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08-01 投稿


forearm 发音

英:[['fɔːrɑːm]]  美:[['fɔ:rɑ:m]]

英:  美:

forearm 中文意思翻译




forearm 短语词组

1、forearm shield ─── 前臂盾

2、flexes forearm ─── 弯曲前臂

3、fascia of forearm ─── [医] 前臂筋膜

4、forearm sign ─── [医] 前臂征.累里氏征(偏瘫侧手及腕被动屈曲时,肘部无正常屈曲运动)

5、forearm crutch ─── 前臂撑拐杖

6、forearm rest ─── [医]前臂托

7、forearm-hand index ─── [医] 前臂手长指数

8、forearm hold ─── 前臂保持

9、forearm block ─── 前臂阻挡

forearm 词性/词形变化,forearm变形


forearm 相似词语短语

1、forearms ─── n.前臂;vt.预先武装;准备

2、firearm ─── n.火器;**炮

3、forearmed ─── adj.预先准备的;v.预先准备(forearm的过去式)

4、forewarn ─── vt.预先警告

5、foreyard ─── n.前桅最下部的帆桁

6、forecars ─── 预报员

7、forepart ─── n.前段;最前部;最初

8、foreward ─── 在……前面防守;前锋

9、to rearm ─── 重新武装

forearm 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Repeated forceful contractions of wrist extensors or forearm supinator result in tensile stress over the lateral epicondyle. ─── 其受伤机制为过度强烈或反覆太多的腕伸肌及外旋肌收缩造成对肘外踝的张应力;

2、OP may be discovered more early in menopausal women by examining BMD at 1/10 site of distal forearm. ─── 女性围绝经期测量前臂远端1/10部位BMD可更早的发现OP。

3、The location of the forearm for double notes and chords is somewhere in the middle, between the extreme fingers. ─── 为弹双重音高与和弦的前臂的位置应在与两个外端手指间某处的中部。

4、"You must not fear," said he soothingly, bending forward and patting her forearm. ─── “你不用害怕,”他安慰她说,身体前倾,并轻拍她的前臂。

5、My forearm deflected the first punch. ─── 我的前臂挡开了第一拳。

6、If you hold your hand and arm like this for a few seconds, even without playing, you will feel fatigue in the forearm flexor area. ─── 如果象这样使你的手和臂保持几秒钟,即使没有演奏,你前臂屈肌范围内也有可能感到疲劳。

7、So concentrate on a steady forearm and wrist as you swing from the shoulder. ─── 因此一当你从肩膀挥拍的时候,要专注于使前臂和手腕稳定。

8、It was as if he had knowledge of her forearm, so silken and soft. He did not want to touch her. ─── 他似乎已经熟悉她那光洁柔软的手臂,现在他不想去碰她。

9、Inlays in the forearm: 6 of Black Kamagong and Red Amboyna. ─── 前臂的镶嵌:红青龙木镶嵌配黑边。

10、There is a scar on my forearm. ─── 在我的前臂上有一个伤疤。

11、"I saw the beast running through the park with a woman behind him, him grabbing her forearm," eyewitness Robert De Jonge told NOS radio. ─── 不知道什么时候开始,这头大猩猩拉着一名女游客的胳膊向前跑起来,然后又见它趴下身去凶狠地啃咬着女游客的身体。

12、Straighten out your hand, wrist and forearm so they form a straight line. ─── 将你的手、手腕和前臂伸直,使其成一条直线。

13、In slow tempos the fingers, hand, forearm, and upper arm move up or down simultaneously. ─── 在缓慢的速度中手指、手、前臂和上臂向上或向下的运动是同时。

14、Angiography and dissection studies were used in this study to elucidate the role of the deep fascia in perfusion of the radial forearm flap. ─── 在此研究中,血管造影术和解剖研究被用来阐明深筋膜对桡侧前臂皮瓣的血液供应所起的作用。

15、The main hinge (just as the hinge on a door enables the door to move) during your swing should be the shoulder not the forearm and wrist. ─── 主要的铰链(正如铰链在一扇门上使门能够移动)在你的挥拍期间应该是肩膀而不是前臂和手腕。

16、The forearm: Has some burl in it. ─── 前臂:木材中含有树节。

17、The essence of rotary motion lies in a passive upper arm, an active forearm, an inactive hand and wrist, and slightly active fingers. ─── 回转运动基本位于被动的上臂、激活的前臂、无活性的手臂和腕关节,还有轻轻活动的手指。

18、Simple tumor excision can correct the forearm deformity in patients with an isolated tumor of the distal part of the ulna. ─── 单纯肿瘤手术切除可校正肿瘤单发尺骨远端患者的前臂畸形。

