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08-01 投稿


gallant 发音

英:[ˈɡælənt]  美:[ˈɡælənt]

英:  美:

gallant 中文意思翻译




gallant 网络释义

adj. 英勇的,勇敢的;华丽的;雄伟的n. (Gallant)人名;(法)加朗;(英)加伦特

gallant 短语词组

1、Gallant Fox ─── [网络] 神狐

2、gallant gentleman ─── 勇敢的绅士

3、gaily bedight a gallant knight ─── 愉快地拜倒一位英勇的骑士

4、sleep on it gallant ─── 好 ─── 好睡一觉

5、gallant with ─── 调情

6、gallant bullets ─── 英勇的子弹

7、gallant construction ─── 雄伟的建筑

8、gentleman lyrics gallant ─── 君子豪情

9、gallant gaming ─── 英勇的游戏

10、gallant knights ─── 英勇的骑士

11、gallant definition ─── 勇敢的定义

gallant 反义词

cowardly | timid

gallant 同义词

intrepid | civil | sheik | heroic | gentlemanly | gracious | swell | fearless | bold | noble | fashion plate | magnanimous | courageous | courteous | stately | spirited | valiant | polite | knightly | lofty | fop | dude | thoughtful | manly | proud | beau | dashing | dauntless | chivalrous | fine | splendid | squire | majestic | brave | dandy | clotheshorse | grand

gallant 词性/词形变化,gallant变形

动词现在分词: gallanting | 动词过去式: gallanted | 副词: gallantly | 动词第三人称单数: gallants | 动词过去分词: gallanted |

gallant 习惯用语

1、play the gallant ─── 求爱, 调戏

gallant 相似词语短语

1、ballant ─── 跳舞

2、gallantry ─── n.勇敢;殷勤;风流;勇敢的行为

3、gallivant ─── vi.闲逛;与异性闲荡

4、gallanted ─── adj.英勇的,勇敢的;华丽的;雄伟的;n.(Gallant)人名;(法)加朗;(英)加伦特

5、gellant ─── n.胶凝剂(等于gelant)

6、galant ─── n.三菱戈蓝;(法)潇洒风格;adj.潇洒风格的

7、gallants ─── adj.英勇的,勇敢的;华丽的;雄伟的;n.(Gallant)人名;(法)加朗;(英)加伦特

8、callant ─── n.(苏格兰)青年;少年们

9、gallantly ─── adv.勇敢地;漂亮地;献殷勤地

gallant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But there the glorious LORD will be unto us a place of broad rivers and streams; wherein shall go no galley with oars, neither shall gallant ship pass thereby. ─── 在那里耶和华必显威严与我们同在,当作江河宽阔之地。其中必没有荡桨摇橹的船来往,也没有威武的船经过。

2、Fat people will gab, giggle, guffaw, galumph, gyrate, and gossip.They are generous, giving, and gallant. ─── 三、拼图游戏并不重要,重要的是四个人(包括一个瘦子)围着一张牌桌玩拼图游戏所得到的乐趣。

3、Congress decided to make a national cemetery of the battle field where so many gallant men had fallen. ─── 国会决定把这片许多勇敢的战士们牺牲生命的战场建为国家公墓。

4、You made a gallant effort. ─── 你作了极大的努力。

5、Marry, my child, early next Thursday morn, the gallant, young and noble gentleman, the County Paris, at Saint Peter's Church, shall happily make thee there a joyful bride. ─── 哈哈,我的孩子,星期四的早晨,那位风流年少的贵人,帕里斯伯爵,就要在圣彼得教堂里娶你做他的幸福的新娘了。

6、RubBer! he called Back as she looked after him. There was nothing of the gallant in him. ─── “操你的!”她还在看着他的背影时,他回头回敬了一句,一点绅士风度也没有。

7、Construction of the Utopia of gallant persons ─── 唐代行侠作品中的“侠者乌托邦”

8、It is only with the valiant and gallant spirit of the travelers that it can be passed through. ─── 历史的道路,不总是平坦的,有时会变得艰难险阻。这只能靠英勇无畏的精神才能够冲过去。

9、Such applications are decades away, but "you could use algorithms like this to decode other things than vision, " said Gallant. ─── 这些应用还要再等几十年,但你可以利用类似的算法去解读其它事物。

10、He was very gallant at the ball. ─── 他在舞会上对妇女大献殷勤。

11、He's a good man and a very gallant officer. ─── 他是个好人,一个非常豪爽的军官。

12、Today, Kay Gallant and I will tell about the life and work of this great scientist. ─── 今天,我和凯·兰特将要讲述这位伟大科学家的生活与工作的故事。

