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08-01 投稿


sorcery 发音

英:[ˈsɔːrsəri]  美:[ˈsɔːsəri]

英:  美:

sorcery 中文意思翻译



sorcery 词性/词形变化,sorcery变形


sorcery 短语词组

1、lands of sorcery ─── 魔法之地

2、Maleficium (sorcery) ─── 巫术)

3、little steven summer of sorcery ─── 小史蒂文魔法之夏

4、sword and sorcery ─── 剑与魔法

5、sorcery conduit ─── 巫术管道

6、spire of sorcery ─── 魔法尖塔

7、sorcery casino ─── 巫术赌场

8、sorcery jokers ─── 巫术小丑

sorcery 相似词语短语

1、sorry ─── adj.遗憾的;对不起的,抱歉的;int.对不起,抱歉(表示委婉的拒绝等)

2、forcer ─── n.强迫的人;冲头;活塞;蜗杆压榨机

3、mercery ─── n.绸布业;布店;布类;n.(Mercery)人名;(法)梅塞里

4、sorcerer ─── n.魔术师;男巫士

5、sorners ─── 强求膳宿的人

6、sorely ─── adv.疼痛地;非常;剧烈地

7、sorer ─── 疼痛的;痛心的;恼火的;严重的(sore的比较级)

8、sorner ─── 强求膳宿的人

9、forcers ─── n.强迫的人;冲头;活塞;蜗杆压榨机

sorcery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, ─── 你们中间不可有人使儿女经火,也不可有占卜的,观兆的,用法术的,行邪术的

2、The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the Lord your God has not permitted you to do so. ─── “因你所要赶出的那些国民,都听信观兆的和占卜的,至于你,耶和华你的神从来不许你这样行。

3、This article discussed the jade culture and sorcery history culture of the Chinese north-east region. ─── 摘要本文论述了中国东北地区的玉石文化与巫史文化。

4、a midnight meeting of witches to practice witchcraft and sorcery; in the Middle Ages it was supposed to be a demonic orgy. ─── 半夜女巫施行魔法和魔术;中世纪时被认为是恶魔的狂欢。

5、idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, ─── 拜偶像,邪术,仇恨,争竞,忌恨,恼怒,结党,纷争,异端,

6、It has the god dance, sorcery dance, Bawangbian, singing songs on the God Ben. ─── 有跳神舞、巫舞、霸王鞭、唱大本曲等。

7、Usage this sorcery's canning let the mankind's MP descend continuously can't make them use technique and sorcery. ─── 使用此魔法可以让人类的MP持续下降使得他们无法使用技术和魔法。

8、And say, "This is nothing but evident sorcery! ─── 他们说:“这个只是明显的魔术。

9、The religious dance originated from the Wu ( Sorcery) Dance of the primitive society. ─── 宗教舞蹈直接渊源于原始社会的巫舞。

10、A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. ─── 平素行邪术的,也有许多人把书拿来,堆积在众人面前焚烧。他们算计书价,便知道共合五万块钱。

11、A founding member of New Labour, Lord Mandelson's real talents lie in the dark sorcery of public relations and internal party discipline. ─── 作为一位新工党的铸造者,曼德尔森爵士在公共关系和国内政党规则的秘密操作中具有名副其实的才智。

12、On that day, Zhuge Liang ascended the altar and endlessly recited spells. The others believed he was really practicing sorcery. ─── 到了借东风的那天,诸葛亮登上高台,嘴里不停的念着咒语,别人都以为他真的在做法术。

13、The Jade Culture and the Sorcery History Culture of the North- East Region ─── 东北地区的玉石文化与巫史文化

14、Siyama led by, Kru Jom, uses religious sorcery to protect his small village located amidst a ravine populated by only a mere one thousand villagers and two hundred rooftops. ─── 但是随着更多拓荒者的来到,土地有了自己的价值,放牧者渐渐成为不受欢迎的对象。但查理和他的伙伴们,却还对这些莫名而来的敌意毫无准备。

15、They sacrificed their sons and daughters in the fire. They practiced divination and sorcery and sold themselves to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, provoking him to anger. ─── 又使他们的儿女经火,用占卜,行法术卖了自己,行耶和华眼中看为恶的事,惹动他的怒气。

16、The sorcery mountain goes cloud, flowing water of Yangtze River more difficult with compare to the master's literary talent! ─── 巫山行云、长江流水更难以比拟大师的文才!

