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atry(just try中文翻译,just try是什么意思,just try发音、用法及例句)

01-21 投稿

atry(just try中文翻译,just try是什么意思,just try发音、用法及例句)

just try

just try发音

英:  美:

just try中文意思翻译



just try双语使用场景

1、Who cares what he wanted? Can't we please just try and get out of this with whatever shred of dignity this family has left?───谁会在意他想什么?我们可不可以不要再谈这个事,保留下我们家庭这唯一的一些尊严?。

2、Don't try to understand everything you hear, just try to guess the general meaning of what people are saying.───不要试图理解你所听到的所有东西,只要去猜测人们想要说得基本意思就行了。

3、Just try not to vomit on your textbooks or computer screen.───只是尽量不吐在你的课本或电脑屏幕上。

4、I read all of his speeches and his autobiography, and I just try to learn from his path and what he did.───我读过他的自传和所有演讲稿,我希望从他的人生轨迹中学到些东西。

5、A few a little afraid, but did not approach a woman the gift of beauty, and I just try it! Fortunately, no body does not use the usual.───几还是有点惧怕的,但也没方法女人爱美的天赋,我也只要试试了!还好用到往常身体没有什么不适。

6、I'll just try this, right now.───我现在马上就试。

7、Oh come, now--lemme just try.───哦,来吧,让我试试。

8、Of course the trick is getting them to actually use the bed and not just try to plop down in their favorite spot on your desk.───当然,要让他们真的睡在这张床上,不会试图扑腾一下跳到它们最爱的书桌一角。

9、"I must just try that, " said the boy, and went to a tree, tore off the bark with his axe, and rubbed it with one end of the plaster.───“我得先试试,”小伙子说罢走到一棵大树前,用斧子砍掉一小块树皮,然后用那玩意儿的一头在破损处摩擦了一下。

just try相似词语短语

1、try a try───试试看

2、try me try try───试试我试试试试

3、just try it───试试看

4、try try───试一试

5、try try try───试试试试试试

6、i try try try───我试试试试试试


8、just to try───只是想试试

9、i try i try i try try try try try───我试我试我试


just try 试着尝试一下。

try to do 尝试去做某事

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