13、Zhou uncle, who lives in the sea area south bank of the new Golden Dragon Street, Harbor Area, the bus every day to the next, he should Gallant, a tea house and a friend. ─── 周大爷家住南岸区海新街金龙港湾小区,每天他都要坐公交车到下浩的一家茶馆和朋友喝茶。

14、He made a gallant effort. ─── 他做了一番英勇的努力。

15、I had been promoted for what was called gallant and meritorious service. ─── 我因立下了所谓的英勇卓越功勋而获得了提拔。

16、“Allow me ”said the gallant policeman. ─── “让我来”那位警察殷勤地说。

17、" You are very gallant," she said. " But why are you so serious?" ─── “您真会献殷勤,”她说,“不过您干吗这样严肃呢?”。

18、A gallant man needs no drums to rouse him. ─── 勇士不用鼓催。

19、A gallant man jumpedsintosthe river to save the drowning child. ─── 一名勇敢的男子跳进河里搭救那个溺水的小孩。

20、Ricoh, Samsung, Sanyo, Sharp, Shinco, Skyworth, Sony, APEX, ARCAM, Belkin, Boston, Cambridge Soundworks, Creative, Daewoo, Fujifilm, Fujitsu, Gallant, and Hauppauge. ─── 卓然还拥有大批的战略合作伙伴,包括Fujifilm, Fujitsu, Kodak, Micronas, Microsoft, Sanyo, DTVIA, TCL, Planetweb, SanDisk,等等知名公司。

21、The door of China is open, With earthshaking changes, For the gallant heroes, We still look to this age. ─── 国门大开,天翻地覆,风流人物,还看今朝。

22、“Allow me, ”said the gallant policeman. ─── “让我来,”那位警察殷勤地说。

23、She made a gallant attempt to hide her tears. ─── 她强掩住泪水。

24、The Reds won plenty of praise following their gallant performance in attempting to overcome Chelsea at Stamford Bridge last week. ─── 上周红军在斯坦福桥试图创造奇迹的出色表现已经获得了很多人的赞扬。

25、"Now why all these lies, my gallant soldier laddie?" ─── "你干么撒这些谎呢,我的英勇的大兵少爷?"

26、He was as ever assiduous and gallant ─── 他象以往一样殷勤周到,曲意温存。

27、If you will come too, he answered, with a gallant little bow. ─── “如果你想跳的话”,劳瑞一边说,一边做了个邀请的殷勤姿势。

28、The west is veiled in rain, the east enjoys sunshine. My gallant is as deep in love as day is fine. ─── 东边日出西边雨,道是无情却有请。

29、Finally, he made an accession: "I could recommend a book to someone who's quite a bit like me: The Collected Stories of Mavis Gallant. " ─── 最后他加了一句:“我可以向和我有点类似的人推荐一本书:《梅维斯·格兰特**集》。”

30、The General attented her himself to the street door, saying everything gallant AS they went downstairs, admiring the elASticity of her walk. ─── 将军亲自把她送到街门口,下楼时说了许多恭维话,夸赞她步履轻盈。

31、But, this kind of ci- poetic resources enclosed too the gallant style, so inspiring the ci- poetic school of Yangxian afterwards. ─── 但这种词学资源本身也有豪放的路数,因此对后来阳羡词派是一个启发。

32、Gallant Ho Physical Education Prize ─── 何耀棣体育优异奖

33、His hope and his dream was to become one among those whose names are recorded in story as the gallant and adventurous benefactors of our species. ─── 他梦寐以求的愿望,是跻身于见义勇为、扶弱挤贫的侠士行列,从而能名垂青史。

34、In the Great Revolution period, Houhu is a place where gallant and drastic struggle occurred. ─── 大革命时期,后湖又是英勇、激烈的斗争之地。

35、Can associate " a thousand li is icebound, 10 thousand lis of Xue Piao " gallant scenery. ─── 可以联想到“千里冰封,万里雪飘”的壮丽景色。

36、Today, Kay Gallant and I tell the story of space scientist Wernher von Braun. ─── 今天,我和凯·兰特来讲一下空间科学家韦恩赫··劳恩的故事。

37、"I wrote the gallant good-bye," he said dully ─── “我写过殷勤地向你告别的信,”他没精打采地说。

38、We shall have faith that, at the writing of peace, American and our other gallant allies will not be obtunded by the mirage of contingent reasons of expediency. ─── 吾人将有一项信念,即在订立和议之时,美国以及其他英勇之盟友,将不致为一时种种权宜理由所迷惑。

