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08-01 投稿


hunts 发音

英:[hʌnts]  美:[hʌnts]

英:  美:

hunts 中文意思翻译



hunts 短语词组

1、hunts meatloaf recipe ─── 狩猎肉饼食谱

2、egg hunts ─── 寻彩蛋(一种复活节游戏)

3、hunts funeral home obituaries ─── 猎杀丧葬者讣告

4、easter egg hunts ─── 寻找复活节彩蛋活动

5、hunts mesa ─── 寻宝游戏

6、treasure hunts ─── 寻宝游戏; ─── 寻找珍宝

7、witch hunts n. ─── 政治迫害

8、witch-hunts n. ─── 猎女巫( witch-hunt的复数形式 )

9、hunts auction ─── 亨茨拍卖

10、hunts photo&video ─── 搜索照片和视频

11、lost heart hunts ─── 迷失的心狩猎

12、great hunts ─── 伟大的狩猎

13、hunts tomato sauce can ─── 亨特番茄酱罐

14、hunts long range ─── 远距离狩猎

hunts 词性/词形变化,hunts变形

动词过去式: hunted | 动词过去分词: hunted | 动词第三人称单数: hunts | 动词现在分词: hunting |

hunts 相似词语短语

1、bunts ─── n.短打;推;顶撞;vt.短打;顶撞;n.(Bunt)人名;(英)邦特

2、Hunts ─── n.狩猎,追捕(hunt的复数形式);v.狩猎,搜索(hunt的三单形式)

3、dunts ─── n.沉闷的重击;v.给……沉闷的重击;n.(Dunt)(美、英)邓特(人名)

4、hents ─── vt.抓;捕获;n.企图;目的

5、shunts ─── n.分流术

6、cunts ─── n.女性阴部;性交;淫妇

7、aunts ─── n.阿姨;姑妈;伯母;舅妈

8、hints ─── n.暗示,提示(hint的复数形式);v.暗示,示意(hint的单三形式);n.(Hints)人名;(匈)欣茨

9、haunts ─── vt.常出没于…;萦绕于…;经常去…;vi.出没;作祟;n.栖息地;常去的地方

hunts 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He goes out on the weekends to hunt for game. ─── 他每周末都外出打猎。

2、Hunt ;[illustrations by Jean Seibert]. ─── 作者声明: by Marjorie B.

3、Their ancestors were bred to hunt and kill vermin. ─── 它们的祖先是被培养来捕猎害兽。

4、When he hunts duck, he hides behind a blind of twigs and leaves. ─── 他打野鸭时,总是藏身在用树枝和树叶做成的隐蔽处。

5、Used to urge on hounds in a hunt. ─── 嗬打猎时嗾狗发出的声音

6、A valid UM hunt group has been created. ─── 已创建有效的UM查寻组。

7、Eg: They used to hunt with bows and arrows. ─── 他们过去用弓箭来打猎.

8、He vowed to hunt down the murderer. ─── 他发誓要找到凶手。

9、Why do you want to hunt for a part-time job? ─── 为什么你需要找份兼职工作?

10、Online scavenger hunts are easy to create and the resulting interactive searches are both fun and informative for students. ─── 搜索容易在交互式活动中产生和获得结果,对学生来说既有趣又能增加见闻。

11、Is it lawful to hunt deer in this state? ─── 在这个州捕鹿是否合法?

12、The all-day Karma Kids Club keeps younger guests entertained with treasure hunts, dressing up and junior cookery classes. ─── 全天营业的KarmaKidsClub向孩子们提供着寻宝,装扮以及初级烹饪。

13、They used to hunt with bows and arrows. ─── 他们过去都是用弓箭打猎。

14、He paid a subscription to the Hunt but never rode to hounds, though his daughter always did. ─── 他向猎狐协会交了会费,但从未参加过猎狐,而他女儿却每每必去。

15、Murphy: With every breath, we shall hunt them down. ─── 墨菲:我们所呼吸的每一口气,都将用来追猎他们。

16、They were trying to hunt down an escaped prisoner. ─── 他们正设法搜寻一名逃犯。

17、Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. ─── 两面都讨好。

18、One who hunts or fishes illegally on the property of another. ─── 偷猎者;偷捕者在他人的地产上非法打猎或捕鱼的人

19、Most owls hunt at nightlive on small animals. ─── 大多数猫头鹰夜间猎食,并以小动物为食.

