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08-01 投稿


wrist 发音

英:[[rɪst]]  美:[[rɪst]]

英:  美:

wrist 中文意思翻译



wrist 网络释义

n. 手腕;腕关节vt. 用腕力移动

wrist 词性/词形变化,wrist变形


wrist 短语词组

1、a slap on the wrist ─── 轻微的处罚

2、slap sb's wrist ─── 轻罚某人, 斥责某人

3、wrist drop ─── [医] 腕下垂

4、grasp sb by the wrist ─── 抓住(某人)的手腕

5、wrist band ─── [医]袖口

6、central wrist bone ─── [医] 腕中央骨

7、twist of the wrist ─── 巧妙的手腕

8、of wrist bone ─── [医] 三角骨

9、slap sb.on the wrist ─── 轻描淡写地责备某人

10、radial eminence of the wrist ─── [医] 腕桡侧隆起

11、tennis wrist ─── [医] 网球员腕病(腕部腱鞘炎)

12、wrist clonus reflex ─── [医] 腕阵挛反射

13、wrist bone ─── 腕骨

14、lateral ligaments of wrist ─── [医] 腕桡侧副韧带

15、a twist of the wrist ─── 熟练的技巧

16、triangular disc of wrist ─── [医] 桡尺远侧关节 ─── [关节]盘

17、wrist clonus ─── [医] 腕阵挛

18、ulnar eminence of the wrist ─── [医] 腕尺侧隆起

19、medial ligaments of wrist ─── [医] 腕尺侧副韧带

wrist 习惯用语

1、slap sb.'s wrist ─── [美俚]轻罚某人; 斥责某人

2、stiff and locked wrist ─── 腕部紧张 ─── 挺住手腕

3、straight wrist ─── 直腕

4、kick in the wrist ─── [美俚]喝酒

wrist 相似词语短语

1、whist ─── n.惠斯特牌;int.肃静;adj.无声的,安静的;v.使……安静

2、wist ─── v.知道;即,就是(wit的过去式及过去分词);n.(Wist)(美、德、罗、加、瑞、俄)维斯特(人名)

3、waist ─── n.腰,腰部

4、wriest ─── 赖斯特

5、writ ─── n.[法]令状;文书;法院命令

6、wrest ─── vt.用力拧;抢夺;歪曲;n.扭,拧

7、wristy ─── 用手腕的;用腕部动作的

8、wrists ─── n.手腕(wrist的复数)

9、grist ─── n.谷物(尤指磨成粉用或已磨成粉的谷物);酿造用的碎麦芽;n.(Grist)人名;(德)格里斯特

wrist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Use the bones at the wrist as a landmark. Measure fairly generously. ─── 在腕部骨头处宽松地量一周。

2、He has one tattoo on his wrist of his initials "C.F" in script. ─── 他的手腕上有一个名字的缩写"C.F"字样的纹身.

3、His injured wrist began to swell (up). ─── 他受伤的手腕开始肿起来。

4、Sell your wrist watch and buy an alarm clock. ─── 卖掉你的手表,买一台闹钟。

5、She wore that bracelet and dabbed the perfume on her wrist. ─── 她戴着那只手镯,并在手腕上涂上了那香水。

6、He was still holding me by the wrist, and at that he gave it quite a wring. ─── 他一直握着我的手腕,现在听我这么一说,不自觉地拧了一下。

7、Inspector shall wear finger cots and wrist strap when handling the devices. ─── 在检查产品时,检查员应该戴手指套和防静电带。

8、The injured wrist began to swell(up). ─── 受伤的腕子开始肿了起来。

9、He received a bullet in the wrist. ─── 他手腕上中了一弹。

10、You are a very good jumper./He's got a lot of stamina./her wrist is strong. ─── 你跳的不错/他有很好的耐力/她的腕力很强。

11、He threw the ball back with a quick flick of the wrist. ─── 他手腕一抖把球传了回来。

12、Wrist flexor and pronator teres stretch. ─── 伸展腕部收缩肌和内旋肌。

13、She straps on a wrist watch. ─── 她戴着一只手表。

14、He cut his wrist so badly that jets of blood spurted out. ─── 他的手腕割伤得很厉害,血阵阵涌出。

15、His pet hawk had left his wrist and flown away. ─── 他那宝贝的鹰已经不在他的手腕上,飞走了。

16、His injured wrist began to swell. ─── 他那受伤的手腕开始肿了。

17、He turned his wrist to catch the last of the light on his gold watch. ─── 他抬起手腕,在落日的最后余晖中看了看自己的金表。

18、She puts another one around his wrist and one on his forehead. ─── 她把另一个缠在他的手腕上,再一个放在他的前额上。

