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01-21 投稿




英:  美:





epic poetry───史诗


1、This unfinished epic poem was written in praise of Queen Elizabeth I and details several faerie tales, Arthurian epics, and classic, fantasy fun.───这首未完成的史诗是为赞美伊丽莎白女王一世而写的,详细叙述了几个仙境故事、亚瑟王史诗和经典的幻想趣事。

2、Do not be put off by this scrap of jargon; an ion cannon is a fictional weapon used in fictional space epics.───不要被这种类似黑道术语的名词吓倒,所谓的等离子大炮,只不过是科幻史诗小说想象中的一种武器。

3、Spectacular epics which took advantage of new widescreen processes had been increasingly popular from the 1950s onwards.───从1950年起,使用新宽频处理的史诗般的精美电影越来越受到大众的欢迎。

4、In the early history of European nations, heroic epics are the very ordinary and important carriers of culture transmission.───在欧洲各民族历史的早期,英雄史诗是一种十分普通和重要的文化传播载体。

5、Only those poems that reflect the scenes of an age and express the wishes of the masses can be called epics.───反映时代风貌,表达人民心声的诗歌才能称为诗史。

6、He suggested that the reason Homer's epics seemed unlike other literature was because they were unlike other literature.───他提出,荷马史诗似乎不像其他文学的原因,就是因为它们和其他文学不同。

7、In this respect, it would resemble Spenser's Faerie Queene, or perhaps, more importantly, Virgil's Aeneid—other nationalist epics.───在这方面,它将类似于斯宾塞的《仙后》,或者,更为重要的,维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯记》——其他民族主义史诗。

8、Both epics are written in an impersonal and formal verse, using language that was never used for normal speech.───这两首史诗是以客观的和正式的诗句写的,使用了从不在通常言语中使用的语言。

9、When you prioritize the product backlog, break down epics and themes that are near the top, and prioritize the new, smaller user stories.───当您设置产品积压工作的优先级时,分解接近最高优先级的长篇故事和主题,然后对较小的新用户情景设置优先级。


1、deposit slip───n.存款单

2、keeping away───使离开;远离

3、reptilian records───爬行动物记录

4、cephalitis skin───皮肤头炎

5、anchoring epoxy───锚固环氧树脂

6、preparatory subject it───预备科目

7、hindustan epaper───印度斯坦艾帕

8、keep notes───记录;做笔记

9、baseplate lift───基板升降

10、failing to prepare is───准备不足是

结语:,that produced other great epics 是定语从句,用来修饰 Anglo-Saxon literary period.整句的意思是:学者们不确定《裴欧沃夫》是否是盎格鲁撒克逊文学时期的仅存的史诗,尽管 that produced other great epics 是定语从句,用来修饰 Anglo-Saxon literary period.整句的意思是:学者们不确定《裴欧沃夫》是否是盎格鲁撒克逊文学时期的仅存的史诗,尽管 produced other great epics 是定语从句,用来修饰 Anglo-Saxon literary period.

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