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08-01 投稿


offspring 发音

英:[['ɒfsprɪŋ]]  美:[['ɔfsprɪŋ]]

英:  美:

offspring 中文意思翻译



offspring 短语词组

1、male offspring ─── 子嗣; ─── 子息

2、female offspring ─── [网络] 女性后代

3、revolting offspring ─── 令人厌恶的后代

4、offspring-parent relationship ─── 亲子间相关

5、unfathered offspring ─── [法] 私生子

6、parent-offspring ─── 亲子交配

7、offspring count ─── 后代数量

8、offspring task ─── [计] 子辈任务

9、offspring-parent regression ─── [医]亲子间回归

offspring 词性/词形变化,offspring变形

名词复数: offspring |

offspring 相似词语短语

1、outspring ─── 输出

2、offshoring ─── n.离岸;离岸外包;外移;境外生产

3、offsprings ─── n.后代,子孙;产物

4、cofferring ─── 保险箱

5、offprint ─── n.选刊;单独重刊;[图情]抽印本;vt.印成单行本

6、hot spring ─── 温泉

7、offering ─── n.提供;祭品;奉献物;牲礼;v.提供(offer的ing形式)

8、box spring ─── [家具]弹簧床垫

9、offscouring ─── n.垃圾;废物

offspring 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Why are mother sea ducks in Alaska producing fewer offspring? ─── 为什么在阿拉斯加的母海鸭生产较少后代?

2、Capable of producing offspring or vegetation; fruitful. ─── 多产的能够生产果实或植物的; 多果实的

3、Having produced only one offspring; primiparous. ─── 单胎的已经且仅生一子的;初产的

4、Tellurian mankind cannot do the world so that junk passes our offspring. ─── 地球上的人类不能把地球弄得破破烂烂传给我们的后代。

5、You would actually call our offspring Bozo? ─── 你真要给我们的孩子取名叫波诺?

6、How many offspring does a lion usually have? ─── 一只狮子通常能生多少小狮子?

7、Such a goldfish as a species of fish, in their offspring, there will be quite a strong physique. ─── 这样的金鱼作为种鱼,在其繁衍后代,也会出现相当强健的体魄。

8、On selfing or crossing heterozygotes some double recessives may appear, giving viable offspring. ─── 在自交或杂交产生的杂合子中双隐性性状可以表现出来并产生可育后代。

9、Then, rich Britons with an eye on the future did not splash out on Chinese nannies so that their offspring might learn Mandarin. ─── 后来,着眼与未来的富裕的英国人,不再为了他们的后代学习普通话,把大量的金钱挥霍到中国保姆身上。

10、Producing offspring of only one sex, as some species of aphids. ─── 单性繁殖后代的,如蚜虫的某些种类

11、For example, a butterfly may produce offspring with new mutations. ─── 例如,一只蝴蝶可能产生有新突变的后代。

12、Giving birth to more than one offspring at a time. ─── 一产多胎的一次分娩多个幼体的

13、Some of offspring of this lineage left Africa to populate the entire globe. ─── 一些这个世系的后代离开了非洲,他们在世界各个角落定居了下来。

14、Producing many offspring;prolific. ─── 多子女的生有许多后代的;多生的

15、Eleanor was now less anxious about her offspring than she had once been. ─── 埃莉诺已不像以前那样为子女担忧了。

16、All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. ─── 凡你所看见的一切地,我都要赐给你和你的后裔,直到永远。

17、The soup usually converged upon a decent offspring in about 50 generations. ─── “数据汤”通常在繁衍了大约50代之后集中在某个合适的后代身上。

18、His offspring inherit the estate. ─── 他的孩子继承了房地产。

19、Producing many offspring; prolific. ─── 多子女的生有许多后代的;多生的

20、Their offspring is all somewhat odd. ─── 他们的后代都有点失常。

21、She will do well and perhaps have more offspring than others in the population. ─── 她从此过得很好,也许生的孩子比族群中的其他妇女还多。

22、The practice of rearing unrelated offspring occurs in several ant species. ─── 只有几种蚂蚁可以抚育与自己并不相关的后代。

23、Relating or adapted to the production of good or improved offspring. ─── 优生的关于或适于产生好的或改进的后代的

24、Altogether, half the offspring will be homozygous at that particular locus. ─── 加在一起,将有半数的后代在那个特定的位点上是纯合的。

25、One of five parents has threatened to kick a teenage son or daughter out of the house,while a quarter have sworn at their offspring. ─── 1/5的家长曾威胁要把孩子踢出家门,1/4的家长曾经咒骂过子女。

