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08-01 投稿


ax 发音

英:[ æks]  美:[æks]

英:  美:

ax 中文意思翻译




ax 网络释义

vt. 削减;用斧修整;解雇n. 斧头n. (Ax)人名;(德、芬)阿克斯

ax 词性/词形变化,ax变形

动词过去式: axed |动词过去分词: axed |动词第三人称单数: axes |异体字: axe |名词复数: axes |动词现在分词: axing |

ax 短语词组

get the ax

1. 被解雇; 被开除

Jack got the ax last week.


give sb. the ax

1. 解雇某人; 开除某人

The boss gave Jack the ax.


1、battle-ax n. ─── 战斧

2、meat-ax n. ─── 切肉斧, 大幅度地削减

3、pick-ax n. ─── 鹤嘴锄;镐 vi. 使用 ─── 鹤嘴锄 vt. 以 ─── 鹤嘴锄挖之

4、ax head ─── [网络] 斧头

5、Western ax ─── [网络] 西方斧头

6、curtle ax ─── [古语] = curtal ax

7、Dayton ax ─── [网络] 代顿斧头

8、hand-ax ─── 手斧

9、ice ax ─── 碎冰斧

10、common ax ─── [网络] 普通的斧头

11、ax. ─── [医] 轴

12、ax(e) ─── 斧头(E)

13、fireman's ax ─── [网络] 消防员的斧头

14、curtal ax n. ─── [古语] = cutlass ─── [亦作 curtle ax]

15、ax handle ─── [网络] 斧柄

16、Lochaber ax ─── [网络] Lochaber斧头

17、double-bitted ax ─── [网络] 双斧

18、ax- ─── [医] 轴

19、hand ax ─── 手斧, (史前的)石斧; 无柄石斧

ax 相似词语短语

1、axe ─── n.斧;vt.削减;用斧砍;n.(Axe)人名;(瑞典)阿克塞;(英)阿克斯

2、Bax ─── n.伯灵顿(美国最大的大件货物物流企业);巴克斯(英国作曲家)

3、ax. ─── v.削减,删除;用斧修整;解雇;询问;n.斧头;爵士乐器(尤指吉他或萨克斯管);n.(Ax)(德、芬)阿克斯(人名)

4、aux ─── abbr.辅助设备的逻辑设备名

5、lax ─── adj.不严格的,松懈的;粗心的;(肌肉)放松的;腹泻的;(语音)松(弛)的;n.松懈;n.(Lax)(美)拉克斯(人名)

6、Pax ─── n.接吻礼;圣像牌;和平女神;int.别吵了;abbr.专用自动交换机(privateautomaticexchange);n.(Pax)人名;(英、法、德)帕克斯

7、Sax ─── n.萨克斯管(等于saxophone);石板斧;n.(Sax)人名;(英、法、德、瑞典)萨克斯

8、fax ─── n.传真机;传真信件;传真;v.传真(信件或文档);用传真与(某人)联系;n.(Fax)(瑞、美、巴、德)法克斯(人名)

9、Max ─── n.马克斯(男子名,等于Maximilian)

ax 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He whittled a new handle for his ax. ─── 他为自己的斧头削了一个新斧柄。

2、The militant nature of the western and northwestern tribes is vividly expressed in an elegant and impressive ax blade. ─── 让人印象深刻的是,西部和西北部落尚武的特性被生动的表现在一面优雅的斧刃上。

3、Father of a day of Lao comes to my home, sat a little while to be taken ax and curium went in the courtyard.. ─── 一天姥爷来我家,坐了一会儿便拿了斧子和锯去了院子里...

4、At once he made a new handle of his ax. ─── 他非常高兴地得到了一块好木头。

5、A risaw m a am u rensw M ax im. ─── (块茎 )、天南星 A .H eterop hy llum B l. (块茎 )。

6、He grinds the ax on the grindstone. ─── 他在磨刀石上磨斧头。

7、Does the ax raise itself above him who swings it, or the saw boast against him who uses it? ─── 15斧,岂可向用斧砍木的自夸呢?锯,岂可向用锯的自大呢?

8、With this ax I strike my koto! Listen! The sound of life's end! ─── 以一把阔斧砸毁我的古琴!听哪!生命终了的声音!神的旨意呀!

