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08-01 投稿


rafts 发音

英:[rɑːfts]  美:[ræfts]

英:  美:

rafts 中文意思翻译




rafts 词性/词形变化,rafts变形

动词过去分词: rafted |动词第三人称单数: rafts |动词现在分词: rafting |动词过去式: rafted |

rafts 常用词组

raft foundation ─── 筏式地基,板式基础

life raft ─── 救生筏

bamboo raft ─── 竹筏;竹排

rafts 短语词组

1、glycosphingolipid-cholesterol rafts ─── 鞘脂-胆固醇筏

2、rafts boat ─── 木筏船

3、rafts nj ─── 新泽西州

4、rafts rod ─── 木筏杆

5、rafts botw ─── 木筏底部

6、life-rafts (life-raft ─── 的复数) 救生筏

7、life rafts ─── 救生筏

8、rafts def ─── 减法

9、rafts ark ─── 木筏方舟

10、bamboo rafts ─── 竹筏;[林] ─── 竹排

11、rafts guss ─── 救生筏和排水管

rafts 相似词语短语

1、crafts ─── n.工艺,手艺;工艺品;(需要熟练技艺的)行业,职业;技巧,技能;骗术,手腕;船,飞机;行会会员(craft的复数);v.精心制作(craft的第三人称单数);n.(Crafts)(美、英)克拉夫茨(人名)

2、grafts ─── [生物]移植;[农学]嫁接

3、hafts ─── n.[建]把手;牧场;住处;vt.给…装上柄;使羊群适应新牧场;vi.安顿下来;n.(Haft)人名;(德)哈夫特

4、drafts ─── n.[金融]汇票(draft的复数形式);草稿(箱);精绵

5、rifts ─── n.[木]裂缝;裂痕(rift的复数);v.[地质]断裂;分开(rift的第三人称单数)

6、rats ─── int.胡说;瞎扯;n.[脊椎]鼠;卑鄙之人(rat的复数);v.捕鼠;出卖(rat的三单形式);n.(Rats)人名;(俄)拉茨

7、raft ─── n.筏;救生艇;(美)大量;vt.筏运;制成筏;vi.乘筏;n.(Raft)人名;(匈、瑞典)拉夫特

8、rants ─── v.咆哮,叫嚷;大声抱怨;夸夸其谈;n.咆哮;激昂的长篇演说;豪言壮语;n.(Rant)(美)兰特(人名)

9、bafts ─── 巴夫茨

rafts 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sailing across the Pacific on a raft was an adventure. ─── 乘木筏横渡太平洋是一种壮举。

2、These log rafts are the only means of transportation over to Tom Sawyer Island. ─── 这个长长的木筏是到汤姆索耶岛去探险唯一的交通工具。

3、Huck lay on the raft in the sun until he was dry. ─── 哈克在阳光下躺在木筏上,一直躺到全身都干了。

4、He made a daily raft out of the towel stand, the tea tray, and his pillows. ─── 他用手巾架、茶盘和枕头做了一只日用的木筏。

5、He sailed across the Atlantic in his self - made raft. ─── 他乘着自制的竹筏跨越了大西洋。

6、We reefed the sail on the raft in complete safety. ─── 我们在暗礁多的地方航行的话橡皮艇能完成这个任务。

7、We not only saw water birds, rode rafts to the mangrove forests, and went to Anping to find sword lions. ─── 我们不但看到水鸟、做竹筏去探索红树林、还去安平小巷找剑狮。

8、He went down the river on a bamboo raft. ─── 他乘竹筏顺流。

9、He met with a raft of troubles last year. ─── 去年,他遇到了许多麻烦。

10、One of the men said that the raft would not last another week at sea. ─── 其中一个谈到这只木筏不可能在海上再撑一个星期了。

11、He slowly poled the raft with the bamboo pole and sailed upstream. ─── 他用竹篙慢慢撑着木筏,往上游?驶。

