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10-03 投稿


harmonics 发音

英:[hɑːrˈmɑːnɪks]  美:[hɑːˈmɒnɪks]

英:  美:

harmonics 中文意思翻译



harmonics 网络释义

n. 和声学;泛音;数律分析法

harmonics 短语词组

1、surface harmonics ─── 面谐函数

2、spherical harmonics ─── [电] 球函数

3、second harmonics ─── [物]二次谐波

4、harmonics bug ─── [电] 口琴式窃听器

5、sub-harmonics (sub-harmonic ─── 的复数) 分谐波

6、harmonics got crazy ─── 谐波变得疯狂

7、triple harmonics ─── 三倍数谐波

8、current harmonics ─── 电流谐波

9、solid harmonics ─── 立体调和;固体谐波

10、aural harmonics ─── [医]耳谐波

11、third harmonics ─── 三次谐波

12、space harmonics ─── [电] 空间谐波

13、time harmonics ─── [电] 时间谐波

14、even harmonics ─── 偶谐波; ─── 偶数谐波

15、higher harmonics ─── [电] 高谐波

harmonics 常用词组

spherical harmonics ─── 球函数

harmonics 词性/词形变化,harmonics变形


harmonics 相似词语短语

1、harmonicons ─── n.口琴(等于orchestrion)

2、harmonicist ─── 和声学家

3、harmonic ─── adj.和声的;谐和的;音乐般的;n.[物]谐波;和声

4、harmonious ─── adj.和谐的,和睦的;协调的;悦耳的

5、harmonicas ─── n.口琴(等于mouthorgan)

6、harmonical ─── adj.调和的(等于harmonic);合谐的;音乐般的

7、harmonies ─── n.协调;和睦;融洽;调和;n.(Harmony)人名;(英)哈莫尼

8、harmonica ─── n.口琴(等于mouthorgan)

9、harmonicon ─── n.口琴(等于orchestrion)

harmonics 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In comparison with model climate analysis by use of the EOF, the spherical harmonics spectral analysis can better reveal the physical pattern of atmospheric waves. ─── 与用经验正交函数(EOF)对模式气候作分析不同,球谐波谱分析能清晰显示大气波动的物理图像,尤其是全球大气低频波。

2、WANG Yong-qiang,LU Fang-cheng,ZHANG Ke.The me thod of MOA's monitoring on-line considering harmonics on electrical net [J].High Voltage Engineering,2003,29(9) :24-25. ─── [3]王永强,律方成,张柯.考虑电网谐波影响的MOA在线检测方法[J].高电压技术,2003,29(9):24-25.

3、Well, first we should that Scuba is an acronym. S-C-U-B-A. And it stands for something. Here's John Harmon to give us an explanation. ─── 哎,说了半天我们是不是先给大家解释Scuba这个词是怎么来的?

4、The paper analyzes the current quality of energy according to toth the managemen ts of reactive power voltage and harmonics monitoring in Guangxi Electric Power Grid. ─── 从广西主网无功电压管理及谐波监督管理两方面对广西电网电能质量现状进行分析,指出存在问题,提出了改善电能质量的对策。

5、Recorded by Adam Harmon, mastered by Eval 3 and DJ Matt at Remission Studio Jinn = ...... ─── 2006年的相关专辑:总记录数:2总页数:1当前页:1首页上一页1下一页末页

6、The DVR with one-cycle control can offer better compensation while the voltage variation extent is less than 30% and can restrain harmonics in power source as well. ─── 在电压变化范围不大于30%时有较好的补偿效果,并对电源谐波有一定的抑制作用。

7、To describe and analyze the signals in the power net, the interharmonics and subharmonics are introduced on the basis of the original fundamental and harmonics. ─── 为了描述和分析电网信号,在原来基波和谐波的基础上又引入了间谐波、次谐波。

8、Extra interview with Mark Harmon and Michael Weatherly (credit: ncisfans. ─── com) 这是Extra TV对Mark和Michael的访问。

9、Reality began with a tone (horns, cones, harmonics, soul notes) followed spiraling pulsating light which creates ongoing and endless grids in which souls can virtually experience. ─── 实相开始于音调(喇叭,圆锥细胞,和声学,灵魂记录)追随螺旋跳动的光,光创造了正在进行和无止境的网格,在网格中灵魂能够实在体验。

