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拯救他们(save them all中文翻译,save them all是什么意思,save them all发音、用法及例句)

01-21 投稿

拯救他们(save them all中文翻译,save them all是什么意思,save them all发音、用法及例句)

save them all

save them all发音

英:  美:

save them all中文意思翻译



save them all双语使用场景

1、I sort probable spam into several different folders, and I save them all to develop message corpora.)───我将可能的垃圾邮件进行分类,放在几个不同的文件夹中,然后保存它们以形成消息语言资料库(corpora)。)

2、Try to save them all, bleed no more───尝试去拯救他们,不再流血

3、He wanted to protect such loyal men, but feared he'd already cost them their lives. Only luck or a guardian angel could save them all now.───格奥尔基·蒂姆科咒骂着,他想保护如此忠诚的手下,不过恐怕他们都得死在这里了,现在只有运气或守护天使能够拯救他们。

4、Sometimes we cry cause we can't save them all.───有时我们哭因为我们救不了他们。

5、We do not want to lose tigers, elephants or any other animals, so the WWF is working hard to save them all.───我们不想失去老虎,大象或其他任何动物,因此世界自然基金会正在努力工作来拯救所有的动物。

save them all相似词语短语

1、try them all───全部试试

2、save save───保存保存

3、ear them all───把它们都听进去

4、ilike them all───我都喜欢

5、save them───拯救他们

6、them all───他们全部

7、eat them all───把它们都吃掉

8、all of them───他们全部;他们大家

9、kill them all───把他们都杀了

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