17、More special is this kind of sorcery can carry out on mankind and blood clan's body. ─── 更为特殊的是这种魔法在人类和血族身上都能实现。

18、Because only a small royal army chief Wang initiation of its brave and handsome love do not disable the temptation of sorcery Wang would like to replace his wife Wang Pei Rong. ─── 小唯因王家军首领王生勇猛英俊对其萌生爱意,并不停用妖术诱惑王生,想取代王生妻子佩容的地位。

19、The last emperor of Chen in the Southern Dynasties had a favorite royal concubine named Zhang Lihua, who knew much about sorcery ─── 南朝陈后主的宠妃张丽华,也工于巫舞

20、But this incident only made him fear Zhuge Liang more. Zhuge Liang was on Liu Bei's side and his sorcery made him a danger to Wu. ─── 但他又很害怕,诸葛亮是刘备的人,他会法术,以后肯定会对吴国不利。

21、Jade articles in ancient China started from being divine utility used in sorcery, and gradually became the symbol of regality, which resultedin rigorous hierarchical system governing the use of jade. ─── 中国古代的玉器从通神的巫用神具发展为王权的标志,形成了严格的用玉等级制度。

22、Zen:(with loud and clear voice) Listen. You must hit their eyes with the evil-expeling sorcery attached arrows to stop them! ─── 战:(朗声)大家听好了,一定要把附有驱魔法术的箭射中他们眼睛,才能阻止他们!

23、The rites, which are merged with the cultures of the Confucianists, Buddhism, Taoism and sorcery, reflect Zhuang people's hazy religious idea and realistic utilitarian attitudes toward life. ─── 儒、佛、道、巫等多种文化融合于仪式之中,体现了壮族人模糊的宗教观念以及现实功利的人生态度。

24、The Sorcery Culture's Influence on the Ancient Medicine ─── 巫文化对古代医学的影响

25、Shin: (shakes head) No! Without your help, I might have no time to apply the sorcery. (stops for awhile ) Thank you! ─── 心:(摇头)不!如果没有你帮忙,我也许连施术都来不及,(顿了一顿)谢谢你!

26、What? What manner of sorcery is this? ─── 怎么回事?这是什么魔法啊?

27、Shin slowly stands up with Ling then stretches his hand backward like tending to take the sword. Suddenly, he chants some sorcery word. ─── 博:(用剑指著童心)站起来!把背上的幽冥剑交给我,然后我要用你,去跟他们换灵镜!

28、The two books were concerned with sorcery and had analogical culture background. ─── 《易传》与《内经》之“神”在用法及意义上有很大的相似性,皆有表示大自然运动变化复杂奥妙莫测之意,皆有表示人的精神思维活动之意。

29、NIV] The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the Lord your God has not permitted you to do so. ─── 14[和合]“因你所要赶出的那些国民,都听信观兆的和占卜的,至于你,耶和华你的神从来不许你这样行。

30、Exorcist people as you, with your proud slingshot and sorcery to eliminate in the courtyard of the ghosts. ─── 作为驱魔人的你,用你引以为傲的弹弓和巫术去消灭在那院落中的鬼怪。

31、The poison of gloom, invoke can make person of the concentrated dint decline of the sorcery of blue poisonous gas. ─── 幽暗之毒,召唤可使人的集中力衰退的蓝色毒气的魔法。

32、The last emperor of Chen in the Southern Dynasties had a favorite royal concubine named Zhang Lihua, who knew much about sorcery, ─── 南朝陈后主的宠妃张丽华,也工于巫舞,

33、No matter to its system or to peoples ideology, sorcery has caused great influence on Chinese traditional legal culture. ─── 巫术对中国传统法律文化无论是在制度层面上还是在观念层面上,都具有巨大的影响。

34、After becoming wolf move speed will raise 150%, so long-distance leave move the blood-sucking vampire usually uses this sorcery. ─── 变成狼之后移动速度会提高150%,因此远距离移动时吸血鬼经常使用这个魔法。

35、What sorcery under the sun did they have inside their indigo robes? ─── 他们褪色的青衫里,究竟藏着什么法术呢?