10、"As soon as we rolled him over, he gasped and started crying," Harmon says. ─── “我们把他翻过来,他一边喘气一边哭”哈蒙说。

11、The various harmonics are in resonance in this cavity to different degrees. ─── 在口腔中,各种谐音的共鸣程度不同。

12、A detail analysis of producing harmonics of electronic ballast is provided. The method to reduce the harmonics distortion and improve the power factor is derived. ─── 分析了电子镇流器产生谐波电流的原因,并以一种新型电子镇流器为例,指出了降低谐波含量、提高功率因数的方法及其实际意义。

13、The Splinter concept was developed by Joe Harmon for his graduate project at the Industrial Design Course - North Carolina State University. ─── 在分裂的概念是由乔哈蒙的研究生项目,工业设计课程-北卡罗莱纳州立大学。

14、Variable deviation angle for best harmonics rejection. ─── 可通过改变偏向角抑制谐波。

15、Harmon and two "wives" father of a total of 8 children and the youngest is only 1-year-old daughter, Eva. ─── 哈蒙和两个“妻子”共育有8个儿女,最小的女儿爱娃只有1岁。

16、And you will go out through the breaches, each one straight ahead of her; And you will cast yourselves into Harmon, declares Jehovah. ─── 3你们各人必从破口直往前行,投入哈门;这是耶和华说的。

17、From the angle of engineering, some key problems in harmonics detecting and compensating parts are studied, which accumulates much experience for the engineering use of APF. ─── 主要从工程应用角度出发,对检测和补偿两个环节进行了研究和设计,为有源滤波器的工程应用积累了经验。

18、This deviation from perfect sinusoids is usually expressed in terms of harmonics distortion of the voltage and current waveforms. ─── 这种偏离完全正弦的畸变称为电压、电流波形的谐波畸变。

19、In power converters, unbalances generate undesirable DC ripple and non characteristical harmonics in the AC side. ─── 在电力变换器中,不平衡会产生不希望的直流波动以及交流侧无特征的谐波。

20、It is widely interested how to construct an active power filter to suppress the harmonics in three phase four wire system. ─── 三相四线制系统中如何使用有源电力滤波器来抑制线路中的谐波,这一问题越来越被人们所重视。

21、ZHANG Jing.Studies of harmonics superposition method in multiharmonic sources system[J ].Power System Technology,1995,19(3):23-27. ─── [5]张晶.多谐波源系统谐波叠加方法的研究[J].电网技术,1995,19(3):23-27.

22、They speak to us in the ancient language of harmonics awakening the soul memories of who we are. ─── 他们用古代和声语言与我对话唤醒我们是谁的灵魂的记忆。

23、We use harmonics. ─── 我们也用谐和。

24、He learns harmonics, counterpoint, composition, vocality and pianism when he studies at Harvard and Cornell University and starts the musical inditement as early as 1913. ─── 他创作的声乐作品采用民族性的题材,吸收中国民族音乐的因素,注重民族风格的语言,吸收西洋音乐技法,探索民族化的发展道路。

25、She received the Harmon Trophy, the highest award given to a pilot in America. ─── 她获得了美国为飞行员设置的最高奖:哈蒙特罗菲大奖。

26、NJG1634LK5 is a GaAs SP6T antenna switch module for GSM900 / GSM1800 / CDMA800 / CDMA1900 handsets.This switch module features low harmonics, high IIP3 and low insertion loss. ─── NJG1634LK5 是一款SP6T天线开关,主要适于用于SM900/GSM1800/CDMA800/CDMA1900的4频段移动电话,具有低谐波、低插入损耗和高IIP3等特点。

27、GB/T 14549-93,The network harmonics and the quality of public utility[S]. ─── [5]GB/T 14549-93,电能质量公用电网谐波[S].