12、She spent seven days afloat on a raft. ─── 她在一只木筏上漂泊了七天。

13、Experiments showed the effect of metal ions on the shape, size and surface structure of lipid rafts. ─── 实验表明金属离子对脂筏的形成、尺度和表面形貌都有影响。

14、A small rubber boat or raft filled with air. ─── 充气艇可充气的小橡皮船或筏子

15、After further adventures alone on a raft he eventually reached the island. ─── 他独自乘着木筏,经历了很多艰险,终于到了岛上。

16、Unlike the guys in the raft, we had an emergency locator beacon so the Coast Guard could find us. ─── 与呆在救生艇上的人不同的是,我们有一个紧急定位信标,所以海岸警卫队能发现我们。

17、Rafts floated down the river. ─── 木筏顺水漂浮。

18、In order to level off the land, local people let children press on rafts. ─── 宁夏同心为了帮助平整土地,孩子的身体都摞到排子上。

19、"Vessels" means all types of displacement or non-displacement ships, rafts, seaplanes, submersibles and mobile platforms. ─── “船舶”是指各类排水或非排水船、筏、水上飞机、潜水器和移动式平台。

20、A providential wind carried the raft to the shore. ─── 天缘巧合,来了一阵风把木筏吹到了岸边。

21、Although one of the rafts did not work in the end, all the participants bravely embraced the challenges and enjoyed the raft-making process. ─── 虽然其中一只竹筏未能乘风破浪,但参加者均勇敢地接受挑战,并享受制作竹筏的过程。

22、To propel a boat or raft with a pole. ─── 以竿撑船用一根杆或篙推动小船或筏子

23、One way of using the movement of waves as source of energy is to build a Cockerell raft.This is actually a series of rafts. ─── 另外一种开发海洋能源的方法是利用海洋深处的动力。

24、Cause a whole raft of problems. ─── 因为整个木筏的问题/导致另一艘船也有问题。

25、He poled the raft down the river. ─── 他用篙撑筏沿江而下。

26、Crossing the Pacific on a raft seemed mad. ─── 乘木筏横渡太平洋似乎是癫狂的。

27、So we shoved out after dark on the raft. ─── 因此,我们就在天黑以后,坐着筏子走开了。

28、They must think you are a madman if you tell them you want to cross the Pacific on a raft. ─── 如果你告诉他们你要乘木筏横渡太平洋,他们一定会认为你是个疯子。

29、Fight the rapids as you kayak and raft down the vast Mekong River. ─── 当你的皮船和木筏冲进湄公河时和急流的艰险战斗。

30、Traffic cars were the response to a raft of new controls on drivers. ─── 交通车辆是大批司机新控制的反映。

31、The Mental Health Foundation's issued a raft of advice to help people cope. ─── 心理健康基金会提出了众多建议,以帮助人们应付这个问题。

32、She got a raft of presents. ─── 她收到了许多礼物。

33、"Once launched, the bublik [an inflatable raft named after the Russian word for bagel] glides easily over boulders. ─── “一旦起航,巴格尔[以百吉卷的俄国词命名的一艘充气筏]滑动轻松超过巨石。

34、Come on! Let's go for a spin on the snow raft. ─── 别这样嘛!我们去坐滑雪艇兜风吧。

35、We also wish to demonstrate that rafts can be navigated. ─── 我们也希望证明筏子是能够航海的。

36、They would tie and raft their boats up to have party. ─── 他们将把他们的小船绑在一起,扎成筏子举行聚会。

37、The ancient Egyptians used to move bees up and down the Nile on rafts, so this idea of a movable bee force is not new at all. ─── 古埃及人就曾就用筏子沿着尼罗河上下转运蜜蜂,这说明运动的蜜蜂大军一点儿也不新鲜。

38、An inflatable rubber life raft. ─── 充气橡皮救生筏

39、It is Nick mock-playing sax on the raft in the "Rio" video. ─── 在视频“里欧”中在皮筏上假装演奏萨克斯的是尼克。

