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playthedrums怎么读(play the drum中文翻译,play the drum是什么意思,play the drum发音、用法及例句)

01-21 投稿

playthedrums怎么读(play the drum中文翻译,play the drum是什么意思,play the drum发音、用法及例句)

play the drum

play the drum发音

英:  美:

play the drum中文意思翻译



play the drum双语使用场景

1、I am going to play the drum on Tuesdays.───我打算星期二敲鼓。

2、What are you going to do after school? I am going to play the drum after school.───放学后你打算做什么?放学后,我打算去打鼓。

3、He and Umpass-stay would occasionally play the drum as back-up to the core performers of the group.───他和昂帕斯—斯泰会偶尔作为乐队核心演员的陪衬打鼓。

4、If you feel bad, you can come here and play the drum for a while, then you'll feel better.───如果你心情不好,可以来这儿敲一会鼓,心情就会好很多。

5、They play the drum on Mondays.───他们星期一敲鼓。

6、But I can play the drum.───不过我可以表演击鼓演奏。

7、In order for teachers We are keenly aware of this art form, he let us play the drum Ansai listening to recordings!───老师为了让我们深切了解这种艺术形式,他让我们听了安塞腰鼓的演奏录音!

8、I used to play the drum in my spare time.───我过去常常打鼓,在我空闲的时候。

9、They play the drum on Monday.───他们在星期一敲鼓。

play the drum相似词语短语

1、play the───播放

2、ancient drum───古鼓

3、calciner drum───分解炉转鼓

4、the drum───鼓


6、drum machines───滚筒式机器

7、drifted drum───漂移鼓

8、drum major───乐队指挥;n.乐队的指挥人,鼓乐队队长

9、proportioning valve drum/drum───比例阀汽包/汽包

结语:用适当形式填空Shecanplaythe,play the drum 打鼓 We are going to play the drum.我们今天打算去打鼓.They play the drum on Monday.他们周一打鼓.所以——答案错了,很明显,不要犹豫. play the drum 打鼓 We are going to play the drum.我们今天打算去打鼓.They play the drum on Monday.他们周一打鼓.所以——答案错了,很明显,不要犹豫.

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