26、To be one of twin offspring. ─── 为两个孩子中的一个

27、In complimenting you, she is a promise of superior offspring. ─── 作为对你的补充,她将保证你得到优秀的子孙。

28、All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. ─── 地上万族必因你和你的后裔得福。

29、And they also avoid inbreeding which can lead to less healthy offspring. ─── 他们也避免近亲交配导致不太健康的后代。

30、Producing two offspring in a single birth. ─── 一产双胎的一次生产中生下两个子女

31、If a animal species cannot procreate enough offspring in every generation,it will disappear. ─── 一个动物物种如果不能在每一代生育足够数量的后代,那它就要灭绝.

32、The hybrid offspring of a male horse and a female donkey. ─── 駃騠公马与母驴所生的杂交种

33、Telegony is the supposed influence of a female's first mate on the offspring of her later matings with other males. ─── 先父遗传是与母畜第一次交配的公畜,对以后该母畜与其它公畜交配所生的后代会有影响。

34、Producing offspring or fruit in great abundance;fertile. ─── 多产的大量产出的或大量结出果实的;多产的,有生殖力的

35、One of two offspring born at the same birth. ─── 双胞胎之一在同一胎中生下的两个孩子中的一个

36、He calculated the 'regression'of offspring. ─── 他推算出后代的“回归”。

37、The comet is going to come back in 2061 and we are all going to be able to see it. Well, our offspring are, anyway. ─── 这颗彗星将于2061年返回,到时我们都可以看到它。哦,无论如何,我们子孙是可以看到的。

38、A son or daughter; an offspring. ─── 儿子或女儿;后代

39、But until now, the impact of the father's environment -- in terms of diet -- on his offspring had not been investigated. ─── 她说,但是直到现在父亲的饮食环境对后代的影响还没进行研究。

40、Kill your offspring if they become house/trance DJ's. ─── 厕所是冷藏啤酒和白酒的最佳场所。

41、To grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue,parts,cells,or offspring. ─── 增生,增殖通过迅速产生新的组织、器官、细胞或产生物而生长或增多。

42、Oh my Lord! Make me one who performs regular prayers and so among my offspring, Wa taqabbal du-'ah-ee. ─── 主啊!求祢使我及我的后代成为履行拜功的人

43、One of four offspring born in a single birth. ─── 四胞胎之一一胎出生的四个孩子中的一个

44、A female being,often the offspring of a god and a mortal,who has some but not all of the powers of a goddess. ─── 半神半人的女神神与人的女性子孙,她拥有一部分但并不是全部神的力量。

45、For the sake of the welfare of our offspring, we should spare no efforts to protect our mother planet. ─── 为了造福子孙后代,我们应不遗余力地保护我们的地球母亲。

46、The more unrelated cats you combine the more outcrossed your offspring will be. ─── 你结合的无亲缘关系的猫越多,那么繁育出来的猫咪远交的程度就越高。

47、A male being,often the offspring of a god and a mortal,who has some but not all of the powers of a god. ─── 半神半人神与人的男性子孙,有一部分但并不是全部神的力量

48、As the offspring of the Hua and Xia races, we should make great achievements. ─── 作为华胄,我们应该有所作为。

49、Parents are bound to give their offspring a name. ─── 作爹妈的总希望留给子女一个名声。

50、How many offspring does a cat usually have? ─── 一只猫通常能产多少小猫?

51、A parent fish can breed up to forty thousand offspring. ─── 一条母鱼可产四万多条鱼仔。

52、To engender(offspring); procreate. ─── 产生(后代);生育

53、Their offspring are all very clever. ─── 他们的子女都很聪明.

54、Aced has just kicked off.Gridiron Grind is their offspring. ─── Aced也开张开业,橄榄球赛场时他们的后辈。

55、Being the offspring of a legend made her an easy target for high school kids to see just how tough she was. ─── 作为一名传奇人物的后人,她自然成了高中同学们的靶子,大家都想看看她到底有多厉害。

56、Next month on August 14th,surrounded by 120 offspring of four generations,she will be 122 years old. ─── 哈瓦四代同堂,身边有120个子孙。到8月14日,她将迎来自己122岁的生日。

57、Relating to or causing the deterioration of hereditary qualities in offspring. ─── 劣生的有关或引起后代种族质量退化的

58、Could their offspring do it? ─── 他们的后代能再生吗?

