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10-04 投稿


metamerism 发音

英:[məˈtæməˌrɪzəm]  美:[mɪˈtæmərɪzəm]

英:  美:

metamerism 中文意思翻译



metamerism 短语词组

1、metamerism index ─── 条件等色指数

2、metamerism failure ─── 同色异谱失效

3、metamerism CWF ─── 同色异谱

metamerism 相似词语短语

1、metameric ─── adj.位变异构的

2、metamers ─── n.条件等色;[有化]位变异构体

3、hexamerism ─── 六聚体

4、metameres ─── n.体节(等于metamer)

5、hetaerism ─── n.(原始社会的)群婚;纳妾制

6、mesmerism ─── n.催眠术;催眠状态;迷惑

7、pentamerism ─── 五跗节状态

8、mesomerism ─── n.稳变异构;中介现象

9、tetramerism ─── 四数性

metamerism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Found by people long practice metamerism concept only for a specific standard observer; it is on color-blind people does not apply. ─── 堵住人们恒久践诺发掘同色异谱观不背只不对特定的尺度观察者无用,而不对色盲的人群是不分用的。

2、Metamerism innovativeink anti-false obvious and easy to study, because of the need to adopt special pigments to production, it security security better. ─── 同色异谱油墨防伪成果澄辉,易于查察,由于必要拔取附带的颜料才能不入产,因此它的防伪安全性较好。

3、one color in a color of the light source under the same, but in a separate light sources, their rendering of color change in the phenomenon is called metamerism. ─── 一种颜色在某光源下表现的颜色不同,但在另外的光源下,其表现的颜色爆发保持的本体不离称为同色同谱本体。

4、2. TILO Color assessment cabinet/Viewing Booth render color more accurately. With 6 different light sources(D65, TL84, CWF, F, UV, U30), which can detect the metamerism. ─── Tilo标准光源灯箱能够提供更为精确的标准光源,光源有6种:D65,TL84,CWF,F,UV,U30。可以测试同光异谱。

5、Metamerism phenomenon on packaging business card printing and membership card to make a big impact. ─── 同色异谱现象对商品包装制卡和会员卡制作有很大的影响。

6、In addition, the metamer lectin expressed by prokaryotic expression system did not agglutinate rabbit red blood cells. ─── 原核表达系统获得的凝集素亚基不能凝集兔血红细胞。

7、Metamerism phenomenon in a nutshell is the color of the same, and spectral composition. ─── 同色异谱本体单一来说不离是颜色不异,而平谱组成差别。

8、Color metamerism widely exists in color related industry such as textile dyeing and printing,so the concept and evaluation method of color metamerism are detailed in this article. ─── 在纺织印染等工业应用中,颜色的同色异谱问题十分普遍。该篇详细介绍了同色异谱颜色的概念及其评价方法;

9、Method for visual evaluation of metamerism ─── 同色异谱的目视评价方法

10、Keywords paper dyeing problem;coloured backwaters;two-sidedness;metamerism;Unlevelness(mottling;colour spot);paper bleedfastness;possible cause and cures; ─── 纸张染色问题;两面性;配色;不均匀性;因原和消除;

11、Metamerism phenomenon on packaging business card printing and membership card to make a big impact. ─── 同色异谱现象对商品包装制卡和会员卡制作有很大的影响。

12、Evaluation method for degree of metamerism for change in observers ─── 观测者目视评价结果的鉴定方法

13、As we all know, Bilateral symmetry, three-layer embryo, metamerism and having a relatively developed head are the common characteristics of the Arthropoda and Annelida, So it is believed that arthropod originated from annelid. ─── 由于节肢动物具备环节动物两侧对称、三胚层、身体分节、头部较发达等特征,所以一般认为节肢动物起源于环节动物或类似环节动物的祖先。

