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10-03 投稿


neology 发音

英:[[ni:'ɒlədʒɪ]]  美:[[ni:'ɒlədʒɪ]]

英:  美:

neology 中文意思翻译



neology 词性/词形变化,neology变形

副词: neologically |名词复数: neologies |形容词: neological |

neology 短语词组

1、neology covid ─── 新词covid

2、neology inc neology ─── 公司

neology 相似词语短语

1、nephology ─── n.[气象]云学

2、noology ─── n.精神学

3、anemology ─── n.测风学

4、geology ─── n.地质学;地质情况

5、Indology ─── n.印度学

6、neurology ─── n.神经病学;神经学

7、areology ─── n.高空气象学;火星科学研究

8、necrology ─── n.死者名册;讣告;[统计]死亡统计学

9、aerology ─── n.高空气象学

neology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、neology and neologism ─── 新词新语

2、It reflects the changes of society and lexical system, and has close relation with pragmatic factors.There are two conditions of neology. ─── 它与社会生活的激变和词义系统内部的调整密切相关,同时也和语用因素有着重要联系。

3、abstract: With the quickly developing of network communication, more and more network neology come forth. ─── 中文摘要: 随著网路传播的迅速发展,涌现出了大量网路新词语。

4、parlance of computer networks is one source of Modern Chinese neology. ─── 计算机网络用语是现代汉语新词的来源之一。

5、It is worth exploring judgment, classification, cause, method and development prospects of neology in modern Chinese in the new era. ─── 新时期现代汉语中旧词新义的判定、分类、产生的原因、方式及其发展前景值得探讨。

6、The ministry's General Commission on Terminology and Neology insists internet surfers in France already use the phrase courrier electronique (electronic mail) instead of email. ─── 文化部的语言及新用法委员会坚持认为,应该用"courrier electronique"(法语"电子邮件"的正式说法)代替"email"。

7、Neology is the embodiment of economical principle and the outcome of self-adjustment in the lexical system. ─── 旧词产生新义是经济原则在语言中的体现,是词汇系统内部自我调整的结果。

8、As one of sources of Modem Chinese neology, the parlance of computer networks contains many terms of computer networks. ─── 网络用语作为现代汉语新词新语的来源之一,包含着大量的网络术语.

9、neology derived from father words ─── 旧词新义

10、A Study of Neology in Modern Chinese ─── 现代汉语新词语考察

11、Neology is the embodiment of economical principle and the outcome of self-adjustment in the lexical system. ─── 旧词产生新义是经济原则在语言中的体现,是词汇系统内部自我调整的结果。

12、These changes impulse the development of the language at the same time,neology emerge in a large amount, some new words among them produce through giving the old word new meaning . ─── 这些变化同时也推动了语言的发展,新词新语大量涌现,其中有一些新词语是通过赋予旧词以新义而产生的。

13、It has been a tradition to work out the criteria of differentiating the neology and the coinage in the standandization of Chinese language. ─── 新造词与生造词的区分标准问题,是汉语规范化工作中的一个老问题。

14、This is the root of Neology, and the other fine things which in days gone by were so fashionable in Germany, and are now so ensnaring to certain classes of divines. ─── 这也是萌生许多新哲学思想之根源,这些新哲学思想广传流行,迷惑了大群信徒。

15、The findings appeared in the journal " neology". ─── 这项发现发表在《精神病学》期刊上。

16、abstract: With the quickly developing of network communication, more and more network neology come forth. ─── 中文摘要:随著网路传播的迅速发展,涌现出了大量网路新词语。

17、In view of this, the thesis pointed out the urgency to normalize the network neology. ─── 本文从这个角度提出了网路新词语的规范问题。

18、Neology entered RFID market in China several years ago, and established Shanghai office this October.We visit the Shanghai office and had an interview with CTO Jeffery Zhu and sales engineer Lvjun. ─── 美国纽奥奇公司几年前就涉足中国市场,今年10月在上海设立了中国办事处,本刊记者通过对办事处的访问了解了该公司的战略意图,该公司的RFID产品的特点,所执行的标准。

19、Chinese neology ─── 汉语新词

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