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intradefood(interesting food中文翻译,interesting food是什么意思,interesting food发音、用法及例句)

01-21 投稿

intradefood(interesting food中文翻译,interesting food是什么意思,interesting food发音、用法及例句)

interesting food

interesting food发音

英:  美:

interesting food中文意思翻译



interesting food双语使用场景

1、Darren: That's a great idea. We can catch some sun, eat interesting food and study English all at the same time!───达伦:这是个好主意。我们可以晒晒太阳、吃点儿趣味食品,同时还可以学英语。

2、Another interesting food with antimicrobial activities is the hot sauces used on raw oysters and other sea foods.───另一种有趣的具有抗菌活性的食品是辣酱,它们用于生牡蛎和其它海洋食品的调味。

3、Anyone can begin discovering interesting food and recipe websites by searching the site or browsing through keyword tags.───通过加入书签,成员可以分类网站,任何人都可以通过搜索网站或翻阅关键字标签来发现有趣的食物和食谱的网站。

4、With its distinctive model, Goldman offers interesting food for thought.───由于其与众不同的模式,高盛为人们的思考提供了有趣的素材。

5、Food always makes bus rides more interesting.───食物总是让搭巴士变得更有趣。

6、We are providing the best 5 star facilities, interesting food and beverage options and impeccable service in this progressive city.───大连凯宾斯基饭店正在为这座日益繁荣的城市提供最优秀的5星级饭店设施、独具特色的餐饮和经典的服务。

7、Above all, state fairs have a lot of interesting food.───总之,州博览会上有许多美食。

8、This is an interesting quote about maize from this particular book called Prehistoric Food Production in North America.───这是一句关于玉米的有趣引用,来自于《史前北美食物生产》。

interesting food相似词语短语

1、life interesting───终身财产所有权;[法]终身权益

2、interesting thing───有趣的事

3、interesting question───有趣的问题

4、interesting film───有趣的电影

5、interesting facts───趣事;有趣的事实

6、interesting place───有趣的地方


8、anything interesting───任何有趣的东西

9、with interesting───有兴趣地;付利息地

结语:Worldometer,food, water, energy and health. Interesting statistics with world population clock, forest loss this year, carbon dioxide co2 emission,Interesting Engineering | Technology, Science, Innovatio,Interesting Engineering is a cutting edge, leading community designed for all lovers of engineering,

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