39、But there the glo***ous LORD will be unto us a place of broad ***vers and streams; wherein shall go no galley with oars, neither shall gallant ship pass thereby. ─── 21在那里***必显威严与我们同在,当作江河宽阔之地。其中必没有荡桨摇橹的船来往,也没有威武的船经过。

40、They have put up a gallant fight over the years. ─── 他们进行英勇斗争已有多年了。

41、It was a gallant deed to risk almost certain death to save his friend. ─── 他为了拯救朋友,冒著九死一生的危险,这真是一种英勇的行为。

42、Congress decided to make a national cemetery of the battlefield where so many gallant men had fallen. ─── 国会决定把这一片曾有许多英勇战士牺牲生命的战场建为国家公墓。

43、In the adjustment of may differences that may exist or arise to exhibit the forbearance becoming a powerful nation rather the sensibility belonging to a gallant people. ─── 在调解现存的或可能发生的争端和冲突时,应表现出一个强国所具有的宽容而不能以一个英雄民族所固有的感情用事。

44、The endless river eastward flows; with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years. ─── 大絖东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。

45、Gallant Effort At a dinner party a shy young man had been trying to think of something nice to say to his hostess. ─── "殷勤在一次晚餐聚会上,一位腼腆的年青人一直在冥思苦想对女主人说一些好听的话。

46、A face full of justice sense,in gallant clothes,500 years experience can not beat a hero!!! ─── 一脸正气,身披华衣,500年沧桑亦难折英雄锐气!!!

47、They were all on their beds, and gallant Michael let go first. ─── 他们部站在床上,勇敢的迈克尔第一个起飞。

48、The gallant soldiers lost their lives so that peace might reign again. ─── 英勇的士兵为了恢复和平而牺牲了他们的生命。

49、And here also flourished in ancient times those bands of gallant outlaws, whose deeds have been rendered so popular in English song. ─── 多少古代的草莽英雄也曾经在这里显过身手,他们的事迹在英格兰歌谣中广泛流传,家喻户晓。

50、Her poverty had been a venial fault for two gallant gentlemen ─── 她的贫穷对那两位殷勤的绅士而言,只是一个微不足道的缺点。

51、They were all on their beds, and gallant Michael let go first. ─── 他们都在床上,勇敢的迈克尔第一个起飞。

52、a gallant knight, soldier, etc ─── 勇敢的骑士、 战士等

53、It was a gallant fight, and you and he have made a friend of me by it, for I love to see a well-fought fray. ─── 打得漂亮!这下子你和他是我的朋友了。我就喜欢这种拼得你死我活的战斗。

54、Many gave their lives in the gallant effort to wipe out rascism. ─── 在消灭种族主义的英勇斗争中,许多人献出了生命。

55、They are one of the most gallant peoples in the world. ─── 他们是世界上最勇敢的民族之一。

56、The west is veiled in rain, the east enjoys sunshine.My gallant is as deep in love as day is fine. ─── 东边日出西边雨,道是无情却有情.

57、His gallant and heroic actions saved his company many casualties and permitted them to continue the attack with new inspiration and vigor. ─── 他的英勇作战使得他的连队免遭重大伤亡,从而使他的战友们可以继续向敌人发动新的进攻。

58、He's the gallant knight of fairy tale and myth but still has the mischievous nature of youth. ─── 他是童话与神话故事中英勇的骑士,同时又拥有年轻人淘气的天性。

59、When he puts on his best clothes he certainly looks like a gallant. ─── 他穿上最好的衣服时,当然像个时髦人物了。

60、Ladies, there will pass among you two of our gallant wounded, with baskets and--" But the rest of his speech was lost in the storm and tumult of clapping hands and cheering voices. ─── 女士们,现在有两位英勇的伤兵提着篮子来到你们面前----"他讲话的后一部分被暴风雨般的掌声和欢呼声淹没了。

61、But he was a gallant warrior, and when he rose to make his final adieu his mouth was grimly set and his shoulders were squared. ─── 可是他是个硬铮铮的战士,当他起身告别时,他的嘴闭得紧紧的,肩膀挺得宽宽的。

62、"Oh, gallant little Gerald!" ─── "啊,好一个英勇的小杰拉尔德!"

63、The single-factor models include the Vasicek model,the CIR model,and the CKLS model,ect. The two-factor models include the stochastic volatility model proposed by Gallant and Tanchen,and the stochastic mean model proposed by Balduzzi et al. ─── 单因子短期利率模型包括Vasicek模型,CIR模型,CKLS模型等,两因子利率模型包括Gallant,Tanchen给出的随机波动率模型和Balduzzi等人的随机均值回复模型.