36、- Regardless, Dath'Remar and the rest of the Highborne continued practicing their sorcery. ─── + 而达斯雷玛和残余的上层精灵不顾这些仍旧在继续着他们的魔法试验。

37、sorcery; witchcraft; black art ─── 妖术

38、That is, the families of the Eldarin kings displayed greater power or sorcery than other Elven families. ─── 因此,精灵主要的力量看起来是植入了芬威和爱尔威一脉中。

39、So I declare a festival to celebrate 20 years since the great dragon was captured and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery. ─── 于是我宣布今天为20周年庆典,以庆祝神龙被囚以及我们摆脱邪恶的魔法。

40、This sorcery can make enemy's1 time be very greatly hurt and its attack speed is also very quick. ─── 此魔法可以使敌人一次性受到很大伤害而且其攻击速度也很快。

41、When Mischievous Quanar is turned face up, copy target instant or sorcery spell. You may choose new targets for that spell. ─── 复制目标瞬间或法术咒语。你可以为该咒语选择新目标。

42、Restrain Sorcery with Reasonable Medical Practice--My Personal Remarks on Magistrates' Efforts of Controlling Witchcraft in Song Dynasty ─── 以医制巫--宋代地方官治巫刍议

43、Zen:(thinks awhile) It looks like unlocking the sorcery seal...There are actually eight seals on Elder borther! ─── 战:(沉吟一会)这好像是在解封印...大哥身上,居然有八个封印!

44、Demolish, absorb a blood clan can use the improbity black sorcery to curse the person of the destiny lead toward misery. ─── 毁灭,吸血族可使用邪恶黑魔法的诅咒把人的命运引向不幸。

45、So here in Innsbruck is the original cause of how sorcery came to be a form of misuse of spiritual knowledge to create competition and ultimately destruction of human life. ─── 因此在这里的因斯布鲁克,是魔法师如何变得滥用灵性知识来制造竞争,最终制造了人类生命之毁坏的原始致因。

46、Search target opponent's library for an instant or sorcery card. You may play this card without paying its mana cost. Then that player shuffles his or her library. ─── 从目标对手的牌库中寻找一张法术或瞬间牌,你可以使用该牌而不需支付其释放费用,该牌手洗其牌库。

47、Einar had a rival aboard the rebel ship, a Finn so skilled that his arrows seemed guided by sorcery. ─── 埃里克船上有一个芬兰人,正是埃纳尔对手,箭术高明,如有神助。

48、"because you are the world's eastern princess of our sorcery. ─── "因为你是我们魔法世界的东方公主。

49、Usually, for sorcery teacher, doctor, music teacher, and the technical personnel of every trade, is despise by nobility, but don't wish to place on equal footing with them. ─── 平常,对于巫师、医生、音乐教师,以及各行各业的技术人员,为贵族所轻视,而不愿同他们相提并论。

50、Change to be wolf, the blood clan makes use of to have naturally of sorcery ability, can transform appearance of becoming other animals with ease. ─── 变身为狼,血族利用天生具有的魔法能力,可以轻易地变形成为其他动物的样子。

51、Spiritual, magical, and" occult" aspects of human behavior in anthropological and historical perspective: magic, ritual curing, trance, spirit possession, sorcery, and accusations of witchcraft. ─── 以人类学和历史学的方法研究人类行为的精神、幻和玄妙的层面:魔法、医、眠法、灵魂、术和魔咒。

52、The blood clan of low class uses poisonous or sour sorcery, and takes absorbing blood as for long time rare of the blood clans even the strong black sorcery can also use. ─── 低级的血族使用毒或酸魔法,而长久以来以吸血为生的血族们连强大的黑魔法也可以使用。