19、Shank n. A severely misdirected forearm pass. ─── 严重错方向的传球。

20、Forearm supination is moement of the forearm causing the hand to be positioned in a “palm up” posture. ─── 前臂旋后就是前臂做了个使掌心向上的动作。

21、In his broad bed nuncle Richie, pillowed and blanketed, extends over the hillock of his knees a sturdy forearm. ─── 一张大床,里奇舅舅倚着枕头,裹在毛毯里,隔着小山般的膝盖,将壮实的手臂伸过来。

22、Forearm and wrist movement is usually the biggest cause of inconsistency. ─── 前臂和手腕运动通常是最大的不一致性的原因。

23、In the study, a small area of forearm's skin in 10 volunteers was exposed to GSM signal for one hour. ─── 在这个研究中,10个自愿者的一小块前臂皮肤暴露于GSM信号1小时。

24、"We used his specs," said Simon, smearing a black cheek with his forearm. ─── “咱们用过他的眼镜,”西蒙边说,边用前臂擦擦黑汗汗的脸颊。

25、With the help of upper-arm rotation, the forearm is brought to the position where it can throw the fingers exactly as it does with smaller intervals. ─── 借助于上臂的旋转,前臂被带到的位置正好能以最小的距离投掷手指去弹奏。

26、He strapped one of the Jackal shields to his forearm. ─── 他把其中一个豺狼人的护盾绑在自己的前臂上。

27、In the ease of the third, fourth, and fifth fingers the wrist and forearm continue to rise, reaching their highest positions with the fifth finger. ─── 不费力的是,第三、第四、和小指以及腕关节、前臂继续抬高至与第五一样高的位置。

28、I wish to emphasize this fact because it is erroneous to think that the upper arm is an active participant in pure forearm rotary motion. ─── 在单纯的前臂回转运动中,如果认为上臂的动作是主动性的,那绝对是错误的,但愿我强调过这个事实。

29、In both the purely axial and the combined rotary motions, the forearm rolls from one side to the other. ─── 在纯粹地轴的旋转和各器官联合回转运动中,前臂从一侧到另一侧反复地翻滚运动。

30、This lateral motion of the forearm is possible only if we make an axial rotation of the upper arm that enables the forearm to move horizontally also. ─── 只有当我们为启动前臂的水平运动而使上臂绕轴旋转时,前臂也同样就有可能产生横向运动。

31、To turn or rotate(the hand or forearm) so that the palm faces down or back. ─── 使旋前,使内转转或旋(手或前臂)使掌面朝下或朝后

32、The eventual movement of the upper arm during rotation is a purely passive one, it is merely a response to the activities of the moving forearm. ─── 上臂在转动期间最后的运动仅仅是被动的,它只是反应了移动着的前臂的活动情况。

33、Images 5, 6. The CT images at 37 weeks. Note absence of the inferior limbs, right upper extremity and left forearm. ─── 图5、6、7、8、9孕37周时的CT图像。可看到胎儿下肢、右上肢和左前臂缺失。

34、Once the upper arm is in position, the forearm, wrist, and fingers can easily line up, and you can start to play the piano effortlessly. ─── 一旦上臂处于正确的位置,那么前臂、腕关节和手指都可以很容易地排列起来,你就可以开始不费力地弹奏了。

35、Teal had been knocked to her knees by the force of the quake, but she had managed to keep hold of Baldan's hand and forearm. ─── 地震的力量击倒了缇尔,她双膝跪地,但还是尽力抓住了鲍丹的手和前臂。

36、The TEWL levels of the 8anato mical regions were put in order with s tatistics:palm >forehead >cheek =b ack of hand >calf =back >forearm =chest. ─── 在8个不同部位测量中,经统计得到TEWL值顺序为:手掌>额部>颊部=手背>小腿=背部>前臂=胸部。

37、There are 4 intermuscular septas in forearm. ─── 前臂深筋膜形成4个肌间隔。

38、I get more power from a forearm, overhead shot. ─── 从臂上及头顶的打击,我能得到较多的力量击球。

39、A new bilobed design for the sensate radial forearm flap to preserve tongue mobility following significant glossectomy. ─── 前臂游离皮瓣行舌再造术的十年经验回顾。

40、Then, there would appear her pale dimpled oval face, her thin and pale forearm, her striped blouse and her black skirt. ─── 在久待的焦躁中,一听到皮鞋的高底尖触着砖路的清响,是怎样地使我骤然生动起来呵!

