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01-21 投稿




英:[træʃt]  美:[træʃt]

英:  美:






trash can───垃圾桶

trash bin───垃圾箱

trash talk───废话


1、They get trashed and act totally out of character, shouting and swearing.───他们酩酊大醉,行为异常,大喊大骂。

2、So, Webber and his colleagues calculated how much energy was needed to produce the trashed food.───韦伯和他的同事计算了生产被丢弃的食品所需要的能源。

3、They're accidentally drugged and awake the next morning in their trashed hotel suite with no memory of what happened.───他们意外地在他们的垃圾桶迷药酒店套房,第二天早上醒来,没有发生的事情的记忆。

4、This principle is now being trashed.───这条原则现在已经一文不值。

5、Volatility in the food markets has also trashed what might have been a great opportunity for global cooperation.───与此同时,食品市场的反复无常也摧毁了一个全球合作的大好机会。

6、In the not so distant future, humans have quite literally trashed the planet to the point it's uninhabitable.───在并不遥远的未来,地球被人类糟蹋得不适合居住,植物要么灭绝,要么被无尽的垃圾掩埋。

7、Trashed the wrong email by mistake?───错误的删除了电子邮件?

8、Pandora is a down-and-dirty mining planet that resembles a trashed, irradiated version of the American Wild West.───潘多拉是一颗混乱不堪的矿业星球,就像把早期美国西部丢满垃圾。

9、"Ostrovenko was trashed and could barely stand and tried to pay off the cops right then and there, " an eyewitness wrote on his blog.───“奥斯特罗文科当时酩酊大醉,站都站不稳,并在现场就试图买通警察。”一名目击者在他的博客上写道。


1、horizontally transferred gene───水平转移基因

2、micrococcus tetragenus genbank───genbank四属微球菌

3、straightforwardly tusked───直截了当地

4、straight angle───n.[数]平角;n.平角

5、traction aid crossword───牵引辅助纵横字谜

6、cross training───交叉培训; 交叉锻炼;交叉训练

7、side entrance───n.侧门

8、stratified random sampling───分层任意抽样,分层随机抽样,分层随机取土样

9、traitorous lord───叛徒领主

10、tristram shandy───项狄传(书名)

结语:,it';s a beautiful night we';re looking for something dumb to do 夜色如此美丽让我们做些可爱的蠢事吧hey baby i think i wanna marry you 我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it t it';s a beautiful night we';re looking for something dumb to do 夜色如此美丽让我们做些可爱的蠢事吧hey baby i think i wanna marry you 我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it t a beautiful night we';re looking for something dumb to do 夜色如此美丽让我们做些可爱的蠢事吧hey baby i think i wanna marry you 我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is i

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