28、Our 2.4L tester was fitted with sat-nav, a harmon kardon sound system, cruise control, power seats with memory, auto headlights, and a sunroof. ─── 2.4升的测试车有个导航仪,哈曼卡顿的喇叭,定速巡航地,电动座椅带记忆地,大灯是自动地,有天窗地。

29、You will each go straight out through breaks in the wall, and you will be cast out toward Harmon, " declares the LORD. ─── 以色列人哪、任你们往伯特利去犯罪、到吉甲加增罪过.每日早晨献上你们的祭物、每三日奉上你们的十分之一。

30、At the same time,white musicians heard black music and borrowed freely from it,using black harmonics and sometimes black scales. ─── 同时,白人音乐家们听黑人音乐,并且从中自由地借鉴了黑人的和声学以及一些黑人的音调。

31、There is a great market demand to utilize the active power filters (APF) to reduce the harmonics of the power system and improve the power quality in China. ─── 伴随着我国电能质量问题治理工作的深入开展,利用有源电力滤波器(active power filter,缩写为APF)进行谐波治理将会具有巨大的市场应用潜力。

32、When internal fault occurs in the stator windings of synchronous generator,there are strong harmonics in the air gap. ─── 同步电机定子绕组发生内部电气故障时,气隙磁场中存在很强的空间谐波分量。

33、Atlantis Rings is a metaphor for the spirals / rings/ harmonics of consciousness that move between our grid reality and that of the Atlantean program. ─── 亚特蓝提斯岛指环是螺旋的隐喻/指环/在我们网格和亚特蓝提斯岛程序实相之间感应的意识和声学。

34、Keywords: active power filter, voltage type harmonics, load voltage regulaton. ─── 关键词:主动式电力滤波器、电压型谐波、负载电压调整。

35、Harmon threw out between reminiscent pauses. ─── 哈蒙一边儿回想一边儿说。

36、"And I've got a doll," Harmon called back. ─── “我发现了一个布娃娃”哈蒙回应道。

37、Based on harmonics of field quantity, an equivalent leakage reactance model of magnetic frequency tripler is first presented in this dissertation. ─── 为设计三倍频变压器,减小等值漏感抗,提高三倍频变压器的输出 功率提供了有效的分析方法。

38、English: 727. The dependent variables are expanded in series of spherical harmonics truncated rhomboidally at wavenumber 15. ─── 中文:这些因变量展开为球函数的级数形式并在15处作菱形截断。

39、The remaining frequency components, which contain both harmonics and noise. ─── 他们之中包含着谐波和噪声。

40、It has a power factor of near 1, and decreases the harmonics interference to the lowest level. ─── 在电力牵引时其功率因数接近于1,并可将谐波干扰降低到最低限度;

41、Harmonics are expensive. ─── 谐和贵得很。

42、A half-wave symmetric function contains only odd harmonics . ─── 半波对称函数的傅里叶级数只含有奇次谐波分量。

43、It maintains a minimum CMRR of80dB to10kHz for all grades at G=1.High CMRR over frequency allows the AD8221to reject wide-band interference and line harmonics. ─── AD8221在其增益为1时 ,能够在频率为10kHz处保持大于80dB的共模抑制比 ,因而能很好的抑制宽带干扰和线性失真。

44、Travel with me to the Pyramid of the Feminine, She who now returns to planet Earth to express herself in the light harmonics of creation. ─── 同我一起旅行到女性金字塔里,现在她返回到行星地球以创造的光谐波去表达自己。

45、You just need people with a desire to better themselves,and we got that by the shitload at South Harmon. ─── 婚后的秀真,记忆开始逐渐消退,就象被橡皮擦擦去一样。

46、Atlantis Rings is a metaphor for the spirals/ rings/ harmonics of consciousness that move between our grid reality and that of the Atlantean program. ─── 亚特蓝提斯岛指环是螺旋的隐喻/环/我们网格和亚特蓝提斯岛程序实相之间感应的意识和声学。

47、By the end of the 18th century, crooks were used to extend the compass of harmonics. ─── 于18世纪末,圆号仍需用变音管来增加其吹奏的音域。

48、Harmon:OK. Ah, that's Damon Warner. What's it all about? ─── 哈蒙:好吧。啊,那是戴蒙.沃纳。说的是什麽?

