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倾诉英语(please share中文翻译,please share是什么意思,please share发音、用法及例句)

01-17 投稿

倾诉英语(please share中文翻译,please share是什么意思,please share发音、用法及例句)

please share

please share发音

英:  美:

please share中文意思翻译



please share双语使用场景

1、share your story with us!───与我们分享你的爱情故事吧。

2、Dear friends who visit my blog please share your great ideas and communicate with me if you are interested in what I wrote.───亲爱的博友们,假如你们对我写的东西感爱好的话,我希望我们能够互相交流和交换我们的独特见解。

3、Can you think of any other informal phrases to avoid when writing business letters? Please share!───那么你还想到哪些其他不好用在商务信件中的非正式用语吗?

4、Please share your ideas in groups!───请将你的意见在小组内交流!

5、There are a bazillion ways and I am always up for learning a few different ways so please share in the comments section.───有多的数不清的方法,我总是准备吸取不同的方法,因此请在评论部分分享你的方法。

6、Tell us: Has your home brought you comfort in a time of loss? Please share your story. We'd love to hear about it.───告诉我们:在你失去自我的日子里,你的房子给你带来过安慰吗?请分享你的故事,我们想听。

7、Some of them already got flowers. What I gonna do if I get so much pepper later? Who has some good pepper dish recipe, please share with me.───有些已经开花了。后来我要是收了很多辣椒我要做什么吃呢?谁有辣椒的菜谱,请分享给我哦。

8、After reading this, please share your thoughts about this subject over in the forum section, or leave a comment on guestbook.───在读了这些之后,欢迎你在论坛上分享你关于这个主题的想法,或者留下你的评论。

9、Do you have a favorite smoothie recipe? Please share in the comments!───你有最爱的奶昔配方吗?请在评论中分享!

please share相似词语短语


2、cater share───餐饮共享

3、please please me───求你了求你了

4、carder share───普通股

5、see share───请参阅共享

6、market share───[贸易]市场占有率

7、substance share───物质份额

8、book share───账面份额


结语:,please 英[pli:z] 美[pliz] int.请 vt.&; vi.使高兴;使满意;讨人喜欢;讨好 第三人称单数:pleases;过去分词:pleased;现在分词:pleasing;过去式 [例句]Please share your s please 英[pli:z] 美[pliz] int.请 vt.&; vi.使高兴;使满意;讨人喜欢;讨好 第三人称单数:pleases;过去分词:pleased;现在分词:pleasing;过去式[例句]Please share your s 英[pli:z] 美[pliz] int.请 vt.&; vi.

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