9、Meanwhile, rival faction in organization conspires to remove Bong-man and his right-hand man, "Ax", decides to take matters into his own hands. ─── 其后姬青得知峰万患了绝症,且发觉他是真心痛爱儿子,于是让峰邱跟他一起生活,开开心心渡过馀生。

10、He claimed to be disinterested, but I knew he had an ax to grind. ─── 他宣称无私利,但我知道他另有企图

11、The sharp part of a tool, such as the cutting edge of a knife or ax. ─── 刀刃,斧刃工具的锋利部分,如刀片或斧头切割边

12、Words: apple, ant, ax, bird, boy. ─── 单词:苹果,蚂蚁,斧头,鸟,男孩

13、Therefore all Israel would go down to the Philistines so that each might sharpen his plowshare or his mattock or his ax or his hoe. ─── 20以色列人都必须下到非利士人那里去,修打各人的锄、犁、斧、铲。

14、"You are a fine fellow, " said the man. " Will you let me sharpen my ax on it? " ─── “真是个好小伙子”,那人说,“你能让我磨磨斧子吗?”

15、An exultant climber raises his ice ax near the mouth of an ice cave on Alaska's Matanuska Glacier. ─── 在阿拉斯加玛珠冰河的一个冰洞洞口,一位兴高采烈的攀登者正高举著他的冰斧。

16、"You are a fine fellow," said the man." Will you let me sharpen my ax on it? ─── “真是个好小伙子”,那人说,“你能让我磨磨斧子吗?”

17、Lunk glared at him, then threw the ax down into the stump and left it there. ─── 伦克瞪着他,然后把斧头丢在了木头堆里。

18、WashingtonChildhoodcut with an ax in the courtyard of the apple tree, after his father was very angry to see. ─── 华盛顿小时侯用斧头砍掉了庭院中的苹果树,他的父亲看到后很生气。

19、The results obtained help to understand the driftcharacters of strapdown ESG, and to select the suitable position of the rotor ax... ─── 分析结果有助于认识捷联式静电陀螺仪的漂移规律,并提示平台式静电陀螺仪正确选择极轴工作位置的重要性。

20、"Mother, give me the ax!" Said Jack. Jack took the ax and chopped down the beanstalk. ─── "母亲,给我斧头!"杰克说。杰克抓起斧头砍倒豆茎。

21、He claimed to be disinterested,but I knew he had an ax to grind. ─── 他宣称无私利,但我知道他另有企图。

22、AX: You've done a lot of compositions, have you ever sung vocally yourself in the past or on any of your songs? ─── 你做了许多曲,你自己曾演唱过吗?或在你做的歌曲中参与演唱?

23、The consensus seems to be that Cameron is going touchy-feely because in reality he's wielding an ax. ─── 大家似乎一致认为,卡梅伦之所以变得“多愁善感”起来,实际上是因为他正在舞动“削减之斧”。

24、The man listened, laid down his ax for a while, and thought about what it could mean. ─── 丈夫听后放下了斧子,细细体会着这话的含义.

25、He chopped the wood with an ax. ─── 他用斧头劈木材。

26、He takes an ax and cuts the beanstalk. ─── 他拿起一把斧头往豆茎砍。

27、AX belongs to big family's each member. ─── AX属于大家庭中的每一位成员。

28、With a swoop of his ax, the first tree fell. ─── 他的斧头落下,第一棵树倒了下来。

29、He struck off the branch with a single chop of the ax. ─── 他一斧子就砍掉了那根树枝。

30、Washington's first biographer invented the tale of little George saying to his father, "I cannot tell a lie.I did it with my ax. ─── 华盛顿的第一步传记捏造了小华盛顿对他的父亲说:“我不能说谎,我用我的斧头(砍了樱桃树)”的事迹。

31、With one stroke of his ax, he had cut the tree down. ─── 他一斧子就砍倒了这棵树。

32、One image shows the "Crime and Punishment" protagonist murdering two women with an ax, and another shows a man holding a gun to his head. ─── 一个图像显示了“罪与罚”的主人公用斧头杀害了两名妇女,另有一幅图讲的是一名男子手持枪支对着他的头部。

33、Not far away, The Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show showcases competitions in logrolling, speed climbing, chopping and ax throwing! ─── 不远之处,身材高大的阿拉斯加伐木工人作现场伐木竞技和滚木头表演赛,以及攀爬速度、劈木、抛郑斧头等。

34、A light ax formerly used as a tool or weapon by certain Native American peoples. ─── 印第安战斧一种轻型斧头,以前由某些美洲土著居民用作工具或武器

35、But he kept grinding and sharpening the ax, while the man cheered him on with words of high praise. ─── 但是,那人不断地吹捧他,给他打气,所以他就不停地反复磨。

36、In praising movies for classroom use, he has an ax to grind, he sells motion picture equipment. ─── 他不住口地夸奖教学影片的用途有他个人的目的,他是一位电影设备经销商。

37、T-1 and T-2 weighted imaging(WI) were performed on both ax ialand sagital planes. ─── MRI检查采用GE 0.5T超导成像系统,行横断面和矢状面T1、T2加权成像。

38、How do you sharpen your ax? ─── 你如何磨尖你的斧头呢?

