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justright中文翻译(just the right amount中文翻译,just the right amount是什么意思,just the right amount发音、用法及例句)

01-21 投稿

justright中文翻译(just the right amount中文翻译,just the right amount是什么意思,just the right amount发音、用法及例句)

just the right amount

just the right amount发音

英:  美:

just the right amount中文意思翻译



just the right amount双语使用场景

1、Their fashionable (and usually dark) duds show off just the right amount of chest.───他们时尚(而且通常是黑色)的穿着恰到好处地显露出完美的胸肌。

2、Combination mesh and synthetic leather upper in a minimalistic design delivers just the right amount of protection and support.───组合网和合成革鞋面在简约的设计只是提供适量的保护和支持。

3、Then, polished both ends of the shaft, the replacement of damaged after the installation of an oring, at just the right amount of force.───然后,磨光轴,更换两端的损坏密封圈,安装好后力口入适量的润滑油。

4、Nina managed to give just the right amount of mystery in her answer, wisely choosing not to deny the rumors altogether.───Nina试图给我们一个模凌两可的回答,明智地没有否认全部传言。

5、The fish had just the right amount of smoky flavour for my taste.───那条鱼刚好有适量的烟熏味,正对我的口味。

6、Sooner or later after clean face, take to be draw in the face just the right amount, massage to the complete absorption lightly.───早晚洁面后,取适量涂于面部,轻轻按摩至完全吸收。

7、The mind has to be still, and you have to maintain just the right amount of pressure constantly as you sharpen the blade.───心必须静止。磨刃时你还必须维持那股恰到好处的压力。

8、The reflector added just the right amount of color back in to the image.───反光板正好将正确的颜色添加进了照片。

9、Adding a bit of ruthlessness has, in just the right amount, been very helpful for me.───多一点恰当的冷酷对我非常有帮助。

just the right amount相似词语短语

1、just right for───正好适合……

2、right amount───需要量,适量

3、just right───刚刚好,正好,恰如其分;恰好,正好; 不失毫厘; 不差毫发; 初写黄庭

4、it is just right───这正合适

5、just the right───恰到好处

6、in the right amount───适量

7、the amount of───……的数量;…数量

8、the right───n.右翼; 右派


结语:Woulditsurpriseyoutolearnthatlikeanimalstreescommunica,树木通过彼此相互依靠而生存下去。一棵树在死前会把养分输送给后代,当树遭到砍伐时,其它树也会受到影响。 1.trees communicate with each other and pass on their wealth 一棵树在死前会把养分输送给后代,当树遭到砍伐时,其它树也会受到影响。

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