40、There are no atheists in foxholes and rubber rafts. ─── 在战场的散兵坑、救生橡皮艇上,没有无神论者。

41、We found the shipwrecked sailors on a raft. ─── 我们在一个木筏子上找到了失事船只的船员。

42、They made a raft and set it afloat. ─── 他们做了一个筏子,使它漂浮在水上。

43、An arctic wolf leaps from ice raft to ice raft in the wilds of northern Canada. ─── 加拿大北部的荒野中,一条北极狼正从一块浮冰跳向另一块浮冰。

44、In Oslo, we see testaments to maritime prowess in Viking Ships and the celebrated Kon Tiki raft. ─── 在奥斯陆,我们从维京海盗船和著名的康奇基号越洋船上见识到它的航海技术。

45、We rowed a raft across the river. ─── 我们划着筏子过了河。

46、Here in the construction of chariots gunnysack, wire, and other protective materials raft, becoming part of the dust. ─── 在建筑立柱上绑上麻袋、铁丝网、竹排等防护材料,挡掉一部分灰尘。

47、They floated down the river on a raft. ─── 他们乘着木筏向河的下游漂去。

48、Don't underestimate the danger of such a raft trip on this river. ─── 不要低估在这条河流上进行漂流将面临的危险。

49、Jim panicked and ran to the raft. ─── 恐惧万分,向木筏跑了过去。

50、Several logs had been lashed together to make a raft. ─── 几根原木捆扎在一起做成了木筏。

51、Peregrine: Yes, I heard that one was picked up clinging to a raft about two hundred kilometers from land. ─── 佩里格林:没错,我听说有一个人抱著木筏在离岸约二百公里处漂浮,被人救起。

52、PADDLE SPORTS-fixes plastic paddles, seals rafts. ─── 划艇運動-維修塑膠槳;封合汽筏。

53、The survivor is adrifting on a raft for six days. ─── 幸存者在筏子上漂浮了六天。

54、Have you ever seen a bathtub race or a dinosaur raft? ─── 您曾看过浴缸竞赛或恐龙木筏吗?

55、Then, at the other end of the island, just as we were lowering our rafts back into the water, Cho said calmly: 'Look, Ed, behind you. ' ─── 接着在岛屿的另一端,也就是我们停靠橡皮筏的地方,曹平静地说:“爱德,看,你后面。”

56、They entered the confluence at the same time, creating congestion and several collisions between our rafts. ─── 与我们同时,他们也来到汇流处,造成河道拥堵,两边的木筏还发生了好几次碰撞。

57、RhoA was also located in the lipid rafts of brain and cerebellar granule cells as well as cortical neurons. ─── RhoA 也可分布于成年大鼠大脑、小脑颗粒细胞以及皮质神经元的Lipid Rafts 上。

58、Antidepressants help to move the Gs alpha out of these rafts and facilitate the action of certain neurotransmitters. ─── 而抗抑郁药物有助于驱走这些脂质筏中的Gsa,从而特定递质的活动更加容易。

59、You will have to wear special clothingand life jacket in case the raft gets turnedupside down. ─── 你得穿特制的服装和救生衣以防橡皮筏倾覆。

60、The agile mom climbs tall trees and stands perilously astride a small earthen raft on the river. ─── 动作敏捷的母亲可以瞬间爬上大树、也可以脚踏青草、随波漂流。

61、Alexander's engineers built floating rafts for the heavy catapults. ─── 亚历山大的工兵修建了浮动的筏子来运载沉重的弩炮。

62、Canoe pilots maneuvered boats through rafts of logs in the Lagos Lagoon. ─── 尼日利亚,格拉斯:独木舟的掌舵们正在穿过一片木筏.