41、In seven elbows punched with slight elbow flexion and forearm pronation, dislocation or semidislocation of the radial head occured in four. ─── 7侧冲击试验的标本中,在轻度屈肘、前臂旋转位有4侧发生脱位或半脱位。

42、He had three bandages covering three different wounds on his right arm, from his bicep to his forearm. ─── 他右手臂从二头肌到前臂共有三个不同的伤处系着绷带。

43、Epitrochlear nodes are usually enlarged secondary to infections of the hand and forearm. ─── 偶尔,肿瘤也会仅伴有孤立的滑车上淋巴结肿大。

44、Then, by simply holding your forearm at the bottom station, the turnstile will open automatically. ─── 只要在底站前抬一抬胳膊,转门就会自动打开。

45、The fingers are connected with flexor and extensor muscles located in the forearm through long sinews. ─── 只是你提的问题对学琴很重要、希望其他家长也能明白的话、中文最好了。

46、He leaned over and reached into the glove compartment, his forearm accidentally brushing across her lower thigh. ─── 他俯身伸手探到前面的杂物箱中,前肘无意中擦过她的大腿。

47、She did a shallow military curtsy, supple in her dress-uniform skirt, and laid her hand on his forearm. ─── 她身着制服裙,回应了一个浅浅的军人屈膝礼,然后把手搭在他伸出的胳膊上。

48、He lay at full length upon his stomach, his head resting upon his left forearm. ─── 他的脊背朝天,四肢伸展,头枕着左臂,直挺挺地趴伏着。

49、The forearm scrapes the skin on his face. He is ready to cry. ─── 对方的前臂擦着了他的脸皮,他简直要哭出来了。

50、Info:Body armor jacket Strong adjustable shoulder and forearm straps Certified Elbow and shoulder guard ...... ─── 主要材质:真皮次要材质:真皮尺码:全码适用人群:男人

51、If you tape a mocap friendly ruler to his forearm, he wont have to guess where the pad will be. ─── 如果你带一茂凯友好的统治者,他的前臂,他惯于必须猜测其中垫会。

52、The rolling movement of the forearm is steady; it is not sudden, but rolls from one side to the other with steady speed. ─── 前臂的滚动运动是稳定的;它不是突发动作,而是以稳定速度从一侧到另一侧滚动。

53、Surgical excision of the tumour was performed accompanied with suprahyoid neck dissection;the defect was reconstructed with radial forearm free flap. ─── 对肿瘤进行手术切除及舌骨上颈淋巴清扫术,并采用前臂游离皮瓣整复缺损。

54、Originally believed to be a forearm issue, Pavano has said that the discomfort has spread to his pitching elbow. ─── 原本以为是前臂的关系,玻璃人说后来他的不舒服的感觉延伸到他投球的手肘。

55、Twenty volunteers tested the system and most found it easy to navigate through icons on the forearm and tap fingers to actuate commands. ─── 20个志愿者体验了这套系统,绝大多数认为找到并用手指点击手臂上的图标并触发指令很容易。

56、Before I describe the technique of rotation, let me mention the role of the ulna and the radius, the two bones of the forearm. ─── 在描述转动弹奏法以前,让我先说一下尺骨和桡骨,这是前臂的两根骨头。

57、He has a laceration on his right forearm. ─── 他右前臂有一处裂伤。

58、Experience of repairing oral and maxillofacial defects by radial forearm free flap-92 cases report. ─── 前臂桡侧游离皮瓣修复口腔颌面软组织缺损的体会-附92例报告。

59、They successfully rejoined a hand three-quarters cut off from the forearm. ─── 他们成功地接活了一只和手臂已断离了四分之三的手。

60、To solve the problem you must learn to swing with the shoulder as the hinge, not the wrist and forearm. ─── 为了解决问题你一定要学习用肩膀挥拍作为关键,而不是手腕和前臂。

61、The only result was that my left forearm was aching with fatigue within a few laps from the effort to simply hold my fingers together. ─── 其唯一的结果就是,在并拢左手游几圈以后,我的左手小臂开始因疲劳而疼痛。

62、He had a tattoo on his forearm. ─── 他前臂上刺有花纹。

63、Forearm : Straight, strong in bone, with lean musculature. ─── 前臂:直,骨骼强壮,有肌肉的(瘦肉)

64、In the u er limb, the radius is the lateral bone of the forearm and the ulna is the medial one. ─── 就上肢而言,桡骨是前臂外侧的骨,尺骨位于内,因而桡侧意为外侧,尺侧意为内侧。

65、Butt Sleeve: Birdseye Maple from the same piece as the forearm. ─── 后臂:取自与前臂同一木板的鸟眼枫木。

