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01-21 投稿




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1、He is eager to reach agreement with the U.S. on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.───他渴望与美国就减少远程核导弹达成协议。

2、She said the US wanted to build a "mature" and long-range economic relationship with China, as it has for instance with Europe.───她称,美国希望与中国建立一种“成熟”和长期的经济关系,就像美国与欧洲的关系那样。

3、My long-range career goal is to be the best information systems technician I can for the company I work for.───我国远程职业生涯的目标是成为最好的信息系统技术员我可以为公司为我工作。

4、Too many people in this country, including some among our elected leadership, still do not understand how science works or why robust, long-range investments in research vitally matter.───在这个国家有太多的人,包括我们选举出来的其中一部分领导层,仍然不明白科学是如何运作的,也不明白为什么稳健、长期的投资对研究是至关重要的。

5、Another piece of feedback we heard from users about the formula bar was that the name box was not big enough to display long range names.───还有一个关于编辑栏的反馈信息。原有的名称框太小,不够用来显示长名称。

6、That long-range test took place just a few months before North Korea conducted a test explosion of its first nuclear weapon.───那次远程导弹试验后几个月,北韩进行了第一次核武器试验。

7、The press corps accompanying Nixon did not concern themselves with the long-range implications of the journey.───尼克松的随行记者团并不关心此行的深远意义。

8、It was first developed for the US government as a long-range spy aircraft, but was abandoned following budget cutbacks.───它最初是为美国政府研制的远程间谍飞机,但由于预算削减而被放弃研制。

9、If I were an insurgent fighting against an American joint force, I would be delighted if all my opponent had to offer was long-range fires.───如果我是一名对抗美军联合作战力量的武装分子,我会很乐意看到我的敌人打过来的都是远程火力。


1、mountain range───山脉; 山峦; 岭

2、gas range───瓦斯炉具;煤气灶

3、predefined range───预定义范围

4、long long───长-长

5、violoncello range───大提琴架

6、kitchen range───厨房炉灶

7、hunts long range───远距离狩猎

8、lampyridae range───七鳃鳗科


结语:高邈的意思是什么,指时间长〖long〗。如:邈永(久远);邈殊(久远);邈绝(久远);邈如旷世(仿佛隔了久远的年代) 渺茫,模糊不清〖uncertain;notsure〗。如:邈如(虚无飘渺的样子);邈思(遐想);邈渺( 如:邈如(虚无飘渺的样子);邈思(遐想);邈渺(渺茫的样子) 高远,超卓〖highandfar;long-range〗。如:邈行(高远超卓的行为);邈绝(高远);邈志(远大的志向) 【动】 通“藐”。

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