20、Have you seen frenzied hunt their prey of pigs? ─── 你见过疯狂追捕猎物的猪吗?

21、They might be on a guerilla hunt. ─── 他们可能在一个游击队狩猎上。

22、The hunt or wigwam of an American Indian. ─── 印第安人所居之茅屋;棚屋。

23、He hunt three grouses last Sunday. ─── 上星期天他猎到了三只松鸡。

24、If you dare to take off. I'll hunt you down. ─── 如果你敢逃跑的话,我会去追捕你的。

25、Davy liked to hunt for bears best of all. ─── 大卫最喜欢猎熊了。

26、A small group was organized to hunt out all the facts of that accident. ─── 成立了一个小组来查清这一事故的全部实况。

27、Most men hunt only for sport today. ─── 今天,多数人打猎只是作为运动。

28、If no one intervenes, the hunts can be lethal. ─── 倘若无人干涉,搜捕巫师通常可以置人死地。

29、They went to the island to hunt the buffed treasure. ─── 他们到岛上去寻找埋藏的宝物。

30、The hunt for the lost child continued until she was found. ─── 寻找失踪儿童的工作一直持续到将她找到为止。

31、Spirit Wolves - Spirit Hunt - Duration removed. ─── 幽灵狼-灵魂捕猎持续效果移除。

32、He found it after a long hunt. ─── 他找了很长时间才把它找到。

33、Scavenger hunts can be as simple or involved as circumstances dictate. ─── “拾荒式”搜索能作为例子或课程指引。

34、You need a license to hunt in Taiwan. ─── 在台湾打猎需要执照。

35、Japan is permitted to sell meat collected during these whale hunts. ─── 在集中捕杀鲸类的期间,日本允许出售鲸肉。

36、May I suggest she attend the hunt ball? ─── 可以邀请她参加出发舞会吗?

37、He runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds. ─── 两边讨好

38、On scavenger hunts I would always ask Mrs. Martin for empty coffee cans. ─── 寻物游戏中,我总会找马丁夫人要空咖啡罐。

39、A whole new cosmic dust hunt will be on! ─── 一个全新的宇宙尘埃搜索即将展开!

40、Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night. ─── 夜间活动的动物白天睡觉晚上猎食。

41、We had a scavenger hunt at the party. ─── 在聚会上,我们还玩了”寻宝”游戏。

42、The godly have been swept from the land; not one upright man remains. All men lie in wait to shed blood; each hunts his brother with a net. ─── 地上虔诚人灭尽,世间没有正直人。各人埋伏,要杀人流血。都用网罗猎取弟兄。

43、The owl hunts while you repose in bed. ─── 你躺在床上安然入睡时,猫头鹰却要去觅食。

44、An Easter egg hunt is a game for finding eggs. ─── 寻找复活节彩蛋活动是一种找彩蛋的游戏。

45、Kepler was designed to hunt for planets like Earth. ─── 开普勒设计用途是寻找像地球这样的行星。

46、They went into the mountains to hunt bucks. ─── 他们进山去猎羚羊。

47、A crocodile hunts for fish. ─── 一条鳄鱼在捕鱼。

48、November is a good time to hunt deer. ─── 十一月是打鹿的好季节。

49、For the first time he is going to hunt seals alone. ─── 他要独自一人去猎海豹,这可是他平生头一回。

50、The owl hunts while you reposein bed. ─── 你躺在床上安然入睡时,猫头鹰却要去觅食。

51、There are many reasons for the hunts' rapidly growing popularity. ─── 它之所以迅速地普及的原因有很多。

