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01-21 投稿




英:  美:





1、While the schedule is still to be fixed, the general direction is clear: the aim will be to simplify and unify the system.───虽然日程还没有确定,但是总体方向是明确的:其目的就是体系的简化和统一化。

2、However, any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the novel's diverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing.───然而,任何试图将小说的所有不同元素统一起来的解读,都必然有些难以令人信服。

3、What I tried to do is unify information collection, transformation, and mashing up in a unified fashion.───我要做的就是统一信息采集、转换和混合成统一的风格。

4、He pledged to unify the city's political factions.───他保证要统一全市的政治小集团。

5、Small scale and less staff of the small & medium-sized enterprises make it easy to unify the thinking.───中小企业规模小,企业员工少,易于统一思想。

6、Therefore for me, if I unify with S, it cannot be violated basic principle: S must be the free man.───因而对我来说,与S结合,一个不可违背的基本原则:S必须是自由人。

7、new leader hopes to unify the country.───新领袖希望把国家统一起来。

8、One of the goals of the visionary designer was to unify the home with its natural surrounding, by bringing outdoor elements inside.───对有远见的设计师的目标之一是统一与周围的自然带内户外活动,家中。

9、A military alliance that stretches across the Atlantic will not always be able to unify around such a clear cause.───横跨大西洋的军事联盟并不总是在诸如此类的目标上形成统一认识。


1、catarrhal lung───卡他性肺

2、gunshot wounds───火器伤;枪伤

3、soreness underarm───腋下酸痛

4、enjoy your sun───享受你的阳光

5、run low on───耗尽(口语,非正式)

6、run into debt───开始负债;负债; 拉饥荒; 拉账

7、navigating the unknown───探索未知世界

8、vocality credit union───声乐信用合作社

9、locking tuners───锁定调谐器

10、dunnage defined───衬垫定义


unify 英[ˈju:nɪfaɪ] 美[ˈjunəˌfaɪ] vt. 统一; 使联合; 使相同; 使一致; [例句]A flexible retirement age is being considered by Ministers to unify men's and women's pension rights大臣们正在考虑一个灵活的退休年龄机制,这样可以把男性和女性的养老金权益统一起来。[其他] 第三人称单数:unifies 现在分词:unifying 过去式:unified过去分词:unified

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