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08-01 投稿


frontal 发音

英:[ˈfrʌntl]  美:[ˈfrʌntl]

英:  美:

frontal 中文意思翻译





frontal 网络释义

adj. 额的;正面的,前面的n. 额骨,额部;房屋的正面n. (Frontal)人名;(西)弗朗塔尔

frontal 常用词组

frontal lobe ─── 大脑额叶

frontal bone ─── 额骨

frontal analysis ─── 迎头(分析)法;前沿分析

frontal 短语词组

1、frontal groove ─── [医] 额沟

2、frontal cortex ─── [医]额皮质

3、frontal abscess ─── [医] 额叶脓肿

4、frontal ataxia ─── [医] 额叶性共济失调

5、frontal lens ─── [医] 前透镜

6、frontal bone ─── [医] 额骨

7、frontal headache ─── [医] 额痛

8、frontal lobe ─── 额叶

9、frontal arc ─── [医] 额弓

10、frontal area ─── [医] 额区

11、frontal chromatography ─── [化] 迎头色谱法; 前沿分析

12、frontal axis ─── [医] 额轴

13、frontal analysis ─── [化] 迎头色谱法; 前沿分析 ─── [医] 前流层析法

14、frontal gyrus ─── 额回

15、frontal adversive field ─── [医] 额反对区

16、frontal eminence ─── [医]额结节; 额角

17、ascending frontal convolution ─── [医] 中央前回

18、ascending frontal gyri ─── [医] 中央前回

19、frontal gyrectomy ─── [医] 额叶脑回切除术, 额叶皮质部分切除术

frontal 词性/词形变化,frontal变形


frontal 相似词语短语

1、frontally ─── 前面地;(前)额地;坦率地

2、fontal ─── adj.泉的;洗礼的;本源的;原始的;n.(Fontal)人名;(西)丰塔尔

3、front. ─── n.前面;正面;前线;vt.面对;朝向;对付;vi.朝向;adj.前面的;正面的;adv.在前面;向前;n.(Front)人名;(法)弗龙

4、frontals ─── adj.额的;正面的,前面的;n.额骨,额部;房屋的正面;n.(Frontal)人名;(西)弗朗塔尔

5、fronted ─── adj.移首的;前移的;v.面对,向前(front的过去分词)

6、fronter ─── 前面

7、frontad ─── adv.向前,朝前

8、frontage ─── n.前方;房子的正面;临街

9、frontman ─── 名义上的负责人;乐队领衔者

frontal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、HEAD ( 25 pts.): Faults - Flat (lack of swoop), peak too low, boxy head, frontal too prominent, beak too small. ─── 头( 25公视) :断层-单位(缺少一举) ,峰值过低,完整的头部,正面太突出,嘴太小了。

2、The frontal lobes are really doing their mature job when we realize how a good marriage depends on kindness. ─── 当我们认识到美好的婚姻关系是多么依赖于善意的对待时,可以说我们的心智已经相当成熟了。

3、Airbags protect the driver in the event of a severe frontal impact. ─── 正面猛烈撞击,安全气囊可以保护驾车者。

4、Meanwhile SPECT of patients with VCI showed the rCBF decrease of frontal lobe, temporal lobe was the most prominent. ─── SPECT发现VCI以额叶、颞叶血流灌注的减少最为显著。

5、We started making the head, using the frontal image and a simple profile view for reference. ─── 我们开始做头部的时候,在前视图加上简单的轮廓图片做参考。

6、Complete answer is as follows: The capital stock of rural commercial bank differentiates to wait for frontal share, with coequal, with with benefit. ─── 完整回答如下:农村商业银行的股本划分为等额股份,同股同权,同股同利。

7、Accrual stores according to individual account computation of method of frontal accrual calculation. ─── 利息按照个人帐户储存额利息计算办法计算。

8、The inclination of SCF mainly depends on the geostrophic wind in the warm sector, frontal moving speed and the position of SCF relative to orography. ─── 冷锋的倾斜主要与冷锋暖区的地转流分布、锋面移动速度、锋面与地形的相对位置有关。

9、Some patients with damage to the frontal lobe of their brain, particularly on the right side, don't get jokes at all. ─── 一些大脑额叶特别是右侧受损的病人根本感觉不到幽默。

10、VK 1602's was heavily armored and had well sloped frontal armor (influenced by Panther). ─── 唯1602年的大量装甲部队,以及斜面的正面装甲(影响豹) 。

11、The patient was treated by tumor extirpation through osteoplastic approach to the frontal sinus and fat obliteration with a good result. ─── 我们以骨粘膜瓣重建法打开额窦将肿瘤完整摘除,并填以腹部脂肪,结果良好。

12、Even the frontal forces should rely mainly on "counter assault" and not on purely defensive tactics. ─── 就是在正面作战的军队,也不可用单纯防御的战法,主要应采劝反突击”。

