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10-04 投稿


maelstrom 发音

英:[ˈmeɪlstrəm]  美:[ˈmeɪlstrɒm]

英:  美:

maelstrom 中文意思翻译



maelstrom 网络释义

n. 大漩涡;极度混乱;不可抗的破坏力

maelstrom 短语词组

1、maelstrom dj ─── 大漩涡dj

2、maelstrom protocol maelstrom ─── 协议

maelstrom 词性/词形变化,maelstrom变形


maelstrom 相似词语短语

1、maestros ─── n.大师;名家;大音乐家(maestro的变形)

2、maestro ─── n.大师;名家;大音乐家;n.(Maestro)人名;(意、西)马埃斯特罗

3、Castro ─── n.卡斯特罗(古巴领导人,1976-2006年在任)

4、maestri ─── n.音乐大师;名家(maestro的复数);n.(Maestri)(美)马埃斯特里(人名)

5、millstream ─── n.水车用水流

6、angstroms ─── 埃

7、Maelstrom ─── n.大漩涡;极度混乱;不可抗的破坏力

8、maelstroms ─── n.大漩涡;极度混乱;不可抗的破坏力

9、angstrom ─── n.埃(光谱线波长单位)

maelstrom 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Those emerging market countries whose currencies have been battered of late by the financial maelstrom may be looking with some envy at Hong Kong. ─── 货币受到最近金融风暴冲击的新兴市场国家,可能会有些羡慕香港。

2、What gift does Kara Thrace give to Admiral Adama before her calamitous flight in "Maelstrom"? ─── 在“痛苦漩涡”中,卡拉·瑟瑞斯在她那次不幸的飞行任务前给了阿达玛上将什么礼物?

3、But the course was set, my misgivings as a mere breath against the maelstrom of his will. ─── 但向那里进发的命令已经被下达,所以我希望这仅仅是我个人的疑虑而已。

4、China"s growing economic maelstrom is inducing foreign censures of anti-globalization nature, which might be used by some Western hostile forces in conducting anti-China deals. ─── 中国在经济等方面漩涡般的影响力可能使自己成为国际反全球化运动指责的对象,而这又可能被某些国家所利用,进行有损于中国利益的活动。

5、In the North, the war is getting bloodier and bloodier, and in the South, Chang Fa-kuei's Kwangsi Army is marching on Hunan Province; the whole country will soon be drawn into the maelstrom of civil war. ─── 陇海,平汉两条铁路上是越打越厉害,张桂军也已经向湖南出动了,小张态度不明,全中国都要卷进混战。

6、Self-talk, unscientifically, also seems to be the stuff in the noisy maelstrom of the mind that slips out. ─── 从科学以外的角度来说,自言自语似乎也是思绪奔涌的反映之一。

7、Next WoW expansion...Emerald Dream or will we bridge the gap to the continents and enter the Maelstrom, Jul Tiras, and all those other goody parts we've yet to see? ─── 下一个WOW资料片是否会加入翡翠梦境、大漩涡、库尔提拉斯或者是其它我们已经提到过(了解到)的地方?

8、The maelstrom sucked in the canoe. ─── 大漩涡吞没了独木舟。

9、Out there in the South Seas there are islands, there's out where the Maelstrom is. ─── 在南部海洋远离大漩涡的那片区域有一些岛屿,那还有相当大的一片土地。

10、In Cataclysm of theMaelstrom, the forces of the Allianceand the Horde will venture into battle against the Naga amid the Maelstrom’s cruelhurricane and seas of cruel tides. ─── 在大漩涡的灾变,联盟和部落的军队会投入与纳迦的战争,在大漩涡无情的飓风和巨浪中奋战。

11、In the name of safety, their shamans had gotten rid of the maelstrom and poked a ship-sized hole in a goddess's bedchamber . ─── 为了安全考虑,他们的萨满巫师消除了大旋涡,并在某位女神的卧室上凿开了一个船形的洞。

12、Inside, she was a maelstrom of churning emotions. ─── 她的内心处于各种情绪的漩涡中。

13、Mr Dale believes that, caught up in this maelstrom of fads, managers can overlook the obvious - hence the title of his book. ─── 戴尔认为,由于陷入了这种时尚漩涡,经理人可能会忽视那些浅显的道理——他这本书由此得名。

14、In the name of safety, their shamans had gotten rid of the maelstrom and poked a ship-sized hole in a goddess's bedchamber. ─── 为了安全考虑,他们的萨满巫师消除了大旋涡,并在某位女神的卧室上凿开了一个船形的洞。

15、a maelstrom of conflicting emotions ─── 混杂不清的矛盾情感

16、He insisted that he wanted to fight though, so they sent him into the maelstrom. ─── 他仍然坚持要上战场,于是他们把他送上了前线。

