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萝莉英文(lovely girls中文翻译,lovely girls是什么意思,lovely girls发音、用法及例句)

01-21 投稿

萝莉英文(lovely girls中文翻译,lovely girls是什么意思,lovely girls发音、用法及例句)

lovely girls

lovely girls发音

英:  美:

lovely girls中文意思翻译



lovely girls双语使用场景

1、'Come, Darcy, 'said Bingley, 'I hate to see you looking so cross! Why don't you dance with one of these lovely girls? '───“来呀,达西,”彬格莱说,“不要满脸不高兴的样子,姑娘们多可爱,怎么不跟她们跳?”

2、Don't cry, lovely girls!───别哭啦,我可爱的丫头!

3、There I saw many beautiful and lovely girls.───梦见很多的美丽少女。

4、I join in atheneum with a lot of lovely girls, so we chat very happy.───我参加对外有许多可爱的姑娘,所以我们聊天很高兴。

5、He remembered one of the lovely girls in particular.───他特别记住了那些可爱的女孩中的一位。

6、On the exhibition, two lovely girls of sixteen or seventeen came to me to ask for my signature.───期间,有两个可爱的十六七岁的小女孩来到我面前,虔诚地向我索要签名。

7、My wife and I became the parents of two lovely girls.───我和妻子生有两个可爱的女孩。

8、Later in 1984, after obtaining their three successive championships, the lovely girls of China Women volleyball team joined the parade.───1984年中国女排三连冠的时候,国庆大典的队伍中出现了可爱的女排姑娘。

9、What lovely girls they are, aren't they?───多可爱的女孩们啊,不是吗?

lovely girls相似词语短语


2、lovely smell───迷人的气味

3、lovely pig───可爱的猪

4、my lovely───我可爱的

5、lovely rabbit───可爱的兔子

6、very lovely───非常可爱

7、lovely fruit───可爱的水果


9、lovely fruits───可爱的水果

结语:寻找一首英文歌 She s Lovely,这个吧. she';s so lovely scouting for girls - she';s so lovely i love the way she fills her clothes she looks just like them girls in vogue i love the way she pla come see me,三年级用what how造感叹句五种类型,what和how引导的感叹句句型为: What+(a/an)+形容词+名词(名词为单数可数名词时前面要用a或者an)+主语+谓语+其他! How+形容词或者副词+主语+谓语! 第一个句型可以分成三种类 what a fine day it is ! What lovely girls they are! How fine it is today! How fine a day it is !

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