19、The doctor had to press all three fingers on his wrist to feel the pulse beat, and this was a sign the volume of blood was decreasing. ─── 一是必须把三个手指头按在手腕子上才摸得到脉跳,这是血亏的征兆。

20、He wears a watch on his wrist. ─── 他手腕上戴着一只手表。

21、A silver bracelet with some intricate scrollwork .clung to his right wrist. ─── 右腕有一只花纹细致的银手镯。

22、In the car, Teri notices a scratch on York's wrist. ─── 在阿伦的车内,泰瑞注意到了他手腕上的抓痕。

23、His fractured wrist is healing rapidly. ─── 他的手腕骨折正在迅速痊愈。

24、What's the matter with your wrist? ─── 你的手腕怎么了?

25、I felt her nails sink into my wrist. ─── 我感觉她的指甲抠进了我的手腕里。

26、You want another kick in the wrist? ─── 再来一杯酒,好吗?

27、He tapped his wrist watch, then held up five fingers. ─── 他轻轻地嗑了嗑他的手表,然后伸出五个手指来。

28、He fell downstairs and broke his wrist. ─── 他从楼梯跌下,摔伤了手腕。

29、Forearm and wrist movement is usually the biggest cause of inconsistency. ─── 前臂和手腕运动通常是最大的不一致性的原因。

30、You can twist your wrist to control the curve of the ball. ─── 你可以抖动手腕来掌握球的飞行曲线。

31、He turned the pancake over with a strong flick of his wrist. ─── 他一抖腕子就把饼翻过来了。

32、It had a broken left wrist, healing at the time of death, and may have drowned in the volcanic lake at Messel. ─── 左侧腕部骨折,到死亡之前还未愈合,可能是在位于梅塞尔的火山湖里淹死的。

33、She wore a bangle of charms on her wrist and in her ears little gold rings. ─── 她手腕上戴着小饰物做的手镯,耳朵上垂着小小的金耳环。

34、The part of the arm between the wrist and the elbow. ─── 前臂处于手腕与胳膊肘之间的手臂部分

35、Any wobbling of the racquet is usually made with the wrist and forearm. ─── 任何的网拍的摇动通常与手腕和前臂有关。

36、Meanwhile, he shrugs his shoulder and turns round his wrist. ─── 击打的同时肩部环绕耸动,腕部灵活翻绕

37、She caught at his wrist and pushed him away, laughing again. ─── 她一把抓住他的手腕,把他推开,又是一阵笑。

38、He sprained his wrist when he fell. ─── 他跌倒时扭伤了手腕。

39、You still owe me a wrist watch. ─── 你还欠我一块腕表呢。

40、She clasped a bracelet round her wrist. ─── 她将手镯戴在手腕上。

41、He then took me by the wrist with a sharp pressure. ─── 他紧紧地握了一把我的手腕。

42、Gabriel's fingers alighted on the young woman's wrist. ─── 加布里埃尔的手指无意中碰到了那年轻女子的手腕。

43、He hit the ball with just a flick of the wrist. ─── 他只用手腕轻轻一抖,打出了那个球。

44、She held his wrist and wrapped the soft hand - kerchief round it . ─── 她擎起他的手腕用柔软的手帕把它缠起来。

45、Is the inspector wearing ESD wrist strap in handling ESD sensitive materials? ─── 作业员在处理静电敏感元件时是否带静电手带?

46、He wore a copper bracelet on his wrist. ─── 他腕上戴着只铜手镯。

47、Feel her wrist for a pulse. She had no pulse. ─── 在她的胳膊上把脉,她的脉搏不动。

48、She grabbed his arm and felt her tears splash down on his wrist. ─── 她一把抓住了他的臂膀,不觉眼泪洒在他的手腕上。

49、The slip-knot about his wrist would not yield, for the bear was all the time pulling in the slack with his paws. ─── 的支路,关于他的手腕结不会屈服的熊,是所有的时间在与他的爪子拉疲弱。

50、Nathan was treated for minor bums and a gash on his wrist. ─── 内森有轻度烧伤,手腕上有一个伤口。

51、The doctor put a steel pin in his wrist. ─── 医生在他的腕关节植入一根钢钉。

52、Why traditional Chinese medicine chooses the wrist to diagnose? ─── 中医诊脉为何选择手腕处?