64、He was so courteous, so gallant. ─── 他这么彬彬有礼,殷勤备至。

65、He put forward a gallant proposal. ─── 他提出一个大胆的建议。

66、A gallant feathered hat; cut a gallant figure at the coronation. ─── 华丽时髦的带有羽毛的帽子; 加冕礼给人一种时髦的印象

67、To play the gallant. ─── 向妇女献殷勤

68、He enjoyed their company; they enjoyed his; he was gallant and flirtatious. ─── 他喜欢他们的陪伴;他们也喜欢有他在身边; 他既殷勤又轻浮。

69、But General de daulle had to carry his gallant band of Frenchmen with him. ─── 但是,戴高乐将军必须说服他那样勇敢的法国人和他一起干。

70、It is when our youth times is the most gallant, we cooperate hand in hand together, can be I forgotten how? ─── 在我们青年时代最壮丽的时候,我们一起携手合作,我怎会忘却?

71、stately; grand; superb; regal; gallant ─── 堂皇

72、a gallant feathered hat; cut a gallant figure at the coronation ─── 华丽时髦的带有羽毛的帽子;加冕礼给人一种时髦的印象

73、They were going to lick the Yankees in a month, the poor, gallant fools. ─── 他们曾想用一个月时间打败北方佬,这些可怜而英勇的傻瓜。

74、But he was a gallant warrior, and when he rose to make his final adieu his mouth was grimly set and his shoulders were squared. ─── 可是他是个硬铮铮的战士,当他起身告别时,他的嘴闭得紧紧的,肩膀挺得宽宽的。

75、You are very gallant, she said.But why are you so serious."We' 11 soon be at your station,I said rather abruptly. ─── “您真会献殷勤,”她说,“不过您干吗这样严肃呢?”“您的站就快要到了,”我出其不意地说。

76、The two gallant young men longed to see their own names in the glorious list. ─── 两个年青的勇士巴不得自己的名字也在光荣名单里出现。

77、a generous and gallant heart ─── 侠义心肠

78、If I look good, maybe I will meet a gallant space pilot who will take me all the way to Saturn to study gaseous clouds. ─── 假如我长的漂亮,也许会碰到一个勇敢多情的宇航员,他会带我到土星去研究气态云。

79、David Beckham helped kick off Disney Park's Year of a Million Dreams celebration by portraying the gallant Prince Phillip from Disney's Sleeping Beauty. ─── 叱咤球场的贝克汉姆有没有白马王子的潜质呢?

80、The bare loss of him as a gallant was not so much my affliction as the loss of his person, whom indeed I loved to distraction. ─── 单单失去一个献殷勤的公子倒不会使我感到很大的悲伤,但是我实在爱他这风采翩翩的人儿,我爱他几乎爱得发狂。

81、Cut a gallant figure at the coronation ─── 在即位典礼上刻出华丽的雕像

82、He followed him to the table accordingly, and hospitably encouraged him in his gallant efforts to make up for past privations. ─── 于是他跟着蟾蜍坐到餐桌旁,殷勤地劝他多吃,好补上前些时的亏损。

83、But General de Gaulle had to carry his gallant band of Frenchmen with him. ─── 但是,戴高乐将军必须说服他的那群豪放的法国人同他一道干。

84、The bare loss of him as a gallant was not so much my affliction as the loss of his person, whom indeed I loved to distraction. ─── 单单失去一个献殷勤的公子倒不会使我感到很大的悲伤,但是我实在爱他这风采翩翩的人儿,我爱他几乎爱得发狂。

85、Studies on Tolerance of Different Cotton Varieties to Gallant ─── 不同棉花品种对盖草能耐药性研究

86、Romeo, Romeo, brave Mercutio's dead! That gallant spirit hath aspired the clouds, which too untimely here did scorn the earth. ─── 啊,罗密欧,罗密欧!勇敢的茂丘西奥死了;他已经撒手离开尘世,他的英魂已经升上天庭了!

87、Oh my gallant love where have you gone? ─── 哦,我英勇的爱人,你去了哪里?

88、"Allow me, "said the gallant policeman. ─── “让我来, ”那位警察殷勤地说。

89、KJV] But there the glorious LORD will be unto us a place of broad rivers and streams; wherein shall go no galley with oars, neither shall gallant ship pass thereby. ─── [新译]在那里,威严的耶和华必作我们江河宽渠溢流之地。必没有荡桨摇橹的船只能在其上往来,威武的战船也不能经过。

















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