59、Offspring or descendants considered as a group. ─── 后代,后裔被认为是一团体的后代或后裔

60、Having or assuming the relationship of child or offspring to parent. ─── 具有或承担起子女或后代对父母的关系的.

61、To procreate(offspring) as the male parent. ─── 作为父亲生养(后代)

62、Out of that city, the defiant line of Kain prospered as he and his offspring embraced the wisdom of the serpent. ─── 在城之外,叛逆的该隐家族拥抱着蛇之智慧而繁荣兴盛。

63、Prolific Producing offspring or fruit in great abundance; fertile. ─── 多产的:大量产出的或大量结出果实的;多产的,有生殖力的。

64、Incapable of producing offspring. ─── 不能生育后代的

65、One of five offspring born in a single birth. ─── 五胞胎之一一次出生的五个孩子中的一个

66、How many offspring does a cat.usually have? ─── 一只猫通常能产多少小猫

67、The matriarchal society consists of her female offspring and their young. ─── 大象的母系族家庭是由其生育的母象和幼象组成的。

68、Litter: The offspring produced at one birth by a multiparous mammal. ─── 一窝幼仔:一胎多子的哺乳动物一胎所产的后代。

69、A demigod is the offspring of a god and a mortal. ─── 半神半人是神只与凡人所生的后代。

70、The biological study of the factors producing degeneration in offspring,especially of a particular race or species. ─── 劣生学,以种族退化为研究对象的一门生物学学科,尤指一定的种族或种属。

71、One born of,begotten by,or derived from another; an offspring or a descendant. ─── 后代由另一个所生出、生育或衍生者;后代或后裔

72、His offspring are diligent and intelligent. ─── 他的后代既勤奋又聪明。

73、The Young offspring of a horse or other equine animal, especially one under a year old. ─── 雏马尤指一岁以下的小马或其他似马的动物

74、Producing offspring or fruit in great abundance; fertile. ─── 多产的大量产出的或大量结出果实的; 多产的,有生殖力的

75、By the seventh generation, offspring were accelerating in filigreed detail. ─── 到第七代时,后代进化的不断加速已经到了精雕细琢的程度。

76、Not bearing fruit or offspring; barren. ─── 不结果实的; 无效的不产生果实或后代的; 不育的

77、To produce(offspring); give birth to or hatch. ─── 产(后代);生,孵

78、He is the offspring of a scientific genius and a ballet dancer. ─── 他是一位天才科学家和一位芭蕾舞家的后代。

79、Their descendants fluorish in their sight, their kinsfolk and their offspring. ─── 他们在世时,子孙昌盛,亲眼看见子子孙孙。

80、Had a dying instinct told him his motherless offspring would be safe here, as he had been, with those who loved him? ─── 是否临终前的本能告诉他没有母亲的孩子在这里会很安全,就像他当初一样,有那些爱他的人们呢?

81、Chinese people are proud to call themselves "the offspring of the Loong". ─── 中国人自豪地称自己是“龙的传人”。

82、Usually he fights on foot,sometimes from a chariot drawn by four horses,--the offspring of the North Wind and a Fury. ─── 他通常是徒步与对手交战,有时候也从一辆四马战车上挥戈---那四匹马是北风和一位复仇女神的后裔。

83、A female being, often the offspring of a god and a mortal, who has some but not all of the powers of a goddess. ─── 半神半人的女神神与人的女性子孙,她拥有一部分但并不是全部神的力量

84、offspring contain a mixture of the genetic blueprint of each parent. ─── 后代体内含有父母亲基因图谱的混合。

85、He leave his property to his legitimate offspring. ─── 他将他的财产留给他合法婚姻所生的子女。

86、Nowadays the number of births, like the age of death, has become average. Most of us have roughly the same number of offspring. ─── 当今婴儿出生的数量同死亡年龄一样,已趋于平均化,我们多数人的子女数量大致都差不多。

87、In comparison with the mammal, the ordinary reptile is altogether reckless of its offspring. ─── 和哺乳动物比起来,一般的爬行动物对它们的后代简直是太漠不关心了。

88、The ability of one parent, variety, or strain to transmit individual traits to an offspring, apparently to the exclusion of the other parent, variety, or strain. ─── 优先遗传父母一方的某些品种或品系具有的将自身特点传给后代的能力,并明显地排斥了父母另一方,另一种品种或品系的作用

89、Incapable of producing offspring; sterile. ─── 不生育的无生育后代之能力的; 无果实的

不孝有三,无后为大 用英文怎样翻译

No offspring is the worst one of the three ways unfilial to our parents.

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