53、Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great, ─── 有一个人,名叫西门,向来在那城里行邪术,妄自尊大,使撒玛利亚的百姓惊奇;

54、They start studying sorcery to make up this blemish, end make the small blood clan also have a strong near war attack an ability. ─── 他们开始研究魔法来弥补这个缺陷,最终使得小血族也具有了强大的近战攻击能力。

55、at a certain development level of sorcery dance, its original function of ritual and ceremony became polarized. ─── 巫舞发展到一定阶段,其原有的祭祀礼仪功能逐步向两端分化,

56、The usage this sorcery blood clan can turn the result of the sorcery that oneself use biggest. ─── 使用此魔法血族可将自己使用的魔法的效果极大化。

57、There is no sorcery against Jacob, no divination against Israel. It will now be said of Jacob and of Israel, 'See what God has done! ─── 断没有法术可以害雅各,也没有占卜可以害以色列。现在必有人论及雅各,就是论及以色列说,神为他行了何等的大事。

58、A modern scholar gets caught up in time travel, body- swapping, swashbuckling, and sorcery in London, circa 1810. ─── 一位现代学者实现了时间旅行,变更了身份、神气活现并且享受着1810年伦敦的魅力。

59、The festival of "Shibao Mountain Singing Fair"(July 25 to august 1) features antiphonal singing, sanxian (a three-stringed instrument), Bawangbian, Buddhist dance, sorcery dance, and Taoist dance. ─── "石宝山歌会"(七月二十五日至八月一日):对歌、弹三弦、霸王鞭、佛教舞或巫舞、洞经乐。

60、But the defense dint compare original shape appearance want to be a little bit lower, so use in the combat is change body sorcery not too and worthwhilely. ─── 但是防御力相比原形状态时要低一点,所以使用在战斗中是不太合算的变身魔法。

61、Alleged sorcery by fox demons occasionally caused collective panics. ─── 宣扬狐妖巫术偶尔会引发群体的恐慌。

62、As a clear violation,,,, of the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery,,,,,, you are hereby expelled,,,,,, from HogWarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, ─── 此行为违反了禁止未成年魔法师使用魔法的条例,因此,你已被驱逐出霍格沃茨魔法学院

63、Sorcery that Has Changed into New Mode ─── 换了形式的巫风

64、Their desire develops a sorcery that the stronger effect has more to kill to harm dint. ─── 他们欲发展出更强效更具杀伤力的魔法。

65、If an instant or sorcery source you control would deal damage to a creature or player, it deals that much damage plus 2 to that creature or player instead. ─── 如果一个由你操控的法术或者瞬间来源将对一个生物或牌手造成伤害,则改为造成原来的伤害加2。

66、"Float in the sky, killed him. " Do not understand as well who what "he" pointed is, sorcery evil spirit just so way. ─── “飞扬,杀了他吧。”也不知道“他”指的是谁,巫魅只是这么道。

67、After arrives there, Shin blows a whistle and the sorcery team immediately put forth their full strength to forces the devil beam back for several feet then withdraw the strength in chorus. ─── 心:(微笑)我没事(正色)倒是法术队兄弟快撑不住了,(一手拉起铁鍊,把它扛在肩上,另一手拉著金灵)我们要快走,这上面的封印我会想办法解的!

68、The places of High Wizardry are held in common among all the orders and no sorcery is to be used there in anger against fellow wizards. ─── 努林塔瑞的法则:研究高级魔法的场所为所有袍色的法师所共有,在那里任何魔法都不允许用来攻击同道中人。

69、This sorcery can invoke dark bad work properly to make the victim lose much defense dint and rush toward misery. ─── 此魔法可召唤黑暗的恶灵使被害者丧失很多防御力并奔向不幸。

70、Ancient Chinese philosophers were born out of sorcery. ─── 中国古代哲学家们起初多信奉巫术。

71、Some Primitive Reminiscences: Myth, Sorcery and the Opera Film ─── 对落后的一点回忆:神话邪术戏曲片