17、This vortex is the Maelstrom, and it occupies the center of the Great Sea. ─── 这个漩涡的存在使卡里姆多大陆和东部大陆之间的航船变得困难。

18、"sets into motion a maelstrom of paperwork and forms, often requiring months and many tele-phone calls to unravel. ─── 这一医疗问题会引起一场纸张和表格的大混乱,常常要用几个月的时间,打许多电话才能解释清楚。

19、But being sucked into a media maelstrom isn’t necessarily conducive to a nascent love affair. ─── 但是,卷入媒体的漩涡对于这场刚刚萌芽的爱情来说并不是什么好事。

20、And that was before the financial maelstrom of the past year, in which stocks have fallen more than 50% from the DJIA record of 14164.53 hit in October 2007. ─── 这种说法在去年的金融海啸之前就经常出现。金融海啸让道琼斯指数从2007年10月时的14164.53点历史高点下跌了50%以上。

21、Here chasing down the story got confusing, and stirred up a minor maelstrom in Tokyo. ─── 接下来的故事就让人困惑了,并且在东京也引发了点小风波。

22、Kluge drove to visit Dietrich's headquarters on 15 August, and got stuck in the maelstrom for several hours after his convoy was strafed by Allied fighters and his radio truck destroyed. ─── 8月15日克鲁格前往迪特里希的指挥部,结果车队遭到了盟军战斗机的扫而陷入混乱,他的无线电车也损坏了。

23、Presumably when one tube imploded, the inrushing water generated a powerful outgoing shock wave that broke other nearby tubes, whose implosions in turn added to a growing maelstrom of surging water and flying shrapnel. ─── 想来大概是其中一个发生内爆,往内灌的水便产生了一个强力外传的震波,震碎邻近的管子,而邻管的内爆则更加剧了冲击水流与横飞碎片漩成一大团的趋势。

24、Into the maelstrom of battle! ─── 打入战斗激烈之处!

25、It's like a remote-control toy, except some drastically superfit driver has got to strap himself into the maelstrom and take the bucking beast by the scruff of the neck. ─── 除了像在风暴中把自己捆绑起来和像骑在驯兽脖颈上一样,它就像一个遥控玩具。

26、The anxious person has the spirit like a maelstrom. ─── 焦虑的人的精神世界就像一个大漩涡。

27、the maelstrom of war ─── 战乱

28、With this spell, the mage hurls a maelstrom of flaming spheres towards an enemy province. ─── 借助这个法术,法师对一个遥远的敌方省份投掷出一串巨大的火球体。

29、So do not be fooled by anybody who says that the central bank should cut interest rates for the benefit of innocent citizens who have been caught up in this maelstrom. ─── 因此,如果有人说,为了那些陷入这场危机的无辜市民的利益,央行应该降息,你可千万不要上当。

30、But it had been just two weeks since he lost his management job in safety and compliance at Georgia Pacific, the paper products company, and the maelstrom of emotions was still fresh. ─── 他失业前在佐治亚-太平洋公司的安全质检管理工作到现在才刚刚两个星期,那家公司主要生产纸类产品。失业带来的情绪波动现在历历在目。

31、It is a 50-light-year-wide view of the central region of the Carina Nebula where a maelstrom of star birth - and death - is taking place. ─── 那是卡林娜星云中心直径达50光年的区域,一颗恒星在这里诞生,并且在这里消亡。

32、In the neck of the pass the sea became a maelstrom, driven by the tempest and hemmed in by the rocks. ─── 在那个险恶的礁石空隙间,浪滔在风暴的力量下沿着陡峻的礁石周边旋成了深不可测的风暴旋涡。

33、Geography: Balor is one of a chain of islands in the Great Sea south of the Maelstrom. ─── 地志:巴洛是大漩涡南部无尽之海中一系列岛屿中的一个。

34、The inhabitants of the Gaza Strip are caught in a maelstrom of internecine feuding between gunmen of Hamas and its Fatah rivals, loth to accept the electoral defeat they suffered earlier this year. ─── 由于不愿意接受今年年初遭受的选举失败,哈马斯的世仇对手法塔赫与持枪的哈马斯成员在加沙城不断进行械斗,加沙居民深受这种械斗之苦。

35、." sets into motion a maelstrom of paperwork and forms, often requiring months and many tele-phone calls to unravel. ─── ”这一医疗问题会引起 一场纸张和表格的大混乱,常常要用几个月的时间, 打许多电话才能解释清楚。

36、The Eve of the Maelstrom ─── 漩涡前夜

37、Who was flying patrol with Kara Thrace the first time she dove into the strange storm in "Maelstrom"? ─── 在"漩涡"一集中,卡拉瑟瑞斯第一次俯冲入那个奇怪的风暴时,谁和她一起巡逻?