13、After days of inactivity, the enemy finally showed its teeth by a frontal attack on our position. ─── 几天没动静之后,敌人终于龇牙咧嘴地向我们的阵地发动了正面的进攻。

14、Broca discovered that the faculty of speech is localized in the third left frontal convolution. ─── 卜洛卡发现说话的机能位于左大脑第三额回。

15、Frontal analysis method is one of the most accurate, precise, fast and economic method to determine adsorption isoth. ─── 前沿分析法是测定吸附等温线的较为准确、快速和经济的方法之一。

16、Frontal slope is increased in the upward side,but decreased in the leeward side. ─── 当冷锋位于迎风坡时,其坡度减小,位于背风坡时,其坡度增大。

17、This is cerebral atrophy in a patient with Alzheimer's disease. The gyri are narrowed and the sulci widened toward to frontal pole. ─── 图示一例阿尔茨海默氏病患者萎缩的大脑。脑回变窄,脑沟向着前端变宽。

18、Variations Associated with Cores and Gaps of a Pacific Narrow Cold Frontal Rainband. ─── 与太平洋窄冷锋雨带的核心和缺口相关的变化。

19、Combined bilateral frontal lobe MST and anterior callosotomy is a good way to treat intractable generalized epilepsy. ─── 对于远离功能区的器质性病变应尽量予以切除。

20、The character “大” looks like the frontal view of a man with the hands stretched out and the legs apart. ─── 古文字的大字,是一个两手平伸、两脚分开正面而立的人形。大的本义是指大人。

21、The battle plan for the frontal assault had been completed. ─── 就在正面进攻的作战方案已经准备就绪。

22、A youth of 16 was admitted to a city hospital on 8 December 1960 with a week's history of frontal headache, Backache and pains in the limbs. ─── 一位16岁青年,因前额痛、背痛和四肢痛已一周,于12月8日住入某城市医院。

23、The frontal lobe is linked to your personality and it is where you have your bright ideas. ─── 你的个性与额脑叶有关联,这是你产生灵感的区域!

24、You ever see a frontal attack by Grim Raiders, when a few units attack the enemy side by side? ─── 你刚才看见了冷血骑兵在前面的攻击,一小支部队的并排攻击。

25、Weather fronts are bound up with a frontal cyclone. ─── 天气的锋面和锋面气旋密切相关。

26、In the footwell area alone, intrusion in a frontal crash is reduced by 50 percent. ─── 在足部地区就有,入侵在正面碰撞减少了百分之五十。

27、Cerebral C-T scan and brain echogram revealed multiple calcification spots scattered on the frontal lobe, caudate nucleus and periventricular area. ─── 两侧脑室周围白质及两侧额叶皮质,可见多处小钙引化点。

28、Frontal flower beds in the Chongyang wood, Qiu Zhi-flexor, like huge bonsai, Chen De here more attractive. ─── 廊前花坛中重阳木,虬枝盘屈,酷似巨大盆景,衬得此处更富魅力。

29、Roles in Confessions of a Dangerous Mind and Full Frontal have been low key but Roberts' appeal has never been tied to her box office success. ─── 她在《危险思想的自白》和《正面全裸》中扮演的角色很低调,然而罗伯茨的吸引力从来都不取决于她的票房成绩。

30、Scans revealed children carrying the gene variant appeared to have more nerve cell "connections" within the frontal lobe. ─── 大量的扫描显示,带有这种基因变种的儿童,他们的大脑额叶内似乎存在着更多的神经元连接。

31、Dural repairs were done through an intradural approach via single frontal craniotomy. ─── 从额骨处做开颅术,经硬脑膜内做脑膜修复。

32、The amplitude of N_ 30 from frontal scalp and N_ 50 from parietal scalp were lover in patients with PD than that of controls(P

33、In rats brain, MTR showed different values between pons and frontal lobe. ─── 并且在大白鼠脑显示出桥脑高于额叶。

34、It was the frontal clash of two ideas, a collision between the possibility of human freedom and its nullification. ─── 它是两种观念的正面冲突,是自由和奴役间的生死决战。

35、They launched a frontal attack on company directors. ─── 他们向公司董事发起了正面攻击。

36、Aveo aced the Federal frontal crash test with five stars for both driver and passenger. ─── 乐骋 嬴得联邦政府前面撞击崩溃测试(为司机和乘客)五个星级别。

37、We are not against employing part of the forces in frontal operations, for that is necessary. ─── 我们不反对使用一部分兵力于正面,这是必要的。

38、Frontal tape, side sticker and elastic waistline are added on the machine. ─── 前腰贴、左右腰贴、弹性腰围在机施加。

39、Military leaders are not expecting a frontal assault by the rebels. ─── 军方领导人们没有料到叛乱分子的正面袭击。

40、Patients usually had typical rhizomelic short stature, large head, frontal bossing and trident fingers. ─── 患者大多有典型的四肢近端短小,大头,前额突出,以及三叉戟状手。

41、In most women with androgenic alopecia the frontal hairline remains intact despite diffuse hair loss. ─── 在许多雄激素性脱发的女性中,虽然发生弥漫性脱发,但前发际线还是完整的。

42、L EK levels of frontal cortex were lower than those of hypothalamic, pituitary(?P?