39、He handles an ax like a born woodsman. ─── 他使起斧子就象是一个天生在森林中居住的人。

40、Lift BOP stack and replace wellhead connector AX ring. ─── 吊起防喷器组并更换连接器AX密封圈。

41、AX: What challenges does composing for anime have that are different from live action or your personal compositions? ─── 与真人电影或者你个人作品相比,为动画作曲的挑战性在何处?

42、"An exultant climber raises his ice ax near the mouth of an ice cave on Alaska's Matanuska Glacier. ─── 在阿拉斯加马塔努损卡河冰川的一个冰洞出口不远处,一个兴奋的登山者举起了他的冰斧。

43、He felt suffocated, so he took up a broad ax and wielded it with all his might to crack open the egg. ─── 他觉得窒息难忍,于是拿起巨斧,使尽浑身解数向黑暗的鸡蛋劈去。

44、An ice ax used in mountain climbing. ─── 冰镐,双叉破冰斧一种登山时用的小斧

45、He cut a hole through the door with an ax. ─── 他用斧头把门劈开一个洞。

46、This led to the clearance of forest land for tillage and pasture, which in turn was impossible on a large scale without the iron ax and the iron spade. ─── 其次,我们也看到,清除森林使之变为耕地和牧场,如果没有铁斧和铁锹,也是不可能大规模进行的。

47、He grinds ax on the grindstone. ─── 他在磨石上磨斧。

48、Her husband gave her the ax when he found out her affair. ─── 发现她的外遇后,老公向她提出离婚。

49、He was with his wife love to accept the executioner's ax, he is smiling through life. ─── 他是怀着对妻子的爱接受刽子手的斧头的,所以他是带着微笑走完人生的。

50、However, it was tarred, then you wait to pay ax! ─── 但是,被它躲过的话你就等着挨斧子吧!

51、"I would be waiting every day with bated breath wondering when the ax was going to fall. ─── 他说,“我如果犯了错,就会每天焦虑地呼吸,担心斧子什么时候会落下来。”

52、He found a piece of wood and hit it with his ax. ─── 他找到了一块木头,就开始用斧头砍。

53、Flux-parallel: Set in-plane components of A to zero.Far-field: Use element INFIN111.Far-field zer Use AX = AY = AZ = 0. ─── 一般情况下,通量平行条件是可以不加地,但是通量垂直条件必定要加.其实,所谓地平行和垂直就是指实际情况下磁力线和边界地情况.

54、"I'll pay for it," he said. "I broke it. I brought the ax down careless. ─── “这钱该我出,”他说,“我弄断的,我砍得不小心。”

55、At night she would hide herself in the cloak-room to study; ax the crack of dawn she would sit on the landing with a book. ─── 夜里她躲在厕所里边读书,天将明的时候,她就坐在楼梯口。

56、An ax is looking for a pig with a candle. ─── 一把斧子点着蜡烛找小猪。

57、"Wheres Papa going with the ax?" said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast. ─── “爸爸拿着斧头去哪儿了啊?”芬在和妈妈收拾桌子吃饭的时候问道。

58、The solution of linear systems Ax=b is at the heart of many computations in science, engineering, and other disciplines. ─── 线性方程组的求解往往在许多科学、工程以及其他学科的计算问题中处于核心地位。

59、Poor Joe got the ax at the office yesterday. ─── 可怜的乔昨天被革职了。

60、Share: the way of AX people collaboration. ─── 共享:AX人协作的方式。

61、He picked up an ax and hit the broom. ─── 他拿起一把斧头,朝着扫把砍了下去,

62、The company is likely to give you the ax if you can't be productive. ─── 公司如果你做事不利索,你就很有可能被公司解雇。

63、A year after the Aero AX fiasco, Shimano commissioned a major survey of the US adult bicycle market. ─── 一年后,其航空斧惨败,禧玛诺委托美国成人自行车市场的重大调查。

64、The peasant chopped a hole in the wall with an ax. ─── 农夫用斧子在墙上砍出一个洞。

65、Investors are best advised, when buying a dividend-paying stock, to weigh the odds it won't ax the payout. ─── 因此,当购买仍在派发股息的股票时,投资者最好仔细考虑一下公司不会削减派息的几率。

66、The relation between variables when the regression equation is linear: e.g.,y = ax + b. ─── 回归方程为线性时变量之间的关系;例如:y=axb。