38、Causes the Energy Auxiliary to surge out into a magnetic maelstrom. ─── 导致能量辅助的进入一个磁石的大漩涡之内汹涌出。

39、No longer, its politicians gloated , was India “hyphenated” with Pakistan as one half of a potential nuclear maelstrom. ─── 印度政客洋洋得意的原因不再是拥有核武,同巴基斯坦一样可以制造核漩涡;

40、The Maelstrom's shield boost bonus was being rounded down to 7%. It has been resolved and 7.5% is applied per the description. ─── 死亡漩涡级舰船护盾增效加成已减少到7%左右,描述中加成为7.5%。

41、Hyperspace Chute to end Maelstrom ─── 进入超空间斜槽,结束大旋涡超级终端捕获

42、Han, 25, hardly minds the maelstrom of controversy, and said he wants to look like a 17-year-old forever. ─── 然而,面对这场混乱的争论,25岁的韩火火却置若罔闻。他表示,自己只想看起来永远都像17岁。

43、Geography: The Broken Isles are an island chain located just south of the Maelstrom in the Great Sea. ─── 地志:破碎群岛是位于无尽之海中大漩涡正南的一群岛屿。

44、Just a few weeks ago, a second round of spending hardly seemed necessary, as Japan's banks appeared to have survived the maelstrom that swallowed up their counterparts in the US. ─── 就在几个星期前,第二次花钱进行经济刺激似乎还没有太大必要,这场金融风暴已经吞噬掉了美国的银行,而日本的银行却显得有能力在其中存活。

45、The Maelstrom forms the northern boundary of the South Seas, and south of it are several tropical islands. ─── 大漩涡是南海的最北部边界,而南部分布着一些热带岛屿。

46、The canoe was tossed about in the maelstrom. ─── 独木舟在旋涡之中摇晃打转。

47、They were being sucked into the maelstrom of war. ─── 他们就要被卷入战乱之中。

48、Building on thefoundation established in World of Warcraft, The Burning Crusadeand Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm of the Maelstrom will add a richvariety of content to an already massive game. ─── 在魔兽世界,燃烧的远征和巫妖王之怒的基础上,大漩涡的灾变会在本已架构庞大的游戏中再加入丰富多元的内容。

49、She was drawn into a maelstrom of revolutionary events. ─── 她被卷入革命事件的洪流中。

50、Tuesday and Wednesday are unexpectedly complicated days, and you get a bit disoriented in the maelstrom, but by Thursday you'll be sailing toward smoother waters and clearer skies. ─── 周二、周三,极其复杂的两天,你在漩涡中几乎找不着方向了。

51、Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan were also hit by the maelstrom. ─── 香港、律宾、加坡和台湾同样遭到了风暴的打击。

52、A Descent into the Maelstrom ─── 深陷大漩涡

53、There's never been such a vast number of men called up before, and the front line is so long that all the central provinces have been caught in the maelstrom. ─── 动员的人数,迁延的时日,都是空前的!战线也长,中部几省都卷进了旋涡!

54、Who appears prominently in Kara Thrace's dreams and hallucinations before her accident in "Maelstrom"? ─── 在“3×17”中,谁在卡拉·瑟瑞斯的梦中凸现并且在她发生事故时出现在她的幻觉中?

55、In many organizations, projects are often excessively late and over budget, and the benefits of better methods and tools cannot be realized in the maelstrom of an undisciplined, chaotic project. ─── 在许多软件开发组织中,项目延期、超支;在无纪律性,混乱的项目旋涡中,一种更好的方法和工具没能得到实现和应用。

56、This Hubble Space Telescope view of the central region of the Carina Nebula reveals a violent maelstrom of star birth. ─── 此次“哈勃”空间望远镜对船底座星云中心区域的观察展现了一场狂暴的恒星诞生风潮。

57、Powerful whirlpools are known as maelstroms. One of the most famous is found near the Lofoten Islands off the coast of Norway. ─── 威力最强大的漩涡实在在挪威海岸是罗弗敦群岛附近所发现的名为maelstrom的大漩涡。

58、In a way that seems inexplicable today, the director Jean-Luc Godard and his films were at the center of the maelstrom. ─── 警民冲突不断,政府产生了严重的信任危机,这在现今看来似乎不可思议。

59、Paris is a maelstrom where everything is lost, and everything disappears in this belly of the world, as in the belly of the sea. ─── 巴黎是淹没一切的漩涡,是大地的渊薮,有如海洋吞没一切漩涡。