43、Nasendoscopy showed that the frontal sinus drainage pathway was normal after the operation. ─── 27例术后随访6个月,18例额窦炎症状全部消失,7例明显改善,2例无明显改善。

44、Facing forward; frontal. ─── 向前的; 正面的

45、CT scan showed left frontal sinus mucocele that extended to the left orbit. ─── CT报告左额窦粘液囊肿蔓延至左眶内。

46、The skin of the forehead forms slight wrinkles above the eyes that convergetowards the frontal furrow. ─── 前额的皮肤在眼睛上面形成轻微的皱纹,汇集于前沿皱摺。

47、Almost all the female models in these works appear in frontal images or half profile, sitting quietly in a certain place in the painting. ─── 这次作品中的女子模特几乎都是以正面或是半侧面,端座一处的形象被呈现在画面之上。

48、The frontal road is maintaining,so we have to make a detour. ─── 前方道路正在维修中,过不去。所以我们只好绕道而行。

49、For example, the Panther tank had very heavy frontal armor but thin side and rear armor. ─── 举例来说,豹式坦克的正面装甲十分厚重,但侧面和后面的装甲比较薄。

50、Of or relating to the forehead or frontal bone. ─── 前额与前额或额骨有关的或额骨的

51、If negotiates smoothly, Han Duan is hopeful and Ma Ta the partner frontal line goes on an expedition the big alliance. ─── 如果谈判顺利,韩端有望和玛塔搭档锋线征战大联盟。

52、Not decomposing the biped's motion in sagittal and frontal plane, we deal with the 3 dimension kinematic of the biped. ─── 同时没有把运动分解到横向面和纵向面以简化计算,而是一种完全3维的运动学分析方法,可以处理机器人任意复杂的下肢运动。

53、The dip of the minimum reflectance (R_c) in the allochthon turns from NNW to WNW, indicating the state of stresses in the frontal zone of nappe. ─── 外来系统中最小反射率的倾向由北北西转至北西西,代表推覆体前锋带的应力状态;

54、It uses a silver background, with the Snickers logo subordinated to the word "Charged, " and a frontal image of a rhinoceros head. ─── 它采用了银色的背景,与嘲笑标志服从单词“充电”和正面形象,犀牛头。

55、Antrum highmori 20 cases(90.91%),sphenoid sinus 2 cases(9.09%),antrum ethmoidale 2 cases(9.09%),frontal sinus 1 case(4.55%). ─── 上颌窦20例(90.91%),蝶窦2例(9.09%),筛窦2例(9.09%),额窦1例(4.55%)。

56、Sequential Effects of Increasing Propofol Sedation on Frontal and Temporal Cortices as Indexed by Auditory Event-related Potentials Heinke W, et al. ─── 以听觉事件相关电位为指标增加异丙酚镇静对额叶和颞叶皮层的效应。

57、The results show that perturbations grow in amplitude and form large frontal meanders for the flat bottom condition. ─── 平底时,小扰动迅速发展导致锋面出现大弯曲。

58、The 3-year-old restraint was very poor in the frontal crash and failed to contain the head in side impact. ─── 3岁儿童座椅固定在正面碰撞中非常差,侧面碰撞中儿童头部甩出了座椅。

59、Now Redecker Nupp as if wants a master's frontal line nest end. ─── 如今雷德克纳普似乎想把老东家的锋线一窝端。

60、It has elastic waist, frontal waist tape and side waist tape. ─── 弹性腰围、前腰贴、侧腰贴施加。

61、The reservoirs are mainly sand bar deltic frontal sand body and fine and siltstone. ─── 储集层以西北部的沙堰三角洲前缘砂体、粉细砂岩为主;

62、Now, you go to this one and you see how much more the frontal lobes are lighting up. ─── 再来看看这张切片,额叶是格外的兴奋。

63、Northern part is lake delta system, including deltaic frontal mouth bar, distal bar, sheet sand and predelta mud. ─── 北部为湖泊三角洲沉积体系,主要发育三角洲前缘河口坝、远沙坝、席状砂和前三角洲泥;

64、In a frontal collision, the car′s nose will deform to absorb the impact energy. ─── 在正面碰撞中,汽车前端会变形,来吸收撞击能量。

65、The cerebral atrophy seen here mainly in the frontal and parietal regions is characterized by narrowed gyri and widened sulci. ─── 图示脑萎缩主要发生在额叶和顶骨区域,表现为典型的脑回变窄和脑沟变宽。

