈。

5、His heart misgave him about the result. ─── 他心中对结果忐忑不安。

6、Now that the thing was settled, Carrie's heart misgave her. ─── 现在事情已经定了下来,嘉莉却感到心中不安起来。

7、Her mind misgave her about her friend. ─── 她对她的朋友心存疑虑。

8、His heart misgave him about the result. ─── 他心中对结果忐忑不安。

9、My heart misgave him about lending him the money. ─── 我对借钱给他不放心。

10、Her mind misgave her about her friend. ─── 她对她的朋友心存疑虑。

11、raw and already my heart misgave me. ─── 空气冷冰冰地,我心里已经开始怀疑自己。

12、Her heart misgave her that she had acted inexcusably. ─── 她的心情使她忧虑她表现地无法原谅。

13、I should have leaped out and run for it, if I had found the strength; but my limbs and heart alike misgave me. ─── 要是我还有力气的话,我会跳出去逃命了;但是我的四肢和心脏都不听我使唤了。

14、And when he heard this, his heart misgave him; for he thought of the awful enlightening, the terrible revulsion of feeling that awaited her in the morning. ─── 他听到了,心里觉得很不自在;因为他想到明天早晨真相大白,那时有多么可怕,等待她的情感上的反应又会多么剧烈。

15、Now that the thing was settled, Carrie's heart misgave her. ─── 现在事情已经定了下来,嘉莉却感到心中不安起来。

16、The air was pitilessly raw and already my heart misgave me ─── 寒气透骨地阴冷,我心里一阵阵忐忑不安。

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