53、So concentrate on a steady forearm and wrist as you swing from the shoulder. ─── 因此一当你从肩膀挥拍的时候,要专注于使前臂和手腕稳定。

54、Joey lets his wrist go limp. ─── 乔伊让手腕弯曲。

55、Lifting it down, looping it over her wrist, she went away with confidence. ─── 她把它取了下来,绕在手腕上,这才放心走了。

56、An arm or wrist guard worn by archers and fencers. ─── 保护套弓箭手和击剑手戴的臂腕保护物

57、How fair a gem gleams on a lovely wrist! ─── 一颗亮晶晶的宝石戴在一只美丽的手腕上,多好看呀!

58、World Wrist Watch Asia Pacific Limited. ─── 世界腕表亚太有限公司版权所有。

59、She has a huge bracelet on her wrist. ─── 她的手腕上戴了一只大手镯。

60、He got his wrist broken, ie broke it accidentally. ─── 他扭伤了手腕.

61、The injured wrist began to swell. ─── 受伤的手腕开始肿起来。

62、The surgeon had to refracture her wrist. ─── 医生不得不重新折断她的手腕。

63、She grab her husband by the wrist and drag him away. ─── 她一把抓住她丈夫的手腕将他拖走了。

64、Yes. And he found me with you. And he cut his wrist and fed you from him. And you were a vampire then. And have been every night hereafter. ─── 是的。列斯达发现了我做的事。随后他在自己的手腕上割了一道口子,让你喝他的血。你变成了吸血鬼,从那以后天天晚上如此。

65、You know your foot's as big as your arm from your elbow to your wrist? ─── 你知道脚的尺寸是肘到腕的长度吗?

66、Kay grasped him by the wrist. ─── 凯紧紧抓住他的手腕。

67、Kay grasped him by the wrist. ─── 凯紧紧抓住他的手腕。

68、His odds are very poor after he sprained his wrist. ─── 他扭伤了手腕,获胜的可能性极小。

69、His fingers clawed at Blake's wrist. ─── 他的手指使劲抓住布莱克的手腕。

70、She cut his wrist so badly that blood jetted out. ─── 她把他的手腕砍伤得很厉害,鲜血喷射出来。

71、A bone in the wrist at the base of the thumb. ─── 大多角骨腕部接近拇指根底部的骨头

72、She wears a hand chain made of cryolite around her wrist. ─── 她手腕上戴着一串水晶石的手链。

73、He ended up spraining his wrist. ─── 他的手腕扭伤了。

74、It's going to be hard parting with a phone like this, who wouldn't want their entire digital world on their wrist! ─── 像这样一款手机让人爱不释手,谁不想集万千数码世界于一腕!

75、Wrap her wrist with a rich wave of 14K rose (pink) gold. ─── 14K玫瑰金波浪造型手镯环绕在她的手腕上。

76、Then Slim went quietly over to her, and he felt her wrist. ─── 后来斯利姆默默地走向前去,把她的脉。

77、I only gave my wrist a bit of a bang. ─── “就手脖子碰了一下。

78、He scratched the stump of his wrist nervously. ─── 他紧张地搔着腕部残肢。

79、He took Mary gently by the wrist, and drew her aside. ─── 他轻轻地扶着玛丽的腰把她叫到一边。

80、He displayed the puckered stump of his right wrist. ─── 他伸出右手腕处,有着折痕的断臂。

81、She wore a bracelet on her wrist. ─── 她手腕上带着手镯。

82、He pressed heavily on his companion's wrist. ─── 他用力握着伙伴的手腕。

83、She put another one around his wrist. ─── 她把另一个绕在他的手腕上。

84、He had a bad fall and broke his wrist. ─── 他跌得很重,摔断了手腕。

85、You is very good jumper./ he's get a lot of stamina./ her wrist is strong. ─── 你跳的不错;他有很好的耐力;她的腕力很强。

86、She clasped the bracelet around her wrist. ─── 她把手镯戴上手腕扣牢。

87、And it was Lang who clasped Wolff's hand and wrist, as if he had never been so happy to see someone. ─── 朗上前握紧沃尔夫的手和手腕,他似乎从没如此兴奋地与人会面。

88、He was unable to name a wrist watch. ─── 他不能说出手表的名称。

89、He made me take off the rattles and tie them around his wrist, too. ─── 他叫我取下尾巴上的响鳞,他缠到了他的手腕子上。


wrist 英[rɪst]美[rɪst]n. 腕关节; 腕,手腕; (衣袖等的) 腕部;[例句]He received a bullet in the wrist.他手腕上中了一弹。[其他] 复数:wrists


wrist 英[rɪst] 美[rɪst] n. 腕,手腕;腕关节;(衣袖等的)腕部 名词复数:wrists [例句]The watch on armstrong 's left wrist reads half past one.照片中在阿姆斯壮左腕上的手表指示一点半。

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