14、A one color in a color of the light source under the same, but in a separate light sources, their rendering of color change in the phenomenon is called metamerism. ─── 这种当一种颜色在某光源下表现的颜色不同,但在另外的光源下,其表现的颜色爆发保持的本体不离称为同色同谱本体。

15、Metamerism innovativeink reinforcings good, stable, not disintegeraton cycle, colour characteristics in the amount of time does not change. ─── 同色异谱油墨的耐久性精良,本能机能安定,不活命衰变周期题目,显色共性在不幼工夫边不会保持。

16、As metamerism image is intended for the human eye but not for replication system that is specially designed, so metamerism ink business card printing did was so special about. ─── 由于同色异谱图像是针差人眼而不是针差复制编制而不入格安排的,所以同色异谱油墨的制卡方法并操纵不入格之处。

17、It is shown that the quantitative calculations of color differences can present true colors of different samples and are different from the metamerism indexes.Therefo... ─── 结果表明 ,色差的定量计算可以反映样品间的真实颜色差别 ,并且不同于同色异谱指数 ,可作为绿色翡翠颜色鉴别中一种较为有效的定量方法。

18、After that, rapid cooling retrograde metam orphism occurred.Early rapid ocean spreading was constrained because subduction appeared.Therefore, metagabbro continued to uplift under the slow extension. ─── 因俯冲作用的开始,抑制了洋盆快速扩张,变质辉长岩在减速伸展环境下继续抬升减压;

19、Metam sodium ─── 威百亩

20、Discuss the metamerism of annelids and its advantages briefly. ─── 浅谈环节动物身体的分节现象及其优点。

21、geometric metamerism ─── 几何光学条件配色

22、The basic principle is the color to color theory of synthesis and color to color based on harmonic receives metamerism color effects. ─── 配色的根基道理因此色彩合不败与颜色搀和假想为不梢原,以色料和解办法获得同色异谱色的不败果。

23、Therefore, on the human eye, the shade and color are equivalent, which leads to an metamerism. ─── 所以,差人眼来说,色陡与色料是等效的,这不离爆发了 一个同色异谱的本体。

24、The improvement method and relevant evaluation method was looked for through the study of the evaluation method for the metamerism degree of different printed materials. ─── 摘要通过对以往印刷品的各种同色异谱程度评价方法的研究,找出所需要改进的部分,得出相应的评价方法的标准原则。

25、The same with two colors, the spectral characteristics of different pigments, build the two colors effect consistent, and spectral characteristics of different ink, and becomes a on ink metamerism. ─── 拔取两栽颜色不异、平谱特征差别的颜料,天生两栽颜色成果分歧、而平谱特征差别的油墨,成为一差同色异谱油墨。

26、homonomous metamerism ─── 同律分布(动)

27、A more accurate evaluation method expressing metamerism was introduced, according to the characteristic of no weight for in CIE1976 color space. ─── 在此基础上,根据色彩空间CIE1976中色差没有加权的特点,介绍了一种更加准确地表示同色异谱的评价方法。

28、Metamerism: In colour matching, the phenomenon whereby an ink is matched with one containing pigments different from those in the sample ink or print ─── 条件配色学说:在配色时,所用油墨的颜料与匹配油墨或样本所用者不同

29、The objective of this research is to develop a reflection spectral image detection method based on metamerism breakdown characteristic. ─── 摘要针对复杂背景中异物检测难题,提出了一种基于同色异谱特性的反射光谱图像检测方法。

30、Metamerism phenomenon in a nutshell is the color of the same, and spectral composition. ─── 同色异谱本体单一来说不离是颜色不异,而平谱组成差别。

31、Metamerism index -- Evaluation method of degree of metamerism for change in illuminant (Erratum 1) ─── 条件配色指数发光物颜色改变的条件配色度评价方法(勘误1)

32、But visually tricolor photographicsensitive immunorecognition cone system can also appear metamerism, it appears that two of the same color that was not the distribution of the spectrum. ─── 但触觉上不一色的感平视神经锥编制,也会外现同色异谱,看来两个不异颜色,却有不差别频谱漫衍本体。

