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10-03 投稿


mewling 发音

英:[ˈmjuːlɪŋ]  美:[ˈmjuːlɪŋ]

英:  美:

mewling 中文意思翻译



mewling 短语词组

1、mewling quim ─── 喵 ─── 喵叫

mewling 词性/词形变化,mewling变形

动词过去式: mewled |动词现在分词: mewling |动词过去分词: mewled |动词第三人称单数: mewls |

mewling 相似词语短语

1、-eling ─── 伊灵

2、bawling ─── vi.大叫;放声痛哭;vt.大声叫出;大声宣布;叫卖;n.叫骂声

3、Rowling ─── n.罗琳(女子名)

4、Memling ─── n.(Memling)人名;(德、荷)梅姆林

5、merling ─── n.(Merling)人名;(罗)梅尔灵

6、Felling ─── n.[林]伐木;二重接缝,咬口折缝;v.使倒下;砍倒;折缝(fell的ing形式)

7、-elling ─── n.我和我的朋友(电影名);埃林(姓氏)

8、melling ─── vt.使融合;n.(Mell)(美、英、加)梅尔(人名)

9、mewing ─── n.海鸥;鹰笼;隐匿处;猫叫声;vi.咪咪叫;换羽毛;vt.关进笼子;n.(Mew)人名;(英)缪

mewling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When Aziza first spotted Mariam in the morning, her eyes always sprang open, and she began mewling and squirming in her mother's grip. ─── 每天早晨,当阿兹莎第一眼看到玛丽雅姆时,她总是眼前一亮,开始在她母亲的怀里扭动叫喊。

2、Figure out kitty's mood by paying attention to the speed and volume of his mewling. ─── 要关注猫叫声的大小和速率来判明猫的心情。

3、Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. ─── 在妈妈怀里又哭又吐;

4、At first the infant Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. ─── 一个人的一生中扮演着好几个角色,他的表演可以分为七个时期。

5、Just as Shiki is about to open the next door, for a moment he sees the next room full of freshly severed cat heads, mewling plaintively at him. ─── 就在志贵要把下一扇门打开的时候,在一瞬间他看见下一个房间放满了刚刚切下来的猫头,正向他哀伤地啜泣。

6、There is no actual proof, as of yet, that reduced bloodflow to the brain can severely damage it, but Chou is pretty sure that we’ll all be mewling spastics before the day is done. ─── 要再建王国,关键是要使国民成长,也就是要先盖房子。随著雷欧在空地上建筑越来越多的房子,国民也会逐渐增多。

7、But enough of your mewling... let us be off. ─── 但我受够你的撒娇了...咱们走吧。

8、Before my life started properly, I was doing the usual mewling andsucking, which in my case occurred on a pair of huge, soft black breasts. ─── 在人生正式开始之前,我常常低声哭着吃奶,我就爱那样依偎在一对柔软的大黑奶上。

9、It's no use mewling over bygone glories of a probably mythical golden age of foreign corresponding. ─── 为逝去的国际新闻的黄金时代扼腕叹息是毫无益处的。

10、where are you ? you mewling half - bakes ─── 你们在哪儿?你们这些小兔崽子

11、Before my life started properly, I was doing the usual mewling and sucking, which in my case occurred on a pair of huge, soft black breasts. ─── 在人生正式最先之前,我时时低声哭着吃奶,我就爱那样依偎在一对柔嫩的大黑奶上。

12、At first the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. ─── 最初是婴孩,在保姆的怀中啼哭呕吐。

13、Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. ─── 在奶妈怀中啼哭着、呕吐着。

14、When Aziza first spotted Mariam in the morning, her eyes always sprang open, and she began mewling and squirming in her mother's grip. ─── 每天早晨,当阿兹莎第一眼看到玛丽雅姆时,她总是眼前一亮,开始在她母亲的怀里扭动叫喊。

15、We would hear their caravans approaching our neighborhood, the mewling of their sheep, the "baaing" of their goats. ─── 我们会听到他们的商队接近我们的社区的声音,绵羊咪咪,山羊咩咩。

16、Do you really think I should make decisions based on the mewling of a handful of clueless halfwits just because they spam ESR with the same post a hundred times? ─── 你真的认为我应该依靠一小撮无能的笨蛋在ESR上反复的哭诉来做决定吗?

17、I say you are a pup. The queen needs a man beside her, not a mewling boy. ─── 我说啊你这个小狗,女王身边需要一个男人,不是个哭鼻子的小男孩。

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