72、When Our Clear Signs are rehearsed to them, the Unbelievers say, of the Truth when it comes to them: "This is evident sorcery!" ─── 有人对他们诵读我的明显的迹象的时候,不信道的人们评论刚降临他们的真理说:“这是明显的魔术。”

73、But if thou wert to say to them, "Ye shall indeed be raised up after death", the Unbelievers would be sure to say, "This is nothing but obvious sorcery!" ─── 如果你说:“你们死后,是要复活的。”不信道的人们必定说:“这个只是明显的魔术。”

74、Knacks are unique per sorcery, so if you have more than one sorcery with the same knack, those knacks are considered as different knacks for purposes of determining their rank. ─── 技巧是每个法术所特有的,因此,如果你有一个以上的法术有相同的技巧,这些技巧将被视为不同的技巧来确定其等级。

75、Be although the long range sorcery is some opposite and weak lead long to make to close to of mankind still more than enough. ─── 作为远程魔法虽然相对有些弱但牵制靠近的人类还是绰绰有余。

76、In fact, in Malevolyn's mind, that charm bordered on outright sorcery. ─── 事实上,在马列维林的思想里,那魔力就象是单纯的法术。

77、no sorcery against Jacob, no divination against Israel. ─── 没有法术可以害雅各,也没有占卜可以害以色列。

78、Sorcery seal is a kind of lock and chains made by sorcery. It is usually used to secure the important thing or imprison the monsters.... ─── 战:封印就是一种法术做成的锁链,通常是用来封存重要的东西或是禁锢魔物...

79、Zen: Nevertheless, magic tag is just a little trick which makes the regular people impermanently possess low level sorcery power and will expire in one hour most. ─── 仲:我要天雪和豆豆姑娘把童博引到一个地方,(顿了一顿)龙神功疾逾奔马,但据我所知,使用神行符的人,应该可以跑的比他快

80、But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: ─── 徒[8:9]有一个人,名叫西门,向来在那城里行邪术,妄自尊大,使撒玛利亚的百姓惊奇;

81、Everyone else will be glad to know that my vibrato is not sorcery, but simple logic. ─── 其余的每个人会很高兴的知道我的振音不是魔法而是简单的逻辑。

82、Usage this sorcery can be invoked bad work properly to make the victim paralyzed to move can not. ─── 使用此魔法可以召唤来恶灵使得被害人被麻痹动弹不得。

83、You can choose to spend 3 Sorcery Points to purchase a unique sorcerous knack at Rank 1, like a Carl native. ─── 你可以选择花费3个法术点来购买一个独特的等级一法术技巧,如卡尔天赋。

84、On the Relationship between Sorcery Culture and Nuo Culture ─── 巫文化与傩文化关系新探

85、Now when Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless Israel, he did not resort to sorcery as at other times, but turned his face toward the desert. ─── 巴兰见耶和华喜欢赐福与以色列,就不像前两次去求法术,却面向旷野。

86、Lan:(utters a sigh) Sir Tung, I really trust you and your people.However, I remember the late master once mentioned that Tungs are only ones who can cast sorcery on the earth; ─── 岚:(叹了一声)童族长,您和您的族人,在下当然信得过,可在下曾听先庄主提及:童氏一族是天下唯一会法术的人;

87、The religion of sorcery declined with the appearance of Taoism and the introduction of Bud-dhism. ─── 巫教的发展由于道教的出现、佛教的引入而逐步衰微。

88、Once won this sorcery, carry on a treatment at last, poisonous gas be still would in the body surroundings, the physical strength still has been descending. ─── 一旦中了此魔法,就算是进行治疗,毒气还是会在身体周围,体力仍然会一直下降。

89、98 smoke cigarette to keep as memory clouds and mist behind, make you be able to get away from brokenhearted, the Cang sea water, sorcery mountain forgotten that ever cloud. ─── 98吸烟后对烟云的留念,使你可以摆脱失恋,忘记那曾经的沧海水、巫山云。


他说:“女士们” - 克里斯蒂娜德皮桑





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