49、To eliminate the harmonics caused by nonlinear loads in power network, a modularized active power filter (APF) for low voltage power network is designed. ─── 为滤除低压电网非线性负载产生的谐波,设计了模块化并联型低压有源滤波装置。

50、You know them as harmonics or overtones. ─── 你把它们当做和声或弦外音。

51、Example 102. Harmonics of A; all notes can be pedaled with the bass note. ─── 一般说来,人们可以放心地在许多看得见的能形成基本协调音上用踏板。

52、The key point of structure design and accuracy analysis in precision mount which is needed in the procession to obtain second and third harmonics generation is introduced. ─── 介绍了实现倍频和混频过程所需的精密调整架的结构设计要点及其精度分析。

53、Key words: Gray System; Prediction ; Controlling; Filter; Harmonics. ─── 关键词:灰色;预测;控制;滤波器;谐波

54、Harmon held a pint jar in his hand, what remained of its contents barely covering the bottom. ─── 5哈蒙的手里拿着一个小烧酒瓶,瓶里的酒只剩下浅浅一层。

55、To reduce the current harmonics around switching frequency of the three-phase pulsewidth modulation(PWM)rectifiers, a LCL filter is adopted. ─── 为了减少PWM整流器开关频率附近高次谐波的含量,采用三次LCL滤波器。

56、Cutting out harsh high frequency harmonics seems to be one of the underlying principles of the TS series. ─── 切出苛刻高频谐波似乎是基本原则之一的TS系列。

57、"And I've got a doll," Harmon called back. The doll was lying face-down, arms over its head and dressed in a green T-shirt and a loosened diaper. ─── “我发现了一个布娃娃”哈蒙回应道。这个布娃娃穿着一件绿T-恤,还有一张松开的尿布歪歪斜斜挂着。它脸朝下趴着,胳膊搭在头上。

58、The content of high harmonics in public power grids is the important indicator which measures the quality of power grid system. ─── 公共电网中高次谐波的含量是衡量电力系统电能品质优劣的重要指标。

59、"Hang in there, big guy," Harmon urged."Stay with me. ─── “坚持下,小男子汉”哈蒙鼓励道“有我在呢!”

60、Harmonics can be added to a wave which has a single frequency to produce a complex wave. ─── 谐音加在单频波上产生复波。

61、Based on above facts, in part 1 the author combs out the relationship between harmonics and counterpoint method, and then divides counterpoint into three kinds of states. ─── 基于上述事实,本文首先将和声学与对位法的关系进行了梳理,将对位分为三种形态。

62、An artificial neural network approach based on MLFNN for measuring harmonics in force system is proposed. ─── 为了检测电力系统中的谐波,本文提出了一种基于优化神经网络的电网谐波测量方法。

63、The oscillating amplitude of the space-charge field increases while the contribution of the higher-order harmonics are considered. ─── 在考虑高阶分量的贡献后,空间电荷场的振荡幅度加大。

64、There is a great market demand to utilize the Active Power Filter (APF) to reduce the harmonics of the power system and improve the power quality in China. ─── 伴随着我国电能质量问题研究工作的深入开展,利用电力有源滤波器(Active Power Filter,缩写为APF)进行谐波和无功治理将会具有巨大的市场应用潜力。

65、Traction power system of high speed maglev is a new harmonics resource and its harmonics do great harm to the movement of high speed maglev safely and stably. ─── 它是一种新型的谐波源,所产生的高频谐波对磁悬浮列车的安全稳定运行产生了很大的危害。

66、Following the mixers, an IF filter and a RF filter are used to attenuate unwanted harmonics or interference respectively. ─── 在混合器后面,分别使用IF滤波器和RF滤波器来衰减不期望的谐波或干扰。

67、The address is 1123 Harmon Tower, 235 Main Street, Hudson. ─── 地址是哈德森市,235街,哈门塔1123号。

68、She said she named the Oscars in honor of her first husband, Harmon Oscar Nelson. ─── 她说她为了纪念她第一任丈夫哈尔曼?奥斯卡?尼尔森而将此奖项命名为奥斯卡。

69、Finite sum of harmonics for approximation of a step exponential pulse. ─── 以有限谐波级数近似单边递减波。

70、Finite sum of harmonics for approximation of a source of step exponential pulse. ─── 以有限谐波级数近似单边递减波电源。

71、It is shown that a FEL operation is possible in this wiggler by using higher harmonics. ─── 初步论证了利用该摆动器产生高次谐波相干辐射的可能性。