60、Maelstrom Weapon: Cast time reduction now applies to any spell with a cast time. ─── 漩涡武器:触发机制改为每一下施法(攻击)都会触发。(不知道对不对)

61、As the leading dealer in the market for credit-default swaps (CDS), contracts used to punt on a company‘s ability to repay its debt, JPMorgan Chase could find itself dragged into another maelstrom. ─── 作为信贷违约互换产品(CDS)的主要经营商,合约常常用于支撑一家公司偿还账务的能力。摩根大通也许发现他们正被卷入另一场漩涡中。

62、She was drawn into a maelstrom of revolutionary event s. ─── 她被卷入革命事件的洪流中.

63、The river takes a headlong plunge into a maelstrom of rocks and boulders. ─── 河水急流而下, 入一个漂砾的漩涡中。

64、As the city devolved into a maelstrom of carnage, Zhukov began building up his forces on the city's flanks. ─── 当城市中在进行残酷的巷战时,朱可夫开始在城市两翼布置自己的军队。

65、If you look into the future, the area of probabilities, you enter into a confusing maelstrom of symbolism mixed with actual events. ─── 如果你察看未来、可能性的区域,你就进入了一个令人迷惑的与真实事件混杂在一起的符号的漩涡之中。

66、In the maelstrom that will occur the Light will act as a line of defense, so that the dark Ones cannot make any progress. ─── 在大混乱中将让“光”形成了自然的防线,让这些黑暗势力不能取得任何的进展。

67、a maelstrom of traffic ─── 交通的大混乱

68、Assuming a static position above his target, Metamorphus beats his mighty wings and creates a maelstrom, ripping apart and utterly decimating those caught within the savage winds. ─── 就是地震。。。没什么多说的,不过可以把单位吹起来。。。啊。。那不是龙卷风吗?

69、Arrive at dusk, having walked through the nearby hutongs, and you can forget the maelstrom of development that has swallowed up most of the old city. ─── 当你穿过附近的胡同,黄昏时分漫步到那里时,你可以忘却正在或已经发生的灾难性发展,这种发展已经让老北京城的大部分风貌不复存在了。

70、Celebrities are more likely to become the targets of the word-of-mouth maelstrom online. ─── 名人是最有可能成为网上舆论的目标,例如杨澜。

71、First, the West has a security interest in preventing the region from slipping into a maelstrom of conflict. ─── 首先,防止该地区陷入冲突的漩涡符合西方的安全利益。

72、Maelstrom Weapon: Tooltips corrected to correctly describe the chance for this talent to be triggered. ─── 漩涡武器:工具提示纠正,以正确描述了机会,这才能触发。

73、At some stage, in this creative maelstrom, the subconscious mind loses it completely and starts tuning in to other parts of the astral. ─── 在某个阶段,在这种创造的大漩涡中,潜意识头脑完全迷失自己,并开始将注意力调谐向星体层的其他部分。

74、A whole generation> Lost in the maelstrom of change and tribulation. ─── 秋菊(甄珍饰)从梅县逃往香港,找她在香港唯一的朋友。

75、The Media Maelstrom ─── 媒体的旋涡。

76、However, there is a mysterious cut-line from Undermine to Nazjatar -- the underwater homeland of the Naga, beneath the Maelstrom. ─── 然而,安德麦还隐藏着一条通往大漩涡之下水底纳迦王国--纳兹迦塔的神秘线路。

77、As the leading dealer in the market for credit-default swaps (CDS), contracts used to punt on a company's ability to repay its debt, JPMorgan Chase could find itself dragged into another maelstrom. ─── 信用违约互换(CDS)是赌那些公司不能偿付债务的合同,作为最大的CDS中间商,摩根大通可能会发现自己陷入了另一个大漩涡中。

78、this maelstrom, what can the Americans do? ─── 如此灾祸之中,美国人能做什么?

79、Caught in the maelstrom of war. ─── 陷入战争的大旋涡之中

80、The media, always keen on keeping current and promoting reforms, are now in a great maelstrom of changes and revolutions. ─── 以追逐变化为乐事、推动变革为己任的媒体,如今身处变化与变革的巨大漩流之中。

81、In "Maelstrom", what goddess is represented by the figurine that Kara receives? ─── 在3×17中,卡拉找到的小雕像代表什么女神?

82、Many journalists have commented that if Phil Jackson could handle a "locker room maelstrom" like Rodman, he'd have similar success with Artest. ─── 很多记者评论道,如果菲尔-杰克逊能够像处理罗德曼的“更衣室漩涡”一样妥善处理好阿泰的,那么他将和阿泰取得同样的成功。

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