66、Smaller displays could be wrapped around a person s forearm or incorporated into clothing. ─── 其中,尺寸较小的显示器可以捲绕在手臂上,或十冤衣服结合;

67、Tibe tan was significantly positively correlated with the proximal forearm BMD and BM C in boys and girls (B=0.094, 0.061,P<0.01). ─── 儿童少年正处于骨骼生长和矿化极其活跃的时期,也是获得最佳峰值骨量的重要阶段。

68、Vallejo-Camerena suffered gunshot wounds to the left wrist and forearm that were not life-threatening, Jones said. ─── 列车上没有任何危险物品,戴维斯表示。

69、If you hold your hand and arm like this for a few seconds, even without playing, you will feel fatigue in the forearm flexor area. ─── 如果象这样使你的手和臂保持几秒钟,即使没有演奏,你前臂屈肌范围内也有可能感到疲劳。

70、As she spoke, she watched the muscles in his forearm flex when he shifted gears. ─── 她一边说一边注视着他换挡时前臂弯曲的样子。

71、Um . . . yes, if the piece you want to leave with your sleeping child is a disembodied forearm with sausage-like fingers and felt for skin. ─── 嗯……是的,倘若你想给睡着的孩子留下来的是:带着腊肠手指的空虚前臂,以及皮肤的感觉。

72、The effect of intra-arterial infusion of nitrite on forearm blood flow and forearm venous volumes was assessed during normoxia and hypoxia. ─── 在标准氧分压和缺氧情况下,亚硝酸盐对于前臂血流和前臂静脉容量的动脉内灌注作用被进行评估。

73、Your moist armpit is like a tropical rainforest, whereas, not far away, your forearm is as smooth and dry as a desert. ─── 你最潮湿的腋窝就像热带雨林,而离这个“热带雨林”不远的前臂就像沙漠一样平整和干燥。

74、What is forearm pronation and supination ? ─── 什么是前臂旋前和前臂旋后呢?

75、Do not rotate forearm to avoid rotator irritation. ─── 不要替换前臂避免回转的人刺激。

76、The large muscle at the front of the upper arm that flexes the forearm. ─── 位于上肢前面使前臂屈曲的大型肌肉。

77、A "bolus-like" injection was conducted to administrate the contrast agent into left forearm veins. ─── 声学造影剂经左前臂浅静脉“弹丸式”注射。

78、The forearm and finger motions are complementary: neither can substitute for the other. ─── 前臂和手指动作是补充的:两者都不可以相互代替。

79、Any wobbling of the racquet is usually made with the wrist and forearm. ─── 任何的网拍的摇动通常与手腕和前臂有关。

80、I took the loop made by the lead rope and put it around the horse's forearm and pastern. ─── 也就是说我用粗棉绳绑了一个圈圈,并将粗棉绳绕过马儿的前臂与骹部之间。

81、He presses the bolt against a small hexagon tattooed on his forearm. The sizes match. ─── 他把螺栓压在他前臂的一个小六边形纹身上。大小匹配。

82、The forearm and torch of the Statue of Liberty were on display at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, 1876. ─── 自由女神像的前臂和火炬在费城百年博览会上展出。

83、Forearm pronation is moement of the forearm causing the hand to be positioned in a “palm down” posture. ─── 前臂旋前就是前臂做了个使掌心向下的动作。

84、Two elbows on the table to draw chalk lines where the forearm straight, hands clenched on such a day and a night locked in a stalemate. ─── 他俩把胳膊肘放在桌上划粉笔线的地方,前臂直,两手握紧,就这样相持了一天一夜。

85、She did a shallow military curtsy, supple in her dress-uniform skirt, and laid her hand on his forearm. ─── 她身着制服裙,回应了一个浅浅的军人屈膝礼,然后把手搭在他伸出的胳膊上。

86、The role of the forearm's axial activity is to add power and speed to the fingers, which must be active at all times. ─── 前臂的轴的活动性将会提高手指的动力和速度,而且它必须一直保持动作的主动性。

87、As for the forearm, geneticist and co-author Julia Segre speculates that exposed arms make a good landing pad for bacteria. ─── 关于前臂,基因学家、文章的合著者茱莉亚.撒格雷猜想也许是暴露的胳膊为细菌提供了一个良好的着陆台。

88、But the Alpha got one forearm under the 'Cat's jaw, slowly levering it away. ─── 但阿尔法一只前臂伸到大猫的爪下,缓慢地把利爪撬到一边。

89、How did you come by that scar on your forearm? ─── 你臂上的伤疤是怎样来的?

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