33、In fact, this is chromatology on metamerism. ─── 这原来不离是色彩教上的同色同谱本体。

34、Anti-false metamerism image by riguang under the prospect of indiscernibility dimidiate and dimidiate the background, foreground pixel and background color of a pixel in a different light shown. ─── 防伪同色异谱图像由在日平照明下不成鉴别的后景像元和配景像元组成,后景像元和配景像元的颜色差别在另一栽差别的平照下表现不入来。

35、Filtrating result was estimated by using chroma, color density and metamerism. ─── 用色度、色密度与同色异谱对筛选结果进行了评价;

36、Metamerism ink distinguished two methods may be used. ─── 同色异谱油墨的鉴别可拔取两栽办法。

37、metamerism The segmental repetition of parts. ─── 分节现象部份的片段重复。

38、Paper color, and so the difference in performance generates metamerism phenomenon, as a result, in the production of paper, and the same color as the standard sample, of performanee is very important. ─── 纸张颜色等性能的差异也会产生同色异谱现象,因此,在生产纸张时,做到与标准样的颜色相同、性能参数一致是非常重要的。

39、heteronomous metamerism ─── 异律分布(动)

40、the same color as pre-language, but do not have the same spectral reflectance curves, so they are all color metamerism. ─── 二者颜色不异,但操纵不异的光谱不直射弧线,所以它们都是同色异谱色。

41、Metamerism breakdown characteristic ─── 同色异谱破坏特性

42、According to the spectrophotomete of the measurement value to calculate the density value and chroma (but the reverse is not true), you can analyze the phenomenon of metamerism; ─── 根据不合平平度计的丈量数值可以筹算密度值和色度值(但反向筹算是不不差的);可以阐不收同色异谱本体;

43、Metamerism ink is a new type, has a unique function envirogluvtm anti-false. ─── 同色异谱油墨是一栽陈型的、具有不入格防伪功用的油墨。

44、In order to achieve the above criteria, people came up with the color metamerism. ─── 为了达成上述的给求,人们提不入了同色异谱颜色的观不背。

45、If you altered your lighting conditions, a group of metamerism color appearance may be different. ─── 如果保持了照明前提,一组同色异谱色的表面有不定不同。

46、Color metamerism widely exists in color related industry such as textile dyeing and printing, so the concept and evaluation method of color metamerism are detailed in this article. ─── 摘要在纺织印染等工业应用中,颜色的同色异谱问题十分普遍。该篇详细介绍了同色异谱颜色的概念及其评价方法;

47、illuminant metamerism ─── 异光源色度差

48、Assessment of the Degree of Metamerism for the Spectral Fuzzy Matching ─── 光谱模糊匹配评价同色异谱程度

49、Phenomenon of Metamerism in Recognition Problems ─── 识别问题中的分节现象

50、object metamerism ─── 物体条件配色

51、degree of metamerism ─── 条件等色度

52、Keywords color measurement;color matching;color differences;metamerism;spectrophotome-ters; ─── 测色;配色;色差;同色异谱;分光光度仪;

53、That said, the color packaging business card printing and membership card is making full metamerism color copy to quadrochromatic. ─── 可以说,不暗白包装制卡和会员卡制作合座是用同色异谱色差草稿举行复制的办法。

54、Let's start by describes two metamerism. ─── 我们不后来引见两栽同色异谱本体。

55、Found by people long practice metamerism concept only for a specific standard observer;it is on color-blind people does not apply. ─── 堵住人们恒久践诺发掘同色异谱观不背只不对特定的尺度观察者无用,而不对色盲的人群是不分用的。

56、According to this principle we can use two kinds of metamerism ink business card printing metamerism image in order to achieve security goals. ─── 根据此道理我们可以诳骗两栽同色异谱油墨制卡同色异谱图像,以到达防伪纲的。

57、metamerism index ─── 条件等色指数

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