72、Travel with me to the Pyramid of the Feminine, She who now returns to planet Earth to express herself in the light harmonics of creation. ─── 同我一起旅行到女性金字塔里,现在她返回到行星地球以创造的光谐波去表达自己。

73、John Harmon: Okay, my name is John HarmonSCUBA stands for self-contained, underwater, breathing apparatus. ─── Scuba这个词在中文里就是水肺,是一种帮助人在水下呼吸的设备。

74、Harmon:With his dad's millions he's certainly got plenty of time to choose the right woman. ─── 哈蒙:他父亲那麽有钱,他绝对可以慢慢挑选合适的女人。

75、Harmonics of the ripple have been investigated experimentally at a self-made model Cockcroft-Walton (C-W) voltage multiplier, as a funct ion of the circuit asymmetry and load. ─── 在一个自制的模型倍压器上,通过测量纹波,分析了纹波的各次谐波成分与电路非对称性和负载的关系。

76、Interference phenomena between high harmonics and hyper-Raman lines in strongly driven two-level atomic system has been investigated. ─── 利用强激光场驱动下的原子二能级模型,探讨了高次谐波与高阶拉曼谱的相干相消现象。

77、English: 705. The model contains nine levels in the vertical, and uses spherical harmonics as horizontal basis function with a rhomboidal truncation at wavenumber 15. ─── 中文:本模式在垂直方向上分9层,采用球谐函数作为水平方向上的基函数,在波数15处作菱形截断。

78、In this paper, the means of harmonics control by selecting switching angles are analyzed for improving quality of output voltage in cascaded multilevel inverter. ─── 为改善级联型多电平逆变器输出电压波形质量,对通过控制逆变单元开关角实现级联多电平逆变器谐波控制的方法进行了分析研究。

79、Harmonics Harness of Fengnan Hengtong Co. ─── 丰南恒通的谐波及其治理。

80、Paul Frank Harmon Printed Tank Top - Girls' Life can be rough.Thank goodness the characters on the Paul Frank Girls' Harmon Printed Tank Top have perfected the art of listening. ─── 商品简介:Paul Frank 大嘴猴黑色女士无袖T恤 Paul Frank 大嘴猴黑色女士无袖T恤,穿着舒适,设计新颖大方,大嘴猴的可爱形象让您忘记烦恼与忧愁。

81、You will each go straight out through breaks in the wall, and you will be cast out toward Harmon," declares the LORD. ─── 你们各人必从破口直往前行,投入哈门。这是耶和华说的。

82、Dynamic Voltage Regulator (DVR) can restraint voltage sags, eliminate voltage harmonics and ripples, and have become a hot topic of researchers all over the world. ─── 动态电压调节器(Dynamic Voltage Regulator,简称DVR)可有效解决电压跌落、系统电压谐波、电压波动等动态及稳态电压质量问题,是目前国内外的研究热点之一。

83、It included arithmetic,geometry,chronometer and the music(harmonics) as the main and central subjects. ─── 古希腊思想是在首先探寻自然知识的基础上,才有后来对“认识你自己”及其道德生活的诉求;

84、It is made up of a superposition of harmonics. ─── 它的谱由一组线条组成。

85、So PWM with higher frequence can be used to eliminate the low-frequence harmonics of bus current and reduce the distortion rate of current waveform. ─── 因此可以采用频率更高的脉宽调制PWM脉冲,能基本上消除电网侧电流的低次谐波,减少电流波形的畸变率;

86、Under the external AC and DC electric field, the effective nonlinearresponses and local potentials are induced by the cubic nonlinearity of Kerr materialsat all harmonics. ─── 在外加直流电和交流电混合电场的激发下,各谐和频率下的有效非线性响应和相应的电势都可以被这种Kerr型复合介质的立方非线性特性所感应出。

87、The approach starts from an analysis of spherical harmonics and finds out a quadratic polynomial form of environment mapping. ─── 该方法从分析球面调和函数入手,首先得出环境贴图的二次多项式表达形式;

88、And a third way is to resolve contradictions and establish harmon... ─── 三是化解矛盾,建立政府、医院、患者的和谐关系。

89、The continuous wavelet transform (CWT) has been used to measure harmonics due to its excellent time-frequency character. ─── 连续小波变换(CWT)因其良好的时频局部化特性,可用来分析谐波。

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