63、They sailed the Pacific on a raft. ─── 他们乘木筏渡过太平洋。

64、Dozens of bamboo rafts list on the river, waiting for visitors to arrive as summer approaches. ─── 在夏季来临之季,河上有几十只竹排等候旅客的到来。

65、He clung tightly to the raft to keep himself afloat. ─── 他紧紧地贴在木筏上,好让自己浮在水面。

66、One question is how such a raft of rafts would stand up to severe weather. ─── 其中一个问题是这些组合而成的浮动平台是否能够经受极端恶劣气候条件的考验。

67、He tried to catch one of the rafts with a boat-hook, but missed. ─── 他试图用船钩钩住一根木筏,但没钩住。

68、Guzman is found dead near the outhouse of one of the rafts. ─── 古兹曼被发现死在其中一只木筏的厕所门外。

69、The small bamboo raft floats on the river. ─── 合:小小竹排江中游。

70、And I suggest to model your own cannons and rafts, just use what parts you have. ─── 并且我建议塑造您自己的大炮和木筏,正义用途什麽零件您有。

71、In this massive raft, we had nothing to worry about. ─── 在这么大的筏子里,我没什么好担心的。

72、Event one: Grip the bamboo raft. ─── 事件一:扎竹筏。

73、To get experience at working in voids, you can simulate collapsed houses by building "rafts" of old lumber. ─── 为了体验如何在缝隙中工作,你可以用旧的木料搭一些木筏来模拟坍塌的房子。

74、The production of mutton is very particular about the rafts. ─── 制作羊肉筏子是极讲究的。

75、A raft of ready-made excuses. ─── 一大堆预备好了的借口

76、Thrill to the rush of water as you raft over the surging River Sutlej. ─── 如你兴奋的水赶排了汹涌的河石上。

77、If you're never been on a raft, this is your chance. ─── 如果你从未玩过皮划艇,这是一次机会。

78、Christian, in fact, had been plotting for days to escape the Bounty on a raft. ─── 克里斯汀实际上已经密谋了好几天,想利用小筏逃离邦迪舰。

79、She was tossed about on a life raft. ─── 她在救生筏上颠簸着。

80、They lashed logs together to make a raft. ─── 他们把圆木捆扎在一起造十个筏子。

81、Sailing across the Atlantic on a raft was an adventure. ─── 乘木筏横渡大西洋是一种壮举。

82、His raft? turned over in rough whitewater?. ─── 他的筏子被激流弄翻了。

83、Go to the grotto and inflate the rubber raft. ─── 在工具栏将橡皮筏、气泵和浆组合。

84、A raft of stronger-than-expected economic data and shifting rate expectations are spurring the move toward cash. ─── 大量的超出预期的经济数据和利率变化预期正刺激人们投资现金理财项目。

85、We pulled the oars in unison and the raft slid downstream. ─── 我们一起划桨,筏顺流而下。

86、Most rafts have a minimum crew size which can be added to on day trips or in easy rapids. ─── 在一天的活动或者简单的急流中,大部分的船只都有一个增加人的限量。

87、Raft, FRP, Paint Test, Oblique Towing Test, General Arrangement. ─── 关键字:管筏,玻璃纤维强化塑胶,油墨试验,斜航试验,一般布置图。

88、They lashed timbers together to make a raft. ─── 他们把木材绑在一起作木筏。

89、Our guide told him that such confinement would not be necessary but that he should keep a safe distance from our rafts. ─── 我们的向导告诉他,这种限制就不必了,只要他能同我们的木筏保持一段安全距离就行。


He was nearly drowned nine different times. (有好几次他差点溺水丢了性命)

He learned all about its history and the unusual people who rode up and down it.(他了解了关于这河的一切,包括与这河有关的所有不同寻常的人物的事情)

his mother had the rare ability to say humorous things with perfect innocence.(他妈妈却能很轻松地在日常生活中表现出她的幽默。)


He was nearly drowned nine different times.


He learned all about its history and the unusual people who rode up and down it.)


his mother had the rare ability to say humorous things with perfect innocence


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