52、There are several different hunts in the area. ─── 地区有几支不同的猎狐队。

53、You must hunt up the answers in the library. ─── 你必须到图书馆里去寻找这些答案。

54、He must realize that he can't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. ─── 他必须意识到他不能两面讨好。

55、You can hunt for jobs in the newspaper. ─── 你可以在报纸上找工作。

56、It is my hobby to hunt rabbits in the woods. ─── 到森林中去猎兔是我的嗜好。

57、His friend took me into the jungle to hunt monkey. ─── 他的朋友带我进丛林猎猴。

58、Don't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. ─── 不要既陪野兔奔跑,又随猎狗追捕。

59、Hunt the Wumpus was an early computer game. ─── Hunt the Wumpus是一个很重要的早期电脑游戏。

60、Inuit skin the animals they hunt to use their fur. ─── 因纽特人将猎得的动物剥皮,获取它们的皮毛。

61、Men will go on long distant hunts that may last up to a week. ─── 男性则会在遥远的猎龙可能长达一周。

62、One who hunts game for food, ignoring the rules of sport. ─── 乱猎者无视狩猎规则为肉食任意捕杀鸟兽者

63、With eyes open wide, he hunts when I hide. ─── 当我躲起来时,他睁大眼睛找我。

64、B: Hello! How is the job hunt going? ─── 你好!工作找得怎样?

65、You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hound. ─── 不能两面讨好(意指:不要耍两面派)。

66、A nocturnal animal hunts its food at night. ─── 夜间活动的动物在夜间猎食。

67、Maybe a treasure hunt in a sandbox? ─── 也许在沙池里来一次寻宝活动。

68、He hunts among the trash cans set out ready for collection on the sidewalk and drags out a broken bathroom scale. ─── 他在人行道旁一字排开的垃圾桶间巡视着,然后拖出一个破烂的浴室磅秤。

69、In summer, the hunters are allowed to hunt over this land. ─── 夏季,猎户们被允许在这块土地上骑马追猎。

70、Can you tell me why wolves hunt in packs? ─── 你能告诉我为什么狼成群猎食吗?

71、When you're happy with your job, it's easy to forget about possible future job hunts. ─── 当你愉快地工作时,很容易忘记以后你可能会去找工作。

72、Animals were fobiden to hunt in a wildlife refuge. ─── 在野生动物庇护所里是不允许狩猎的。

73、You'll have to hunt up the word in the dictionary. ─── 你须在字典里查找这个字。

74、The police hunts for him but in Vain. ─── 他行踪神秘,令警方束手无策。

75、Life, it appeared, was a treasure hunt. ─── 人生如同觅宝。

76、She set out that day to hunt for work . ─── 她那天出去找工作去了。

77、Lena went out again that day to hunt for a job. ─── 丽娜这天又出去找工作。

78、His job in the hunt is to whip the dogs in when they scatter. ─── 他在这次围猎中的任务是,当猎狗跑散时把它们赶到一起。

79、But my heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill. ─── 但是我的心依然是在孤独山岭上狩猎的孤独猎手。

80、One of the Easter egg games is the Easter Egg Hunt. ─── 其中一个游戏就是寻彩蛋的游戏。

81、Would you like to go the movies, Mr. Hunt? ─── 亨特先生,您想看电影吗?

82、Mrs. Hunt, your house looks just beautiful. ─── 亨特夫人,你的房子看起来真是太漂亮了。

83、One should not run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. ─── 不应两面讨好。

84、At one time man had to hunt to survive. ─── 人类曾经不得不靠打猎为生。

85、Ground spider that hunts its prey instead of using a web. ─── 不用网猎取食物的地面蜘蛛。

86、No matter where you are, I'll hunt you down. ─── 不管你躲到天涯海角

87、At nightfall they came out to hunt for prey. ─── 到了夜里,牠们会出来猎食。

88、If you ever visit this part, be sure to hunt me up. ─── 如果有机会到这一带来,一定来找我。

89、They sleep by day and hunt by night. ─── 他们白天睡觉,夜晚捕猎。

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