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玩雪用英语怎么说(play snow中文翻译,play snow是什么意思,play snow发音、用法及例句)

01-21 投稿

玩雪用英语怎么说(play snow中文翻译,play snow是什么意思,play snow发音、用法及例句)

play snow

play snow发音

英:  美:

play snow中文意思翻译



play snow双语使用场景

1、snowing snowing it's snowing outside, kids love snowing, we make snowman we play snow ball fight and build a castle by the beautiful snow.───下雪下雪外面在下雪,孩子喜欢雪,我们堆雪人,我们打雪仗,我们用漂亮的雪建城堡。

2、I wish I can play snow and make a snowman in Beijing someday.───我希望有一天我能在北京玩雪和堆雪人。

3、See today this posture, like the mythical mountain day, walking, say they play play snow ice, snow flew in the air, is a fusion of three-dimensional painting.───看今天这个架式,就像神话中的天兵天将,会腾云驾雾,说他们踢冰踢雪,飞奔在漫天飘洒的雪花中,就是一幅情景交融的立体画。

4、Stewart will play Snow White while Charlize Theron has been cast as the evil Queen.───斯图尔特将扮演白雪公主,而邪恶的王后则由查理兹·塞隆扮演。

5、Winter is cold, but I love it, too. Because I can play snow and make snowmans.───冬天很冷,但我依然很爱冬天.因为我可以玩雪,还可以堆雪人。

6、Winter is cold. I wish I can play snow and make a snowman in Beijing someday. Because it does not snow in Xinxing.───冬天是寒冷的。我希望我可以玩雪,堆雪人在北京某一天。因为它没有雪的新星。

7、Fixed: Footstep sounds now play snow stepping sound in snow when it has snowed.───固定:脚步的声音在雪地里玩雪步声现在当它下雪了。

8、Stewart will play Snow White while Charlize Theron has been cast as the evil Queen.───克里斯汀·斯图尔特将扮演白雪公主,而邪恶的王后则由查理兹·塞隆扮演。

play snow相似词语短语


2、play the snow───玩雪

3、receding snow───渐行渐远的雪

4、crunching snow───嘎吱作响的雪

5、play play───玩,玩

6、play in snow───在雪中玩耍

7、snow fairy───雪仙子

8、play with snow───玩雪

9、play in the snow───在雪中玩耍

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