66、On frontal tangent plane of the kidney, visible cardinal outer for coriaceous, the lining of shallow red is medullary. ─── 在肾脏的额切面上,可见深红色的外层为皮质,浅红色的内层为髓质。

67、After being beaten many times, I learned to avoid frontal conflict and resorted to silent opposition. ─── 一次又一次的挨打之后,我学会了不吃眼前亏,暗地里跟他们对着干。

68、Many of the beefcake shots are full-frontal, and just a few of the penises are covered with carefully placed pink triangles. ─── 很多肌肉男都是正面全裸出镜,而只有极少数的会穿个粉红色的三角遮盖重要部位。

69、We made a wide, frontal crossing from scores of places, meeting with no substantial resistance in most places. ─── 我们采取宽正面的渡江方法,分了几十个点渡江,绝大部分都没有遭遇到强大的抵抗。

70、The feint on the army's left flank was followed by a frontal attack. ─── 先佯攻军队的左翼,紧接的是一个正面攻击。

71、Fig.8. The ROC curves for our detectors on the MIT+CMU frontal face test set. ─── 图8.人脸检测器在MIT+CMU的正面人脸检测库上测试,得到的ROC曲线。

72、Verbal dyspraxia may result from damage to Broca's area, the supramarginal gyrus, supplementary motor area, frontal operculum, and insula. ─── 口语(用言语表现的)运用障碍可能是由布洛卡区域损害发生造成的,布洛卡区域是指缘上的脑回,补充性的运动区域、额盖及脑岛。

73、Simple skull X-ray showed a large air-containing cyst in the left frontal lobe in both cases. ─── 两位病患之头部X光摄影显示出,于左侧额叶处有一充满气体之大囊肿。

74、How well different parts of the brain, including frontal lobe, parietal lobe and occipital lobe function. ─── 大脑皮质区中,额叶、顶叶、枕叶的功能强弱。

75、COMMENT OF MRI: Intra-cranially, there is evidence of some gliosis in an area of left frontal contusion antero-laterally. ─── 头盖骨内,在前面侧左前部创伤区可见一些神经胶质过多症。

76、Blend frontal scene perfectly with the background to show the gloomy, gray atmosphere with the caesious environment. ─── 使以青灰色为主体的场景环境在前景或后景中溶为一体,凸现阴冷灰暗的环境氛围。

77、Murren is backed up by corporate etiquette consultant Ann Marie Sabath, who says simply, 'Frontal hugs: faux pas. ─── 她说,虽然有些人并不介意不至过份亲密的拍拍肩膀的动作,但是 “正面拥抱肯定是失礼之举。”

78、Together we built an interface to simultaneously monitor close to 100 neurons, distributed across the frontal and parietal lobes. ─── 我们一起合作制造了一个界面,可以同时监测将近100个神经元,其分布遍及额叶及顶叶区域。

79、Kia and a Dodge also got top scores but only for frontal tests. ─── 一款起亚和一款道奇仅在正面撞击测试中获得高分。

80、MSC3hightstand systems tract: mainly deposits progradation fan delta frontal subfacies. ─── MSC3高位域沉积时期:主要发育进积型的扇三角洲前缘亚相沉积。

81、Kapeiluo has determined Defoe and Looney's partner in the frontal line. ─── 卡佩罗在锋线上确定了迪福和鲁尼的搭档。

82、Air bags are designed to protect the driver in the event of a severe frontal impact. ─── 安全气囊是为汽车在迎面猛烈撞击时保护驾车者而设计的。

83、Sally now resolved to brace up and risk a frontal attack. ─── 于是萨利决定鼓足勇气,冒险正面进攻。

84、DQ and rCBF in left frontal and right parietal cortex in patients with DAT. ─── MID、DAT病人左颞叶rCBF与记忆商数(MQ)相关显著。

85、Situated anterior to the frontal bone. ─── 前额骨的位于额骨前部的

86、The imaging showed different patterns of activity in the frontal part of the brain, in an area used for processing such tasks. ─── 脑部成像展现出了大脑用于处理这类任务的额叶部分的不同活动模式。

87、Two recent two-inch frontal colorful photos of the applicant. ─── 两张二寸近期个人正面免冠彩色照片;

88、In the first transplant session, the frontal hairline should be established and coverage should extend at least to the vertex transition point. ─── 前额发际线必须在首次手术中划定,覆盖区必须至少拓展到发际线的最前端(也就是说不管密度多少,必须沿着划定的发际线植入)。





They launched a frontal attack on company directors.


Airbags protect the driver in the event of a severe frontal impact.


Military leaders are not expecting a frontal assault by the rebels.


请问在大脑结构中,the inferior frontal cortex 怎么准确翻译


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