67、A well-aimed blow from his ax felled her to the ground. ─── 他用斧子对准,把她砍倒在地。

68、AX starts from the establishment, then locates in the specialized product and the service tenderer. ─── AX从成立开始,便定位于专业产品与服务的提供者。

69、He cut a hole through the wall with an ax. ─── 他用斧子在墙上砍出一个洞。

70、He is an honest man, and he never has an ax to grind. ─── 他是一个诚实的人,他从不带有个人目的。

71、Not intact,the blade is OK but unedged.The grip in Soviet Russia period has gold gilding carved flowers and hook and ax. ─── 不完整,条子还行还未开过刃,苏联时期的刀柄有鎏金的刻花和镰刀斧头,

72、Ruth returned to her husband , while Malenute Kid cut up the warm body of one dog, the skull of which had been crushed by the ax . ─── 露丝回到她丈夫身边,麦尔缪特·基德就去把一条身体还热的死狗的肉割下来,它的脑骨已经给斧头劈碎了。

73、As the fat man hit the box with his ax, Buck jumped at the sides, growling and biting, pulling with his teeth at the pieces of broken wood. ─── 他用斧子砸木箱的时候,巴克扑向壁板,咆哮着,咬啮着,用牙齿撕扯着断木碎屑。

74、He had carried a copper ax and a dagger of flint from near Lake Garda, about 150 kilometers to the south. ─── 他带著一柄铜斧,一把燧石小刀,燧石来自南方150公里处的加尔达湖。

75、He could see himself again, and though he was certainly in very poor shape, ax least he was still alive-no doubt about it. ─── 他也能看到自己身上的一切,虽然是那么破烂狼狈,可是能以相信自己确是还活着呢;

76、The next more complex rule is the ax rule. ─── 下一个更复杂的规则是ax规则。

77、Casy was killed. Tom received a cut on his head, but not before he had felled a deputy with an ax handle. ─── 凯西被杀身死,汤姆头上挨了一刀,不过他总算先用斧柄打倒了一名治安队员。

78、Hey, how come you've never told me you have ax cute sister... ─── 嘿!你为什麽从来没告诉我你有一个这麽漂亮可爱的妹妹?

79、He gave the tree one chop of an ax and it fell. ─── 他用斧头一劈就把树砍倒了。

80、he wielded his ax. ─── 他再次挥动他的斧头。

81、One bright winter morning, a stranger walked down a small town street looking for a grindstone to sharpen an ax that he carried in his hand. ─── 冬天,一个晴朗的早晨,小镇的街上走着一位陌生人,他手里拿着一把斧子,东张西望,想找块磨石磨磨斧子。

82、He hacked the box apart with the ax. ─── 他用斧头把盒子劈开。

83、He hacked the box apart with his ax. ─── 他用斧头劈开了那个箱子。

84、Should the ax glorify itself above him who chops with it? ─── 15斧岂可向用斧砍伐的自夸呢?

85、AX ">BHP.AX ) ( BLT.L ) said on Wednesday restocking of commodities in China may have ended, coinciding with fresh inventory building in other markets. ─── AX )(必和必拓)周三表示,进货的商品在中国可能已经结束,新的存货配合建设在其他市场。

86、He cleaved firewood with ax. ─── 他用斧头劈柴.

87、But I'm afraid she'll take that as a sign of laziness and give me the ax. ─── 但我担心她会认为我有怠惰之嫌而炒我鱿鱼。

88、Lunk threw the ax into the wood and gave a twist to the blade. ─── 伦克把斧头劈向木头并扭动着刀锋。

89、He was chopping wood with an ax. ─── 他正用一把斧头劈木头。


Armani Prive(高级定制服)\rGiorgio Armani(高级成衣)\rArmani Collezioni(成衣)\rMani(女装成衣)\rEA:Emporio Armani(成衣)\rAJ:Armani Jeans(休闲服及牛仔服)\rAX:Armani Exchange(休闲服)\rArmani Junior(童装)这8个品牌线,价格依次降低。\r您提到的EA(Emporio Armani)是专门为年轻人设计的。 而AJ(Armani Jeans)与AX(Armani Exchange)都是做休闲服的,但AJ价格比AX要贵一些啦~


Armani Prive(高级定制服)\rGiorgio Armani(高级成衣)\rArmani Collezioni(成衣)\rMani(女装成衣)\rEA:Emporio Armani(成衣)\rAJ:Armani Jeans(休闲服及牛仔服)\rAX:Armani Exchange(休闲服)\rArmani Junior(童装)这8个品牌线,价格依次降低。\r您提到的EA(Emporio Armani)是专门为年轻人设计的。 而AJ(Armani Jeans)与AX(Armani Exchange)都是做休闲服的,但AJ价格比AX要贵一些啦~

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